Another candidate emerges

This is attributable to a Houston TV station.
Marlin's Bearkats clobbered Auburn this season in Beard-Eaves Memorial Coliseum (big accomplishment) and qualified for the NCAA Tournament. He is 225-130 in 12 seasons at Sam Houston State. His teams have cracked the 20-win plateau six times.
What'd you have for lunch, Jay G?
Jay G,
Are you going to the ballpark Wednesday?
I feel like my questions are falling on deaf ears.
JGT eats lunch?
I don't think this guy has a chance.
I feel odd even reporting this, but it's out there so I will.
Marlin's marlins. I like it.
Jet - I'd forgotten about that event.
Brad Brownell from Wright State also has no shot.
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As far as my lunch: I had a cheese sandwich at Momma G's.
I gave up all meat for Lent. Less than two weeks to go!
Did they bring you crayons and a coloring book with your cheese sandwich?
I hope not. I think we ought to have the right to have a cheese sandwich without ridicule.
Momma G's sandwich=nice
Momma G's sandwich with no meat=not so nice.
Your a better man than me Jay G, I think I would go crazy if I gave up meat.
Also rans all.
I'd just eat a ton of nachos.
Norm ... it happened prior to my arrival, but it was an impressive act nonetheless.
Jay G said...Marlin's Bearkats clobbered Auburn this season in Beard-Eaves Memorial Coliseum (big accomplishment)
Did anyone else notice the sarcasm in Jay's statement? LOL
So, Jay G, if none of these guys has a shot, do you have any clue who might?
dang you guys, now i'm all fired up. and hungry.
As I recall, he REALLY had a strong dislike for that teacher. I think there were certainly others more deserving of those emotions but that's just me. Of course, I'd just complain with buddies and not put a plan into action. But that's just me.
Luv: I'll know a legit candidate when I see him.
Johnny Jones isn't necessarily an also-ran. After talking to a few people about him, Jones has a good reputation. He's a recruiter. He's a marketer. He has a lot of zeal.
I'm still not sold on what he's accomplished on the court, but he's a reasonable fit in other ways.
This guy is probably not the guy either, but hiring a guy that beat the crap out of us seems to be heading in the right direction.
Comment on Ochocinco's twitter page: "Chad, do me a favor and ask Buzz Aldrin's wife how much she would charge to haunt a house."
Now that's funny!
That is opposed to a different coaching search where we hired the coach of the only SEC team we beat the previous season.
Peter: I will not be covering the Cap City Classic. I will be at football practice. I will be BLAWGGIN' and VIDEOIN' and stuff.
beat writer say whaaatttt???
football practice?
Until the evening? What, do you have a family or something you have to get home to?
Yes, Mrs. Aldrin has had a bit too much work done. It looks like he's had some too.
Completely unrelated note, Jeff Franceour just went gonzo HR off of Tommy Hanson.
This means as much the SHSU coach interviewing with Auburn.
I really wish Auburn would at least interview Drew at Baylor.
I love that guy.
Trust in Jay Jacobs. Jacobs is the man.
In case you all didn't know, click it
The Auburn Beat Writer League draft is soon. Gotta beat these suckers!
my draft is sunday nite. i'm usually good till the all-star break. once we start talking fall practice....i'm d-u-n, dun!
Fantasy Baseball?
In case you have read it already, fans will be able to get a sneak peak at the new BB arena during A-Day.
That is primo stuff norm. I dig it.
if you click the 'mrs. aldrin''ve been warned!!!!!
Anyone going to the Grand-Am/Indy Car weekend at Barber Motorsports Park in April?
ehyou - they put on a heck of a show. I've seen them twice.
i saw the Commodores last summer.
the ladies still love 'Mr. Brickhouse.'
The Commodores rock. I saw them at the Big Spring Jam back in the early 90s.
Peter: I may go. We got free tickets last year and enjoyed the heck out of it.
I saw The Commodore's (the full original lineup) with Parliament back around '80 in the Gump, I also saw them several years ago at Jubilee Cityfest. EW&F is much, much better in my opinion.
I'm thinking about going. I've been to a both Grand-Am weekends so far this year, and would love a chance to get to an Indy Car race (can't make Tampa this weekend, and I'm not missing football in October to go to the race in Miami).
Tony Barbee is going to be in Auburn this week? Can anyone confirm this?
PF ... if he is, then I think he becomes the clubhouse leader.
I'd pay cash money to see a concert with:
The Gap Band
The Commodores
Yeah, I would. I'd even sit with Norm and J-Z.
I'd pay cash money not to have to go to that concert.
We'd force you to be our designated driver.
PF as DD ... big fun.
That would be a killer. Throw in the Isley Brothers and The O'Jays too.
We conned my roommate into being our DD at a Hank JR. concert in Columbus. The key is get them good and skunked before asking.
Jay, have you heard Tony Jones mentioned as a possible candidate. He seems popular with some people. Would he be a legit candidate?
Hey, PF,
No I am not going to get to go to the game tonight. I am up in Cherokee visiting my parents for a couple of days. But I am hoping to go see them play USCe Friday night.
We have had a steady stream of lookers. Another tomorrow. Hopefully a sale soon. Thanks for asking.
This place is borderline boring.
That was a terrible puppet hour.
Pathetic puppet hour -- in all four continental U.S. time zones.
Once again, an extended absence from HABOTN has forced me to comment on several topics previously discussed.
First things first, some actual scoopage: Jay Jacobs contacted the Athletic Director at UNI for permission to talk to Ben Jacobsen about the AU vacancy. Jacobsen told his AD to tell Jacobs he wasn't interested.
Second, SHSU HC Bob Marlin was a co-worker of mine in his JR College days, when he won an NJCAA national championship. His next stop was Tuscaloosa, where he was part of the coaching staff that got UA on probation (although I'm still convinced that was a setup).
I read the thread pill pockets exchange in the previous thread to my veterinarian wife. She was quite amused. BTW, she says peanut butter is okay for dogs, but it does occasionally cause constipation. There's a joke in there somewhere, but it's time is probably past now.
Finally, there is only one John Cusack movie worth discussing: Grosse Point Blank. A sweet romantic comedy with a high body count. My kind of chick flick.
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It makes me cringe to hear those folks on Idol try to sing....and that's from the other end of the house. I couldn't imagine being in the same room.
Baseball destruction continues at Samford:
Auburn 10 Samford 3
Dexter Price gets the win. Nothing special, gave up a lot of hits and only struck out 2, but it worked out, I guess.
Bats were good. Everyone in the lineup got a hit.
Fearless, your wife is a vet? Can you do me a favor and ask her about epilepsy in dogs? We are currently giving our dog potassium bromide and phenobarbital.
Great my bracket at work is ruined because of the WV PG breaking his foot in practice. "Are we talking about practice"? There were 150 entries at $10 per entry and I was tied for 10th.
We don't need to f****** practice Randy!
My SWAG for the next Bball coach is the guy from UTEP.
That is all.
Got to talk to Scott Sullivan at lunch today. He walked on to play baseball at AU back in the mid 90s and later pitched several years in the bigs. Holds quite a few records. Super nice dude from small town Alabama. Just sharin'.
AU is gonna whoop up on some turds tomorrow night in the gump. Can't wait for that.
Hmmm. wtc is on the Barbee train. Barbee is rumored to be coming to Auburn in the next two days. Conclusions can be drawn from this sort of information.
All aboard!
Barbee is young enough to become Auburn's version of Rupp if he wins big and sticks around. The Auburn family will support a winner. This Marlin guy serves to give JJ some bball interview experience much like he did with Dooley during the FHC search. Marlin = no chance.
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Hi Hotties,
PF - did you ever eat at Dales? Used to be our favorite "fancy" place to eat when I was growing up. Now, not so much.
We enjoyed watching Scott play for the Reds when we lived in Cincinnati. He was such a neat guy and a great contributor to the community.
Yep. Before prom Junior year and a couple of other times. It was supposed to be fancy wasn't it? I still use their sauce as a marinade, but I don't think I'd eat there again.
Barbee doesn't have the gold medal, remember?
Happy Birthday a little early IV. Hope you have a great day tomorrow.
spring practice!!!!! yeeeeeeah!!!!
Good morning, Hotties!! Rise and shine!!! It's time for FOOTBALL!!!
My mistake. It's time for lunch. Then it will be time for FOOTBALL!!!
Just got home from work so... Goodnight hotties
Ho hum. Another day, another $0.64.
lucky you, Norm.
time to go wandering the streets
but not before...
Jhag ...
I think, as WTC's mom has apparently told him, that these guys are the smoke screen that leads us to Barbee.
Homer - nice to read a football article this morning. Me likey.
Football starts at 10am Central. Is that after lunch?
Make that 10 ET, 9 Central....practice is like that every day but Saturdays and the Friday before A-Day, when it will be an hour later, and A-Day, which is 1pm central time.
While so many of you are now awake about to go to work, I put my head on my pillow for an hour's sleep before a differential equations test.
Fun, DWells. I hope you're rewarding yourself with a trip to the Gump tonight to have some beers, chicken biscuits, and watch Auburn take down Bama in the coolest baseball setting possible (I love that Stadium!).
Oh, and good luck.
Jay G,
Can you tell Mike Berry that we're all counting on him? Big Snacks!
Yeah, what PF said...
You weren't starting trouble at the Candy Shop Club a few hours ago were you? This has your name written all over it.
I'm not entirely sure where that is, but I know SW ATL is a good bit away from my house. So, no, that wasn't me. This time.
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SPRING FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is all. Thank you for your time.
Good morning Hotties!
Have you ever noticed no matter how old you are, you always sleep so well at your mama and daddy's house? :)
JGT said 'substance'. hehe
Thank you so much for talking with Tylerson. He said you were very helpful and really appreciated it.
It is so fun to see my son so excited - and about getting a job of all things!
Thanks for taking time with him.
My bed at home > my bed at the Westin > my bed at my parents house > my bed at my in-laws
cincy, I would like to tell Tylerson that getting a job isn't all it's cracked up to be, but neither is being broke. So I guess you have to pick the lesser of two evils.
I wish I had taken the advice of Billy Madison and stayed in school as long as I could have.
Really, Tylerson should stay in the condo until he gets kicked out. Maybe get a couple of PhDs or something.
Since I'm not independently wealthy, I suppose having some place to go during the day (when I don't work from home) beats the alternative.
Cincy - happy to do it. Given the timing and how we typically operate with things like this since our Fiscal Year ends this month, he'll likely have already accepted something elsewhere before he'd hear anything from us. But, maybe we could figure into his future. Either way, I'm sure he'll be fine.
I'm looking for a career change. I graduated from Auburn with a logistics degree. I'm pretty sure distribution is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. Any suggestions or ideas?
Maybe someone we know has a condo I can stay in until I figure it out. Seriously though if anyone has an idea or an opportunity let me know.
CHB - Hover mouse here then click
Look through it. If you see something you like, send me the position title, number and your resume and I'll put in a referral for you on whatever it is.
Law School. It lets you pretty much do whatever you want. Lawyer, CEO, Ambulance Chaser, Sports Agent, Radio Host (Biff does it, and is very entertaining), Bum, Costa Rican Palm Frond Hat Maker. The possibilities are endless.
Or perhaps, day laborer?
morning hotties!!!
Hey Mobilz. Where ya been?
As Norm would tell you, "Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too."
Of course, Norm has sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber.
Didn't wanna do it. Felt I owed it to 'em.
How 'bout a Fresca?
Hi Mobilz! Great to hear from you. It must be football time!
PF - football is 3 pm CET, so yes, it is/was after my lunch.
Tylerson should definitely stay in school as long as possible. School always trumps a real job ;-)
From an Associated Press report on the Gumpitizer's web site:
FAIRFIELD, Conn. — Police in Connecticut say they had ample warning of a bank robbery because the two suspects called the bank ahead of time and told an employee to get a bag of money ready.
Police arrested 27-year-old Albert Bailey and an unidentified 16-year-old boy on robbery and threatening charges Tuesday afternoon at a People's United Bank branch in Fairfield.
Sgt. James Perez says the two Bridgeport residents showed up about 10 minutes after making the call and were met by police in the parking lot. Perez told the Connecticut Post the suspects were "not too bright."
It's not clear if Bailey and the teen have lawyers.
Jet - that's a classic example of "FAIL".
"Hey, look, see, I'm gonna rob ya but I'm pretty busy. So, if you could just have everything ready for me when I get there, that'd be great. Thanks."
New thread UPZ.
I was a ditch digger basically while paying my way through Auburn. Don't really want to do that again.
Thanks for the link Norm, I will look it over.
PF I had always thought about Law School, but right now that is not an option. Wifey is about to start school to get her masters in education.
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