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Monday revelations

Hey everyone. Sorry for the late start today. I put my non-newspaper life on hold for a while as the Tuberville situation developed and the coaching search "began." Some stuff needed to handled. Now it is.

I'm good to go now. Let's chat.

  • BOWDEN GOING WITH THE GUILT TRIP: I'm intrigued by comments Andrew Carter, the Orlando Sentinel's FSU writer, has posted from Bobby Bowden. As we all think we know, FSU offensive coordinator Jimbo Fisher is being considered for the Tigers' top job.

    Here is the Bowden quote Carter posted earlier today:
    "That’ll probably come up every year, and most of it’s probably not even true. But I think Jimbo’s a man of his word and his plans are to stay at Florida (State) and he told me that and he told our president that. And people write that stuff in there – they write that stuff in there like he’s not a man of his word, you know it. And we take him as a man of his word, so I don’t pay any attention to that.”
    Does that mean Fisher won't be the next Auburn coach? I'm still not convinced by what I've heard from FSU (ie Fisher's non-denial denial) so far. At the same time, I'm not convinced Fisher is a legitimate Auburn candidate anyway.

  • FISHER IN TOWN TONIGHT: Fisher will be speaking to the Montgomery Quarterback Club tonight at 7 o'clock.

  • ANOTHER RED HERRING DENIES INTEREST: Ball State coach Brady Hoke, whose job was in trouble after a middling 2006 season, tells BSU beat writer Doug Zaleski that he's not talking with the Tigers.
    "I'm not meeting with anybody," Hoke told The (Muncie, Ind.) Star Press. "That report is false. No schools have contacted me."
    Hoke's Cardinals were outstanding this season, taking their first loss of the year against Turner Gill's U. Buffalo team last weekend. Prior to 2008, though, Hoke's teams weren't remarkable.


Blogger tigerfan44 said...

Muschamp 09. Although 4 years is all we get out of him. Texas would be hard to turn down.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Brady Hoke is a mistake.

Pat Nix would be a crime.

2:07 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

I mean, come on.

Rodney Garner? Nevermind head coaching experience. How about at least being a coordinator?

2:09 PM  
Blogger unclejimmyjons said...

Jay any word on Muschamp? did he leave on good terms with the AD/Pres?

2:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds to me like Bobby is trying to send a message to Jimbo via the media because there is interest from Jimbo toward AU. It's like he's really speaking to him, "Remember what you told us, Jimbo? You gave us YOUR WORD."

2:11 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Muschamp is on solid ground with almost everyone at Auburn, yes.

2:11 PM  
Blogger CovingtonTigerFan said...

It sounds to me like Bobby is somewhat concerned, and he's subtly trying to put the pressure on Jimbo. That's what I make of that.

All these other names? You said it best, JG -- nothing but smoke.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

I have a hard time believing Muschamp would be back with Jacobs still as the AD.

What are your thoughts on that Jay? I'll hangup and listen.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Bryan, I know there is "interest."

Is it the same "interest" they're showing by reportedly interviewing Rodney Garner and Patrick Nix?

Remember what I said the other day -- I've never seen evidence that an Auburn football "search" was anything other than a smokescreen.

2:13 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

I am a hobo riding the Gill train. Hoot Hoot!

2:17 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Bowden is making those comments so he kill public opinion of Fisher if he did move on.

I was hoping that maybe Nix was being interviewed to be the QB coach (not the OC) and Garner for the recruiting coordinator job for whoever they have lined up to be the HC.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

When Bowden says this will continue for years, what he is really admitting is that Bowden plans to stay on as HC for years. Years. Say ti again, years. Jimbo can't be happy to hear that.

2:24 PM  
Blogger FSJ said...


I agree 100% with your thoughts on the search.

2:35 PM  
Blogger astatguy said...

I would prefer we hire someone with head coaching experience. I like several of the names I've heard including Gill, Patterson, and Holtz. I read where Gill chose to leave the coordinator role to become a head coach at a smaller program to "pay his dues", and I think that means prove he can do it. Head coach is a totally different job than coordinator.

2:35 PM  
Blogger au0608 said...

Jay, do you think the "target" may have a bowl game to coach and the smoke screen is going to stick around until that is over?

2:38 PM  
Blogger KJtiger said...

Jay who's your money on? SInce we are fogging for mosquitoes from one coast to the next who is in your lottery. Also is the ticketgate with muschamp legit? Thank you in advance for your response and time.

2:39 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

au0608: Possibly. Either way, Auburn needs to at least make a production about of the search so the conclusion doesn't seem pre-determined.

2:39 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Ticketgate wasn't that big of a deal.

There were issues with Muschamp and some people at Auburn, but Chick-fil-A Bowl tickets were a symptom. They weren't the catalyst.

2:40 PM  
Blogger au0608 said...

I can see it going one of two ways... the Muschamp/Fisher route, or perhaps the guy is someone not mentioned. Considering JJ's comments about money not being an issue, I lean towards the idea we are waiting for someone who hasn't been mentioned to finish their season.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

The R. garner news is great.

I'm sure talks of returning in any capacity was discussed.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Guys - 5 MILLION DOLLAR BUYOUT --- Fisher stays at FSU unless they let him out of that contacr.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Harrison said...

are we just being nice to Pat Nix and Rodney Garner? or are there alterior motives to these interviews?

2:48 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Also, jombo Fisher has it in his contact that if he's not the HC at FSU by 2011 they OWE HIM 2.5 million.

It may be 5 million now.

So no. Bowden's not going to be there past that.

2:49 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

I just love the idea of the assistants being former players.

They love Auburn and hate to lose as much as the fans, maybe more.

Surely MORE.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Harrison said...

Speaking of Garner returning. If he wanted to come back, would we not have already let him? or did Tubs not wnat anything to do with him or vice-versa?

2:53 PM  
Blogger Just Win AU said...

Is Jimbo Fisher really worth the $5million buy-out? $10 million spent before the new HC gets on campus? I know JJ said money was no object, but $10 million - WOW!!!

2:55 PM  
Blogger au0608 said...

I wasnt necessarily saying it would be Fisher, more along the lines of "its someone who has been mentioned." I have to think that its someone who hasn't been discussed and there is a reason for it. Just like Jay said AU had done with Tuberville. I doubt they are going to risk losing the number 1 guy through a bunch of leaks and "interviews"

2:56 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

What do you make of tub's mom said he was fired?

If true, do you think lowder is the culprit?

If so, who does lowder/rains/dye want for their new coach.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

So if this search is a smokescreen, that would mean the admin had prior knowledge of the Tuberville departure. In years passed it's been said that Auburn usually has it's coach locked up and the search is a screen. Well in this situation, if the Tub departure was unexpected, they truly are having a search. Maybe these guys are legit candidates but somewhere, the PTB have to been engaged in active discussions with one or more real targets for the "search" to be a smokescreen. Therefore it's hard to see them having a person nailed down and assuming these other folks aren't even in the discussion to seriously replace TT. Either way there has to be a SEARCH of some kind going on. Whether or not the one we hear about is the real one is up for debate.

2:59 PM  
Blogger E-Bro said...

I think it's great to have assistant coaches with an Auburn link. I think Willis is great and I would love to have Garner back and same goes for including Nix. There is no doubt he is an Auburn man. I saw a couple of rows behind him at the Championship game in 2004 and his passion for Auburn seems to burn as brightly as ever.

However, having said that, I feel it is much more important to be a good coach and recruiter than an Auburn man. Look at what happened to Bama from the mid-90s up until Saban when they were seemingly so focused on keeping everything in the family.

2:59 PM  
Blogger unclejimmyjons said...

Jay could it be they have Butch Davis? he was quick to publicly deny UT but has not been mnetioned with this job

3:00 PM  
Blogger FSJ said...

Uncle Jimmy:

I've been saying the same thing for days...

Eddie laughs at me... :-(

3:00 PM  
Blogger au0608 said...

Ah uncle... that's who I want.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

Ok what I said above is really confusing but basically what I was trying to say is there has to be a real search going on, assuming of course Jay Jacobs was telling the truth regarding the Tuberville departure. Whether or not the folks being mentioned are part of the real search is the question. So is the search part of this a smokescreen? Did Auburn anticipate the departure of Tuberville? Or are the particular candidates being mentioned a diversion? I think this last question is key.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

so who was telling the Truth? Jay Jacobs or Tub's mother? Resignation or Firing?

My money is on firing. My money is also on Lowder/Rains/Dye being involved.

Lowder has always wanted PEtrino. Things could get interesting.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Will said...

Harrison, I wouldn't be surprised if we were just "being nice" to most of the people we have been bringing in for interviews. Based on some of Jay Gizzle Tizzle's comments, I would think that the guy has been selected and everything is in place to get him to AU.

On Muschamp, I heard that on his way out he told one person, who is key to this coaching search, to kiss his (something that rhymes with fork king grass)

3:06 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

OK. First off, it's Jimmy Rane.

Second, I think Auburn drew the foul on the "resignation."

3:07 PM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

If Lowder wants Petrino, he's silly. Petrino has a hot commodity back in 2003 as he had a Louisville team that was impressing people. Fast forward to 2008 and he is detested in all NFL circles as a coach and even as a man. He goes to Arkansas and has an improving program but nothing stellar. I don't see how his stock is worth buying, especially in this economy.

3:07 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Tickets = symptom.

Angry talk = another symptom.

3:08 PM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

Will, if they are waiting with another guy behind the scenes and holding a farce that is being called a "search" then I am disappointed. If there is a guy, name him, let him get his staff going and tell him to get on the road and shore up this recruiting class.

3:08 PM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

Jay, is the illness the fact that he is impatient and wants to be THE GUY somewhere...of is it the Auburn administration? Or is he not a fan of freshly squeezed lemonade and prefers his from a Minute Maid container?

3:10 PM  
Blogger Adam and April said...

it's taking so long bec. muschamp is the guy, just got to get the timing right.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

my bad. Somewhere in my consciousness, I knew that.

I hate it when you are cryptic on the other stuff.

So is your diagnosis, Lowder disease?

3:10 PM  
Blogger Harrison said...

the wait is eating me alive inside.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Just Win AU said...

JGT, do you think this "search" is wrapped up by the end of the week or do you see it going on for a while?

3:11 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

People of the world
Join hands
Ride the Gill train
The Gill train

3:13 PM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

Again, why would they wait if they already had a coach locked up? Are there hiring rules in the SEC much like in the NFL? I don't think there are but someone correct me if I'm wrong. Why not get the guy out there and let him get started?

3:13 PM  
Blogger Adam and April said...

Jay G., you think if a guy like muschamp comes, he stays for a while or does he head back to UT in a few years?

3:14 PM  
Blogger Griff said...

Jeez, I love Auburn, too, but it doesn't mean I can put a headset on and coach.

Same goes for Pat Nix, et al.

I pray we're "chasing rabbits" intentionally, waiting after bowl season to announce the coach who's already signed the dotted line. I fear that's not what's going on, though.

3:14 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

Lowder wants Fisher.
Ranes and McWhorter want Petrino.
Muschamp is coming.
Jacobs is leaving.
Tubbs is new AD.

We all sing Kumbaya.

3:20 PM  
Blogger KJtiger said...

When does the recruiting dead period start? I think that will shd some light on this.

3:21 PM  
Blogger Griff said...

WTC, replace Muschamp w/ Davis and you're on to something. At least, I wish. I'd start banking at Colonial if that were to happen.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

I don't think this search will end soon.

3:28 PM  
Blogger Adam and April said...

JG, you don't think it will end soon, but you do think they've targeted their man, correct?

3:29 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...


You don't think this search will end soon, or you don't think this process will end soon and the search has already been done?

3:31 PM  
Blogger Just Win AU said...

Do you have any idea why it will not end soon, if they have their guy?

3:36 PM  
Blogger barkley for governor said...

Kelly wants to coach his BCS bowl before he accepts the job at Auburn.

3:38 PM  
Blogger Adam and April said...

Give it until Jan. 6...

3:39 PM  
Blogger KJtiger said...

If they have their guy, why will the search not end soon?: :)

3:40 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Huh? Pat Nix can't coach?

He's a coordinator at a major University and a recruiter at a program that ranks in the top 10 yearly.

So stop with the "I love Auburn but doesn't mean I can coach" nonsense.

If a guy can coach AND LOVES AUBURN University, its a Win-Win.

Rodney Garner wasn't asked to come back after Tiny Turd Terry demoted him to a desk job.

He left and took Tee Martin, an AU commit with him to Tennessee and won a National Championship.

He's known as one of the best recruiters in America.

3:40 PM  
Blogger GregD said...

Funny if Jimbo Fisher is selected.

Saban = born in Fairmont, West Virginia

Fisher = born in Clarksburg, West Virginia

Two small towns just minutes from each other.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

The guy could be in the middle of a season -- Del Rio or et al.

3:41 PM  
Blogger Adam and April said...

is Muschamp highly regarded in terms of recruiting?

3:42 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...


Is it me or does the guy at the Chopping Block Blog, Andrew Carter look like "he's sees dead people".

What's that child actor's name from Sixth Sense?

3:43 PM  
Blogger coosa said...

Whatever else JJ might be, he is an Auburn man. So are Garner and Nix, and the right thing to do was to give them an interview. Especially since they were all in NY anyway.

Now Garner and Nix can put "interviewed for Auburn HC job" on their resumes, and can put "finalist" if they want to embellish it a little. JJ will never contradict it, and will swear that they received "serious consideration."

3:44 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

Maybe they have 'the guy' and are just gauging interest in assistants and cordinators. Not saying the new guy has to hire them, but gauging interest. All the while throwing everyone off the main target.

What do you think about that?

3:45 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Ftworth -- yes.

He was an animal at LSU and had AU in on all the top kids.

The DB from Gadsden City - Kirkpatrick - mentioned him by name this season and the guy's in Austin.

He recruits just like he greets players coming offf the field after a big hit or big stop!


3:45 PM  
Blogger Adam and April said...

thanks Chris

3:46 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

You know it seems everyone that has interviewed has gotten a pay raise. Maybe this is a 'toss a bone to you' so later you will reciprocate if needed.

AU trying to take care of some of its' own.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

I, myself, have no problem with P. Nix as OC.

When Randy Shannon was promoted at Miami from DC he went directly to GT and scooped up Nix.

Also, there were some great assistants that were cut loose by Ole Miss with Coach O -- wonder if any would come to AU?

3:49 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Jay, in an unrelated note, how does the news of the TRIBUNE bancruptcy affect the newspaper industry? Is it isolated or a longlasting ripple?

3:52 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

This is from SI - 2005 on Rodney Garner:

Rodney Garner, assistant head coach/recruiting coordinator, Georgia: How vital is Garner to the Bulldogs' success? Last January, head coach Mark Richt canceled a trip to Hawaii, where he was to coach the Hula Bowl, to dissuade Garner from accepting a job at LSU. The 39-year-old Garner has been instrumental in building a virtual wall around Georgia, a state he previously raided during stints at Auburn and Tennessee.

3:55 PM  
Blogger James in Auburn said...

For those interested in the recruiting "dead periods":

NCAA Recruiting Calendar

3:55 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

It all depends on the HC we get. If we get an offensive minded HC, then I wouldn't mind Nix at all as the HC.

However if we get a defensive minded HC, then I would worry a little with Nix running the show on offense.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Hardin said...

im just curious...i've been seeing Spurrier's name thrown around a lot. where is this coming from? is it really possible that he would want to come to AU?

I grew in Tallahassee, graduated from Auburn, and have hated Spurrier my entire life. If he gets the HC job here i will cry myself to sleep every night until he leaves.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Another hot young african-american coach who played at AU is Ron Middleton.

He left UA's staff last year to be reunited with David Cutcliff at Duke.

Would he come and be on the staff at AU if asked?

3:58 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

I haven't seen Spurrier's name thrown around except on message boards. Nobody that I have seen of note has mentioned him as a serious candidate.

3:59 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

Although I think Muschamp is coming, I really would like to see and offensive minded guy get the job. If muschamp gets it, who should AU help him get to run the O?

4:03 PM  
Blogger Hardin said...

ya, i've only seen Spurriers name on the boards but just the mention of his name and "Auburn Football Head Coach" makes me shudder.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Just curious guys but when did Muschamp's status change?

What's the sudden change that makes some believe he's in line to be the guy?

4:05 PM  
Blogger KJtiger said...

To me, out of all the names I have seen it makes the most sense. Although others seem to think otherwise I think it is a good fit.

4:09 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

An ESPN blog on potential HC's at AU & their recruiting rep:

They only list four and one is Hoke from Tessicle State. Makes no sense but hey....

Check what he states about Paul Johnson.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

But KJ, its been poo poo'd already by statements by Muschamp and others.

4:16 PM  
Blogger War Eagle Girl said...

mark , I too was interested in the Tribune bankruptcy. I love to have the paper in my hands to read everyday even though I get most of my news through the internet. I read the Washington Post everyday when I lived there. The MA is tolerable (except sports of course!) Old Habits die hard.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Anyone know if Chette Williams will still be in Auburn?

4:17 PM  
Blogger AUBigCat said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:18 PM  
Blogger AUBigCat said...

Wasn't Spurrier the one that poked fun at a fire that supposedly burned 20 books at the football dorm? Didnt he say "But the real tragedy was that fifteen hadn't been colored yet!"?

4:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds to me like Bowden is concerned. If not, why the attempt to use the man of his word thing. In general, people should keep there word, but that word is given under some assumptions. For instance, if Auburn offerred Bowden $20 Million a year to coach at Auburn, Bowden would likely be on campus before midnight. It ain't gonna happen, but everyone knows that there are golden opportunities out there.

4:19 PM  
Blogger michael said...

Jay, you have to stop saying things like "I don't think this search will end soon." That will kill your site hits. You need to put your audience on edge and say, "Keep checking in, the coach will be named at any moment!"

4:24 PM  
Blogger Aubie said...

I can't believe Petrino is still being mentioned. That would have been good in '03, but not now. He is like the cute little girl who had a crush on you in high school. Now you've broken up with your girlfriend and you look up the cute little girl only to find out she turned into slut who's slept with the entire fraternity.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Harrison said...

something tells me people will still be here no matter what

4:38 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...


Using your analogy at least then you'd know you know with that girl that were going to get to score often, which is more than we can say for what has happened this season for our football team.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Aubie said...

Excellent point. So how does the saying go?... a bush in the hand is worth two in the...

4:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just say no to Petrino.

I do think this may mean Fisher is being pursued.

4:48 PM  
Blogger JD said...

My thoughts on the recent Auburn interviews is that they have someone in place and the interviews for Nix and Garner are more as a career booster to those guys rather than acutal interviews. They are also productive in the case that the new regime at AU wants to consider either as a coordinator of sorts they will have already been through the process. It serves yet another purpose to ensure that the search looks to be productive rather that just sitting and waiting for the announcement to be made.

4:51 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Blake Ells, an Auburn grad and producer of the Dunaway & Brown show on 690 am just reported that many sources close to the search are saying Muschamp no longer considered a candidate.


Oh and thannks for the bump up J.G.

I feel like Chrissy when he got his button.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Chris, the fact that Nix has been successful in fielding extremely mediocre offenses at GT and Miami doesn't lead me to think he is head coach material at this point.

Have you seen his offenses over the last few years? Mazzone-esque IMO

4:58 PM  
Blogger Brandon said...

Hi all. Been following silently for a while, but thought I'd throw this out there: Pat Nix's offense at Miami is ranked 88th in the country. They've put up a mind-numbing 25 yards per game more than Auburn this year. And last year they finished 111th in the country.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

BTW, I agree that we are doing these as a courtesy to AU men, and I have no problem with that.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

No no. I was talking about him as OC not HC. Sorry.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Denny Crum said...

I have just scored the cheat sheet for the job interviews that are going on now with a web site to boot.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nix as OC would still be a bad move for AU for the same reasons I mentioned.

5:01 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Gonna jump out and be the first to state this so I can bask in all my handicapping glory:

The favored team will win the BCS title game - Oklahoma.

Havin won't be 100% and OU has plenty of weaponds.

Bank it.

5:01 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Whoa -- UF is favored by 3 - sorry.

Oklahoma in an upset!


5:02 PM  
Blogger Harrison said...

Florida is favored in the title game

5:02 PM  
Blogger Aubie said...

Guest on Finebaum reporting that Nutt is still the number 1 target!!!
(praying) Dear baby Jesus, no no no no no!!!

5:10 PM  
Blogger Denny Crum said...

Here is the promised cheat sheet for the current interviews.

a. Description. The objective of quick smoke is to obscure the enemy's vision or to screen maneuver elements. The quick smoke mission equates to the normal HE adjust fire mission: Obscuring the enemy is required, but the urgency of the situation does not dictate immediate smoke procedures. The mission is begun by adjusting with HE, changing to smoke when within 200 meters of the adjusting point, and then firing for effect with smoke.

b. Employment Considerations.

(1) The quick smoke mission is used to obscure an area up to 600 meters wide. For areas larger than 600 meters, the observer can fire multiple quick smoke missions. Smoke may be effective up to 1,500 meters downwind.
(2) When preparing a quick smoke mission, the observer first determines the nature of the target and the location of the adjusting point (see Figure 6-18). Then he determines the size of the area and the wind direction in relation to the maneuver-target line (Figure 6-16).

(3) To select the adjusting point, the observer determines the wind direction and whether WP or smoke is to be fired in effect.

(4) The FDC must be informed of the target length, the target attitude, the wind direction, and the length of time the smoke is required. This information is sent to the FDC as early as possible (usually in the third transmission of the call for fire as part of the method of engagement but before FIRE FOR EFFECT). The observer also has the option of extending the time of effective smoke by requesting subsequent volleys.

(5) If the smoke must be effective beginning at a specific time, the observer requests AT MY COMMAND and the time of flight. To determine when to order the smoke fired, the observer adds the time of flight to the average buildup time of 30 seconds for WP and 60 seconds for smoke.

(6) If the smoke is ineffective, the observer must decide whether to shift the smoke or to fire HE. If the decision is to shift, there may be a break in the screen while new data are being computed.


c. Adjustment.

(1) Shell Smoke. High explosive will be used in adjustment until a 200-meter bracket is split. The observer will then request shell smoke. One smoke round is fired, and any necessary corrections are made (in accordance with [IAW] subparagraph b(3) above). Then FFE is requested.
(2) Shell White Phosphorus. This adjustment is conducted like an adjust fire (AF) mission with WP in effect.

(3) Improved Smoke (M825). This is the predominant 155-mm smoke round. It does not need HOB adjustment. As a result, a 200-meter bracket is not split and FFE is started after a 200-meter bracket is achieved.

5:16 PM  
Blogger weagle251 said...

You mean this cheat sheet, Denny?

So I've been out of the country for the past two weeks. Anything interesting happen?

5:16 PM  
Blogger weagle251 said...

Bah, nevermind. I'm still a little behind.

5:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jay, thanks for the upgrade. You make a guy feel like Beyonce with a gold plated "UPGRADE" bling in his mouth... headin out to Felix's Fish Camp on the Mobile Bay Causeway for Xmas party with the wife's co-workers. yippie, i guess.... grrrrrrrrr.

5:22 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Just spoke to a former AU player and he says both Searles and garner would come "home" if asked.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Keith, Nix not having good offenses wouldn't mean he wouldn't be a good head coach. The offensive coordinator does that job.

5:34 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

Hey Hotties!
I'm so glad to be out of prison and back home where I can access The HABOTN!

5:37 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

I see we still don't have a coach:-(

5:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am not sure why some don't like the idea of Houston Nutt. At the moment, he seems the biggest name coach we have been looking at other than Petrino, Davis, or Spurrier. Seems like Nutt is our best bet at getting a top notch coach at the moment.

5:38 PM  
Blogger tigerfan44 said...

Bears comment about eating at mobile bay made me think of wolf bay lodge in Gulf shores. I seen where it burnt I sure hope they rebuild, good fried seafood.

Chris what role would Garner come home to DC or any position.

5:38 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

At the moment he's assistant HC and DL coach at UGa.

I don't have any problem offering him the DC job but the exact same position at AU would be fine with me.

A report said M. Richt canceled a chance to go to Hawaii & be the HC at the Hula Bowl one year to stay and make sure Garner stayed and didn't take a job at LSU.

R. Garner would be a HUGE get as would S. Searles!!!!

5:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Chris, you are right about Garner. He has a lot to do with Richt's success at Georgia. Even if we had to give him coordinator pay to coach the line, it would be worth it.

5:45 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

"Guest on Finebaum reporting that Nutt is still the number 1 target!!!"

I'm guessing that guest isn't too close to the search.

5:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

RK, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Nutt was very high on the list. He is a big name coach that I believe we could get. He has also proven he can get to the SECCG.

5:53 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

He really isn't what I'd call a "big name" coach, and he gets to the SEC title game just as much as the guy we just booted/just resigned.

Plus he already got his use out of Auburn last week to get his money.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

RK, he is the only coach we appear to have a shot at that appears able to do close to what Tuberville did.

6:00 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

I'd rather see us hire someone with potential rather than someone who is a slight step below who we just had.

Nutt = Tuberville except with lower standards as to who he's willing to bring on campus.

6:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There is another reason to go after Nutt. It would be one less star coach we would have to face every season. At the moment we face Petrino, Saban, Meyer, and Nutt. I wouldn't rank any coach that it seems like we have a shot at ahead of those 4.

6:03 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Also Steve, appearances can be deceiving.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

Houston Nutt is not the answer. He knew that in Arkansas and went to a house where the cupboard was full. When that one runs empty he'll end up somewhere else.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

RK, right now it looks like we will be lucky to get anyone close to Tuberville's ability. If someone like Spurrier or Davis shows up, we would be in good shape, but my gut says they aren't coming. It does appear we will be religated to 5th in the SEC West unless some new names pop up.

6:05 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

We would be settling if we took Houston Nutt.

You have to remember Steve, even though someone new might rank below the four you mentioned when they came in, all it takes is

Florida had never won an SEC title (except for 1984 which they had to give back) until they hired Spurrier who was 20-13 at Duke. When he entered the SEC he was behind Dye, Majors, Dooley, Mike Archer & even the newly hired Gene Stallings. That worked out pretty well for Florida going forward.

Sometimes you take risks.

6:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sean, Arkansas' cupboard isn't bare. They will be very good, although I suspect it will be the year after next.

6:10 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

So, Steve you'd rather take Nutt over taking a chance on someone who has won at a lower level or a top coordinator?

6:11 PM  
Blogger tigerfan44 said...

Jay is Auburn a hard sell or a sell at all. I know in past and maybe present I don't know,but boosters have been a problem. I also know money talks but in your opinion which is better job Auburn or say UNC or Clemson.
I am true Auburn fan but it is tough place to recruit.

6:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

RK, do you really see anyone on the current list that could compete with the four I mention? I have a hard time seeing it, and if it does happen, it would be down the road.

6:12 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Don't get me wrong, I know Nutt is a good coach, he'll get you your 8 wins and a decent bowl and the occasional trip to Atlanta.

However, if it's between Nutt and a newcomer like Brian Kelly, Turner Gill or Muschamp or an established guy like Paul Johnson, I'd take a chance on any of those guys every time.

6:14 PM  
Blogger Denny Crum said...

WarEagleRK said...
"Guest on Finebaum reporting that Nutt is still the number 1 target!!!"

GRID NK843321 AND GRID NK840322, OVER.

6:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

RK, I haven't seen anyone on the list that has been able to come close to Tuberville's record, and they play lower level schools. I don't view Nutt as settling. He is very well recognized as a very good coach.

The Auburn job will be a very difficult sell. Coaches know what happened with Tuberville and the treatment he received at Auburn. On a national scale, Tuberville is viewed as a top notch coach.

What makes it even tougher is the four coaches that I mentioned previously that an incoming coach will have to face. That list didn't include facing Richt every season too. If Tuberville had another bad season, the atmosphere would have been much different. At the moment, Auburn doesn't seem to be viewed in a positive light. In some ways, Tuberville resigning made it worse.

6:17 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Yes, if Brian Kelly can win at Cincy the way he has, he can win at Auburn.

If Turner Gill can turn a doormat at Buffalo into a winner, he has the potential to win at Auburn.

Paul Johnson can win anywhere. He has proven it for a decade.

Muschamp and Fisher are risks, but they are hot enough comodities that FSU and Texas see them as their future. They are good recruiters and potentially could be great coaches.

Any name above would breathe life into the program if hired. Nutt if hired would be a groan and hope for the best type situation.

We know what Nutt can do, we should want to try for more than that. If we don't, then in 4 or 5 years we'll be doing this again no matter what.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Brian Kelly or Paul Johnson have the potential to compete.

Gill has just had his best season, and it was 8 wins if I remember correctly. I can't see him doing better than that at Auburn, although it could certainly happen. It just isn't likely to happen quickly.

6:19 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Actually Denny, I didn't say that. I was commenting on something someone else had said.

I think the Nutt thing is just something to pass the time.

6:19 PM  
Blogger ballin said...

"It does appear we will be religated to 5th in the SEC West "

Excuse me Steve but isn't that where we are now?

6:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It is very likely we will be doing the same thing in 4 or 5 years. Brian Kelly is definitely someone that might be able to get it done. Muschamp won't be coming. Fisher is still a possibility.

6:21 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...


Look at the state of Buffalo's program before Gill came in and gave it life.

It's a risk, because it's a big step up from Buffalo. However I'd take the risk of Gill over Nutt.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

ballin, yes, that is where we are now. You can check it on We are very aware what got us here. We are talking about the future.

6:22 PM  
Blogger ballin said...

And we would be no better off with Nutt than with CTT. We need NEW blood.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Denny Crum said...

I knew I should have put a disclaimer on my little Smoke Call for Fire. I didn't mean you. I meant the guest on Finebaum. Please take no offense. I wasn't trying to shoot the messenger.

6:22 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

I guarantee if we hire Nutt (which we won't), we'll be looking for a new coach in 4 years after Nutt is 34-18ish and 18-14 in the SEC.

6:23 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...


If Nutt is the future (and he won't be), then the future is mediocre to average at best.

6:24 PM  
Blogger ballin said...

And Steve Brian Kelly is a YANKEE

6:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

RK, I can see why you would like the risk. Nutt was at the name school in Arkansas and you have to wonder if he would be able to get more talent at Auburn.

The thing is, Nebraska wanted the guy and couldn't get him. The guy is a definitely a Nutt job, but he is a very good coach.

I do like the idea of Paul Johnson too. His offense is fascinating. It is a triple option attack, but it has a lot of similarities to the spread and is much more of a finesse offense than the true wishbone.

6:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

RK, Nutt was above average at Arkansas. Why do you not think he could do the same at Auburn?

6:27 PM  
Blogger ballin said...

We don't need no stinkin triple option. That is for teams that can't recruit talent.

6:27 PM  
Blogger wartiger said...

Ohh Jay!! we were so close to 500 and then I left work ealry only to find 497!! WHAT HAPPEN HOTTIES!! I know I wasn't the best contribtor but I thought it was gonna make it..oh well...Jay you keep mentioning Fisher..You think he's a legitimate candidate?

6:27 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Nebraska also wanted Bill Callahan, I don't want us to go after him.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

By the way, mediocre and average are the same thing.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

ballin, what offense do you think is for teams that can recruit talent?

6:29 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...


The numbers I gave you on my predicted 4 seasons for Nutt average out around 8-4. The same numbers we were getting on average from Tub. That's not an improvement.

Plus Nutt would recruit lower quality student athletes like he did at Arkansas and we'd start seeing more arrests on the team if he follows his trend from Ark.

We can agree to disagree, I'd rather take a chance on someone who you don't feel is ready or is at Nutt's level, than hand the job over to him.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

An offense that gets great football players to visit your school and think of coming.

Did you watch the SECCG?

The team with the best and most FOOTBALL PLAYERS won.

Jimmies and Joes

6:31 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Thanks, I forgot to check my thesaurus.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Alan said...


Your ideas and predictions are far fetched my friend.

Auburn has never been relegated to 5th in the west and won't start now. That's why a change was needed. Just please relax a little and be patient. The people making decisions are a lot smarter than they are given credit for. Most of them are the reasons auburn has had the success that it has had.

6:31 PM  
Blogger ballin said...

Not one run by Navy

6:31 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Offenses with talent don't use gimmicks.

See the USCs and (vomit in my mouth) Alerbamers.

Also the NFL.

6:32 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

What happens when the Jimmy's and Joe's aren't well coached and can't execute what they are asked to do out there?

6:32 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Numerous sources reports Muschamp off the list.

I'm hoping Jimbo "5 Miilion" Fisher is as well.

6:33 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

So Urban Meyer's offense has finally stopped being a gimmick offense that won't work in the SEC and now is just a traditional offense because of the talent.

I'll accept that.

6:33 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...


Alabama won this year on offense, not due to talent, but due to execution and dominating on the line.

There is some individual talent there, but it had far more to do with coaching and execution than the talent. The talent just made it work. A lot of that talent had been there before and didn't do as well until they were pushed.

6:35 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Uh, I give up. You're Notre Dame?

Each and every year, the teams with the best football players win the championships.

I know we laugh at recruiting rankings but, take the top ten for the last 5 years and I'll bet you cash money that Oklahoma, Florida, Texas, LSU, USC....

6:35 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Ala has two NFL players on the offensive line.

One is a top 5 pick.

6:36 PM  
Blogger barkley for governor said...

Houston Nutt? Really? We are still talking about this guy?

You can go ahead and put me on the Turner Gill bandwagon if we are going to settle for Houston freaking Nutt.

I criticized Gill's record, but the more I thought about it, it's actually not that big of a factor. He inherited one of the worst programs in college football and put them in a championship game in 3 years.

If he can go 8-5 and win the MAC championship at Buffalo, I think he could accomplish things at Auburn.

I know it's a risk, but the media would be all over it. High school recruits would see it on ESPN, and probably take a closer look at Auburn just because of the splash it makes.

6:36 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Weird that those teams are also well coached and execute their gameplans well.

FSU, Tennessee and Miami get a ton of talent and are traditionally ranked high in recruiting services and look at their records in recent years.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

I can tell you one thing its not ------ its not an outdated, 1950's Wing T Veer triple option that would wreck any program that wants to win championships instead of beating its rival more than half the time.

6:37 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Yes, and those same two top 5 players couldn't move the ball forward for the two previous years until they got a coach in there who taught them the right way to do it.

You prove my point.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...


Tenn, FSU and Miami will not appear on that lsit of the LAST FIVE YEARS.


6:39 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...





Paul Johnson's offense will drive players AWAY.

6:39 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

So you don't think for one second Johnson's offense would work in the SEC despite working at every level he's been at so far?

You don't think that Johnson, who has won at every level he has ever coached at, can win at Auburn?


6:40 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...

Either you missed the point or can't grasp it.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Chris in Inverness said...




6:40 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Those teams were appearing on those lists in the early 90's, and those players who were so highly ranked coming in, almost never turned out as expected due to bad coaching.

After that those schools stopped getting the top players because they knew if they went there, they might not get to reach their potential.

6:42 PM  
Blogger barkley for governor said...

RK, Paul Johnson has been at schools where 8-4 is considered successful.

That won't fly at Auburn.

6:42 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...


I get your point, I just disagree with it. Which I think we've both established we don't agree on this.

6:42 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Almost every coach on the way up coaches at a school where 8-4 is acceptable before they get their break.

I'll be the first to admit I am wrong if he was hired and falls on his face.

6:44 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

However, maybe I'm just too dumb to grasp the point.

6:45 PM  
Blogger barkley for governor said...

Paul Johnson would just be such a boring hire.

6:46 PM  
Blogger ballin said...

Boring and the players know that.

6:47 PM  
Blogger barkley for governor said...

I heard Bobby Lowder doesn't want Turner Gill, so I guess that isn't happening.

6:47 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Maybe so, and if he is a Tub or Nutt that goes 8-4 here at Auburn, then I'd be wrong for wishing for him to be here.

You see, I'm willing to accept that what I type is just my opinion and not fact.

6:48 PM  
Blogger Monica said...


6:48 PM  
Blogger Monica said...

where did you hear that, barkley?

6:49 PM  
Blogger ballin said...

Wouldn't it be so nice if We were the ones with the $$$$$ so We could pick out the coach of Our choice.

6:51 PM  
Blogger barkley for governor said...

I understand that it's my opinion, and Paul Johnson may be successful here. You may be right, I've heard a lot of other fans say they want him as well.

I would just rather have Turner Gill. That would be more exciting, and since I'm just a fan I like to see the excitement.

6:52 PM  
Blogger barkley for governor said...

Monica, I think his name is Rodney Sanders.

He was from Auburn Undercover, and he said that he had been told Bobby Lowder didn't want Turner Gill at Auburn.

6:53 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

I wouldn't mind Turner Gill. He would bring a level of excitement here that maybe no other hire could.

It's a big step from Buffalo to Auburn though, and I just hope it is one he could make...and I'd hope that Pelini would be really really successful at Nebraska so they don't come calling if Gill was big here at Auburn.

6:54 PM  
Blogger barkley for governor said...

And plus, Charles Barkley is pushing Gill. Has the Chuckster ever been wrong? Ha.

We could put something in his contract for that Nebraska situation though.

6:56 PM  
Blogger WarEagleRK said...

Ever seen Chuck play golf?

Something is seriously wrong there.

7:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

RK, I think Johnson's offense has already proven itself. See the Georgia game.

7:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

WarEagleRK, it is highly unlikely any of the coaches that have been proposed will match Tuberville's success at Auburn. I am just hoping we find one that can get us in the top half of the SEC West.

Judging the current prospective coaches, it seems reasonable to assume we will be 3rd or 4th best in the SEC West unless we get a top notch coach. Currently, my guess is we would be 5th with Gill. That is purely judging him against current SEC West coaches.

7:22 PM  
Blogger Brad said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:51 PM  

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