
First post: Monday

Hey everyone. Nothing has changed since yesterday. I didn't write. I didn't produce a video.

I'll post this anyway ... just to maintain the tradition.

It's a free SUBSTANCE situation for some lucky HOTTIE.

Auburn football is off today for the first day of class. My goal is to do a "What We've Learned So Far" entry this afternoon. I'm thinking 3 p.m. CDT.

Also, please pick up the Advertiser's print edition if you live around here! Our fine Auburn coverage is only one element of our award-winning product.


  1. Sad day. We will look forward to this afternoon

  2. Good job Digger!

  3. No substance here.

  4. Thanks ehyou
    Substance on the way FSJ

  5. A salute to No. 19 Dave Beck ... through a hazy memory ...

    "Dave Beck got it on the tee, and Gardner Jett kicked it through ... even though it was a bad snap ... Beck got it down and Jett kicked it through ... and it's 16-10.

    "Dave Beck will hold ... and Garnder Jett will kick one of the biggest point afters you'll ever wanna see ... what a big one ... snap ... KICK ... GOOOOOOOOD!!!!"

  6. Hard to get going after that last thread, but i'll try.

    I had a fun time at Fan Day, especially meeting up with Scottie B. My oldest Daughter Emma had a blast seeing Aubie and my youngest had no choice at this age, she is just along for the ride.

    Football season is getting close, first day of class today and only 2 more empty weekends until kickoff.

  7. Good Morning to all, and a big War Eagle to all the new hotties coming in to post, as well as all those that are just watching the posts fly by.

    By the way, to IV, as far as name changes go, I started out as mrtommyd, but now I'm mytommyd. It's kinda hard to explain how it has remained that way, but it has.

  8. I'm also not going to try and figure out if Earl who is not Tim, nor Michael's Tim that isn't or might be from Tuscon, is actually Earl ... or Tim

  9. I'll add Jaret Holmes to the honorable mention list for # 19.

  10. Name changes starting getting interesting when started all the diffent variations of his name. I think Jet's on the umpteenth version of his name.

  11. I second the Jarett Holmes nod.

  12. Yeah we all had the "Z" kick for a couple weeks there.

  13. I know the story behind MYtommyd and I think it's funny.

  14. great day at fan day yesterday. good to meet up with you too Eddie. your daughters were adorable. my mom got a good pic of yall with Aubie.

    i was able to meet the entire offense and about 20 defensive guys. Kodi, Super Mario, Ziemba, and Todd were pretty cool to chat with. they all seemed happy to be there. Tate was pretty mellow, focused. i guess he's always that way. he did give my mom a big smile. she took pics of most everybody. crazy lady.

  15. I feel like I'm on the outside of an inside joke.

  16. That's Ben Tate for you.

  17. i had 2 pics for him to sign and he studied them each for a few seconds before he signed them. i was a little distracted when i get up to him b/c Gabe McKenzie was trying to keep the pic i had of him to sign. i told him to keep it but he finally gave it back to me. ;)

    oh, and it was good to hang with you for a bit JG. hope wifey liked the goods.

  18. For all the Premier League fans, notice which team sits atop the standings...That's right it's ARSENAL.

    *Disclaimer, I am well aware that it's only one game, but I'll take it however I can get it!

  19. Sean- Wasn't Arsenal atop of the standings this time last year too? How did that work out? :)

  20. Eddie, I'm looking at the here and now, friend. Last year is water the under the bridge.

  21. Thank you JGT!

    Learning a little bit hear and there about this thing some of you call futbol. Have to admit I'm probably going to stick with football.

  22. Tommy, why choose when you can have BOTH?

  23. Yeahhhhhhh, I don't think so.I think two teams to keep track of this time of year is enough for me.
