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What I heard

Hey everyone. Wow -- 145 comments and counting. Incredible.

Lemme get a few quick things out now. I'll come back with quotes and whatnot in a bit.

  • OK. Chief thing is that Kodi Burns said the offense is "confused" on the field and in general. By that, he means he doesn't know what this team's identity is, what the goal is, what the play is, nothing.

  • BURNS: "We've got to figure something out. This -- man, I don't know. This isn't the Auburn I saw when I was recruited. This isn't the Auburn I saw last year. I don't what's going on. We've got to figure something out."

  • Think it's just Kodi? Nope. Rod Smith corroborated all that, then added that Tuberville told him to expect "major" changes tomorrow. What does that mean? Smith said he's not sure if Auburn will be running the spread as of tomorrow.

  • SMITH: "There are times out there when I'm a little confused about some of the play-calling. It's a lot easier when you get in the huddle because he just tells you the plays right then and there but that's no excuse. I think we prepared well all week and I thought we were going to come out here and play a great game, which we did in the first half, but in the second half it just went away. I'm just speechless, really. We've just got to get better in the second half."

  • Both coordinators avoided interviews. I can't remember that ever happening before. I've seen one coordinator bolt. Never two.

  • I had three players -- Burns, Mario Fannin and Josh Bynes -- give me weird looks when I asked about the "food poisoning" thing. I'm guessing that was a misdiagnosis of some kind.

  • I talked to Sen'Derrick Marks as he walked off the field. He was walking fine. He just said he ankle hurt too much to run. He's supposed to get an x-ray. To be walking on it that soon makes me think it's not that serious.

  • I talked to Jerraud Powers briefly. I couldn't get a read on his injury situation. He was too down to talk, honestly.

  • TUBERVILLE: "I apologized to the players for not giving them a chance in that second half," he said. ``We didn't make very good adjustments. This one is my fault and we're going to back to work tomorrow."


Blogger Jim in Scranton said...

Please tell me the major changes involve CTF getting fired. Tonight.

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do I remember correctly but when Franklin was hired didn't he say or someone say about him was that when he found a play that worked he would continue to go to in over and over until it stoppe?

What made them go away from what they were doing the first quarter?

9:09 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

Amen Jim, Amen.

9:09 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pardon the typo's above.

9:10 PM  
Blogger Bulldog354 said...

I have heard that wise HCs have a list of Coordinators on hand if they need to make an untimely change. Who would do you think we would look at or get? What would this do to the commitments we have for next year?

9:11 PM  
Blogger mytommyd said...

Evidently play calling was too successful in the 1st quarter. Although those 5 plays did seem to work, didn't they/ Glad to see them again a couple of times in the last part of the 4th.

9:12 PM  
Blogger j0hnnyRingo said...

bye bye CTF. Look for his spread at the dollar store.

9:12 PM  
Blogger TB said...

this whole thing is Collapsing around their necks. As I mentioned last week Jay. There to me appears to be serious dissention. CTT knows this loss could very well cost him his job.

9:12 PM  
Blogger wes said...

I'm not calling for Tubs let's get that out of the way. But, I do wonder, is Tubs that bad at choosing OCs or does he not let his OCs run their own show, and thus limit their ability to succeed. Too much interference from the top could create a lot of "confusion".

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay, somebody on the Bunker said that Tuberville was quotes as saying major changes are coming tomorrow. No matter what changes they are, it doesn't matter when an Auburn team can't punch it in the endzone with four tries and first and goal inside the 5.

Why is Hugh Nall regarded as a top level O-line coach? Auburn has had three strong O-lines in ten years. And they were all consecutive years. That tells anybody something blaring.

Also, the WR play is pathetic. And, as much as I hate to say it, Mario Fannin is not an athlete that scares SEC defenses. An yet, where was the cheesy War Eagle formation?

This is officially far worse than '03. It's just time for change of the major variety. And this will knock Auburn down another notch or two along the way. It hasn't gotten as bad as it will get. It will get worse. There is a still a very bumpy road ahead.
Auburn is no longer an "athletic" team as far as I can see. The defense has some really good players on it. But collectively they're not stellar as the headlines typically read. They're good enough. The offense. N'mind. No point in going there.

9:14 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

somebody teach me how to make an active link in a post.

9:14 PM  
Blogger TB said...

The bottom line as someone has said before here is that to get a very very good offensive coordinator. You got to give him the opportunity to have his coaches. Other coaches are going to have to go to get a very good coordinator.

9:16 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

Phred, use the a tag. Like this

You have to close it with a /a.

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll believe the major changes when I see them, we heard the same BS last year after everygame, "we have to score more points", "we have to make changes", etc.

9:17 PM  
Blogger Bulldog354 said...

I just don't get how most of our guys are returning from the thumping we put on Vandy last year and we can't get a first down. Forget the obvious problem with the " TF system" but is it just too crazy to believe that we could string some plays together on sheer talent...

Speachless in Bham.......

9:18 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

james ... I can't do it. help me out. see above post.

9:20 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

Why is CTF the problem? Maybe the other coordinators are the problem.No offensive system works with a bunch of penalties, crappy blocking, wide recievers not getting open, etc. The bottom line is this: in 10 years we have played in Atlanta twice, BCS game once and will be lucky to play in north Louisiana for a bowl game this year and that is with plenty of talent over that span. CTF isn't the common denominator there. We can't do better than Tubbs for an HC but we should have had more success with the players we have had. Just sayin....

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to choke on my natty light if I see an offensive lineman standing up looking at the sidelines one more time.

9:21 PM  
Blogger TB said...

Jay the tale tell signs of problems should be the body language of the players. It is deeply concerning hearing the comment about the facial expressions. There is a cancer somewhere and CTT better get it cut out quickly.

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What was the comment about "food poisoning?" I missed something.


9:21 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

I'm with Kris in the sense that there was a lot of sloppiness across the board: OL, QB, WR.

Play-calling obviously wasn't a strength tonight, but 11 second-half penalties? Incredible.

And Wes Byrum.

9:22 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:23 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Tuberville allegedly told the AU Network at halftime (I didn't hear it, but other people did) that several players were sick with what he thought was food poisoning.

He basically glossed over that in the post-game interview.

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the thing. What talent? Who is talented on our offense? We have no idea as usual. Nobody is put into a position to do anything with the ball.

More negativity. Tristan Davis? That guy's done. He's not a player anymore. Lester? Where was he? Fannin as a tailback?


Nothing, I mean nothing, makes a lick of sense tonight. This is the most unorganized football team I've ever seen.

9:23 PM  
Blogger TB said...

I heard it and yes he said it.

9:24 PM  
Blogger DeliverUSfromFranklin said...

Something for sure is up. Call in show was short, no coach was trotted out.

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There is something rotten in Denmark."--Hamlet/William Shakespeare

This will not end well.


9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Check your email.

9:25 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

Thanks James ... y'all check out my little blog and tell your buddies. It's not a joke.

Jay G ... looks like Moon was right again. I think maybe even you, the objective one, has been sucked in by the power of the Great Con Man.

9:26 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

Redo. This time it's actually clickable. My HTML is a bit rusty and drunk at the moment...

9:27 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

Jay G: I think that I am the only one that thinks CTF is being pitched under the bus by the other coordinators....I don't think he has had a fair shake at all. Our offense has yet to come close to his, even in the bowl game. I don't care who your QB is, they simply won't succeed if their recievers don't get open of the offensive line won't block for them.

9:27 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

How was I sucked in by the con man?

9:28 PM  
Blogger DeliverUSfromFranklin said...

Players do not believe in this system, period. That is so obvious.

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kris, what "other" coordinators? That makes no sense. Paul Rhoads has nothing to do with offense.

9:29 PM  
Blogger TB said...


That's why I say all of the O coaches need to go. CTF is a joke sorry thats how I feel. But if the other O caches are submarining him they need to be fired to.

9:30 PM  
Blogger Bulldog354 said...

I'm not slamming CTF either. I think most of us were a little naive to think that such a radical departure from our former offense wouldn't produce some serious transitional problems.

Would you be willing to struggle/live with this offense through the rest of the year and pick up another 2-3 losses if we had the chance to develop this offense into something similar to say Florida's by next year?

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the life of me I can't figure out why we don't huddle if we're using the entire play clock anyways, makes no sense.

9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can guess why Tony Franklin avoided interviews.

Wonder why Rhodes did?

The D held that team to 14 points.

Like they have all year (except LSU).

9:31 PM  
Blogger TB said...

I think Auburn has proven twice that the Florida offense is beatable.

9:31 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

You picked us. Bet the house. It seems that you , like the rest of us, have been hypnotized into believing that we can actually win. We should be 2-4 right now. It's a miracle we are not.

I think we will struggle to beat Arkansas, if we beat them at all. The only other possible win from here ... UT Martin. We're done folks.

9:32 PM  
Blogger dan dan the AU fan said...

What happens if we stick with this, get 2-3(4-5)more losses and still stink next year?

9:32 PM  
Blogger DeliverUSfromFranklin said...

Did Urban Meyers ever look this BAD his first year at Florida? Uhh, no, I don't think so. He lost some, sure, but not like this.

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to believe there are some offensive coaches that are not high on running or have no confidence this offense. If we are going to run the spread then let's run it. If we are going to go to back to pro-style offense then let's run it. Pick one and let's move on. Trying to practice one is taking time away from the other.

Jay, any comments this YEAR from Nall or Gran?

9:32 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

I think the spread in and of itself isn't going to work here, after 6 weeks or 6 years.

The offensive needs to be a hybrid, sort of like Oklahoma is running right now. If you had to model an offensive scheme theirs would be a good blueprint to start with.

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

vrga, bingo! What's the friggin' point of no huddle? Smith clearly was quoted as saying he can get the play then. No wonder WRs are running into each other.

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What irritates me is this is just like the meltdown in 03. All the summer love for Franklin.

In 03 Tubs was the one running his mouth but this time I think the fan base was at fault.

Like someone else said I drank the CTF Kool Aid and now I am puking it up.

Also are what are we going to name after CTT? CPD got a field for no national championships and some SEC success. CTT has had the same production and was robbed of a MNC.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

crudup, by coordinators I meant the Dunn, Gran, Knox combo. My bad.

9:38 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

CTT is going to have to do his best spinning with this one; like a plate juggler at the circus, if he wants to keep hanging around.

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could kick TF in the sack.

You know, right in the ol' hairy coin purse. Hard.

You don't run a 4th and 1 play out of the shotgun formation.

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Rest of the Schedule

Pick the wins

at West Virginia
at Mississippi

9:39 PM  
Blogger Bulldog354 said...

"Did Urban Meyers ever look this BAD his first year at Florida? Uhh, no, I don't think so. He lost some, sure, but not like this."

My point is that would you be willing to go through this (and worse) if you could put together a National Championship contending spread offense (like FL) next year or even the year after.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The spread definitely will not work with the quarterbacks we have, neither can make the throws necessary to have a productive offense.

9:41 PM  
Blogger TB said...

WF, Miss, Ga, Bama

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Sensible,

UT Martin is a lock, you heard it here first.

9:42 PM  
Blogger dan dan the AU fan said...

I still believe Burns has the potential to make this work, but Todd never will.

9:43 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

Other than UTM, unless something is RADICALLY different on offense, we could very well lose the rest.

9:43 PM  
Blogger TB said...

WV that is

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, vrga, LOL!

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arky is bad, ya'll. And they know they are bad.

We probably rebound on that one.

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way I see it either Franklin needs to go, or the offensive assistants needs to go. Both aren't jiving together. Would you agree with that?

9:44 PM  
Blogger TB said...

So a loss to WV on ESPN, A Loss to Ga on CBS and a loss to Bama on CBS.
Just how many recruits will we hold on to?

9:45 PM  
Blogger DeliverUSfromFranklin said...

Bulldog, yeah, maybe. But some of those calls were just idiotic. I am no coach, but I like to think I would not make some of those calls if I was in the driver's seat, know what I mean? I truly believe the players don't believe in this. And the players we have NOW are what we need to work with and build to. Are we just supposed to swallow this?

9:46 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

The losses may actually help in recruiting if a player sees that he can get on the field and make an immediate impact - see Bammer last year.

9:46 PM  
Blogger mytommyd said...

Bulldog, I think I could be okay with the losses this year ... BUT. For goodness sake show some improvement week to week. Our offense (with the exception of the 1st quarter) appears to be regressing. So I'm not okay with losses because the team is being coached to play to its ability. These kids have ability, they're just not being shown what to do. As for the position coahces, I don't see CTT getting rid of any coaches that have been with him since Ole Miss, so I guess we're stuck there. And damn them if this is just a pissin' match between them and Franklin.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Yea, so I picked Auburn.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmmm....all interesting comments...

we all saw this coming, i dont think the players believed they could win, its like playing with a loaded gun, we all knew we had been playing with fire....we now got burned, i was hoping it would wait till georgia, now its time to regroup...

9:49 PM  
Blogger reddailey said...

TT brought in the wrong man who brought in the wrong QB. It was all slick-talking nonsense. Todd won 2 games in JC. TF was at Troy. TT made a very bad decison and has been suckered big time. It's all bad.

9:49 PM  
Blogger DeliverUSfromFranklin said...

Yeah, see Bama last year. How mnay of us are going to hear this crap Monday morning? Gotta wonder. They love their "S", but he's been there 2 years. Look at them. Poised, if not ready, for a NC? Can someone wake me up please??????

9:50 PM  
Blogger dan dan the AU fan said...

tb- I was thinking that as bad as we look so far that we probably won't be on CBS again, but that week the other options are UA/Miss. St. and Vandy/UK. Hopefully they will pick one of those.

9:50 PM  
Blogger mytommyd said...

apologies for all the typos and half thoughts- evidently this thing has now taken effect on my brain

9:50 PM  
Blogger dan dan the AU fan said...

by that week I meant the week of the UGA game

9:52 PM  
Blogger TB said...

I hope u are right dan. I can't stand much more of this. I just glad I didnt drop good money to go to WV.

9:53 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

On the bright side, I may not have far to travel for the bowl game this year. I haven't been to Legion Field in quite some time...

9:54 PM  
Blogger TB said...

That hurts James lol

9:55 PM  
Blogger TB said...

The Papa Johns Bowl would be pretty cool We could tail gate in our combat gear.

9:56 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

The truth is often an ugly thing I guess TB.

The real pain will come on Monday when we all go to work... UGH!

9:57 PM  
Blogger Bulldog354 said...

That is the real question for me.

I just think Saban will corner the market on recruiting if we run an identical offense to T-town.

I think the spread or a hybrid spread like OU could place us in a better position to recruit.

We will have high caliber WRs and Running QB's looking at Auburn over other SEC teams.

I believe that is a big factor to consider before abandoning the idea of the spread entirely.

9:57 PM  
Blogger Bulldog354 said...

That is the real question for me.

I just think Saban will corner the market on recruiting if we run an identical offense to T-town.

I think the spread or a hybrid spread like OU could place us in a better position to recruit.

We will have high caliber WRs and Running QB's looking at Auburn over other SEC teams.

I believe that is a big factor to consider before abandoning the idea of the spread entirely.

9:57 PM  
Blogger TB said...

I just go into denial on Mondays

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, lots of conjecture here; but,

1) Why would he say there was food poisoning if there was not?
2) Could those players have refused to play?
3) Why would we come out in the I in the first half and not run it the rest of the game. At least we would have run clock.
4) has ctf been fired?
5) have the offensive and defensive squads completely fallen out with each other?
6) have the coaches completely lost faith with each other
7) have the players lost faith?

Bunch of questions, but from JGT's comments, it is like there is total dissension and confusion.

9:59 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

During the first quarter the radio guys said something about a player getting sick on the field and having to come out. I THOUGHT they were talking about a Vandy player. Maybe that's where this whole food poisoning thing came from. Stan White even laughed about it when it happened and said "Well that's just football" (or something like that).

As for the rest of the questions I guess we can all just speculate.

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tubbs had his head in his hands, he is not the problem. I do not believe its lack of talent, we dont have any qb, or any on the horizon, that last int from todd we all saw coming, floated off the back foot into double coverage, i miss brandon cox...i just put on some air supply and i am crying as i tear up my season tickets...

10:04 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...


Just don't lose your pants in the lake again.

10:05 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Goldberg says Tubs apologized to the players for not having them prepared. Good Gosh, the CTF apologizing fever has spread to CTT.

10:07 PM  
Blogger DeliverUSfromFranklin said...

Allrighty, ladies and gents, I think I am going to hit the sack and go into full blown denial tomorrow a.m. I have lurked here often, but have never been disgusted enough to post. LOL
Yall have a good night.

10:13 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

you don't have to get all offended about it. I was making the point that this propoganda campaign has been effective up until now. It even swayed you a little, and you're not a fan. this is true, right?

All of this to make the point that Franklin is good at something, it's just not being the OC at AU

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good work, JGT.

Peace to all the other Hotties!

See you in the next posts/campfire.

Mr. S.

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No way in hell we're dumping CTF or the spread now. We have a very good and almost complete recruiting class waiting to show up in '09 based on the spread.

10:18 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

Yes its time to lose myself in the virtual world of online gaming and forget about the debacle that we all witnessed tonight.

I hope everyone here has as good of a night as is possible.

Jay G, thanks for letting us vent on your virtual property tonight. Can't wait to see what "changes" tomorrow brings!

War Eagle! (Tony Franklin be damned)

10:19 PM  
Blogger Jim in Scranton said...

Its not the spread that is the problem. Its the "Tony Franklin System" that's the problem. He has no clue how to call a game.

We have scored a total of 7 points in the 2nd half against SEC teams. Just awful. He has to go.

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you have to question CTF's eye for "talent."

Just look at some of the game stats from one C. Todd. Went 6 for 17 in one game. Was sacked 15 times in his first two games. Only won one game last year. And CTF thought this guy was capable of running an FBS (in the SEC, no less) offense?

No one has made the comment that Kodi chose to be here. He was recruited by Auburn and wanted to be at Auburn. Todd is merely CTF's baggage and has been the clear "teacher's pet" in some situations already this season. Before CTF arrived on the Plains, Auburn wasn't even on Todd's radar nor was Todd on AU's. I wouldn't blame Burns one bit for being disgusted. Both CTF and Todd have probably shattered Burns's psyche for playing for AU. Something needs to be done...and NOW.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

frankly, i'm embarrassed...what the crap happened out there???? I think the most glaring thing is that we have absolutely no chemistry on offense. I don't give a crap if you sell 5 billion "systems" to junior high schools if your players aren't buying into the system you have nothing. that is what is so effective in t-town right they have better players? not a chance...BUT do those players buy into the system, abso-freakin-lutely... I don't know if anybody needs to be fired, thats above my paygrade...BUT we most certainly need to have at least a hybrid type of spread. heck, if trotter can toss the football around put him in...

10:38 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

BMATT on the bunker implying that CTF could be out this week. I'm not sure; but, that would seem to be unprecedented.

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's pretty clear that CTT doesn't allow CTF to really run the offense- CTF as much as said so in an interview last week.

i would expect CTF to resign

10:46 PM  
Blogger wes said...


Have you seen this blog entry

It offers a very different perspective on why the "spread" may not be working at AU. Don't know how accurate it is, but would love to get your take.

10:51 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Lemme peep that.

10:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"No one has made the comment that Kodi chose to be here. He was recruited by Auburn and wanted to be at Auburn."

This is exactly what I have been saying all along. just maybe not on here.

Todd wants to play football...Burnes wants to play Auburn Football.

If Todd was that good wouldn't he still be at Texas Tech? So Burns makes mistakes, Is he any worse? I don't think so. I was at a luncheon in August before the 2007 season and CTT had a hard time talking about that season without constantly mentioning how talented Kodi is, and what an impact he would make this year. I just wonder how this whole spread experiment would have worked out if Todd hadn't followed Franklin.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

That's a really neat -- and informed -- post about Auburn's "spread."

I honestly believe Franklin's job will be affected by this loss in some way. I just don't see how he's permitted to keep running this stuff. The team is objectively better at running the ball upfield.

This other stuff, for reasons in that post, isn't working. In fact, it's hurting the good things that happen.

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wes - The Smart Football blog certainly seems to support what CTF alluded to in his video interview last week. That CTT micro manages and trumps CTF with calls during the game.

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay - I think you either missed the point or we read it very differently. I hear Chris saying CTT hired TF to run his spread and now isn't letting him. If CTT would get out of the way we might see a better result.

11:10 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

I bet Borges is having a freaking pinata party about now. He's lovin' this man.

11:12 PM  
Blogger wes said...

yeah. it may be more speculative than fact; however, during tubbs tenure we have had a revolving door a OC and more struggles than successes on that side of the ball. certainly makes you think, and it is a lot more thoughtful than the populist "Todd sucks" explanations...weak sauce.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just it, Jay. Based on what smartfootball is saying, it seems you either jettison the other assistants in order to free Franklin up to actually run the spread, or you say goodbye to Franklin and run Nall-Ball.

I think option C might even be better, and you cut the entire offensive coaching staff at the end of the season and bring in entirely new one that will be on the same page.

It's pretty clear that we're never going to be comfortable running the Leach-style Spread, so I can't imagine we're ever going to give Franklin carte blanche.

11:13 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Todd is obviously not Tim couch. That said, if Trotter or Caudle could be, why don't we try them. I honestly don't think it is the noodle arm. To me, Todd is under way too much pressure and he makes decisions much too slowly.

Couch had complete trust in his line in that video and took the time to find the open guy.

That said, the receivers do not seem to be able to get separation either.

time to play "I" ball

11:20 PM  
Blogger TB said...

I would agree that it is time for the Offensive coaches to go. During CTT ten year we have no been able to get to the next level. Even if they are all friends it is time to bring in fresh blood at all levels on the offense. I still feel that the Spread takes away from the tuffness of a football team when it is based on the pass first rather than run first. This loss tonight changes the scope of job stabilty up and down the coaching staff line. CTT will have to make changes it order to keep his job.

11:20 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

I'm basing my comments on what will happen. CTT will not get out of the way. Period. Not now.

So Franklin is doomed.

You're looking Nall Ball dead in the face.

11:20 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

well Nall ball did beat Bammer with Tre SMith. Of course, Franchione had already sold out to Aggieland by then.

Who knows? It can't get any worse.

How many yards did Tristan Davis and Brad Lester have tonight since Tommy said they were healthy and would play?

11:22 PM  
Blogger TB said...

If the receivers cannot get separation that comes down to coaching doesn't it. The receivers were supposed to be some the best in the southeast they just didn't become dumb did they?

11:23 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...


11:23 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

I think I'm going to hit the road now.

Thanks to you all for making the HABOTN mighty, might hot tonight. I'm sure we'll all have plenty to say during the next week.

Take care.

11:24 PM  
Blogger wes said...

Thanks Jay.

11:26 PM  
Blogger TB said...

Good night.

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Was CTT messing with Franklin's spread during the La. Monroe game? huh?

Remember that beaty? Not breaking 100 yards passing? That's crap and a complete cop-out.

I'm floored by C. Todd's stats at Hutchinson CC. WTH is this guy doing in D-I? And he's hurt?

Anyone else remember another Auburn player who's loyal to Auburn who wanted to play for Auburn? Neil Caudle was demoted to 3rd string in what, the 4th spring practice?

Tony Franklin in an embarrassment. not becoming an embarrassment but a complete and utter embarrassment.

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love it. Tate, Kodi, Rod Smith etc. can man up and meet the press and the coaches are "off-limits." Didn't Gibbs pull this and that helped his "exit" to the NFL? AN EMBARASSMENT WORSE THAN THE GAME(NO EASY TASK).

11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Any answers to these questions:

1. Why did Chris Todd transfer from Texas Tech to a juco instead of to another D-1school?

2. Did anyone else besides Troy want to sign him out of juco?

3. Did he have to pass a physical (as Chaz Ramsey would have to do) before AU offered him a scholarship?

I'm sure he's a fine guy, and I don't want to sound cruel, but he was advertised as having a rifle for an arm and years of experience with the spread. Unfortunately, this isn't the case.

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got home and that was awful. It was like we were running 3 different offenese out there and only one of them worked.

What happened with Byrum? Is it a rule our kickers have to suck every other year?

It's bad when the O-linemen are starting to argue with each other.

This is a mess, and it could get worse before it gets better.

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sick and tired of offensive coordinator's taking a fall because CTT's BBQ buddies don't want to buy into a new system.
If you think this is on CTF, you don't know chit about the politics going on at Auburn.

12:16 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

"Was CTT messing with Franklin's spread during the La. Monroe game? huh?"

No. Not then. Now. This started happening a few games ago ... during/after the MSU situation.

It's obvious that Tuberville (and others) felt the offense needed to be more physical and elements of that thinking crept into the team's overall offensive plan. That's a fine way to play -- line up and tee off on people -- but it's essentially incongruent with what Franklin wants to do.

So now you have this offense that's a hodgepodge of different ideas. It doesn't work. There are plenty of people to blame. It's basically your call.

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blame everyone. Everyone coaching and playing on the offensive side of the ball other than Ben Tate could have done something better.

What sucks is, it looks like the coaches aren't giving the players a chance to win. So whatever differences they have with the staff needs to get fixed quickly because this could turn into a disaster of a year.

We looked very bush league out there on offense in the second half. It was very obvious that if we didn't get a turnover to set us up with good field position we had no chance of driving the field, not against Vandy...not against anyone. We were out there playing against ourselves and our coaches horrible game plan and we were losing on all counts.

It was tough to watch, tough to talk about and embarassing to see it all fall apart in front of my own eyes. It's obvious we have no clue out there on offense and it's a shame when a defense gives up 14 on the road in the SEC (even if it's Vandy) and we can't come up with anything offensively to reward them.

12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt that CTF will be let go anytime soon, but there are some obvious issues here. The penalties and offensive line blocking are pretty obvious. It is also pretty obvious that our wide receivers are not getting open. I don't view the QBs as a problem. I do view receivers not getting open as a problem that has existed for the last 3 years.

12:29 AM  
Blogger ron mexico said...

I'm honestly down with the nallsminger offense... Tony franklin just doesn't have the mentality for it. I don't see him "Mea Culping" his way out of this one. We run the ball down their throats on the first drive and franklin screws up the play calls inside the 5. His system doesn't work, he makes the wrong personnel changes and he can't call plays. He's essentially useless.

Defense played well once again, especially after losing the two best players on the team. It's a shame to waste a defense like that.

12:45 AM  
Blogger ron mexico said...

At the risk of writing a post that i will hate tomorrow... I can see franklin either quiting or making a big stink out of him not getting the full reins of the offense.

12:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We ran the ball until Vandy put 8 in the box, then just like last year we couldn't get WRs open even with 8 in the box. I couldn't believe that Vandy let us run the ball for 2 drives begfore they added to the box. I think that they, just like everyone else realized that they could cover our WRs.

Different offense(s) than last year....same problem that hinders a balanced attack..WRs.

Offensive penalties, poor communication, 2 sub par QBs, Oline issues.....yes, but all of those are exacerbated b/c we can't pass when there is 8 in the box. The idea of the spread ws to break the box...well we don't have deep WR threats and the D can still cover the run and deep passes, leaving only the dink passing. As the game wears on, the D slowly closes in more and more on the short passing game..daring us to go long and knowing they can cover it.

That ONE problem shut down CAB's offense and limited playcalling and it is doing so this year in a different offense.

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good stuff, Hoopie.

What is CAB?

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coach Al Borges

9:29 AM  

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