Lebo lands on his feet

He was hired today as coach at East Carolina. We know this because ESPN.com, citing anonymous sources because news this big might get someone exiled to Lesotho, reported it this morning.
I think he'll be fine and competitive at ECU. He's back in the Carolinas where people know him and about him.
Photo credit: Todd Van Emst/Auburn University
Questions? Comments? Post directly to the blog below or email me at jgtate@gannett.com.
Lebo Substance?
Almost rans...
Now Auburn needs to land on its feet.
A 10 from the East Carolina judge!
It all makes sense... Lebo coached at Auburn, Lou Holtz hates Auburn, Skip Holtz is Lou Holtz's son, Skip Holtz is the former ECU Football coach, Lebo gets hired by ECU.
I finally see the connection. Genius, sheer genius.
those east carolina judges are always impartial to their own.
I might actually go see a baseball game this year.
I don't think I want another Tubby.
My bracket is in shambles.
Judge Miller of North Alabama gave him a 2.7.
Lebo? Who's that?
I understand Lebo's assistants will be Dewayne Reed, Josh Dollard and Dave Lebo.
Congrats Coach Lebo I wish you the very best. No smoke no fire from JJ must be getting close.
I haven't been able to get any reliable information on the search lately.
I am firmly convinced I will come in dead last this year. I've won a couple of pools in my day but I've never been last. This will be interesting.
Congrats Coach Lebo.
Wouldn't surprise me if he got a raise out of all of this. Carolina folks are much more into BBall and love it for the sake of the game, so he probably won't have to worry about a whiny fan base that "expects" him to create BBall love. He can just coach. Now ....can he recruit @ ECU? Can he visit the AAU world to get recruits like everybody else except AU? Will recruiting be easier for him, since unlike at AU the players will have a chance to be BMOC's?
So who makes the NCAA Tourney first. Auburn or ECU?
Oh my, this has been one of those mornings! Took hubby to airport at 6:45 am; no problems, got him dropped off fine. Then the fun started. Somehow leaving the airport I got on I-59 rather than I-20; figured it out and got turned around (only took 9 turns). Now on I-20; somehow got on I-459 going NORTH! I needed to go south. Okay, got turned around (only took 3 turns). Had an hour and a half to kill before Bible study. Thought I would go to Starbucks and treat myself to a skinny caramel macchiato. Got out of the car and duh! left my purse with my keys safely inside locked in the car. Got to see how my road side assistance worked. Worked well - bought the nice boy a Starbucks (he's an Auburn fan) and now I think I am going to bed! Way too much excitement for one day.
But, it gets better. Then I get two calls on showing the condo. :) I know it will sell, just wish it would hurry up.
If I win all the rest I can possibly win, it is just 5 more games. Started off hot, but will end up ice.
I had read he might be heading to ECU, but somehow I didn't expect them there before we had a new coach. I guess the breakup period is over.
Harrison ...
I choose ...
i think lebo would make a good pirate. if you try to imagine him with the eye patch, parrot and big hoop earrings, it kinda fits.
Lebo good luck hope you do well.
How many games did you go to this last year? I was part of the whiny fan base. I was not big on paying 10 bucks to watch a coach sit and rub his head while his team played street ball(so it looked to me). Oh and lose. No one wants to pay to watch their team lose and look bad doing it night in and night out. Now if they lose but the coach is going nuts and doing everything he can to fire the team up to win I will get behind that guy.
I have still got my final 4 in tact - so there is hope....
I got 2 of my final 4 and 1 of my 2 in the ship
I'm down to one in the final 4.
After Kansas and New Mexico (yeah I bought into the ESPN hype on them too) did their thing, I've decided there's no need for me to check mine.
I guess Lebo could start the Pirate Walk at ECU like Tubs has started the Red Raider Walk at TTU ...sheesh.
Tiger Walk ..often imitated ...never duplicated.
Sounds like you had a fun morning.
Sounds like you had a fun morning.
G, did JJ hire a firm or is he still conducting the search on his own?
Tubby is waiting to hear what Oregon has to say, which may take awhile considering they don't have an Athletic Director.
Seanzie ...
I understand Phil Knight is taking a leave of absence from his position of de facto athletic director to become interim athletic director at Oregon.
I thought he was imagining new ways to make a mockery of OU's athletic uniforms.
Or was that included in his role as de facto Athletic Director?
In his role as Oregon's uniform czar, it could be suggested that the dude must have dropped some bad acid at some point in the past.
I don't and won't go to ANY bball games. I quit watching years ago when the ref's starting allowing multiple steps to the basket as long as it looked good.
Fans that blame poor coaching as a reason to not show up are fair weather fans. Top recruits and top coaches know that and stay away from those schools.
We have a lot of east coast/ACC bball fans in NW Ga and I see first hand how they support their teams regardless of wins. I also realize how lame AU bball fans are in comparison. In those ACC/East schools, the BBall players are BMOC. That ain't the case at AU
If AU football isn't going well, then fans may grumble and we may not sellout J-H for every game, but the football fans do show up.
AU Bball fans ...strongly support the team and help the program change or ....continue to be a pretenders.
Fair weather fans are still fans, Hoopie and the program wants their money. Do you think UA complains when they win a Nashnul Champeenchip and their fan-base suddenly quadruples?
I would, however, like to see a more robust and consistent fan-base for the AU basketball program. Turning some of the fair weather fans into reg fans would be a good start.
Jacobs hasn't yet hired a firm, but that doesn't mean he won't.
Who doesn't like green unis with gold duck wings and silver skid plate?
I guess everybody needs to be known for something.
Back from spring break trip with the family. Digging out at work is never any fun. Did I miss anything while I was gone?
Depending on how long you were out, we....lost a member of the Hottie family, fired a coach, hated Bama, kicked butt in baseball, complained about out brackets and had a campfire.
Fans that show up during tuff times should be rewarded with new arenas and top coaches. Those type fans will also attract top coaches and recruits.
The AU PTB have stepped-up, gambled and now we'll have a new outstanding arena. Will the AU Bball fans be whining and no-showing in a few years if the new coach is a losing "head-rubber" rather than a "towel-waiver"? The fact that AU Bball fans have never shown-up unless we are some-what winning, makes me think no.
They'll have another excuse by then.
Thanks for the summary, ehyou! I only got to peek in once while I was gone. Very sad news about AU365. My prayers are with his family.
If we had already moved to Auburn, I would have season tickets to the basketball games, men's and women's, and I would be at most all of them. It is just too hard to do that from Birmingham. But, hopefully it won't be too long before we are in Auburn, at least part time.
Hey Hotties,
we are internet deprived due to various issues. made it to florence. missing habotn. love and kisses from italia from tht, mrstht, and tht2.0, gg.
somebody tell lgg byron we miss him, too!
My money is on a Person. I don't think it necessary to hire a firm. Just be patient. When the time is right, the name will come to light.
I guess I could have been more eloquent by saying,
"When the time is right, the Person will come to light."
hiring a search firm for any big D-I job to me is an absolute waste of money. spend the money on the new coach's contract. or pay for my TUF donation. either one.
I just had a nice conversation with a nice young man that one of you here knows very well. I hope it was somewhat helpful for him.
Hunter Morris is SEC player of the week:
The time to hire the search firm was back in December when Lebo was losing games to Hawt State, Snort Tech and OMG A&M.
The firm could have been doing its research and vetting until the proper time when Jay pulled the trigger on Lebo.
Then he could take the reports and do what he needed to do with them.
So, you and ElTurbo collaborating on my downfall, huh?
I could see it coming a mile away, Norm.
I mean no disrespect but to call out people for not going to games and say they are “a whiny fan base” and you have not been to one in years is (how do I put this) wrong. Now I will agree AU is now ACC nor East fan base in basketball but nor are they in football. I think you get a good and exciting coach that puts a good product on the floor that is competitive and build the fan base up maybe they would stick around in the down years. I think that is what JJ is trying to do. I will take time but I think a good coach and some winning seasons (in the SEC). Over time the fair weather fans with turn into real fans. I like basketball but I could not watch the product that AU put out the last few years. Sorry again no disrespect just my opinion
that's a rough morning cincy. at least you finished it off with some starbucks!
Cincy got to love some starbucks
says I'm in Sicily but I've never been there.
Bad enough I left the USA last week and apparently will be returning to the USSA later this week. No need to compound my disgust by hiring a college drop out (DMiller, please correct me if I'm wrong in that assumption) to coach basketball at AU.
That nice young man told me he had a call set up with you today. He is supposed to call me later today to let me know how it went. I appreciate so much your interest and help. He has been on cloud 9 after his interviews this week. But, he is my eternal optimist. I hope things go as well as he expects.
I am glad that Coach Lebo landed on his feet. I think that he is a good coach and will do well At ECU. He just was not the right fit for Auburn. Gee Cincy, you have all the fun.
less than 48 hours to football?
bd334, consider this. Because I don't care about basketball and therefore don't have a dog in the hunt, I am looking at this objectively and using comparison to form my opinion.
I truly wish the AU folks would back the BBall team like other schools. It would be something of which to be proud. In fact, even in good times we never have packed the house. Unfortunately not a lot of AU folks are interested in BBall, therefore the ones that really care need to either take up the slack (and show up) or quit whining. Sonny Smith had some fun teams and still struggled with poor attendance and on many occasions wondered aloud why AU fans weren't more interested.
My 48 year old friend is a Clemson grad that went on to become a pharmacist. She goes to almost every home game each season. Even during the week, she makes the 2-3 hour drive over and back. She arranges her flexible work schedule just to do such. She meets her extended family at the games and they have an entire social network built around the games. She has done this for 25 years ..through thick and thin with her team.
My Kentucky grad friend takes vacation days to go to Lexington for good mid-week games and makes the 5.5 hour one-way trip for most weekend home games. He only goes to one football game a year.
I don't know any AU bball fans that have ever been that committed to Bball.
The fans and students at the bball schools know the players and make them BMOC's. If AU Bball fans want something special, then I say it is up to them to make the difference. I say the fans that want this environment should create the energy, show loyalty and make the player's BMOC's.
Whining is not the solution. Be a part of the solution, not part of the problem.
To follow Hoopie's statement:
For too many (and I'm not saying in this neighborhood), the Auburn creed is: I believe in Auburn football and love it.
As usual, Jet, you say in a few words what I have been trying to express in a whole paragraph.
I believe in work. Hard work.
Oh, but I don't really care about Auburn basketball... unless they are good. So that is frowned upon here? OH I'M SORRY! I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA!
Why all the basketball talk with spring football practice set to start in a couple of days? Get your priorities straight, people!!!
I believe something...I'm not sure what though.
You believe in change you can believe in?
I believe in Auburn. I'm pretty passionate about football, like baseball a good bit and as for everything else I wish them the best. Unless and until F4* takes to basketball, I'm just not likely to care anything about it. Period. That applies to any level of basketball played and wherever it's played. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Lebo will do well there replacing another former Chattanooga Mocs and Auburn assistant coach Mack McCarthy.
I believe it's time to get some sleep. Plus my laptop is about dead and I forgot to borrow 2.0's adapter for these goofy outlets.
Sweet dreams, Hotties!
Good for Jeff.
best wishes..
THT I would rather be in Italy....
THT, it is my understanding that CP has been actively pursueibg his degree for some time now. He has been flying into Auburn on a regular basis to finish, and is very close to achieving his goal.
So it's been established that you do not have to have a degree to be a coach?
Nevermind, I found out he doesn't.
Maybe I should stick to not posting as to not kill any more threads.
Yeah, Quitstina, I don't know where everyone went. They must be having a good dinner. Glad to see you around a little more. Hope that means life is slowing down a little!
I wonder if THT set his alarm for a "Beasley!" from Italy.
Quitstina ... please stay ... you have nearly single-handedly killed the popcorn industry during your absence.
Hey Cincy! I don't know about slowing down, but I definitely have a much better handle on things.
Jet, OK, I'll stay...for Orville.
Hot Tub Time Machine.
There must be some reason I sniff my arm pit every time the conversation slows in here.
Houston's basketball coach, Tom Penders, resigned today because he wanted to find another challenge. Is that challenge at Auburn?
By the way, the dodgeball team went with Pelotas de Muerte instead of any of my awesome suggestions.
Bob Knight is a golden god.
Ball of death?
Reading reports Auburn will interview North Texas coach Johnny Jones. What do you think?
Johnny Jones is one of the names Jay originally mentioned, if I am not mistaken.
Tom Penders? Naw.
Balls of death, yes.
SteveFC, good opinion.
I hope we can generate a little more excitement with spring football starting tomorrow. This is boring.
Cincy ...
I think Johnny Jones is a second-tier candidate who's getting an interview to move the process long, but I don't think he's in the top 3.
I'll take Tom Penders... as an assistant. J. Jones just isn't a name that make's me get excited.
Interviews are for show...
Cincy-doesn't it start Wednesday?
I believe I read an article last week that stated a degree is not an NCAA requirement to be a coach at the college level.
My bad, yes, it starts Wednesday. This day just started out so rotten I guess I wished it away and lost a day in there.
You hearing anything regarding our bb coach?
Is it football season yet? Let's talk BB in November.
IV, it's Baseball season...calm down with that football talk. Spring Football should really consist of A-Day and nothing else as far as we're concerned.
Cindy-today felt like it was 2 days long.
As for as the bball coach search, I think the choice has been made as to who they want and through back channels he may have already accepted. Other names may be on a list, but they were on there as a smoke screen. I have heard an announcement could be made early next week.
I'm with WTC... I'm under the impression that the decision was made a while ago.
OK, I know you probably can't tell us who, but is it one of the people we have been discussing?
And yeah, I know what you mean about today being two days long. I felt like I had lived a whole day by 8:30 this morning.
If I told, all the fun would be gone. I like hearing everyones opinion.
Remember though. i don;t have to check all my sources like our resident homer does. My folks could be wrong. They weren't wrong often this past year, but they can be wrong.
where i can see my bracket lol?
I don't think all the fun would be gone :)
All I want to know is have we heard his name in connection with the AU job? That wouldn't tell us who it is - we've talked about many different coaches.
just checking in hottttt ones.
scottie is off to bed with dreams of spring football practice on his mind.
I just looked at my bracket. That thing has more red on it than my first mid term test in statistics.
that is one ugly bracket.
For those thinking that CP will be the coach, would AU wait until after the NBA season to name him. That thing runs to early June, if you make the play offs. The Lakers will make the play offs.
I don't know if that is the proper thing for NBA guys coming to college.
I'm telling you guys and gals...
Mark Gottfried or David Hobbs would be great choices....
Ronnie Brown arrested for DUI in ATL.
This weekend series with SoCarolina will be a good one. it is in AU. I might have to go to at least one game this weekend. they are ranked #16.
FSJ-UNA would not hire either of those guys.
We have to be in Auburn for a little business on Friday, so I am hoping we can go to the game Friday night.
I'm not FSJ's official handler, but I think he is kidding :) I don't get paid for this opinion.
From earlier today (according to the AJC) Bailey Woods is transferring to Georgia State. Actually I think he is graduating early and going there to play ball and work on a higher degree. I do not think he played very much. He wanted to be a student assistant at AU, but would have to give up his scholly, so he is transferring. His dad played for Bill Curry, so now he will play for Bill Curry.
Did anybody see the opening to The Tonight Show tonight with Barkley and Johnny Weir?
Barkley/Weir on Leno
This cracked me up.
J-z, you watch that show after what they did to Co-Co? Blasphemy.
It came on before I could change it. Then I saw purple sequins and I was captivated.
JZ-I saw a clip from The Colbert Report with The red head from snowboarding. Colbert asked him why he didn't show as much emotion as men figure skaters. his response was great:
"Did you see those outfits? What if you wore all those feathers and lost, I'd cry too."
Darn... the obligatory Murano comment would just be too easy here.
Come on, Hotties, time to rise and shine!!!
Good morning and WARRRRR EAGLE!!!
I'm awake THT. I've been awake since well before 5 and at the office since a bit after 6.
Hi Norm,
I think you are working too hard. Take the rest of the day off.
I hate to read the Ronnie Brown thing.
Good morning all. Not condoning what Ronnie did, but a DUI on an otherwise clean record does not make him a bad person. I think he is smart enough to learn from this.
Good morning! THT, I hope you are having a marvelous time! I get to go to Cherokee, AL to see my parents today! Not quite as exciting as Italy or wherever you are at the moment.
Wow, Fbomb has some positive things to day about Auburn basketball. Is the sky falling?
Apparently, SteveFC needs to sniff his arm pit.
A new basketball coach as EARLY as next week? That's early?
Baseball today in the Ham (Samford), Gump Classic tomorrow vs the Infidels. In Auburn this weekend vs the Cocks. Get some.
I saw the Fbomb article, too. He even said that the AU bb arena is the best facility in the state. It is, but that doesn't mean he would make that statement. He must be stiring the pot.
Go, you baseball Tigers!
Auburn University to Interview Bob Marlin (Sam Houston State)?!?!?!?!?!
Seanzie, JJ said it would be a slow process and he rarely jokes. I don't see a reason to hurry over the next couple of weeks. Do it right.
Bob Marlin is an awesome name, and has had decent results as a coach.
Slow because of the NCAA tournament. 75% of the teams are out. Unless our future coach is currently employed by a school remaining, I expect this to end soon.
Good morning everyone! Still covered up at work, but was able to catch up on posts this a.m. Cincy, I saw where you had a couple of nibbles on the condo...any luck?
JJ didn't mention the NCAA tourney as a reason it would be a slow process, Bloggers speculated as much.
Cincy ..thanks for the PF article. He only took a couple shots at Bama. His ratings must be up and not needing a pot stirring.
I inadvertently slipped down into the comments section of that Al.com article and now ....for a while ....will hate myself for that.
Who cares if HE mentioned it, bloggers speculated because that is probably the reason. And what do you care about the process, you've already said you don't care about the basketball team and don't watch etc..
Oh, snap. I didn't know morons and soccer fans could bring it like that.
I surprise even myself sometimes, Pete.
And let's all get on the same terminology page. It's IDIOT, not MORON, moron.
PF just elicited a chuckle out of Norm.
Hey HOBOTN regulars, new guy here with an inquiry.
I have been looking around at the news articles and blogs to see who might be on the short list and I keep hearing the same names. One name I have not heard is Steve Donahue of Cornell. His record is not the greatest, but if you look at Cornell's over all record he has done more than most. Plus it's Cornell, not exactly the most athletic school out there. Thoughts?
Cornell is in a special situation. They have lots of seniors, they've developed a style and have gotten really good at it. Unfortunately most it revolves around really high shooting percentage and may not have the sustainability for long term success. They were also seeded too low.
I think I'm cheering for Cornell to get to the final 4 (sorry Jay G, I know that would mean your Cats would lose, but c'mon, Cornell!!!).
To be filed under "who cares?" but GT's coach is taking the St. John's basketball job.
C'mon Faker, everyone cares about that.
Thanks Sean,
I was not aware of that as I have only seen them play in the tournament.
Sorry Pete I can't go with any team that calls themselves "Big Red". (Real reason: The Boss graduated from KY.)
I'm going to watch UAB and North Carolina play tonight. Anybody have anything you'd like me to ask Roy Williams?
An Ivy League model doesn't work over the long haul in the SEC. Take a look at Vandy, which looks a lot more athletic in its approach to basketball than it used to.
Here's an idea: if we're willing to pay $1.8 mm. We could hire a coach with a track record of success of recruiting and winning in the SEC. We could hire Rick Stansbury.
Or we could hire my man crush of Ron Hunter of IUPUI for $1.1.
Consider this the best day of Dan Radakovich's life, now that he's out from under a $7 million buyout on Paul Hewitt.
New thread UPZ.
I bet Jay G would endorse a Meo Stansbury ... I mean, Rick Stansbury candidacy.
BullishTiger was just a flash in the pan.
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