Thursday Night LIVE


4th Quarter
Hey everyone. We're listening to Tiger Talk, coach Gene Chizik's weekly radio show, and watching Florida State @ North Carolina on ESPN.
Please stand and sing.
- On practice: This team is very resilient. They've always really bounced back. They're really excited to go to Baton Rouge and play there. How can you not be?
- How is the mood: "This is football. You've got to know you have to take the bad with the good. We've had plenty of good. We move on. You have to have a short memory either way."
- Season is still meaningful?: ``We still have so much to play for. We're a good football team."
- Stan from Haleyville, who was at the UK game, wants to know how Chizik handles a team that's short on players: ``We're good. We know we're going to battle 'em every week. We have a football team that I really like. We've got a resilient team."
- Roy from Atmore, who has no eligibility remaining, wants to know about recruiting: ``We're going to be there."
- Donnie from Cullman wants to know ... nothing. No question. : ``We have the best fans in the country. You are evidence of that."
- Now he has a question. He wants to know how calm he is, really, during games: ``I'm involved with pretty much everything. I've hired great coaches. I've got to let them do their job. It's just like when I was a coordinator -- I wanted to be able to do my job. We definitely have dialog going on during the game."
- Curtis wants his friend Nick to say something to Chizik. Nick says War Eagle. Question was kinda about Trooper Taylor being less active: ``I haven't seen many days when he's slowed down."
- Facebook question from Matt ... about blitzing: ``We feel good about trying to pressure LSU some. You've got to be very prudent about when you choose to do it and how you choose to do it."
- Jeff from Dothan wants to know about the team's weak tackling ... and he wants to know why it's happening in the first quarter: ``Our tackling, obviously as we've said numerous weeks, we have to get better at it. We're getting them into positions where they can make the tackles. There's times when we're just overpursuing. We've got a lot of room for improvement."
- On Aairon Savage: ``He's great. He's a great, great motivator for our kids."
- On Eltoro: "We're looking forward to seeing him play this weekend."
- Steve from Hueytown wants to know why Ziemba is jumping offside: ``Great question. Let's not limit that to Lee Ziemba, OK? It's not just him. We've had way too many penalties on both sides of the ball. We do what we need to do to address the problem. The last two games have been penalty-fests. We've addressed that at practice. We've addressed it in team meetings. We've just got to deliver on Saturday night."
- On the energy at Tiger Stadium: ``This is the SEC. You've got to deal with the noise level. There's going to be 92,000 there and loud and wild and the whole deal. That's what makes the league great."
- Doug on a cell phone is meandering about the offense and the Meerkat Manor stuff and he believes it causes a momentum change. He says the defense adjusts every time you do it. He also wants to know if Chris Todd can do stuff: ``Chris Todd does a really nice job. Part of that is to rest the defense. We'll get up there ... and we'll slow the game down if we need to do that. We think it's a good thing."
- Eric from Facebook wants to know about opposing quarterbacks taking deep drops: ``There are times when their quarterbacks take deeper drops. That's usually on play-action passes. That's also with max protect. For us to be able to pressure these guys, we'll have to be able to do it with our defensive ends in four-man rush and the linebackers in blitz."
- On Hot Carter: ``He's getting healthier as the days go on."
- Charles from Homewood wants to know if Auburn does walk-throughs at visiting stadia ... and what they do on Friday nights: ``We have our walk-throughs before we leave on the plane. We try to do everything the same here -- whether it's a home game or an away game. We do the walk-through, we get on the plane and get to the venue. At the hotel, we try to make it very relaxing for them. We try to let them get away a little bit."
"A lot of people believe you need to take your young guys, the guys who haven't seen it, just so they can get the mystique out of their system. We've talked about doing that." - Zeke from north Alabama wants to know why Josh Bynes is slow and why Dee Ford can't play linebacker: ``I like Dee Ford. I'll take that into high consideration."
- Nick from Webb (?), who is on a cell phone and barely audible, wants to know about Trooper Taylor: "That's probably not the case. He's great for our players. He's an excitable guy. He ain't changin'."
- Aaron from Tuscaloosa wants to know if Auburn will be wearing home colors: ``We'll be wearing away jerseys. That's what they have told me."
- Aaron also wants to know about Clinton Durst and why his kicks are ... not that great: ``He's been a little bit inconsistent in the games. That's a fact. He's been kicking well in practice. Inconsistent there, too. You can't pinpoint it to bad kicks. He's had his moments."
- Phillip from Alabaster was DOA.
- Steve from Headland, a big fan who loves everything Chizik is doing, wants to know why the tempo has changed so abrupt since the West Virginia game: ``I don't necessarily agree with that at all. Theer are times when we want to go high-tempo and there's times when we have to give the defense a break. It's a team game. You have to take things into consideration. We're going to continue to do what's best for us to win games."
- James from Opp wants to know why the pocket collapses so often and why Caudle doesn't play much: ``Here's the deal: We're first in the league in sacks given up. I don't think that's quite right, James. Is there pressure? Yes. That's going to happen with every football team. I'm really proud of our offensive line and the running games ... because they're involved with the protections. And the quarterbacks for getting the ball off."
- On the offensive line: He's just gushing all over the starters and reserves. "I think they've done a phenomenal job. Coach Grimes has those guys playing physical."
- He's gushing all over the Auburn-LSU series. ``The rivalries are all over the league."
- Stephen from Jacksonville wants to know why Auburn's punt-return team doesn't give the return man time to move ... and why Todd doesn't find open receivers: "We've done both. We've rushed the punter. We've held up. We've mixed it up. We're just trying to make sure we've got a guy back there who can catch it. On Chris ... I can show you a lot of (passes) he did hit."
- Phillip from Alabaster, who seems out of breath, is back from the dead and he wants to know why the Wildcat formation doesn't work very well: ``We've got a whole plethora of things we can do with the Wildcat. With the naked eye, it make look like the same runs. We've studied the game film. We don't just haphazardly decide when to run it. It all goes back to execution. If it's not executed well, it's not going to work. We feel good about it."
"Execution is the name of the game." - Bubba from Newville, an Auburn man, wants Chizik to give 'em hell. No question: ``We're going to continue to grow Auburn men."
- Keith from Dothan, who is glad Chiz is back in Auburn, wants to know about getting up for LSU or something: ``They've been great. When you play the game of football, you've got to move on and have a short memory -- whether you win or lose."
- "I promise our football team will fight."
- That's a wrap.
Hellllooooo? Where is everyone?
Jay, looks like it is you and me
But, I'm not going to sing or else no one will come and play.
Testing, testing. Is this thing on?
Hey Cincy!
Hi, Nurse Cincy.
Traffic fell off after the UK loss. So it goes.
Been catching up on the chat from earlier since I was on the road.
Looks like Aycock is a popular topic...
Can sponge play
Fair weather posters. Well, we'll let them come back after the LSU win.
It was all the kool-aid the hotties were spreading right after the game that drove the traffic away.
A lot of talk about Aycock, and I'm not sure why. Haven't heard anything more than he has potential to be good.
Now that Jay G is holding another TNL as normal, we will win. Is it any coincidence that we didn't have the normal TNL the last two weeks and we lost both?
We are still here Cincy. Just riveting stuff on Tiger Talk. i can't seem to pull away from it.
You know, I really like the kool aid spreading. I can go to any other site and read how terrible Auburn has suddenly become. I come here because I can get some honest evaluations, but also there are still some sunshine pumpers who love Auburn. I want a little positive thrown in with the negative.
LT looks like a crack head or is it just me?
UNC just got an insurmountable lead. This game is over :)!
Jay. I thought your q and a deal was quite informative. I appreciate the effort.
Do we have a group of especially stupid players who don't understand team rules, or a group of especially bad players who won't follow the rules. OR, are Chiziks rules a little too strict for today's type player?
Or is it s substance abuse dismissal?
Exactly. do we have a bunch of crackheads? I don't recall anything like this in the last 35 years. How many does that come to that have been kicked off the team?
Chizik On Eltoro: "We're looking forward to seeing him play this weekend."
As are we, Coach. As are we.
I'm a little late but I am here and hope everyone is doing well.
Three and out for semi holes
Are these one-shot deal unis in honor of the first ever night game in Keenan Stadium?
They're starting to grow on me a little.
Da ba dee, da ba dah, da ba DEEEE, da ba dah. . .
Jimbos gotta go
Jimbo is the next MAN he is not going anywhere.
Maybe he can hire an Offensive Coordinator
Traffic fell after the UK loss?! You mean there are a bunch of fairweather lurkers?!! Punks!
It looks like they are walking an old man out who is missing his walker when Bowden walked out with the team interlocked a couple of games ago.
Lets see. those who had to go include.. Justin ? RB, Christian Thompson, Jararcus Savage, Marcus Jemison, Harry Adams. Cameron Henderson will not play this year for breaking team rules. Ok hotties, who did I miss.
Spongeworthy- You missed Monica, but that was self imposed.
Eddie, had a friend who attended Terry Bowdens press conference at the beginning of the year where he had his brother and Bobby Bowden there. He said Bobby Bowden was basically too old to even perform at a press conference. Kinda out of it. That is, when he had a chance to speak (given Terry's ability to talk)
I noticed Monica hasn't been around. I missed the reason why. Wassup with that? Was she addicted to HABOTN, had to go to blog rehab?
MonD is gone bye bye.
Old wounds are sometimes better off becoming ugly scars, Sponge.
LOL. OMG. Snort. HAWT.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
White jerseys?
LSU is giving us a chance. They play badly in those purples.
I enjoyed Mon. She named me. Does that mean I have to change my pic?
Jay, still waiting on an opinion regarding team rules. Chizik too strict, or players just stupid/outta control.
I hope we wear our Blue jersies and just go out and win the game.
Sponge...that is definitely a lot of conduct dismissals...and they occurred after the new coaches had been around for at least 5 months. An obvious question is why were these guys at AU for 2 years seemingly without issues, then...issues. I don't know how this issue could ever be evaluated fairly. Time may give us answers...or not.
Jay, a follow up to that would be, if it is an issue w/ the players. How bad did Tubby really screw AU. I mean, all things considered. Keepin in mind, I was a tubby fan up until the last couple of years.
Sponge- I remember working the "Bowden Academy" at Auburn one summer where they had all the Bowden brothers and other coaches, one of which was Rich Rodriguez. At the end of the days, all the coaches would gather at the dorms except for Terry (Go figure) and would tell football stories. That is one of the best experiences I had while Auburn listening to all those football coaches tell stories, including Bobby. The conversation would go on for about 3-4 hours, but after the first hour Bobby would fall asleep with his head down. He was an old man then and it was over 10 years ago. He doesn't have the energy to be a head coach. If Joe Pa wasn't at PSU, he would have retired and same for Joe Pa. It just turns out that Joe Pa has a better coaching staff than Bobby.
I believe Terry found all the weight that I lost. He is huge!
How did Tuberville screw Auburn?
Please elaborate.
I believe he gets bigger every time I see him which isn't too often.
Agreed Hoop. The whole deal just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Inside official at AU, who liked Tubs, said privately that when it all came out, everyone would be glad Tubs was gone. I've said that before, but I'm seeing it more and more. A few more dismissals, or players quitting, and Chizik may find himself in a position that he cannot recover from.
White Jerseys at Baton Rouge is awesome. I hope that is true.
Jay G- I don't know if you say Tubs screwed Auburn, but he didn't do any favors by leaving so little players, hence why he is not the coach. The talent is not great and the numbers are even worse.
Sponge, Tuberville was missing a lot of kids in the beginning as well.
Chizik will be fine. He'll get em in.
I thought UNC was awful this year. I haven't kept up with them. How many have they won?
UNA Lions 13
Valdosta Suckas - 0
in the first quarter
UNC is not good, FSU just happens to be worse.
They sure look it right now.
Wow! Long week! Is it Friday yet?
Jay, I am well aware if the issues between Tubby and AU's big cats, and I don't blame him totally for how things worked out, but for the last few years, that staff only recruited players that came to their camps. Tubs even said so several times. He folded the tents on recruiting when Saben arrived, gave up. So my question regarding Tubby "screwing AU" has to do with quality and type of player he recruited to AU the last few years. Also, coaches know what players will qualify before they get to AU, so attrition of that sort sits with the staff as well.
How are you feeling?
No ligament damage from what the doc in a box could tell. He surmised cartilage damage and referred me to an orthopedist for next week. Until then, lots of ibuprofen and ice.
NO WAY as successful program like AU should be in the shape they are in regarding talent rignt now if not for staff issues.
He was over the line but so what
I mean, looking at our numbers, you would think we just got off probation. How can that be with a quality coaching staff???????
This situation in Tallahassee is pretty sad and a terrible way to end it for Bobby
Sponge ... I guess I don't see it as Tuberville screwing Auburn. Chizik has "lost guys" whom Tuberville probably wouldn't have "lost" ... and Chizik will sign 4-5 kids in December who count toward 2009.
Then he'll sign 28 for the 2010 class, get 23 of em in ... and he's right back in the saddle.
Eddie. I think Bowden keeps coaching because it's all he knows and is all he has ever known. I would bet he is very worried about what he would do without it, and worried he would deteriorate quickly without it. Like may who retire very late in life.
It is a shame he should have retired a couple of years ago. Now he is just being stubborn because he can.
For the record, all I said about MonD is that she was annoying me.
I told her that privately, which seemed like the right thing to do. She took it badly, took it publicly, quit the blog and has been gone.
So it goes.
I don't like plagiarism.
jhag- Did you or anyone else expect it to end any better? The longer he stays the worse it gets. The guy will not be remembered for all the great things he done, but will be remembered from running the program in the dirt if the next coach doesn't win right away to make the fans forget. TPTB there need to puch him out. A coach, no matter how great, should not be allowed to destroy something, even if he was responsible for building it. Just my opinion.
JGT, do any of the SR players ever speak much about the previous staff? Good or bad?
Sponge...I guess there are the following possible answers to the WHY?....and if you asked team members, you would probably get differing answers:
-Tubs recruited thugs that are just now acting up
-Tubs was lenient and some players don't want to measure up to the new standards
-The players hate the new coaches and are acting up
-The new coaches aren't mentoring and keeping the guys in line so issues happen
-The new coaches are so strict that today's kids aren't capable of measuring up.
I can't imagine who could answer that with validity. I can't even
imagine any positives that could come out of trying to figger that out. IF we have a problem that needs action, it will take time reveal itself.
your probably right Jay. It just pisses me off that we are in this situation at this moment. It didn't have to happen. It was self inflicted. If Chizik can get the JC in this January, and a couple of early graduating freshmen, then get 25 in on February, we could be on our way. But hell, they didn't even get 25 in in 2009. Just bugs the hell out of me. Tonights my night to vent on it.
They don't really discuss it.
BTW, SEC just reprimanded Petrino for his public comments. The SEC looks bad right now IMO.
We ready for a campfire?
I can't keep up but I'm game
We're still on the MD crap? I thought that went out the window a long time ago......
Does Micky Andrews just look like one PISSED off old man over on FSU's sidelines. I bet he hates Jimbo with a passion.
Sensi-If arthroscopic to repair cartiledge is necessary, it ain't bad. You may be able to wear down the rough edges w/o scoping. I've done it both ways.
Actually my scoped knee is excellent. They cleaned out several other minor nicks while in there and it works great 16 years later.
Now if we could just get our entire bodies scoped at 40 years old.
And the word of the night is...
DMiller, I was just catching up. I missed the whole thing. Wasn't checking the blog much as our company was canning about 100 employees. Was too worried about my A__. AU took a back seat to that.
Hoop. I'm with you on that. I'm 49 and my body just hurts in all the wrong places, starting about two years ago.
Thanks, Hoop. I hope to avoid the knife, but I'll defer to the doc when I see him next week. For now, it's about learning how to move around with 1 and a half legs.
It ain't a wrap...
we all jump up and say...
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