Minor coaching change to report
Hey everyone. I spent my morning cooped up at the eye doctor. I have a stye in my eye, which I didn't think could happen to an adult. I thought that was for infants. What does that say about me?
TO THE NEWS: Long-time Auburn associate and Montgomery native Jimmy Perry is leaving the Tigers for a coaching gig at St. Paul's Episcopal in Mobile.
``I wanted to be a head coach again and the opportunity to coach at
St. Paul’s will not only allow me to do that ... but to also make a
meaningful impact on young men’s lives," Perry said.
He has been at Auburn since 2000 as a high-school and professional liaison. Perry is a 1979 Auburn graduate.
``I wanted to be a head coach again and the opportunity to coach at
St. Paul’s will not only allow me to do that ... but to also make a
meaningful impact on young men’s lives," Perry said.
He has been at Auburn since 2000 as a high-school and professional liaison. Perry is a 1979 Auburn graduate.
I liked talking with Jimmy. He doesn't like reporters as a rule, but he understood that we need information.
3...sorry THT.
So I wonder if that younger guy he brought in who had a TBD title will replace Mr. Perry?
Seanz -- yes.
66666666666666 no wonder you couldn't see me
Which guy? My memory is old and fading...
saw Tubberville at Wallyworld in Auburn yesterday...if you have 4 million why are you at walmart...the economy must be bad
Which guy = TBD reference.
WEG, are you giving me the sign of the beast or what?
Tuberville loves value. He'll be at Sam's and Wal-Mart until the day he dies. He is from rural Arkansas!
Jimmy Perry is a class act.
Yea. Good dude.
Jimmy is a good boy ... years have been good to him.
just trying to shake up your day!! different than michael's curses
Maybe that will give Auburn a good connection to a Mobile school.
Those St. Paul guys have been funneling to Alabama the last couple years.
Well, Jimmy had had more than his share of physical problems. He certainly looks younger than you'd expect.
sensi i was thinking the same thing
That's a true statment Re: Value, just because you have money isn't a license to waste it.
Hope your eye gets better.
WEG, it would be nice to limit the stranglehold of UA in Mobile.
Don't feel bad Mr. Jay G. Tate...I had a stye last year and I'm 41. I think that means I'm a Man.
What the heck is a stye?
My mom used to tell me that my room looked like a pig stye.
It's kinda like an eye zit.
I'm very familiar with the pig stye, it got me into quite a few problems when I was younger, and still today with the misses.
Yeah, pretty much a zit on your eyelid. pretty painful and annoying
Maybe the Auburn QBs all had a stye in the eye last year.
That would explain a lot.
Also read between the lines a little. Jimmy has 30 years in the RSA. He can retire and go to work in the private sector.
Gets to be a Head Coach at a nice school. Pretty good gig...
Jay, have you tried ProActive for your eye zits? It worked for Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Love Hewitt.
One little dab is all you need.
Proactiv burns your skin, that's how you know it's working
Can't the same be said about what cocaine does to one's nostrils?
Minor side effects include: small occurance of 2nd degree burns, leprosy, horrific scarring and in less than one percent of users, death.
How do you know, Sensi?
You know cocaine is working when you steal money from your mom's purse for another score
Not from personal use.
I heard a lot of the old timer musicians from the Shoals area talk about that.
Actually, what I meant to post was:
Rick James says it is a "heck" of a drug.
Good to see Sensi back in the 'hood.
Band at junior prom had a great turn on Clapton's "Cocaine." GaTiger should be able to verify this.
If you wanna freebase,
It'll blow up your face.
Ol' Richard Pryor
Set his face on fire.
Don't freebase, don't freebase, don't freebase ... Cocaine.
It's an eye zit, yes, but it's realllllllly irritating.
So here is a decent question, how does one get ride of an "eye zit"?
Jay G ... had one two weeks ago ... stuck an iron on my face to lift the stye up, then stabbed it with an ice pick 12 times ... stye's gone.
Jet's idea seems as reasonable and logical as any.
That's awesome, Jet.
Sensi ...
I presume you're talking about the "Cocaine" lyrics rather than my unconventional path to curing a stye.
Or maybe not, maybe you like the idea of me searing myself with a hot iron, then stabbing myself a dozen times.
Thanks, ya jerk. Just kidding.
Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers, and they've been known to pick a song or two.
Jet, as is sometimes the case, you are correct. At least as best as I can remember. I'll have to ask my date. As soon as I can remember who it was. I have it narrowed down to two, one a classmate who is still in the gump, the other not a member of our school and no longer in the gump.
Jimmy Perry is one handsome devil.
GaTiger, as I recall, it was one of your famous "Rent-A-Dates" that had to be returned by a certain time, or Guido the Killer Pimp might have an issue with you.
Just kidding, of course.
War Eagle Girl,
You shop at Wally World because one does not get it(money)and keep it by giving it away. And it is with one B not two. No slight intended.
Jay G, Infants get sties because they put their hands in unclean places and then rub their eyes. Hmmmm.....
Rick James said that "Cocaine was a hellava drug". Not Heck of a drug.
Sooooo, Jay G, are you going to the women's SEC tourney in North Little Rock? Just a question. Is the Gannett Gazzette going to foot the tab for you to travel with the SEC champions?
Jet - your stye treatment plan reminds me of the old SNL bits with Christopher Guest and Billy Crystal. As in:
Boy. You wanna talk about some pain? I bought one o' them linoleum knives the other day, you know?
So, I go home, you know, and I spread my toes apart and I just start sawing, back and forth and back and forth, you know?
And I take a little thing o' Tabasco sauce, you know?
And just dump it on there. Talk about a hotfoot, mister! Boy that was rough.
Let us all wish Denny Crum a happy birthday!
Jet - those dates were never for proms and such. So I'm told that is.
Thank you Jet. I am glad someone around here remembers.
Just to let everyone know, Coach Dye and I now are Facebook friends.
I figured that Junior, Darrell, Scooter, Billy Thompson, Never Nervous Pervis would have taken you to lunch today.
Nice guy. I'll miss his perfectly parted hair most of all.
Coach Dye and I are NOT Facebook friends. I am not worthy of his friendship.
Jay G Tate... I hate the eye stye thing.. have had them before too. I have been able to get rid of them with a really hot-damp rag over the eye for 15-30 minutes... just a little home remedy... and an iron does help get it HOT!
A trip to Little Rock is not looking likely. Ditto for Tampa.
A very warm wash cloth over the eye has been helpful to me in the past.
Question: Has anyone else looked at Iowa State's web site and seen the football videos from inside practice etc.? Most have been removed now that new HC is there, but right after Chizik was annouced I looked at there stuff and they had a lot of video available on the ISU official site. Just wondering if yall think Chizik will allow the same at Auburn?
I love the videos we get through Jay from interviews and practice!
In case you're wondering... long time lurker... few time poster...
very warm and wet, that is
Happy Birthday Denny. Just so I'm clear, don't you display a date other than today as your birthday on FB? Pat Dye is my FB homie too.
ummm.... that's what she said?
This could go astray very quickly ...
eh, nevermind. I'm Captain Boxhead.
Jet / Denny - it seems that the list of people to take Denny to lunch today should include "Popcorn Carter!" (only old time gumps will be likely to catch that one)
It would have been nice of St. Paul's to hire Perry two years ago when they were shelling out D-1 recruits. I think the cupboard is pretty bear for the next two years over there.
Not to mention Eugene Travis, Sr., and Eugene Travis, Jr.
I wrote Cheryl's post... my soon to be wife changed the profile and is already interfering with my HABOTN posting
And leave Ronald Swanner with the bill.
That depends on which FB site you look to.
Ron ...
Uh, buddy, does the future Mrs. know about your little "problem?" Just want to be of herp ... I mean, help to you?
Negative Jet, but our bigger issue is her love of dogs.
Denny - please excuse my confusion. It happens alot these days. I'll try to do better but more likely is that I'll just forget that I was confused in the first place.
What the heck is going on in here?
Eye zits suck! My suggestion is to let the mrs hold you down, turn your eyelids inside out and pop 'em. Sometimes you have to use a hot needle to get the job done.
I see nothing wrong with Tubs at Wally world. I went there today. I also have seen photographic evidence of Shaq at a walmart at 2am last night. Just cause you got money doesn't mean you can't be frivolous. (And I did not mean to lump myself into the same financial standing as Tubs and Shaq.)
Captain Boxhead - I think your question would be better phrased as follows: "What in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin' on here?"
In all truthiness, don't be practicing medicine at home.
I had a spot on my leg last summer that I tried to deal with myself ... I didn't do very well with my self-surgery, and three days later, I had staph.
Of course, I probably had staph all along, but take my advice: leave the professional work to the professionals. Except here where us amateurs run amok.
I would exclusively shop at Wal-Mart if not for my snooty wife. If I quit my job and became the one in charge of shopping, moving to WM as my primary food provider would be my first order of business.
You story scares me, Jet. I have fixed a few ingrown toenails via self surgery. Are you telling me that I am not just a tough guy, but instead a tough moron? Well, at least we are still tough, Jet.
I can't stand wal-mart. i would rather pop jay's eye zit than go to wal mart
My suggestion is not to use a steak knife in a Destin condo to perform self-surgery.
Just sayin'.
Harrison, with ya on Wal-Mart, that's my punishment for creating the earlier mentioned pig stye.
i have spent many an hour with the wife at Target (NOT the Super-Target either). she won't step foot in Wal-Mart. i'm not a big fan either. too big and too crowded.
I guess that explains a few things. I would love to pop someone's eye zit. Sounds like fun. I also like Wal Mart.
Jet, I generally use toenail clippers to cut through excess flesh. It usually causes me to cut off more than I need, but it works. Probably has a lot of bacteria on it, also.
Michael you've given me a new definition of TMI.
We have our routine down since the new kid came. Whole family goes to Publix on Wednesday to get all the stuff that is on sale, and then we get everything else at Target on the weekend. Perfect plan.
SIAP....but I feel sorry for Eddie Gran...He is a class individual that is going to be associated with this bunch of idiots in Knoxville...
Wild Boyz II
Really? I thought the breastfeeding joke a couple of days ago pushed the definition out further. It's hard to tell sometimes.
I don't have to worry about such retail establishment problems. I tell Mrs. Gatiger what I want/need and it typically appears within a reasonable time. I'm unconcerned where said item(s) were purchased.
There are, of course, some items where she has no business being consulted; pretty much anything electronic, golf clubs, my books, etc. Beyond that, I don't care too much.
Missed the breastfeeding one, but I bet it was a gem.
I'd forgotten the breastfeeding joke. Thanks for the reminder. Was she the one recently busted for BFWD?
No, she rarely leaves the house. The child has made her a recluse.
Seanz, I don't remember the joke exactly, something about a sucking sound.
This is so not a thread to snack to...
Oh yeah, add anything yardwork related to the list of items Mrs. Gatiger is not consulted on. Gatiger does his own yardwork, no Central American people taking care of my stuff.
Just spoke with Frankie Sullivan via telephone for a Tuesday morning story.
He described Tay Waller's shooting motion as "awkward," which I found very diplomatic.
If people are fascinated with styes, Kristina, it's not my fault.
They're not fun to endure, believe me.
What, Kristinuh? My poop sandwich with expired mayonnaise and onions tastes just fine while reading this thread.
Michael, expired Mayo and onions...that's just disturbing.
1. Michael ... "poop sandwich with expired mayonnaise and onions" -- that's just ... classic.
2. GaTiger ... Three years ago when I had knee issues -- OK, lardbutt issues, I hired members of the OAS to handle certain lawn duties. Unfortunately, Mrs. Jet has terminated their employment, announcing my return to the yard. The other brother husbands are nowhere to be found when it's time for yardwork.
Mykal, you're not alone. My wife is a bit snooty when it comes to grocery shopping too. She won't go anywhere but Publix.
Of course that was brought on by good ol Gumpians. We have gotten things at walmart in the gump that were past expiration date (or not past but already spoiled). And she was once stalked throughout a gump winn-dixie by a guy begging for money.
Poop Sandwich?
Is that what they are calling the special at Byron's these days?
See what Fake Steve did there, yeah? High Five!
Sometimes I wonder just how far the HABOTN oversharing would go if Jay didn't start new threads.
I'm torn between feeling weird for enjoying said oversharing and reisisting the urge to do so myself.
OK...Hoopie..don't do it....just hit the publish your comment button .....and let it go.
Dangit I just overshared.
Jet - the "no OAS" stance is largely mine, I'm extremely fond of my $ and don't really care to part with it for things I can easily do myself. However, I have had the yardwork job for more years than I care to remember and eagerly anticipate my retirement from it.
The tigercub was 2 y/o in January, what is too early to get him used to it? I figure I'll go ahead and do the pre-season pruning, but wonder if I can get him on the mower or something this spring and summer. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some crazy and irresponsible parent. I'd be in the yard with my favorite 96 calories supervising him in case he screwed it up or something...
The HABOTN has higher sharing limits than most blogs.
As long as he can reach the clutch and break pedal on the mower (and as long as his little legs are strong enough to operate them) then you're good to turn him loose. Of course, if your mower has an auto shutoff feature on the seat (the thing that shuts the deck off in case you fall of), then you may have to disable it. He may not weigh enough for it to know if he's up there or not.
Of course, you always want to supervise. you can't have him mowing crooked lines. That just looks bad.
Yeah.....the eye stye was bad, but my first barium enema was worse.
Lying naked on a stainless steel table with a good looking female medical assistant inserting a hose...... Then they had to "pressure test" me.
I opted for gas during the next one.
wow, just got back here and didn't mean to scare up any non-love for Wally world or Tub"b"erville just a funny and unfunny thought about the economy and running into tommy yesterday.....????
ya'll take life so seriously
OK....I am done refreshing this thread. I draw the line at enemas. ;-)
Enema of the State, that's Hoopie.
Next thing we know some of you ladies will be giving us child birth stories...
Stop the insanity..
Oh, I can give ya childbirth stories....keep talking enemas and you might just force my hand.
We need a new thread in the worst way. I think I can come through ...
kristina we know they couldn't handle it!
You know us well WEG
You said it WEG....no way.
Kristina is acting like she is too good for this, but she just does keep refreshing.
Hoopie – that was hilarious.
Hoopie, that reminds me of a story which I will not share the full details here. This would definitely be a case of too much sharing. Basically it involved being a patient at one of the fine hospitals in the gump; being wakened at a very rude hour of the morning by a cranky nurse telling me it was time for mine in preparation for some test coming up, I told her I declined her kind offer and she politely left, boy was I surprised when I was awakened again about 30 minutes later but this time by a very large orderly dude. He was not accepting polite refusals.
Being in the hospital sucks.
You totally got me, micle
Thanks very much to the Hotties who have already contributed. If you haven't read your fellow Hotties story and made a contribution follow the link below. It's a great story and your donation, big or small, will help us FIGHT CANCER!
The cord that carrying Wifey's epidural block crimped completely during childbirth. If you're scoring at home, that's a sudden loss of sedative during c-section.
No, we could not handle that.
gatiger - the way HABOTN works is that at first you don't think you should give all the details, but at some point in the next ten minutes you will decide, "What the heck. Here are the juicy details!"
Holy hell, Jay! Wifey wins. Sweet crap.
There was a Scrubs episode where they tried to do surgery suing only hypnosis as anesthesia. The patient woke up and started screaming. I remember thinking, “Wow, that would be horrible in real life.” You wife actually lived it. Crazy.
Jay's wife gets the trophy
When i worked at a certain large hospital in Huntsville. i saw some cool/gross stuff, but a tapeworm pulled out of a guys butt might have been the weirdest
good grief
You were there when they pulled that tapeworm out of my butt! Awesome!.
Just kidding. Or am I?
Yep. i saw it. if that was you michael you have mastered the english language since then. cause that dude didn't speak english at all
Dang, Jay. I thought it was bad not getting my epidural in time for my girl. I cannot imagine it for a C-Section.
JGT......I guess getting her to go to a "happy place" just wasn't an option. That's brutal.
okay, unlike Kristina...on that note I will make a graceful exit.......
I know, WEG, it's like a trainwreck....I can't look away.
New thread up. Please leave the TMI stuff here ...
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