Welcome to Sanford Stadium

Hey everyone. As discussed earlier, it's a beautiful day for football here in north Georgia. I'm covering AU/UGA in short sleeves for the first time ever. It's awesome.
UPDATE N. 1: TB Ben Tate will be wearing the No. 4 jersey tonight to honor Zac Etheridge.
UPDATE No. 2: Onterio McCalebb is warming up as expected. He looks fine.
There are a lot of Auburn fans here today.
First with substance
The seniors need this win today.
Sorry Wake :-)
A win an Auburn goes to a major bowl.
Isn't that amazing?
Just bet AU straight up...... I'll take a major pay-off first..... Then the bowl.
It is, I'm just hoping we have seen the offense turn the corner back to what it was before.
Jay G.
Is FAH playing?
They're not really warming up yet.
McCalebb warmed up last week, so that won't be the tell-tale sign.
Hey Jay G will the ZACK arm band be worn today, or was that just a one game thing?
I remember Auburn-GA '02. My then girlfriend now wife wore sandals to the game. She got cold so I took off my socks and let her wear them. Is that more romantic or gross?
getting ready to fire up the grill for ribs and chicken.
You guys pull them through
How many days did you have on the socks?
Mikey: I'll let you know when they come out for warm-ups.
Just the one day, Loganville. And it was cold, so minimum sweat was accumulated I imagine.
I vote it was romantic. But I am biased.
Michael, that was very nice of you. I don't think I could have done that.
Wifey doesn't wear sandals, though.
Michael- very romantic.
War Eagle- Beat Georgia!
Low Country Boil smelling yummy!
My gf/wife also did not wear a jacket, so she stayed in mine with me during the game.
Remember, this was a thrilling game that we lost on a touchdown pass into the endzone right at the end. My wife, who did not grow up in a football loving family, said during the third quarter, "It's really cold, let's just leave. What's the big deal? You can watch it on TV at home." She just had no idea.
Ah yes, the 2002 UGA game. If Horace Willis could only have jumped on that 4th and 15 play.
And you married this woman Michael?
Pickings are slim in Eurasia LT
Just kidding Michael.....
Tim Tebow is rocked.
Does Gary Danielson have the longest thumbs you ever seen in your life?
We have always been at war with Eurasia.
FYI: Ben Tate will be wearing the No. 4 jersey tonight to honor Zac Etheridge.
When I first met my girlfriend-now wife, it was right before the 1983 UGa game. She was in the AU band, and I told her I envied that she'd get to go to Athens for the game, and told her to be sure to cheer the team on to victory.
"You don't have to tell me twice to do that," she said. "I HATE THE DAWGS!!!!"
Talk about love at first sight. . .
Are you admitting you are a puppet, Freep?
my last post was in response to your "we are at war with Eurasia" post, bytheway
Stanford Cardinal is whoopin that USC hiney- 28-14 late in the 3rd. Has Carroll lost "it"? It will be strange to see # 4 run the ball, not 44. Let's hope AJ Green is not 100%. I hope he is ok overall.
Love Stories of the HABOTN: Georgia Edition
Anyone else got anything romantic to share?
Well, Michael, I have been accused of being a puppet sympathizer.
All lies, I assure you.
sorry, as i typed, USC scored. 28-21. sorry, a bit tired.. too much COD MW2 this week. I guess I should have slept and stuff
I have always had a theory that Ben Tate would look faster if his number wasn't 44. We will see if I am right.
My EX-wife was in the '83 band Freep.
Interesting, LT. . .what instrument did she play?
My wife played trumpet.
my wife hates football and anything related to sports. ahh, my solitude is weekends in August- Feb including playoffs...but i guess i still like her after 11 years
I could make a real RUDE comment here........ But it was clarinet
The Cardinal had a bunch of white boyz that can flat out play.. wonder if UGA will do another blackout/uni change after warmups
Bear82 - glad to hear someone else is in my boat. I used to get such dirty looks on weekends during football season, but she has come to terms with my love of football. Her in-laws still think I am a total weirdo.
Just a few weeks ago we were at her dad's house on a Saturday, and he just couldn't grasp why I would watch the Tennessee-South Carolina game. "Bu you're not even a fan of either team. Why would you watch it?" BECAUSE IT IS FOOTBALL, AND FOOTBALL IS AWESOME!!!
officials just gave UF about 15-20 yds of posession; not reviewing a knee on the ground. South Car.'s def looks like melted butter and UF is the knife
Michael: I took a small TV to my own wedding to watch the AU LSU game we won 31-0. Not GA rivalry but it was the first thing I tought of.
agreed, Michael; every late July, I just go to B&N with her, drop about 200 bucks on the new books that have come out over the year, and now that she has discovered hulu.com, she is set for the season. i get my laptop, my sony bravia, and enjoy the days. It is a sweet life.
My daughter wrote in my Mother's Day card this year - Thank you so much for teaching me about the priorities in life: Serving the Lord, loving my husband, throwing a killer party and cheering on my Auburn Tigers!
She learned well!
TD stanford
Let Bates have a clean shot at Green's ribs and he'll a tad slower for the rest of the night...
Tate wearing #4 will look odd... let's hope the missing number gives him an extra pep in his step and he runs for about 2 bills...
I don't recall an Auburn player ever doing what Tate is doing. That is pretty cool. Players change their number, but they don't usually use another players number.
Where is your wife from Michael, doesn't sound like a family from the south.
Agreed SFC..... Very Cool
Win, loose or draw tonight, that is class...
Glad to see USCe is battling and USCw is getting its @$$ kicked.
What channel will the game be on I have stupid Nascar on my TV
McCalebb is out there. I don't see any unusual bracing or taping on his troublesome ankle.
pick 6 stanford.. i love to see socal lose... i hope above all hope fla and UAT both lose, and i hope TX loses in BIG 12 CG, and Boise St. and TCU go undefeated. I really really really want to see what the BCS system would do then..
Hmmmmm. . .LT, would your potentially rude comment have something to do with Roxanne Pulitzer?? ? ;-]
After USCe has worn jerseys that replaced player names with various core values of the military, rumor is obama has asked AU & UGA to help him with his catch words - AU and Chizik have the hope, but looks like Richt and UGA will get the change.
49-21 stanford... goodness, the LA coliseum is quiet. i think i heard a pin drop... no, just a 7-2 team ranked #9 being overrated. Stan just went for 2 while up 48-21 with 6:47 in 4th. classless? no, Carroll deserves it. he would/does run the score up when he can
Freep.....I Must Be Nice......I Must Be Nice....
Are we finally ready to admit that USC just isn't that good this year?
I'll admit that
Pretty sure my wife wouldn't have known your ex. . .she always says she didn't hang out with the 'woodwimps'.
Jay- speaking of HS playoffs, Daphne (6-6, 4-6 regular season) beat undefeated Fairhope last night. Auburn HS will face them next week. I was a coach at Daphne, when Savarese was there. any chance you come on down to lower AL for that one?
Buck Belue(sp) on 680 The Fan called a 4 loss season for them in August..... I thought he was crazy ...... Profit
LoL Freep.... Can't Blame Her..... Wish I hadn't.....
Switching between two very good games on 360 right now - Ohio State/Iowa and Nebraska/Kansas.
Iowa is getting the ball back with with just under a minute, tied at 24.
So, Bear, you worked for Savarese?
Why did Pat Dye hate him so much? Or am I thinking of another AL HS coach?
So I took a nap and woke up and found out Tuberville is coaching both Iowa and Ohio State...how did that happen?
Well that interception really sucks.
I know we have given Iowa grief on this blog, but I hate Ohio State! Go Hawkeyes!
I'm predicting a Texas stomping of UF/BAMA in the title game.
Stanford 55-21 over USC right now.
Current photo added to blog.
And I could have been in that picture if not for my ticket falling through......
ff- yeah, his first 2 years at DHS; when he came from Benjamin Russell. I coached OLBs (even thought I was a TE in college) and girls varsity soccer. no clue as to what PD thought, sorry.
....Only 20 miles away......
Iowa's offensive plan for OT is interesting -- an incomplete pass, 2 big losses, and an interception.
And playing for OT worked about as well for Iowa...
Ok, this is wierd. . .its as though ESPN.com and Gamecast are stuck about 20 minutes in the past.
Anyone else seeing that, or is it just me?
Refresh doesn't help.
Let's get this party started.
Looks like the 'Cocks are imploding
I think Dye's issue with Savarese dates back to Cornelius Bennett when Savarese was at Ensley.
Altho I probably just jinxed OSU by saying that.
Chiz can't even answer if there will be a change at punt returner.
"there might be, well see how the game goes".
OK, Sean McDonough, that's a tad over the top.
Demond Washington apparently will be your punt-return man tonight.
Ohio State in the Rose..... What a joke.... At least they ain't in the BCS championship......
23 minutes to kickoff.
Let's do this.
I'm Ready For Some FOOTBALL!!!! JGT...
I'll tell them to kick now if I was in control.
Time to kick some dawgs.
More proof that you need to be in control.
The Chiz sounded pretty confident in his pregame talk on the radio.
Yea, I am pretty bummed about Ohio State not being in the BCS chammptionship too. It was a nice tradition of the SEC champ always playing Ohio State for the BSNC.
What was my prediction?
i Think it was:
AU - 34
UGA - 20
ESPN.com still in a time warp.
Showing Iowa and tOSU tied at 24 with 2:42 to go in the 4th.
Can they finish 20 laps in Nascar in 9 minutes? Going to be the pits if they don't finish before the games starts.
I noticed the same thing. It was goofed up last night also.
They will break away Cincy.....
Yes, as long as there aren't wrecks.
Your crazy LT, no way they break away from the end of a race.
I need Idaho to score 8 points in the next 27 seconds to make my pick correct.
SOmeone go to ESPN.com and tell me I'm not crazy.
Not necessarily in that order.
You aren't crazy. ESPN is behind.
Iowa and tOSU still tied, :59 left in the 4th.
I saw that on 360 exactly 25 minutes ago.
Pretty strange. I've seen them fall behind individual games before, but it appears that they are about a half hour behind on everything.
What's going on with UF/SC?
Le Game Thread is UPZ.
I think they will show the beginning of the Auburn game on ESPN news or one of hte other ESPN channels if the race is still on.
War Eagle Hotties!
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