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Coaching football at auburn is a lucrative endeavor

Hey everyone. So during my furlough, details were revealed surrounding salary revisions that (positively) affected the football staff.

Key theme: People gettin' rich

Most folks received a 10% bump. Here are the details.

GENE CHIZIK receives a raise of $200k per year ($1.9 million ---> $2.1 million)

GUS MALZAHN receives a raise of $150,000 per year ($350k ---> $500k)

TED ROOF RUSTED receives a raise of $37,000 per year ($370k ---> $407k)

TROOPER TAYLOR receives a raise of $32,000 per year ($320k ---> $352k)

TRACY ROCKER receives a raise of $30,000 per year ($300k ---> $330k)

JEFF GRIMES receives a raise of $29,000 per year ($290k ---> $319k)

CURTIS LUPER receives a raise of $26,000 per year ($260k ---> $286k)

TOMMY THIGPEN receives a raise of $25,000 per year ($250k ---> $275k)

JAY BOULWARE receives a raise of $21,000 per year ($210k ---> $231k)

PHILLIP LOLLEY receives a raise of $21,000 per year ($210k ---> $231k)

**My thoughts on this: Now, understand that I am someone who just ended my third one-week, mandatory, unpaid furlough during the past calendar calendar year. Many people in my tax bracket are feeling the sting of the country's economic depression recession in similar ways.

In that sense, throwing around 10 percent raises seems untoward.

There is justification. Surely this past football season stoked enthusiasm among the fan base. That leads to an increase in money raised, earned and gathered. So, in that sense, it's reasonable to give the football coaches a salary bump.

We all knew Malzahn was due. His alleged interest in jobs at Memphis and Louisiana Tech was far less serious than I expected, which led me to believe a lucrative financial package was being formulated behind the scenes. And that happened.

Still, a 42-percent raise? Seems unnecessarily steep to me.

Chizik now makes $2.1 million, which is reasonable given SEC context.

I always get skittish about re-upping contracts so soon. He signed the original deal a year ago, which provided him plenty of protection in the event Auburn elected to fire him before the contract's expiration. Had Auburn been awful last year, Jay Jacobs would not have approached Chizik to negotiate a lower buyout or salary.

Yet when Auburn plays (reasonably) well, Jacobs feels the need to sweeten Chizik's deal. It's reckless in a sense. Chizik isn't going anywhere. You know that. I know that. Jay Jacobs should know that.

Summary: Mostly reasonable. I don't think Malzahn deserves this kind of money yet.


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Blogger cincytiger said...

Great to see you back!

3:44 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

It's great to be back!

3:46 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Continuing on something SteveFC discussed on the last thread (via Bleacher Report) ... it's unreasonable to believe Aycock is going to be better than ben Tate next season.

People here don't underrate Ben Tate, but I think many Auburn people overlook how valuable that kid was last season. He was key, critical, paramount, etc.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Me said...

I wouldn't mind 20% of Chizik's 20% raise...or a free cheeseburger would be nice.

3:49 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

GB, are you newish around here?

3:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I do believe Malzahn deserves that kind of increase. The guy is going to be a very hot commodity if we are as successful as expected this coming season.

The most interesting thing here is the contract extensions. From what I read, every coach got a contract extension and every coach has at least a two year contract. Most assistant coaches usually have one year contracts. I see this as a commitment by Auburn to football.

As for the justification for the raises, I view it like anything else. If the university will make more money because these guys are there, these guys should make more money too. It is the same reason professional players have outrageous salaries. It sounds outrageous, but if their presence causes their organization to make significantly more money, they deserve it. The same is true with the CEO salaries.

3:58 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

They all had two-year deals from the beginning. A few had three-year agreements.

4:01 PM  
Blogger digger4au said...

As said before welocme back JGT.
I think Auburn went a little over the line on Chizik and Mazahn but with the way money is being thrown around in college football it may have been necessary. Stability with the coaching staff is paramont for Auburn at this stage of the game. I never saw this kind of money nor these kind of raises but an Engineer rarely sees this in a life time.

4:02 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Malzahn is a football coach with one full season as a true, solo offensive coordinator.

One full season. One. Now he's one of the most highly paid assistants in the country.

I'm not hating. He did a nice job last season. Just saying ...

4:02 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

Aycock > Tate ... no evidence to suggest that. Jay G is right on this one. Aycock's video is nice, but let's hold off on that one.

OL and DL? Depth. Depth. Depth. It makes a difference.

4:03 PM  
Blogger digger4au said...

Welcome aboard George Brown. Enjoy a great place for Auburn fans.

4:05 PM  
Blogger cincytiger said...

Women beat Miss St 50-36 on the road. Glad to see them get a win.

4:09 PM  
Blogger cincytiger said...

Baseball, top of the 9th, Auburn up 6-1 over SEMO

4:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Depth turned out to be adequate on the OL and DL this last season. There were concerns with the OL. If we had a couple of guys go down, it would have gotten ugly.

Depth and improvement will go hand in hand for the reset of the defense. At one point last season it looked like we would be fine with depth at DB, but injuries quickly changed that, even before the season started. Linebacker improvement should be significant.

Malzahn's raise is just like if Jay G was replaced by SteveFC. Somehow I think my internet informed rants wouldn't draw quite as many readers so I wouldn't make nearly as much money. Hopefully Jay G does get the recognition he deserves.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

digger, Engineers do better than you may have experienced, but certainly not this high. I do make about 3 or 4 times the average family income in the U.S. It is just a matter of finding the right position. Also, working remotely for a place with a high cost of living definitely helps.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Winning at MSU is a meaningful thing.

4:18 PM  
Blogger cincytiger said...

Baseball wins, 6-1. Pretty good weekend of Auburn sports. (Except for the baseball season opener)

4:20 PM  
Blogger digger4au said...

True SFC I always did pretty good just not what coaches make or get the type raises. Overall I was happy with what Auburn offered me and glad I took advantage of the opportunity.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I still can't believe MSU beat Ole Miss this last season. It is one of the reasons I am a bit concerned about playing them early on.

4:21 PM  
Blogger cincytiger said...

Everyone taking an early supper?

4:59 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

I'm cool with it. They aren't running a charity or a social republic. If AU has the money, they can spend it however the hell they want to. If they want to pay GA's 80k a year. Go ahead. What do I care? It's their money. They don't owe me anything except entertaining football. If they don't produce that, then they won't have the money anymore because nobody will be buying tickets. This is how it works.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Auburn wasn't selling out the home games last year, so it's not like Chizik et al. are turning water into wine.

5:15 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

Well, apparently they either have that kind of surplus to give these raises or have strong reason to believe they will have it. Not to mention the school that shall not be named has a staff budget 2X that of ours. However, I think the recent recruiting haul does lean toward miraculous. Maybe their proven prowess as recruiters combined with a better than expected season is reason to increase their worth?

5:22 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

I think Malzahn is worth it to keep him here for a few years. If Auburn is going to run this system, they don't need the teacher to bolt like a lot of OC's before him. Deserved or not, Gus could've been a HC this year if he wanted. I do believe that Trooper is learning to be the next OC if and when Gus leaves. This is my opinion of course.

5:27 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

Auburn will sell out home games next year though. AU fans aren't that different from any other, the band wagon will start to fill again if things continue. The excitement here is sky high again.

5:33 PM  
Blogger cincytiger said...

Speaking of Auburn and money, I just sent in my TIgers Unlimited contribution for 8 tickets for next year! Not small change.

5:38 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

The School That Shall Not Be Named just won the NC. They have money.

Auburn's staff has a great recruiting class and a pretty good regular season under its belt. If that's enough to get you excited and willing to throw a million dollars' worth of raises at the coaches, aiight.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

I disagree that Gus could have been a head coach. I don't think he's ready and his track record doesn't suggest that he's ready.

I don't mean to sound like a hater. You all know me. This is a hot-button issue with me -- renegotiating new contracts when things go well for the coach, but don't renegotiate down when things go bad -- and it's a primary topic at Auburn right now.

5:46 PM  
Blogger cincytiger said...

But Jay, look at how much "that school" spent on salaries on the way to a National Championship. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money.

Not saying it is right, hubby will probably get a raise in the 2% range at best, but I think this is the real world of college football.

And I do agree that it is worth spending some money to keep Malzahn a bit longer while the other assistants learn this system.

But, what do I know? I just enjoy watching!

5:47 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

It's been 2 years since I had a raise and there's no certainty we'll get them this year. But, I have a job in a down market and I feel secure in my position so I'm not complaining too much. Football is big business. A lot of execs in big corporations make more than we think may be justified, but it is what it is. This isn't much different. But I do agree that it seems premature to renegotiate terms after your peeps just came out of the starting gate.

6:05 PM  
Blogger CHB said...

Glad to see you back G.

I think the coaches deserve what they got. Malzahn may not be ready for a head coaching job but I think some teams were/are ready to give him a chance. I agree with Cincy, sometimes you have to spend money to earn money. Auburn is consistently in the top 5-10 most profitable programs. So I think they should be one of the highest paying programs.

With all that said, I don't agree with reworking contracts right after they are signed. That's the way sports work so I'm ok with Auburn doing it.

6:13 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

I don't think 10% raises across the board is exactly "throwing millions"

6:20 PM  
Blogger FSJ said...

How many sellouts did Auburn have this year?

I know the Iron Bowl, but what other games were sellouts?

6:38 PM  
Blogger FSJ said...


The difference from my perch is that "that school" went out and hired a proven National Championship caliber coach, and paid accordingly up front. Auburn took another approach, which may turn out to be brilliant. I think Jay's point is that since Auburn took a different approach that perhaps the significant bump in salary is a little reckless this early. I don't mean to speak for Jay, but that is what I gathered.

6:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Even with these raises, I imagine this staff is making less than the previous staff. The Chiz is making significantly less than what Tuberville was making. The assistants are likely making a bit more than the previous staff.

The thing is, I think this staff has shown a chemistry that we haven't seen in a long time at Auburn. CTT constantly changed coordinators. ChizCo is trying to buck that trend.

I know Malzahn's salary seems like a lot, but keep in mind there are some coordinators that make much more. The full Monte was making $1.2 Million in his first year at Tennessee. Boom is making $900K at Texas. The salaries are huge, but it goes with the trend.

6:43 PM  
Blogger FSJ said...

Anybody heard about the Oregon player that was kicked off the team for what he posted on facebook?

Warning: Language....


6:47 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

USA already ahead of Canada in hockey, 40 seconds in.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

You are right, Phred.

It's throwing a million. One.

6:47 PM  
Blogger FSJ said...

I'd coach Auburn for a million..

I'd even believe in it and love it.

6:48 PM  
Blogger THT said...

nice work, there Writer Tate.

i turned to hockey in time to watch the first 41 seconds. Wow! Now back to downhill.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Last season was probably Malzahn's first stint as the sole offensive coordinator. At Arkansas, Nutt obviously had a lot of say in the offense. Malzahn was a co-offensive coordinator at Tulsa.

Still, the results of last season are undeniable. Auburn's offense started off vastly different than any Auburn team in recent memory, possibly back to the Jordan days. Definitely back to the Dye days.

The offense clicked from beginning. Over the last 30 years that has been very rare. Even in 2004, the offense didn't start off as well. Usually it would take a couple of games for our offense to develop the team chemistry. Heck, in 2007 I think it was around the Arkansas game in the second half of the season when I think the offense finally came together.

This offensive staff made a huge difference. The record is misleading because in terms of the offense, it was light and day from the previous season. Many, including people in here, thought we had no playmakers on offense in 2008. That was wrong. We just had one horrendous belly flop of an offensive staff that never developed any kind of Chemistry. By the end of the season, I could have put in a more creative game plan. Suddenly we have numerous playmakers, which says it wasn't the players, but the coaching.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

FSJ, good for Oregon. The guy deserved to be kicked off the team in several ways. You don't criticize your team or coaches. You represent the university. Also, reading the language of the posts, it appears that the kid lacked the English skills to participate in a college environment. Yes, I see a career in the fast food industry coming for that kid.

6:57 PM  
Blogger THT said...

FSJ - you may have caught me in a weak moment. I might actually consider coaching UA-T for $100 million. For $1 billion, I might even do it without hating every second of it.

6:59 PM  
Blogger THT said...

this guy must be going to crash & burn

7:00 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

I can't stand ebonics (spelling?) or any other ignorant 'slang' but to see it written and to see it in text really annoys me. " Yudd dub n da heez yo wudda pudda b at fo fa yeeh ma." Sounds a lot like Eddie Murphy's as 'Buckwheat' and 'Wookin' Pa Nub' if you ask me, and college student no less.

7:01 PM  
Blogger Me said...

Long time reader, but newish poster.

7:01 PM  
Blogger THT said...

wow, he didn't. I have no idea why they were showing that dude.

7:02 PM  
Blogger THT said...

yep, welcome George. didn't we say hello a few weeks ago, maybe around NSD?

7:03 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

THT, I hope you're cheering against Crosby tonight.

7:04 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

GB, welcome to our abode!

7:04 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

Where is the hockey game on the tele?

7:05 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Hockey = MSNBC.

I don't understand that programming decision.

7:07 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

George Brown, say no to lurking! It's so much more fun on the other side.

7:08 PM  
Blogger FSJ said...

George....are you the guy that started "The People's National Championship" Poll?

7:10 PM  
Blogger THT said...


Yes, Writer Tate. I'm pulling for the USA. But only because the CSA didn't send a team ;-)

7:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The Olympics have screwed up my regular CNBC viewing too. I am not sure why they considered CNBC appropriate.

7:11 PM  
Blogger IV said...

Welcome back Jay. I really missed you and your excellent accounts of all things Auburn. I have mixed emotions about the pay raises. Welcome George Brown. Good to have you aboard.

7:13 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

THT, do you live in North Carolina?
I've got a buddy from Pitt and were gonna try and go to the Pens and Thrashers in the Atl.

7:13 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

yes, EZ. Chapel Hill. Tar Heel born, and Tar Heel bred, and when I die I'll be Tar Heel dead. But I'm 100% Auburn.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Chapell Hill is a beautiful city, but cell phone reception use to really stink there.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

ski cross on NBC during the MSNBC hockey intermission. Sure beats ice dancing.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Ice dancing?

Girls better be hot because there's nothing else to watch there.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

I'd rather watch men's curling, even if the ice dancers are hot.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

College football and politics aren't all that different.

In the world of politics (particularly elective politics), it boils down to the three things: message, momentum and money. Manage those three successfully and you're likely to be a winner.

As for Auburn football, the momentum these days is positive (regardless of what's happening in Tuscaloosa). The message we want to send reinforces our message. Hence, the money spent on our staff.

I will say that Gus did a good, not great, job. He must improve the play-calling side of the work. However, he is a major recruiting draw to our program.

Dealing with the Gus rumors will be a continuing issue, but we attacked the best way possible. We've made it more difficult for him to leave or another OC job. He'll get a head coaching job one day, but it will take a few years because he was the guy who was coaching high school five years ago.

As for the head coach, he's being rewarded for early sacrifice -- taking less money in order to spend a little more for the staff -- and for creating positive momentum in 15 months. Auburn football is much better off than it was after the disaster of 2008.

The money spent says so.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...


7:39 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

not a soul anywhere near the Canadian

7:40 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

I'm watching this hockey game because of the significance. I still have very little idea what's going on in the game of hockey but have thoroughly enjoyed every Thrashers game I've attended.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

It's cold in here. I'm going to have to turn up the thermostat a few degrees (don't tell MrsTHT) so Molly and I can enjoy our ice cream.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

Looks ragged (it should), but feels like playoff hockey.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hockey is interesting. My classification of somethign being a sport requires a ball being involved, but hockey gets an exception. A puck is close enough.

Besides, any sport where the players are given sticks to wack each other with is a sport to me.

7:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jay made a good point about Ben Tate earlier. I think we will really miss him this coming season. He wasn't the best runningback we have had, but he was very solid and could be counted upon. We need to find a similar go to guy this next season.

7:56 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

I absolutely heart hockey.

7:57 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...


8:01 PM  
Blogger Wakeriderof87 said...

I heart playing hockey, and watching it in person is pretty great, but watching it in TV is a good bit lower on my list.

But I'm still watching this game.

8:17 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

watching, playing, dreaming...I'll take hockey any way I can get it.

How 'bout that Combined gold for Bode?!
I think I like skiing more than hockey, especially the downhill.

8:22 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

Tate will be missed for sure next year. He did a GREAT job for what he was called on to do. I just think the offense will have a different look next year. A mobile QB and RB's that are not classified as a power runner will not allow teams to look at last years film and think they have this team figured out from a personnel standpoint.

8:22 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

Jet is correct on his point about Malzahn and his late game play calling. That needs to change. Maybe it will in 2010.

8:23 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

I still find it hard to follow the puck at fast shots like that.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Wakeriderof87 said...

It's fun watching a good team play hockey again, the Lightning have been bad for quite a while now.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

USA > Canada? Could it be?

8:42 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

Killing the power play was huge ... but it ain't over yet.

8:44 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

And another penalty.

8:44 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

Aldo Nova as the bumper music!

8:46 PM  
Blogger Wakeriderof87 said...

Of course USA>Canada Jay G, now if your asking if USA is better at hockey that is more questionable.

What defense and goaltending there.

8:46 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

I see where UF dismissed one of there top recruits from last year that reshirted.

8:47 PM  
Blogger Wakeriderof87 said...


8:47 PM  
Blogger Jet said...


8:48 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

how many periods do they play in hockey?

8:49 PM  
Blogger Jet said...


8:49 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

Well that makes this part even more interesting.

8:50 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

Tremendously tremendous!! Kind of like great great.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

Bob Davie wannabe doing color on hockey - "this has been tremendously tremendous..."

8:51 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

EZ beat me to it but we're of the same mind.

8:51 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Wakeriderof87 said...


That was getting tense.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

Empty net goals are tremendously tremendous and magically delicious.

8:54 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

Are the canada fans booing?

8:55 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

That was great game.

8:56 PM  
Blogger Wakeriderof87 said...

Can we have our Gold now?

Come on we beat Canada we deserve it.

8:56 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

that was playoff caliber hockey. Excitingly exciting. Wow.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

Nice looking blond as USA leaves the ice.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Michael Hogan said...

Jet is spot on. Gus is getting a raise for as much for being our OC as he is for being the main attraction in recruiting. Like it or not, we are getting tons of offensive kids interested because of Gus.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Wakeriderof87 said...

Just saw the replay of Jagr getting destroyed today.

As someone who always hated him when he played for the Pens... it didn't hurt my feelings.

8:59 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

you take that back, wakerider. Jags is, or was, a super hockey player who played clean hockey.

9:02 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

How about stinky stinky, huge huge or giganticaly gigantic?

9:03 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

Celebrating USA victory with Honey Nut Cheerios and chocolate milk.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

Cerealy cereal.

9:05 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

I didn't know MJ Fox was from Canadia. Huh. Love me some Trailer Park Boys though.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

remind me not to watch hockey when I should be attending HABOTN duties.

"ARRRRGH!"???!!! That's the best you could do, Jet?

9:07 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

What we got here is some MILKY MILK!

9:07 PM  
Blogger wtc said...

I agree with the posts about Malzahn being an attraction for players looking hard at AU. Perception is reality and kids think he has a great offense and the numbers from last year proved that they can put some yardage together. even with a team that was not recruited to run this offense. Will it gain momentum? I think so. I think next years team puts up better numbers than this years team. If so, Gus will have deserved the raise (I guess). From someone that is self employed, I say get all you can get now. I always want someone to pay me what I am worth or at better yet, what i think I am worth.

9:07 PM  
Blogger BigEZ said...

Can I buy you a beery beer? I could go on forever.

9:08 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

Jet - I will give you half credit for having the correct number of letters.

9:08 PM  
Blogger JgobravesHAG said...

Canada (our hat) just G O T S O M E

9:12 PM  
Blogger JgobravesHAG said...

and glad your back G.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

Endeavour just touched down. Decades old technology but still way cool in my opinion.

9:22 PM  
Blogger digger4au said...

Get some Canadian Azzfornow let us say what a team effort.

9:23 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

we've got more hockey tonight! I better go put a few minutes (of the 10,318 it's going to take) into cleaning my office before the next puck drops.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Wakeriderof87 said...

I just walked in on ice dancing, that had to be the saddest thing I've ever seen.

So due to that and the fact that I have to be up early for my first day on the new job tomorrow I'm going to call it a night. Sleep tight hotties everywhere.

9:27 PM  
Blogger CHB said...

I called it. I said if team USA could score more goals than team Canada then they would win. Take me to Vegas.

9:27 PM  
Blogger CHB said...

Good luck Wake, 1st days are always a little nerve racking.

9:28 PM  
Blogger digger4au said...

Norm, it always gives me chills to watch takeoffs and landings. I worked in Huntsville from 1962 to 1974. the first years I was working on ground support equipment for comples 39. the last 3 I worked on the External Tank and Solid Roket boosters. Mainly in Avionics.

9:29 PM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

Good luck with the new job, Wake.

I'm sorry you'll be missing hockey from Midnight>2:30 EST.

I'm guessing the first intermission will last too long for me to make it to the 2nd period.

9:31 PM  
Blogger ADP said...

Lebo ... Suckingly sucky.

9:31 PM  
Blogger digger4au said...

"Complex 39" dang fingers

9:31 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

HABOTN -- Substantially substantive.

Jhag -- Exuberantly exuberant

Hoopie -- Irascibly irascible

Phred -- Zenfully Zen

WTC -- Ignorantly ignorant of recruiting

9:37 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

HABOTN -- Substantially substantive.

Jhag -- Exuberantly exuberant

Hoopie -- Irascibly irascible

Phred -- Zenfully Zen

WTC -- Ignorantly ignorant of recruiting

9:37 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

Jet -- repetitively repetitive

9:38 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

THT ... if it makes you feel any better my childhood dog's name was ... BEASLEY!

9:38 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

Jet - 9:38 was your best effort.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

I was loading the dishwasher, what was sad about the ice skating?

9:45 PM  
Blogger JgobravesHAG said...

I never know if people believe me when someone says something and I was about to say the same thing so I say " i was just about to say that!"...yall know what im sayin?

9:50 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

Yes I do - GET SOME!

9:53 PM  
Blogger Jet said...

Enjoyed it, kids. Great win, USA ... super effort by the goalie.

Sleep. Get some.

Tomorrow... jury duty.

9:54 PM  
Blogger Norm said...

Jet - guiltily guilty. Just remember that and your hometown will thank you.

9:56 PM  
Blogger JgobravesHAG said...

Is it safe to say Dear Leader is the biggest mystery of the HABOTN? his facebook is a picture of the default dude and only has friended 2 from the habotn society

10:07 PM  
Blogger E-Bro said...

Welcome back JayG.

I didn't trash Man U while you were gone, but Everton definitely did. I wasn't happy about it.

So it goes.

10:11 PM  
Blogger Me said...

FSJ, yes, that would be me. I started FansPoll which crowns The People's National Champion. Some people might remember us from after Auburn's 2004 season. We're still going strong too. Looks like we'll be visiting Nick Saban in April to present the award.

11:16 PM  
Blogger IV said...

Goodnight HOTTIES. Been reading along tonight. Had nothing to say about hockey and such, just enjoyed reading what each of you had to say. Is it football season yet?

11:35 PM  
Blogger JgobravesHAG said...


12:25 AM  
Blogger cincytiger said...

Good morning, Hotties!

Jay is back with HABOTN, all is right with the world :)

5:24 AM  
Blogger Tar Heel Tiger said...

Good morning Cincy & all the Hotties.

Jet, re: 9:38, that's redemptive.

I'd rather have dinner & a movie today. Instead, I'm stuck with prison & a meeting. Y'all have a great day/evening.

6:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Malzahn is a football coach with one full season as a true, solo offensive coordinator.

One full season. One. Now he's one of the most highly paid assistants in the country.
More than any other coach (including Chiz) Malzahn has Auburn fans excited about Auburn football. That excitement *helped* to land what was (on paper) Auburn best recruiting class since that kind or thing started being measured.

I haven't done any sort of indepth analysis, but I went to more games this year because I wanted to see that offense in person, and I'd imagine I'm not alone in that.

Even before Saban won a single game at Bama, he justified his salary because he excited the Bama fan base.

Excitement doesn't necessarily equal wins, but it does equal money. Trust me...Auburn is getting the better end of the deal in the Auburn/Malzahn relationship at THIS point.

7:03 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Good morning, peeps.

We'll have some Gene Chizik Substance® today around 2 p.m. CST. We'll check in with him about the raises, the newcomers, his team, the debate about Pluto not being a proper planet.

All the tough stuff ...

7:18 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

OT for your roto baseball types ...

Anibal Sanchez: Good or bad?

7:19 AM  
Blogger cincytiger said...

Boy, I am old...or uninformed. I had to look up roto baseball and Anibal Sanchez!

HABOTN enlarges my world.

7:23 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Anibal the Cannibal!

7:23 AM  
Blogger Scott Coats said...

Pluto got a raw deal

7:24 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

I'm not sure Chizik agrees with you, Scott. He said in a 2005 interview (while at Texas) that he considered Pluto a dwarf planet -- just like the large asteroid Ceres and 2003 UB313, nicknamed "Xena."

I lost the link.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

Bode Miller gave up alcohol for Lent and went and won a gold medal. Funny the way it is...

7:29 AM  
Blogger Norm said...

Morning Hotties

Happy Birthday and good luck on the first day on the job to Wake. Try not to shoot anyone today, shooting someone on your first day is just bad form.

Jason - good looking kid and more hair than your last avatar as I recall. Good points.

Pluto had it comin'. No way, no way that's a real planet. Go find another pip-squeak planet galaxy and cry to them, maybe they'll take you in.

7:30 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

Another off-topic nugget here, but interesting.

Khalil Greene, the former Clemson shortstop, won't report to the Rangers on Tuesday as scheduled due to continuing anxiety issues.

Another MLB guy, Joey Votto, missed a month last season because of anxiety.

It's becoming a problem.

7:30 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

I gave up meat for Lent.

Can't believe it. Today is Day Six sans le boeuf. Didn't think I could go one day ... let alone 40.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Eddie McCoy said...

i agree with Jason.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Eddie McCoy said...

Jay- Technically speaking, you are allowed to have meat on Sunday's.

7:32 AM  
Blogger Norm said...

How much of a problem? In which sport is it more prevalent?

I get nervous and perhaps anxious about a lot of things work related. From time to time, this causes fairly significant loss of sleep for a few nights. I still get up and go to work everyday. Don't get me wrong, I'm not diminishing legitimate mental issues but I'm not sure I understand that that's what this is.

7:35 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

No, I'm technically not because I'm challenging myself to go 40 days without.

7:46 AM  
Blogger ehyou said...

I may not have given up meat for Lent, but...

I don't roll on shabbos.

7:47 AM  
Blogger LuvAU1968 said...

Good morning, Hotties. I hate Mondays. But, I'm taking the day off on Friday, so that's something to look forward to.

You all know how I feel about big money, so I'm not going to even comment on the raises...we didn't get a raise last year and this year my raise was 50 cents. I make exactly $2.54 more than I did when I started here six years ago. But, like Norm said, I am just very grateful to have a job.

7:47 AM  
Blogger Eddie McCoy said...

Hope you do it Jay G. Just don't turn PETA Rep on us :).

Hopefully Easter will be warmer than in years past. Hate to buy the girls the pretty dresses only to have to have them wearing heavy jackets over them.

7:57 AM  
Blogger ehyou said...

According to ehyou's Big Board®, Sanchez is slotted at #96 among SP.

7:59 AM  
Blogger ehyou said...

Most everyone is all for the ethical treatment of animals, so why does PETA have to be such a bunch of fruit loops?

8:14 AM  
Blogger Norm said...

I'm for the ethical treatment of ME.

8:27 AM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

I think I need a caffeine IV. I just can't wake up today.

8:29 AM  
Blogger cincytiger said...

I am the same way! I have been out of bed since 5:15 and have had a shower - you'd think I would be awake by now. Blame it on the weather - the weather is responsible for lots of things!

8:40 AM  
Blogger LuvAU1968 said...

Seanzie and Cincy, just be glad you don't have my problem...

8:42 AM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

Which problem is that?

8:43 AM  
Blogger LuvAU1968 said...

Idiopathic hypersomnia

8:43 AM  
Blogger Seanzie said...

I know a guy that was convinced that he had that same condition. Turns out he had sleep apnea. Weird for a guy who's only 25 and isn't excessively overweight.

8:49 AM  
Blogger LuvAU1968 said...

I had a sleep study and sleep apnea was ruled out. I had a MSLT study (nap study) the next day and that's when the doctor determined that I had idiopathic hypersomnia. He said they call it idiopathic because they don't know what causes it.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

@Eddie: Anyone who eats meat DISGUSTS me. [/end peta rant]

9:10 AM  
Blogger digger4au said...

Tidbit from local newspaper. McCann, catcher for the Braves, spent last year with vision problems. Blurred vision and sometimes seeing two balls coming at him. He had his second laser sugery in the offseason and it worked. Said he is really looking forward to this year.
With the good year he had last year with the problem this year should be something else.

9:16 AM  
Blogger Aubie said...

I think Gustav is worth every dime. The only thing that worries me is a repeat of the Tub/Petrino disaster.
AU became infatuated with its fancy OC and always wanted him back. Could the same thing happen here?

9:23 AM  
Blogger Fearless Freep said...

Mornin' HOTTIEs, and welcome back JGT.

On the salaries topic: with the recently announced bumps, AU's total budget for coaches now exceeds $5 mill (including Chiz's $2.1 large). In 2008 the combined total was just north of $4.7 - more than half of which was Tubs' alone ($2.825 to be precise).

Possibly overlooked in this equation is the fact that AU's annual revenue from the insane TV contract signed in '08 has increased by roughly 180 percent - that's a whopping $9+ million more each and every year than 2008's old record payout of $5.3 mill.

Just like with the Fed'ral Gummint: more money available = inflation.

9:32 AM  
Blogger Aubie said...

I would highly suggest reading Eagle 5's essay on shifting the coaching paradigm.
It appears Jay Jacobs did.

9:36 AM  
Blogger LuvAU1968 said...

So, with all that money, why do they have to raise ticket prices and tuition every year?

9:38 AM  
Blogger Eddie McCoy said...

Nice Jay G. Good thing I hunt and fish. Peta loves me.

9:45 AM  
Blogger michael said...

Jay G is back! Woohoo!

9:46 AM  
Blogger LuvAU1968 said...

Aubie, I'm not good with numbers. Can you give me the Cliff's Notes version?

9:59 AM  
Blogger ADP said...

Tuition is not involved. Different bank account.

10:03 AM  
Blogger LuvAU1968 said...

Phred, that's the same reason we got here at the hospital to justify spending $90+ million on a new bed tower when we were running in the red. I don't understand it.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Norm said...

Luv - isn't your hospital one of the non-profit's in the area?

10:09 AM  
Blogger michael said...

I am sure Malzahn used the courtship of other schools to increase his salary. That sound familiar?

10:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the link, Aubie. That article points out what I have long believed, which is that head coaches get too big of a piece of the pie, which is why you see so much turnover at the coordinator positions. Guys that are best suited to be coordinators are forced to seek a head coaching position, because that is where the money is. Hopefully things are changing.

10:10 AM  
Blogger Norm said...

MJT - yes, it sounds like The Courtship of Eddie's Father.

10:11 AM  
Blogger Jet said...

Jury duty numbingly numb ... Managed to avoidingly avoid grand jury service.

10:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Michael, using other employers seeking your services is how any job works. It is part of what makes capitalism work. These days you see a lot of it going on in the banking sector with major firms fighting for analysts.

10:11 AM  
Blogger chip chip said...

aubie, i said that the day malzhan was hired. what happens the day he leaves if he is wildly successful after 2-3 years. AU fans will want more...

10:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If Auburn continues to increase Malzahn's salary like this, he might think twice about leaving. Sure, a head coaching position could mean more than $500k, but as his salary approaches $1M, the value of taking a head coaching position changes. Being a head coach is far different than being a coordinator. Job security as a head coach depends a lot upon your coordinators. It makes a lot of sense to pay coordinators better because they basically help to make the head coaches job more secure.

10:19 AM  
Blogger LuvAU1968 said...

Norm, yes.

10:23 AM  
Blogger ADP said...

Luv - simple version: they are two separate entities. Auburn the school and Auburn the athletic department; two separate businesses. The only way one gets the other's money is in the form of a gift or loan.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

The athletic department should feel obligated, if overloaded with cash, to funnel much of that "surplus" to the university's academic endeavors.

After all, they have the same aim: To educate students. Right?

10:28 AM  
Blogger ADP said...

And they do from time to time. Probably not enough, but it does happen.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jay, while that is true, they also have the goal of making more money, which would allow for even more education. It is a question of whether the added salaries will bring about results and increase income.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

I think this would make a great story this summer.

Auburn U. is a non-profit organization.

Something tells me Auburn U.'s athletic department, like all the others across the SEC, are for-profit. How does that affect their tax status, etc.?

This is intriguing to me.

10:42 AM  
Blogger Jay G. Tate said...

I think this would make a great story this summer.

Auburn U. is a non-profit organization.

Auburn U.'s athletic department, like all the others across the SEC, appears to be a for-profit enterprise. How does that affect tax status, etc.?

This is intriguing to me.

10:43 AM  
Blogger michael said...

I don't think the Athletic Department is for profit, is it? If there isn't an owner or group of shareholders getting the extra money, I think it is still nonprofit. Right? I don't know anything. Ask me Newton's second law of motion.

10:47 AM  
Blogger E-Bro said...

What about your business?

10:50 AM  
Blogger michael said...

Business has been hit hard lately. The deal in Rio went south. I have been making ends meet by giving batting stance lessons.

10:51 AM  
Blogger michael said...

Never ask me about my business.

10:51 AM  
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