Jay Jacobs speaks
Jacobs said:
- ... he really likes Jeff Lebo as a person.
- ... he informed Lebo around noon, less than an hour after most of the team flew home from Nashville.
- ... he is considering all candidates that are interested in this job.
- ... he doesn't consider head-coach experience a requirement.
- ... he is planning to pay the next coach a salary that's commensurate with other SEC coaches. Lebo made approximately $750,000. Most league coaches are above $1 million.
- ... he has a short list of candidates.
- ... he may or may not hire a consulting firm.
- ... he doesn't expect to hire someone quickly. The NCAA Tournament may be a hindrance from a hiring perspective and the Final Foul is the perfect place to find a coach. They're all there.
- ... he wants a coach who's willing to market and promote the program.
- ... he believes Auburn basketball is capable of winning championships. Plural.
- ... the school's exclusive deal with Under Armour will prohibit the next coach from signing shoe deals with Nike or adidas. That could be a sticking point.
- ... he wasn't sure how the next coach would be affected by Auburn's voluntary ban on influential AAU sponsor Mark Komara. Lebo spoke often about how that situation was a major recruiting hindrance.
- ... an Auburn official (Bernard Hill) is in the process of talking with the signees and explaining the situation to them.
- "I just believe we can win championships. I believe we ought to be playing for championships and it doesn 't matter to me what the sport is. I believe we better be playing for championships and graduating our student-athletes. I believe that's what the Auburn people expect and me being one of the, I expect that."
- ``There's nothing about this decision that was easy. It doesn't matter what the factors are. When you are going to impact a program and families' lives and children that go to school, my children's lives, there's nothing easy. But at the end of the day, I've got to put personal feelings aside, and I've got to be the athletic director and do what I think is best."
- On how the Under Armour deal affects things: ``The thing that is sometimes misunderstood. We still have the traditional way of recruiting student-athletes at the high school. Just because we can’t get to maybe a sports club or something like that or it’s perceived that we can’t, we still get to compete from a recruiting standpoint in the high schools with the high school coaches and with the mamas and daddies."
thread happy, jgt?
just kidding, of course. Fantastic coverage which is greatly appreciated.
A song "That'll be the day" is ringing thru my head.
Why not? UT can do it, LSU can do it, UF can do it. Why not AU? Tell me that?
It takes two things: great players and a great coach. They are out there. Go get them.
Good job JayG. Thanks for the update. I think, most teams that fire a coach during this time frame wait until the tourney is about over before making a decision so it at least gives the impression they talked to guys that were in the tourney, even if they had someone picked out already.
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Hoopie-He doesn't have a snowballs chance of getting that job. I would say it is a safe bet that he will call JJ today or within the next few days to give his opinion.
His name rolls across the big screen at the football games as one of the BIG donors. I would think someone will take his call. Whether they listen is another story.
The words "New Arena" could be most helpful in the search.....I mean, it would be to me...........
That's at least one positive thing we got going for us!
I don't want to think about the negatives right now.
Nice job JGT. Sometimes "the man" gets in the way.
It's Friday, AU is out of the tourneys, we won't hire a replacement for a while and spring football is a couple weeks away. Go get some quality time with the family.
liked lebo he needed to go au needed a fresh start. we should hire a minority as i agree w jay and others its time
I have never understood all the hate for Charles. I think he would be a TERRIBLE college coach, but I love the guy. Not sure he would give up what is probably in the 10s of millions in salary and endorsements.
did anyone read barbee's bio he coached w/calipari at memphis and was his top recruiter
jay do you expect to hear from lebo
WTC, I was kidding about Barkley. That guy is a total embarrassment. I immediately flip the channel when I see him running that head.
I lived in Phoenix when he played there and enjoyed his playing. That's where my enjoyment ended.
I disliked his antics way before he started trashing AU.
hoop. i am in total agreement with you on barkley. his mouth runs way faster than his brain
Are my posts showing up on here? Just checking. Nobody talks to me anymore. Maybe I farted too much. I don't know.
I don't expect to hear from Lebo, no.
hi phred i.m sponge
hey sponge
OH NO! I've become ... I've become ... Irrelevant. I should be fired. I can't market my on-line persona anymore. Pay me my buyout, I'm gone.
Phred ...we love you main!
I'm not in the same mindset as you on this, but at the same time I also don't care enough about AU basketball to discuss any differences. I'm taking it all in until Ms. Hoopie has arranged who/where we are going to dinner.
Phreddie ..as long as you can still serve a little Zen from time to time you'll never be irrelevant ...so NO! you don't get the buyout.
You think Spurrier lounges at USC? Barkley isn't going to work. That's simply a bad idea that never will see the light of day. You can take that to the bank.
Actually Hoopie I haven't cared much for AU basketball since the Derek Denison/ Zane Arnold days. Barkley would be entertaining enough to make me watch... the post game interviews. :)
AUBigCat - the casinos?
let me qualify that last comment. I havent cared about AU "men's" basketball. The women rock, just not this year.
JGT, can you talk more to the Under Armour exclusive deal being a hindrance?
These coaches, y'all, they're real into these shoe deals. Kids in AAU programs get steered. And they often feel the pull according to shoe allegiances.
There is no Under Armour allegiance. None.
I should add: This happens in HS programs, too.
So if Auburn wants a kid who is in a Nike-aligned program and a Nike-aligned college program comes callin' ... Auburn will have its work cut out.
I know they have talent, but I'm unimpressed by kids who base their choice of school on what shoe they use.
Did someone mention football?
No joke. Man, that is serious.
Are you impressed by John Wall, DeMarcus Cousins, Eric Bledsoe and Kenny Boynton?
I hear you, but to make your college choice over shoes? Wow.
"he really likes Jeff Lebo as a person."
Don't we all.
and away we go. I have no idea if I'll have internet where we're staying this weekend. So just in case, y'all have a GREAT one!
Big time players want those shoe contracts to follow them on into the NBA.
As noted philosopher Mars Blackmon noted, it's gotta be the shoes.
Not if their reason for picking a school was a logo on a shoe. Not impressed in the least.
If they based their choice on shoes, no, I'm not impressed by them. In fact, it makes me less interested in following basketball.
RK, if they're great players, the contracts will come anyway.
In case you think I'm lying
Honestly, I had no idea. I'm stunned.
I added some quotes to the main blog.
Well, if that's the case then we're screwed. I bought a pair of Under Armour running shoes and they completely sucked. I threw them away.
I believe you JG. I just find it incredibly stupid. I can see picking a school because they have a great program, but because they use a particular shoe?
Jay, this is a side question, but do you have any idea how this traffic feed works? I mean, why do I show up as from Vincent which is 10 miles away and others show up from Sterrett which is where my zip code technically is? Inquiring minds want to know.
Has anybody tried to reply to Jay Jacobs?
"Basketball isn't as interesting to me if Dewayne Reed isn't involved." -- ElTurbo, 7:40 p.m., March 12, 2010.
Fraternity, mafia family, cult, gang ... pick your parallel, but that's the real world of shoes in basketball.
The shoes thing has dropped my interest in basketball below zero.
How long until spring practice?
NoVa ... I fear it will spread to football after I saw that the sports agency IMG is trying to start a national 7 on 7 league to serve as an AAU for football.
The Sneaker deal thing has been brought up on here before, and most laughed it off. It is a HUGE deal. The SVP of our company and top sales guy came from Adidas. They know and will tell you how huge a deal the sneaker seal is.
The Under Armour deal to me has not been the great advantage it was supposed to be. I know at one time UA payed us more that Nike paid UAT to wear their stuff. It was cool when we had CTT in that commercial, but since Texas Tech, South Carolina and a couple of schools have gone to UA I don't see where the we have to be beholden to Under Armour.
South Carolina wears Nike for basketball. I made that point on here and got laughed at. Auburn has got to do SOMETHING about the UA deal if they want to compete in basketball.
I'll take refuge in football until they do.
Any recruiting news?
Stu ... you're dead right. It's a huge deal.
We looked at it from a football perspective and a $ perspective. Maybe UA will be a hoops play one day, but as Jay G pointed out, it's not close now.
It's worth contemplating opting out of the deal, even if it costs some $.
Jet Hates,
I think UA really helps us in football, and probably baseball.
Under Armour has done a great job as a company. They have nipped the edges of Nike and Adidas. They have positioned themselves as an elite brand and almost created a new market with the base layers, etc.
Under Armour knows better than to step on Nike's toes in basketball. Nike has way too much marketing firepower and will crush them. Under Armour will NEVER be a player in basketball, and that means as long as Auburn is with them, Auburn will never be a player in basketball.
Oh, and if you don't think Nike sponsored coaches don't push their kids to Alabama instead of Auburn, in basketball, well I got some beach front property in Arizona for sale.
I believe all of this about Shoes runs basketball. Does Jacobs and the powers that be not know this? If they do and are not willing to do something about then they are just whistling dixie and feeding us a bunch of bull. We should not be at this big of a disadvange in any sport.
Not sure what the big deal is regarding Mark Komara. Dude went to University of Alabama in Huntsville, not Auburn. I went to high school with Mark. He was an Auburn fan, but how is it any different then all those high school coaches who push their athletes to their college preference. Auburn needs to grow a pair and fight the NCAA.
i don't care if they hire casper the ghost or the tar baby as long as the new guy can recruit, market the program and win.
If you are not on a level playing field in recruiting you will not get the top players and you will not win consistantly.
Wait, we have a basketball team?
Only in our dreams
Heard an interesting fact (?) yesterday from an "insider" in AU hoops. Chuck Person has not completed his college degree. Therefore, he cannot be a candidate for the job.
Jay -- can you verify?
I am not granted access into Auburn's academic databases. I have no idea.
I'm all for hiring the best coach for the job. We need the guy who is going to promote Auburn and bring fire/passion to the fan base. With that said it doesn't matter if said coach is white/black/Latino or a freaking alien. Why are some saying the next coach has to be a minority???????? Or that it's time???? It's time to get the right coach for the job. If that coach happens to be a minority then fine, but lets not put up with those that think he has to be of a certain race. That in itself is racism.
Well Jay - you can tell AD Jacobs that I would entertain an offer. You have my email address if he is so inclined.
G, shouldn't this whole shoe deal thing be investigated? Sounds like some sort of violation to me.
Apropos to nothing, but John Beilein is a better coach than the pitiful explanation he gave for his defensive call prior to Evan Turner's 35 foot buzzer beater.
Why cant Nell Fortner just coach both teams? She's also one heck of a recruiter.
I wonder how much of a deterrent AU's shoe issue is to potential coaches? They have to know that they will be limited in their ability to recruit the best players because of it.
At first blush, it may take someone with established relationships with AAU teams throughout the Southeast to try to overcome the shoe issue.
That's where Tony Jones becomes a more viable candidate.
I was in your area today, Hornet, and thought that you'd be a fine candidate for Lebo's job.
Hearing any chatter about an ex-NBA coach, Jay G?
I put my name forth last night as a candidate. Now that's official that Lebo is gone, I will once more.
My qualifications?
I believe in Auburn and love it.
Plus, I have red hair. Make of that what you will.
Local CBS news is talking about John Brady being a big contender. Said if he was offered the job he would take it.
baseballs put up a pretty good fight against the number 2 team in the country tonight, looks like their gonna fall a bit short
Rule No. 1: Anyone who campaigns for a job is not getting the job.
Your local CBS news affiliate is reading Kevin Scarbinsky's blog. That is their version of reporting.
On second thought, I don't want the job.
Is that better? Am I hired?
Hadn't seen Scarbinsky report that yet. Just Dunnaway on CBS. But I think they are just pulling names out of the hat right now.
Rumor is Pmarsh and Bob Knight were bowling and eating pork rinds in Auburn.
Brady has proven his worth at another "football school" in the SEC. That seems realistic to me.
I would be more excited about Mike Anderson, but that seems unrealistic.
I just hope singing beach music is not on a qualification AD Jacobs is looking for....
Oh my gosh. I love bowling and eating pork rinds. That would've been awesome!
My limit on 'Hot Donuts Now' is pretty much infinity.
I do not want an up and coming asst from a great bball school (duke, nc, villa) I want a guy who has walked on water with nothing to support him...
E-Bro with the clutch late night post!
Mr. Beasley would be so proud!!!
Yes, I'm on MrsTHT's laptop. I'm about to drop her off at her course and then Molly dog and I will tour around in the rain all day... or just come back and hang out on HABOTN.
Rise and shine, Hotties!!! No sense in burning daylight on a day you don't have to go to work.
ood Morning BOTNistas! Rivals is claiming that there are 5 candidates we should keep an eye on. Since I dont have a supscription someone in the know should enlighten us.
After poking around on the google machine I see a name that is new to me: Miami HC Frank Haith. I also saw some talk about Mike Davis from UAB but I dont know why. UAB hasnt been to the big dance in about 4 years.
Another one bites the (Jacobs) dust
Mike Davis is on shaky ground at UAB himself.
Some legit candidates:
Chuck Person
Sam Mitchell
Tony Barbee
Mike Anderson
Frank Haith
And, I think that is the order on the short list.
I'd like to see Danny Manning get considered, but, like I said earlier... I am under the impression that the "search" is a dog and pony act. I think they already have their guy, and have been told as much. We'll see if ut comes to fruition.
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Quick poll (because I'm curious):
Rate the Under Armour deal for AU.
a. Good
b. Bad
c. Has killed other sports (not FB)
Sensi ...
My sense is that it has been OK for football, neutral for baseball, and horrible for hoops.
Can someone please confirm that Chuck Person is a college graduate. If not, he is not a candidate (legit or otherwise). All I've heard is that he does not have a degree, but I haven't heard it from JGT, so it ain't fact.
Wesley Person is listed as an Auburn graduate and is HC at EOCC. His team was 8-21 his first season, so I doubt he's getting much consideration.
morning all. I like the sound of Sam Mitchell and Barbee.
The UA deal sounds like it has hurt BB severely.
Read the Reader Reaction comment below this article, then try to tell me that's not one of the strangest "job applications" you've ever seen.
For the money I think its good but I have heard some of the players and coaches say they do like the quality of the shoes and so forth but that is hear say so..
Jay G. just read the paper this morning and I enjoyed the read. Thank you. Also I really enjoyed Josh Moons today too. So please pass a thank you on to him please
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I was decked out in my HABOTN® shirt and cap, provided via the talents of Scottie B through a licensing agreement with Owner Tate, when I checked into the hotel at quarter of midnight last night. This very nice gentleman spoke up to me and asked about my shirt. Turns out he's a coach on Eric Mack's high school football team. He's definitely a people person (unlike yours truly) and I'm sure he's an outstanding football coach. He thinks highly of AU's coaching staff and was pleased that Eric chose AU. We are too!!!
I looked up Mike Anderson and I like him. One big fact is that he is from Alabama and it looks like he knows how to win. But Lebo looked like he knew how to win before he got here.
Jay G Tate's report in today's MA
Is Maryland basketball signed up with UA as well as the football team?
Belle- Yes
Anderson will require too much money. UGA offered 2.2 million and he passed. Chizik makes 2.1 million. Doubt the BB coach gets more than the FB coach.
What about Scott Drew from Baylor. his situation was worse than the one Lebo took over, or at least as bad. Plus he had murder investigation going of one of his players and Baylor was on probation when he took the job. He has turned that program around.
WTC ...
I don't see Scott Drew being interested in us. I see him heading to a better Big 12 program, or a Big Ten program.
Last comment:
Look at the last 3 hires by JJ. Were any of the hires on the speculative 'short list' that everyone was circulating? i don't know but I do not recall anyone talking up Chizik's name for the FB job. I never heard of the baseball coach before this job. I think the other is the swimming coach.
Just saying that I think the official list is a smokescreen.
Me neither, but It is worth a try. I also learned that the guy from Wichita State has already been contacted.
wtc I agree
Jet-Was Tate's comment earlier about those lobbying for the job will not get the job sort of putting the Sam Mitchell name out of the pix? Since he wants it so bad.
I heard speculation that Chizik was a candidate. I just never read anything that would lead me to believe he was a leading candidate. At the time, I viewed him as kind of a if not Boom substitute. I would have never guessed he would get the job, but I am glad he did.
Good article, Jay. I suspect that if we had beaten Missouri State, Central Florida, Troy and Sam Houston State; Lebo would have gotten another year. Those games are probably the best argument for getting rid of him.
Spring practice is right around the corner. Maybe they will hire a BBcoach right away or get swept out of the room with importatnt talk of football.
Winning cupcake games in the preseason that he lost would not have kept Lebo another year.
JJ looked at the 6 years total and no should (but some did) that Lebo should have gotten another year.
6 yrs
11th out of 12 teams in SEC wins
11th out of 12 teams in total wins
How could anyone, and there were many who thought he deserved another year, believe he should still be AU's coach.
If i am paying someone $750,000, I EXPECT more than that in 6 yrs..
JJ finally did the right thing
And his timing was MUCH better than other times.
$750,000 is a low salary in SEC head basketball coach terms.
Lebo had a lot going against him including the NCAA troubles and a lot of player turnover.
It is loosing to cupcakes that really says that we aren't close. Beating them wouldn't have meant we were even good, but loosing to them is a killer.
It is similar in football. A loss to Furman would have radically changed everyone's view of the Chiz.
WTC, I hope that what u hear is right..
Sometimes AU's list (especially with JJ now) doesn't ever match with the list we, as followers, want us to persue.
Barbee sounds very good
-good background
-great recruiter
People that throw up his relationship with Caliapari are stretching and saying guilty by association and may not be a clean recruiter.
give me a break...If he wants to move up the ladder, he would not be risking that by illegal recruiting..IMHO
LGG Byron will get a surprise in a few hours when he arrives at JFK and finds his connecting flight home has been cancelled. There was a time when air travel was actually fun.
Saw on the cam thingy someone from Finland. Just WOW.....THT I am glad I don't fly anymore. It was bad enough back then with as much as I had to do but today would be unbearably.
wtc, after Tubbs "resigned" a lot of people were campaigning for Boom. I floated out the idea of Chizik , mainly because of the similarities to Boom. The idea was either blasted or just ignored by everyone. I didn't think at the time that he would actually get the job because I am usually never right on those things.
I can't remember when air travel was fun. It was exciting the first time or two, but now it often becomes a nightmare. I have probably flown well over 100 times and there are always trips that turn into nightmares.
I have flights delayed for over six hours and one time in Boston my flight was delayed until the next day.
My latest return trip from Oregon was no picnic. I had layovers in Chicago and D.C. A trip with about 7 hours of flying time took well over 12 hours, and I took the red eye from Oregon.
Chizik was an interesting and very bold hire by Jay Jacobs. I learned to respect Jacobs a lot more when he had the guts to do that. He had to know that short sighted people would look at his Iowa State record and squeal. Billy Bob at the airport was a good example. I wonder what happened to Billy Bob?
Personally, I'm ready to get back into coaching. Somebody needs to tell these young men how to tie their shoes.
New thread UPZ.
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