Derby Day: Gotta pick a winner

It's a fun race. I attended the 1991 running, won $10 and change on Strike The Gold, owned by Bill Condren and Joe Cornaccia, and that was enough for me. The infield at Churchill Downs is a festive scene amid a pool of malodorous swill. It's fun if you're a 19-year-old college freshman as I was in 1991. The cops only get involved if the potential for physical harm exists.
Everything else is fair game. Everything.
I wouldn't find that community quite so enchanting these days. I don't like mud between my toes anymore.
I'm taking Friesan Fire, pictured above, to win The Big Race.
Enjoy your day.
UPDATE: As usual, my horse finished near the back of the field (18th) and another horse, Mine That Bird, took the roses. The race reminded me of the 1993 Breeders Cup Classic, which saw Arcangues (99-1 shot) cut through a field of contenders along the rail during the final two furlongs.
I'm a nerd, yes.
Photo credit: AP Photo/Garry Jones
Jay, I like your pick to. I took Barbaro at the same odds a couple of years ago and it turned out quite well.
I want Revenge has been scratched.
Derby day is BIG in Kentucky and eslewhere.
I usuually watch all three of the triple crown races.
$20 on Black Titan to place!
I never bet the favorite in the Derby. It's a bad play. I may have to adjust things now that IWR has been scratched ...
Can i just go for the Trifecta?
well it's good to be here this morning.... i have been busy as hell with 3 jobs that i am finishing to bid. one next week....gessssh!
mobilz is back! i only watch horse racing for the crashes. wait, that's nascar...
I've got Hold Me Back.
Why... I don't know.
I'm headed out to Graduation right now. I'm done with College forever.
congrats, wakerider87.
Hold Me Back, says Jet.
MobileZ! Where ya been, bro?
Official HABOTN propers out to Jet for graciously bringing copies of The Resolution to an area eatery for pickup.
This document will be cherished for generations.
It was a pleasure for me to offer a laurel and hearty handshake to Jay G with the added bonus of meeting Wifey and the future Mia Lilly-Chastain.
I confess I watch about as much horse racing as I do NASCAR. But I do wish Jay GT and all the other Hottie race fans a Very Happy KD Day.
Dear Leader out in front, where he belongs.
and I'm home in plenty of time not to watch the Pens and Caps. I think I'll work on my research project instead.
West Ham 1-0 over Stoke... THTjr is pleased.
Yeah, but is Dear Leader a mudder?
I've lived an extraordinarily sheltered life...never been on a NASCAR or derby infield...or driven the Hosnatcha.
In the Armada Room ...
Murph and the Magictones!
So, Jake, you're out. You're free. You're rehabilitated. What's happenin'? What's next? Whatcha gonna do? You got the money you owe us, $^&*#%$^%&@$?
I would be alarmed if the posts on here made sense to me.
I would be alarmed if my posts made sense, period.
The salads are fine. It's just that, uh, we'd like to move to another table away from those gentlemen.
Frankly, they're offensive. Smelling. They smell bad.
Xaff- Jet has a tendency to quote movie script (it's some sort of code talk between Jet & gatiger). In contrast, my posts are usually just nonsense.
When in doubt, quote lines from the classics!
친애하는 지도자의 게시물을 읽을 때 더 이해하게 한국의 원본. 가끔 물건 번역에서 길을 잃었을 때 써.
you want classics, Jet?
ain't got time to bleed
if it bleeds we can kill it
good thing you stopped me, I might have killed her.
Dyin' ain't much of a way to make a livin'.
When I get to likin' someone, they ain't around long.
I notice when you get to DISlikin' someone they ain't around for long neither.
you boys gonna pull them pistols or stand there and whistle Dixie?
Papa Clem baby!
Rivals reports ...
AU signs 6-8, 225 center Ty Armstrong of Melbourne, Fla.
DeAngelo Benton has been cleared, I've read and to enroll this summer.
EZ that is some GREAT news.
Yeah ...
Hoopie, I believe, reported that wonderful nugget at the end of the last thread.
Good stuff.
BigEZ gets the award today for the most substantial post containing substantiated substance.
but he'll have to share it with Hoopie
Ups to Hoopie, I didn't check the last thread but news like this never gets old.
Carrie Fisher, circa 1980, with a flamethrower was one hot chica.
Jet - you may have to do a little soliloquiatin
I'm off to my project.
WAR EAGLE Hotties!
I have a buddy that was big on young Stevie Nicks, she was cute I guess.
Stevie was en fuega circa 1979 as well.
THT ... you're going to watch the hockey ... at least I am.
Jet - I believe I'd like to hear the backstory from your post on the previous thread re: Streisand. Oh yeah, who was your carpool buddy? ML?
GaTiger ...
What a goal by the Pens.
Jeez, I just sat down!
Jet - considering the driver, I think I can understand the preference for that artist.
Digging the big crunches though.
Nice news about Benton and I am with JGT on who wins the Derby.
What project can THT be working on?!
Stevie Nicks is gross.
I have a friend (girl) who got a tattoo to match one Nicks has. I mean HELLO. Nicks didn't even know she had that tattoo!
I'm talking 30 years ago ... Jay Gizzle.
She may be gross, but she can sing.
Now that there is funny, I don't care who ya are!
30 years ago or today, Stevie never did and never will hold any appeal to me.
are we talking about her sex appeal or her singing appeal?
5on3 power play Caps!
Come on
Sweet goal for the Caps.
That was a nice play.
todd sucks!
If I see him, his a$$ is turf.
11 - Chocolate Candy
7 - papa clem
6 - friesen fire
16 - Pioneer of the Nile
Friesen Fire to win and if he does win. I will go to the Preakness.
I know there's a lot of Broads that come to this site.
I just ran out of colonge and its nowhere near a gift-giving holiday.
Any of you chicks have a suggestion?
My ole lady bought me AQUA Di Gio and I used it all.
Xaff - how's the au undercover board since I left?
Chris in Inverness.
"sometimes nuthin' is a pretty cool hand."
I'm taking Jenny Criag's horse, Chocolate Candy. Man I hope we see some Chocolate Rain (the horse is a mudder)
Jet, speaking of Carrie Fisher, how hot was it in Return of The Jedi when Princess Leia, dressed in her "dancer" attire choked the life out of the evil Jabba The Hut? That's my kind of woman.
Amazing save there
This game 1 is telling a lot about how this series is going to be.
Jet, speaking of Carrie Fisher, how hot was it in Return of The Jedi when Princess Leia, dressed in her "dancer" attire choked the life out of the evil Jabba The Hut? That's my kind of woman.
To quote the proud Alpha, Ogre:
Carrie looked pretty good in that dancer outfit. But I fell in love with her when she grabbed the gun, blasted open the garbage shut, shot her way across the passage and dove down.
This is some rescue. When you came in here, didn't you have plan for getting out?
He's the brains, sweetheart!
Would it help if I got out and pushed?
It might.
the classics I know were silent movies.
So I quote " ".
My son is stuck in the land of Hello Kiffin at Dollywood ... have had an entertain exchange of texts with him.
The ObKnoxvillians may have moved into second place on his list, passing UGAg.
but was her fadder a mudder?
must've something to do with kiffin's amazing recruiting strategy based on the petey pablo song.
North Carolina .. c'mon and raise up
Take your shirt off, and twist it 'round yo head
Spin it like a helicoptaa
One day I will post something without killing the thread
Someone tell THT
The Caps winning killed the thread?
I see, it was a delayed reaction from Xaff.
Die Hard on Encore!!!
i like chocolate candy.
preferably with peanut butter in the middle.
Chip Chip ...
Just watching out for Officer Reeses.
For Eddie ...
Jennie Craig owns Chocolate Candy....that cracks me up.
Hold Me Back!!!
Joey Bag / Chris.
That place (AUC) still has some issues. While mostly they have calmed down, the issues under the skin remain and will resurface. I wouldn't have many good things to say about it.
I don't post much on there, just statistics and numbers. Just posted a review of seniority etc. Ya know we have a total of 10 seniors this year? If you are interested feel free to go check that thread.
I would've posted that data on here too, dunno if it would be a good idea.
There's a handful of happy people right now.
people don't fit in the handful unless you have really..really big hands.
You know what they say about big hands ... future long snapper.
Daddy grilled chicken wings and corn on the cob this evening. Good stuff. Even the girls ate, which is an accomplishment.
Boston Butt from Fat Boys in Prattville ... purchased from the school's drama/choral booster club.
Good, good stuff.
You have any food here?
All I have is a piece of hard rock candy. But it's not for eatin'. It's just for lookin' through.
NoVa and AU1 congrats on game 1 win.
Just like me in HABOTNville, I'm afraid the Pens are outnumbered, and their days are numbered. I saw some of it, including that ridiculous save on Crosby's shot. I'm just glad it won't be going to 7 games since I would be sitting in a building 4 blocks away at a dinner meeting unable to watch. That would be unbearable.
ehyou - is that not one of THE greatest movies of all time?
MY top 2:
Outlaw Josey Wales
It's a Wonderful Life
Too many to narrow to two.
If you really watch it, how could it not be one of your favorites?
I still think the Pens will win the series. That's coming from an objective 3rd party.
Redlegs = Bama
Good guys win, bad guys lose.
just finished off a slab of ribs cooked in my big green egg! the itis is kickin' in hard....
if anyone can afford it, go buy an egg.
i don't go out for bbq or steaks much anymore because i can do better at the house most of the time.
50 to 1 you got to be kidding. Wise I had a C note on him to win.
Hockey is on Versus, or Versus HD for those fortunate ones. Me? I'm watching it on regular versus on a 9" tv.
the $2 super tri paid $550K+
thanks for your confidence in the Pens, ehyou.
Twice last decade the Pens overcame 3-1 series deficits to beat the Caps in the playoffs. But Caps didn't have Ovechkin back then. The dude is just flat dangerous. My secret ploy to have him innoculated with swine flu has not yet worked.
Auburn Baseball. Booh.
I dont know if someone else mentioned it but I heard Benton was cleared to play 4 years in 5..confirmation anyone?
that good news has been confirmed on many websites. i'm glad he is getting a chance at college.
He hasn't played in 3 years but LSU fans just say how good he is over and over again...time will tell
Our baseball team is gonna get swept AAAGAIN.
what rolls down stairs,
alone or in pairs,
rolls over your neighbor's dog?
what fits on your back,
is great for a snack?
it's log! log! log!
it's log! it's log!
it's big. it's heavy. it's wood.
it's log! it's log!
it's better than bad, it's good!
everyone wants a log!
you're gonna love it log!
come on and get your log!
everyone needs a log!
log! log! log!
sorry all. stimpson j. cat and ren hoek set off that reflex reaction.
good morning Hotties!
Hope y'all have a relaxing Sunday while I have the distinct pleasure of a 16 hr work day. The reward? I won't have to work tomorrow.
Blackhawks stomped the Canucks. There is plenty of hockey today. Y'all be sure and watch some for me.
WAR EAGLE! and hate UA-T!!!
iTune this morning, you ask?
The French Inhaler (live)- Warren Zevon
The French Inhaler (live)- Warren Zevon
The French Inhaler (live)- Warren Zevon
The French Inhaler (live)- Warren Zevon
The French Inhaler (live)- Warren Zevon
sometimes I just have to use the continuous replay option; usually it's the piano that seduces me.
BTW, I still have no idea who won the KD. There's only one sport I like that lasts 2 minutes or less.
Downhill skiing, of course.
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good (and LONG) article today, jgt.
THT - The saves were unbelievable, and then he let one go glove side. Crazy.
It was a bit stressful to watch and the hits were bone crushing. Should be a great series.
Hey CT, been some time.
Here goes the neighborhood again ... we've got the criminal element lurking around.
He put up a new thread!
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