Gus Malzahn Speaks, 2/25

NOTE: I will be updating this for the next few hours.
- On the quarterback competition: "It's going to be wide open. Everyone is going to start new."
- "There is no pecking order."
- He has watched tape of all offensive players, but he wasn't assessing the way you might think: ``We're not going to go crazy with what they've done in the past. It was about positions."
- He won't use a two-quarterback system: "We're a quarterback-oriented system. You've got to have a guy and you need a leader. We will have one guy."
- On how important speed is at quarterback: "We don't have to have a 4.4 or 4.5 guy, but we need a good operator. We will have to have a quarterback who can make plays with his feet."
- On the two freshmen quarterbacks (Tyrik Rollison and Clint Moseley): "They both have that it factor."
- On the possibility of a freshman playing in 2009: "Every now and then, you'll find a special guy who can come in and do that. It's really hard for me to say that right now but both those guys are very talented quarterbacks."
- On Chris Todd's availability: "It's hard to say exactly where he'll be. He wants to get out there this spring."
- On the pace of his offense: "We're going to play faster than anybody in the country."
- On why he assigns numbers (rather than letters/names) to skill positions: ``We go so fast. We try to take a lot of the wording out. It helps us call (plays) quicker."
- There will be a designated "wildcat" guy. He said Mario Fannin is the top candidate among returning players, but Malzahn said he also plans to audition Dontae Aycock, Emory Blake and Travante Stallworth in that spot.
- (UPDATED @ 4 p.m.) On how his offensive line will handle 80 plays per game: "We try to get our guys into basketball shape. I don't mean that as a soft word. Our guys are going to recover quickly. They're going to mentally and physically recover. Our offensive line will run more than any offensive line in the country."
- (UPDATED @ 4 p.m.) On being open-minded during the game: "It goes back to taking what they give you. Last year, we were perceived as a passing team at Tulsa. At times, we were. Against New Mexico we threw for almost 500 yards. The next week, I think we ran for 300. They were playing two safeties. They were playing cover 2. We ran the football. It was common sense."
- (UPDATED @ 4 p.m.) On what he ran at Arkansas in 2006: "That was kinda two offenses and two philosophies put together."
- (UPDATED @ 4 p.m.) On his role in recruiting: "I'll have the state of Arkansas and Louisiana. At the same time, our main offensive recruits, I'll be helping with that and have a big part and influence in that."
- (UPDATED @ 4 p.m.) He said (as a general rule) offensive tackles will be in two-point stances. Guards will be in three-point stances.
how many folks are sitting there hitting refresh button?
3? please let me be 3.
Dear Leader?
There is a refresh button?
Dear Leader!!! So great to see you, figuratively speaking, of course
the work just dried up. I suspect as soon as Jay GT starts blogging the Malzahn interview I'll be swamped and can't pay attention.
Dear Leader:
Yesterday morning, Mrs. Jet looked at the screen, and said "That doesn't have any clothes on."
I said, "Nah, that's just the dictator's new clothes."
Dear Leader...
Would you mind covering up?
My wife thinks that HABOTN is a weirdo porn place after seeing your picture..
Gus: ``We're not going to go crazy with what they've done in the past."
Jet's Translation: "It will be interesting to see how these boys play after they've been competently coached."
Dear Leader is wearing his North Korean Masonic Apron, I believe.
ah this is the news... Exciting!
It's not?
FSJ - I'm absolutely famished, on auto-digest mode. I think your avatar is to blame.
Here comes the "Wildcock" offense!!!!
where does he think PPL will line up?
One QB? So, no looking over the shoulder? Drats. I kinda liked how that kind of thing ruined the psyche of promising young QBs.
Gus, may I note, has yet to refer to himself as a dumbass yet.
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Just talked with PPL.
He said his knee is "78 percent." Seriously. I guess he was referring to a recent weight test. He's been pain free since mid January. He's planning to participate in some spring drills.
He hopes to handle some full-contact stuff. I seriously doubt that will happen.
So far the only thing that hasn't been coach speak is the fact that the QB will have to be able to make plays with his feet, although that doesn't really eliminate anyone.
I'm doing a lot of things at once here. I still have interviews with Boulware and Grimes to handle, plus pictures, plus a story for the paper.
Like I said in the thread ... I'll be updating throughout the afternoon.
I hate that for PPL. Thanks for the update, Jay GT.
Jay G = Amazing Servant of the People
I love most of the HOTTIES.
Jet, you're certainly in that category. Thanks for the real-time support.
I think a list of Hotties you don't love would be interesting...
Jay G. loves "most of the hotties". awesome. Now everyone secretely wants to know which category they fall in
YOU DA Man JGT....Ask CGM if he is so looking forward to taking Aycock to Ole Miss's NUTT.
Gus (on Chris Todd): "It's hard to say exactly where he'll be. He wants to get out there this spring."
Jet's Translation: ""It's hard to say exactly where he'll be -- Eastern Kentucky? Morehead State? He wants to get out there this spring. We want him to get out, too. But we have a different definition of 'out.' "
most of us love you too JG. :) good work as always. keep it up. way up!
Harrison ...
I don't have to wonder.
He loves me!!!!
I hope playing faster than any team in the country isn't like last season. I will say one thing for Franklin's offense. It could get off the field quicker than most.
Maybe a list of people who have loved Jet would be appropriate?
i was thinking the same thing steve.
Is it just me, or does the whole attitude of this staff just make you want to run up and hug them for their enthusiasm about their jobs? Except for CGC of course. I think he would stab you if you tried to hug him.
i'm feeling the love
are jay and jet the first romance to come out of the habotn?
No Harrison. Jan Terri and FSJ made out one time last fall.
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That's just lust michael. They used the word "love"
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Gotta transcribe some stuff.
I'll start posting more stuff at 4. I'm kinda overloaded at the moment.
Yeah, but he was a self professed dumbass. And Coach Malzahn's wife is way hotter than anything Franklin could land. So, I have hope.
People who complain, both aggressively and subtly, about the free content provided here don't get my love.
thanks JGT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jet- your "out there" cracked me up. Wouldn't it be funny if Todd comes out there with a "Campbelloid" sr season.
Campbell + Carnell + Ronnie B = Campbelliod
Chris Todd + Ben Tate + ? = Transferring
Haha my Age!!!!!
A Puppet Hour with new content is coming up... what the heck will happen?
I would be delighted if Chris Todd had a "Campbelloid" season, THT, but I suspect he will have a "hemorrhoid" season.
And his anus will be attached to the bench.
I'm in the love Jay G, but not loved by Jay G category. There are few of us, but we make up a strong group!
Yikes... I don't know if I like that last update... making our lineman be in "basketball shape" sounds familiar.
Thanks for the interviews Jay.
Still holding judgement until the season starts. No way am I getting rooked into being optimistic again. Ok that's probably not true...but I will be cautiously optimistic as opposed to delusionally optimistic.
puppet hour + new content= rift in time space continuum. I'm not real sure what that means though. Probably no big deal
Cowboy, that's funny stuff.
Jay G.
as one of your Ole Skool posters... i can tell you unequivocally that you are most definitely, whole hardily, very well thought of in a kinder gentler HOTTIE Nation!!!
BTW, I love all that you you Jay G.!!!
PS "Hi ho the witch is dead!!! (WNSP Afternoon Sports Drive)!!!"
Neal's Jedi Mind Trick Finally worked!!!!
Let there be no confusion: I am into delusion.
oops "you you= you do"!
Sen tell us about that $14,000 rebate check you had to write?
Harrison - it means that HABOTN won't be run by the crazies since people will be here for the content, thus pretty much making Puppet Hour evaporate.
Hey everyone, check this info on oversigning Ole Miss style:
Copy and paste you bunch of lazy bums.
Every time I get optimistic...
The rug gets pulled out from under me....
Common sense?
Oh, my! This is a great day.
I have a packet on my desk outlining the funds Alabama will receive under the stimulus. I am trying to see how we can stimulate the program -- and toss a little toward Jay G for his hard work.
content is good. inane converstions are gooder
Hey Senator Jet... can you do something about the filibustering going on in the state senate and hurry up and let the gourmet beer law go through?
Here's what Mikhail wanted us all to see, but I couldn't initially, because I couldn't see the whole addy
Let the record show that the filibuster in the Alabama Senate is being caused by the Senator from ... Tuscaloosa.
Why don't you just give him a stimulus check and send him on his way?
And bummer, that's a nice lookin link you got there.
Do athletes who play multiple sports have their scholarship count against both programs? Say, for instance, Nutt had a guy that was faster than daylight, and talked the track coach into offering him a scholarship. Would this player's shcolly count against football and track, or would the programs get to choose which to apply it to?
The NCAA handbook clearly states that the track coach and football coach will each grab one foot and one hand of said athlete, and pull. Whoever gets the bigger halflete (get it? half an athlete!!?? I just made that up!) has to pay the scholarship.
Interesting. If that loophole scenario exists at Ole Miss, I hope Nutt is stronger than the track coach, and consequently, gets the bigger half. That way, he has to pay a kids way through that can't play at all, because he's missing half of himself, and that Ole Miss loses to Auburn because lack of depth at that [half] player's position.
But it's not all about strength, Frankenbummer. Much like the wishbone, it mostly has to do with luck. Whoever gets the bigger hathlete is all chaos theory stuff, man. Except without the dinosaurs eating people.
I have shuffled the order on the blog. We now have Malzahn at the top, Boulware second, Grimes third.
If you haven't read Grimes or Boulware, check that out.
The NCAA has established a sport heirarchy for those who participate in 2 sports. Football is at the top of that chain so they would have to count as a football scholorhship player.
Kristina, it is OK to admit that you just don't know. No need to make stuff up.
Zoo Keeper to the rescue..
i'm so confused
It's quite simple, Harrison. If Marty doesn't go back to the future to repair what Biff has done, then he will never be born. Get it?
Knowledge is power...
Did someone say Google?
Your point, faker?
Actually, power is the rate of change in energy, Kristeenuh.
but will the posts be in the same order? Which assistant coach would we post under? Would they still be our coaches?
Look Harrison, what he must do is quite clear. We need to go talk under the Grimes post, otherwise HABOTN will never have existed.
And see Mhciel, you knowing that makes you all the more powerful in your sheep raising, puppet hating, wolf den world.
Yeah... but what does you knowing that I know that do for you? Nuthin.
Grimes is much like Richard Alpert now ... unstuck in time.
...or Billy Pilgrim...
Thanks for finishing out the campfire last night, Michael. As the group got smaller, the laughs got bigger.
That was my experience anyway.
Of course, any group including jhag has immediate comedy potential.
so durst is back on the team now? must have missed that
Had great contributions from unusual places, too.
One has to wonder when Richard found time to be the mayor of Gotham City. I'll bet at some point there will be a Lost/Batman crossover episode that will explain it all.
Or maybe he never left.
That story baffled me at the time. I never wrote much about it. No offense to Ev Woodbery, who broke that engaging story, but it seemed like Durst was trying to draw a charge with that little plea. I guess it worked.
Mchiel, do you work at Buy More?
Love the campfires, Jay. Attendance from home is spotty for me, though. Wife is always like, "Come spend time with me," and stuff. What does she see in me, anyway?
Yeah Kristeenuh, but I am a secret agent on the side. So that part is cool.
i don't know michael. I can't wrestle my wife away from facebook long enough to do a campfire from home. I mean literally, she is strong
Ahhh yes. I was worried when I married a woman I was stronger than. After all, who will protect ME? But, the one nice thing about it is I can quite easily wrestle her away from the computer or anything else.
I bet my wifey would win in a HABOTN cage match.
I watched her purposefully shatter a girl's ankle while playing field hockey. The play drew a red card, of course, and Wifey smiled as she walked off the field.
Now you see why I'm obedient.
Yeah I would not want to mess with wifey either. Anyone who goes head to head with Ms. Judy is tough...
My wife threw some tacos at me once, they were still attached to the plate
My wife rode horses all her life, so I guess she is kind of athletic. But not really. Let's be honest here, the horse is the real hero in that situation (and no, of course my wife doesn't read this blog. You think I'm stupid?)
mine either Michael. I am terrified of horses though, so I think your wife is brave, very brave
I am allergic to horses, but not scared. That is the reason I classify my wife as "not allergic to horses" instead of "brave." It's all about where you're coming from.
You two could start a comedy troupe.
Michael ... IT is a zen-like quality that can neither be defined nor readily identified. But, you know IT when you see IT. IT is an inate and subconscious recognition of excellence and superiority in others. You can just see IT in the way they walk, talk, and act. Okay, so maybe I just defined IT.
For instance ... Jan Terri obviously has IT.
Get Down Goblin has IT.
I read this blog and am having Franklin Experience flashbacks. Yea, I know that Malzahn's offense is supposedly different than the Franklin Experience, but the coach speak is very similar. I just hope the new offensive line looks like basketball forwards or centers, rather than the point guards we played this last season.
yes, but Malzhan has "IT" and Franklin just had "OTIS"
Just a note to say Thank you for all your hard work. Just got home and that is a pretty impressive book ok interviews.
Thanks again and I hope you know all the Hotties appreciate it.
How about the "sheep in wolves clothing" quote today.
I laughed out loud about that.
mdaniel, cool sellers avatar. i was raised by horses so, when a fire breaks out i huddle next to it. i would require michael's help to save me from the flames. my wife, on the other hand, was raised in the wild by gerbils. she will run as fast as she can on her little wheel to get away from the flames. we share an odd connection.
Jay, I'm way behind on my reading, thanks for the great interviews. I wanted to let everyone know my daughter just called me excited out of her mind. She and Mrs depressed just got Bo Jackson to sign an autograph for my daughter at The Olive Garden in Tigertown. I have obviously installed the proper values in her. Bo, Thanks.
cool, depressed. met bo once, never got an autograph.
Bo Jackson autograph is legit. Color me jealous. Good stuff here Jay, just the kind of thing I like to read post-workout.
nw i do have a couple of walter reeves autographs (he played tight end for au and the az cardinals). he interned under my dad in ee. good, smart guy.
wasted my day visiting some d-II college 3 hour practice, shooot me.
Guys, I was 13 during the magical '83 season. I went to most all of the home games and I had no appreciation of the RB from Auburn who was heads and shoulders above even the most talented players on the opposing team. My dad tried to tell me I was seeing things I would probably never see again. He was right. I loved watching Rudi, Cadillac, R Brown, etc, but none had the total package of speed and power of #34.
So Jhag, was that a recruiting visit?
An "unnoficial" if you want to look at it that way, my coach just took me over to Palm Beach Atlantic, i met the team and watched them practice, not a chance I'm going to go there but my coach wanted me to so whateve.
If Get Down Goblin has IT, then I can only hope that our next quarterback has that too. I mean, if you could somehow put Get Down Goblin's essence in a can and create a quarterback from it, who on earth could stop him?
I got an autograph from Bo many years ago in Tuscaloosa of all places. He was there visiting some hunt club. My stepmom was a friend of the owner. He signed his baseball picture. My oldest daughter has it displayed on her wall of honor and knows how cherished it is.
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