Hilliard's status clarified
The freshman forward was knocked from Auburn's win against Georgia on Sunday after an awkward collision. Her knee was hyper-extended, but the blow was directly to the kneecap. A hit from the side or a twist likely would have caused significant damage.
An Auburn spokesperson said Hilliard is considered questionable for the Tigers' game against Arkansas on Sunday.
Photo credit: Todd Van Emst/Auburn University.
The longer the Oku situation lingers, now including the lastest news, the more I wonder if we really want him.
Always good news not to have to have to live at the docs
What would we get for a dui? Much more than 5 days...
Crap!! I thought I was one but I was really three. Story of my life.
Good news for the ladies BBall team.
The latest news on Oku seems really.....worrisome. Jay said it was free to discuss, but he chose not to publish the info. A qualified computer person can link it from Goldberg's blog on AL.com from Rivals
Like I was saying in the earlier thread, the Oku stuff seems pretty paparazzi-ish. I'm not sure what's credible and what's not.
Does anyone know if the shows on CBS tonight are new or reruns?
Big Bang Theory
How i met your mother
Two and a half men
i would check my Digital box but i am out of town...
is david oku dating jessica simpson? i saw in a paper in the grocery store line that her and tony romo had split...
thanks b didn't want to sit around if that was the case.
They are repeats.
I think Oku is over thinking and probably has too many advisors. He's a kid making the biggest decision so far in his life.
In my unsolicited opinion it's Oku clearly has a mentor problem.
I am officially exiting the Oku bandwagon until I'm sure that the driver is sober.
Is it fair to say that he has a mental problem ... Oh wait - you said MENTOR problem. My bad.
Anyone read the bio on Ronnie Brown? They really should do something to make the guys sound more charitable with his time and money. it says, "Mr. Brown has addressed kids held at the Broward County Juvenile Detention Center about the importance of staying in school and hanging around the right people in order to stay out of trouble and be successful in life. He also attended a fundraiser that benefited the Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County."
i know there were some other things, but that is weak!
If greed is a mental disorder then he has a mental mentor problem.
I thought the same thing, JD.
Thanks Jay G, that just catches me like saying, JD attended an Auburn Game (so he is an expert on Auburn Football)
The truth would be "Mr. Brown contributed a significant amount of our start up capital and therefore he is a Board member. He will figure out the community thing later."
Anyone seen this commercial from Kaplan University featuring Uncle Phil? Man that guy has fallen a long way, gone from being one of the top lawyers in Bel Air to being a college professor at an online university. Wonder what Aunt Viv thinks? Also, wonder if Carlton and Hillary have moved out yet?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Regional banks, actually, are in great shape. Banking has always made money. Stupid, greedy people thought they would grab for more than just egregious profits and brought the industry.
If you look at local and regional bank stocks, they are doing quite well. One here has lost about $10 a share (from $30) and is poised to be a player because they didn't take on the risky stuff.
May Bo and Ronnie do the same thing! I know a couple of Auburn trustees who need replacing.
brought = brought their banks to ruin.
Say what you will about Uncle Phil's methods, but Will would definitely not be where he is today without him.
AUmom, how was hangover rehab by the pool today?
FYI -- I'm covering the epic AUM/Faulkner basketball game tonight. That inhibits my ability to contribute here!
AUM leads 36-30 at the half, btw.
Lets go AUM!!!!!!!
Faker you a big AUM fan?
Hello Hotties!
Long day; stuck in HABOTN banned work zone today (which should be illegal) then late meeting. I'm starving; got to go get something to eat.
p.s. Please don't ask about the new tv. Let's just say there's an expensive pile of rubble in the basement. Or so I've been told. I have no intentions of looking. end of story.
As much as I love your posts and you're luv for AU I must disagree. The ONLY reason 2 former superstars would want to get in the banking bus is to launder money. I can't think of any bus. even close to banking that one would not want to be into right now.
I hope they do well, I think they will lose a ton of $$$$, but that is just my opinion.
These are 2 smart guys and and I'm sure someone has sold them a bad bill of goods.
The object of my most recent affections...
Tailgate Equipment
Think I can talk Mrs. FSJ into letting me upgrade?
I'd be a hit on Saturdays....
Is the AUM beat reporter on furlough?
No one in banking is looked at closer than directors..been there..
faker- I want to tailgate with you!!!
FSJ - Wow! I bet you can cook up some good eats on that thang
My brother in law and I have talked about going in together for one.
We've thrown around the idea of doing a few competitions. We both are pretty good cooks.
But it would be a big hit during football season. This past season on our smaller pit I had to work my rear end off on a few days to get everything done....
FSJ- you bring that thang to the HABOTN tailgate in the Loveliest Village and I'll even talk the Senator into giving you a warm welcome.
I wondered where you were, THT. I'm so sorry to hear about your pile of rubble...
And Monica....
I cheer for AUM because it is one of the schools I considered for my master's program..
I applied several different places in case I didn't get into grad school at Alabama. However, I made it in...
I've tried to talk Greg into getting one of those, Faker!
PF, thanks for asking. The pool was great. Luckily for me, my daughter decided she could not do the butterfly any more.
Do you know how tough it is to swim in a lane with someone attempting to do that wingspan?
FSJ, I'll bring the ribs and the brownies.
That is one heavy-duty grill.
Damn you Oku.
Great news regarding Hilliard. Thanks Jay GT for the update.
Jay who do you think oku is leaning too
Demarco Cobbs, looks damn impressive for 2010.
Any guesses for when we hear Chizik pull Oku's scholly offer?
I'm saying Wednesday.
the sooner the better
Steve and Depressed - Look at that picture of majorettes on my Facebook. The redhead is my baby sister (Dirty) when she was in high school, BUT look at the girl to her left. She looks JUST like the girl on Big Love! Can't think of her name - the daughter who was preggers.
WOW please tell me yall are watching the Oklahoma V.S Kansas game!!!
After the loss to Vandy, the AP dropped AU from 3rd to 7th.
Monica, we call our Garmin GPS, Penelope. We never leave home without her!
Ronnie B does a lot of charitable stuff....he's just real private about it.
Bo has made more good than bad business decisions.
Ronnie has some lifelong "mentors" that are for real. He has probably sought out many opinions on this issue.
There are a lot of folks that need small consumer loans from Banks that aren't in trouble.
jhag - sorry to disappoint; since it's not college football, I'm watching Andy Griffith Show on TVLand.
what happ'n'd hag?
nevermind... just saw the hi-lites...
it looked like they were trying to one-up each other on range...
I watched most of the oklahoma and Kansas basketball game tonight. Kansas seems very underrated especially for a defending national champion. I am going to pick bill self's team to make a deep run (depending on their seeding of course). I seriously think they are scary close ($1 tony franklin).
Night all
ASU gettin profiled on sportscenter...
what a name! Chief Kickingstallionsims
Hey peeps. I guess I'll go to bed now. Talk with you all tomorrow!
ps: I have no idea where Oku is "leaning."
How can a kid transfer in late February of his senior year? The semester started seven weeks ago.
my bet is that he signs with nebraska.... as long as the chick he moved up there for keeps showing him the 'love' for a few more weeks...
Good night Jay GT and all the other Hotties
Good morning, Hotties! Happy Tuesday!! Hey, at least we made it through Monday!
Great news about Hilliard!
just barely,Luv
Good morning!!!
TarHeel, I know you said not to ask, but happened with the tv?
1. Who would have known that the answer to the banking crisis would be two of our greatest joining forces?
2. Who knew that Oku's real mentor was actually a female in Nebraska?
Next thing you tell me is that Pat Dye and Harper Lee are co-authoring a love story.
Jet - I hear the Lee/Dye "joint" will involve a homeless cat.
I still can't get over the thought of Faker's grill that holds 35 slabs of ribs
That's a nice grill.
Of course, most of his FSJ's brethren would use it as a sleeping bag once it cooled off.
Jet, some of them might not even wait...
Jet - sleeping bag nothing, that'd be a vacation home, or put it out in the front yard for their pregnant 14 y/o daughter to live in, or grandmother, or...
You get the idea.
Morning everyone,
Re: Oku, Enough is enough here, we've got the folks that really want to play at Auburn and I doubt Oku is coming. (I wouldn't hate it if he did though.)
Re: Banks, If you've got the capital and the know how, right now is a great time to be jumping into banking because everything (asset wise) is on clearance and if you place your bets the right way one could make a lot of money over the next couple of years.
SeanZ, in what things are you placing your bets?
83 chickens
Re: Bammers and Grills, I think that's spot on, now if you see them running around with VCR's...well that's bad news.
mrtommyd, why 83?
Luv, as I'm not as liquid as I'd like to be, I'm paying down all things accruing interest. But I did recently re-arrange my 401 and went bond heavy and am currently up 5%. I also bought some shares of Ford Motor when it was around $1.50. By the way, I'm an amateur, my advice is worth EXACTLY $0.02.
Sorry bout that Luv, I'm still focused on the grill.
320 lb. of Boston Butt. Even Bama folks would say thats a lot of butt.
LOL, mrtommyd!
SeanZ, you might as well be speaking Greek. I know nothing about all that stuff. At 41, I know I should.
I appreciate the fact that y'all find humor in my prospective grill..... :-)
I dislike conference calls, not the beer drinking-meet me on the roof kind, but the real kind.
Amen SeanZ!
Conference Calls (work) = Bad news....
One other thing SeanZ....
Dave Ramsey would be proud of your approach....
There's a demotivational poster that says Meetings: None of us is as dumb as all of us. Conference calls take sentiment to another level.
My favorite meeting is the one called to schedule another meeting.
Well FS, this meeting is the 4th in a series to discuss and edit a project document, you'd think e-mail and notes could get it done, oh no, not only is the fourth meeting but since we're on different campuses it means driving is involved. I love the business world.
morning hotties.
i watched the last 5 minutes of the OU-KU game. OU make a great run to get back in it then just fumbled it away. it seemed that nothing could go right in the final 2 minutes.
OU blew the doors off of KU early, 20-8, and then KU went on a 28-9 run and grabbed the lead before the half. I knew it was over then.
SeanZ - as a Project Manager, I'd be inclined to say that whoever is leading your efforts is quite ineffective and is not making the best use of his/her Resources, and, I'd have concerns about their ability to meet Budget and Timelines, and... ah, forget it.
GATiger, you're right about that. That's what happens when too many hands are trying to reach in the same jar. But that is the way of business politics...and also why consultants have jobs.
SeanZ - we each work for large companies, multiple hands in the jar is nothing new. Your PM doesn't seem to be running the show at all, rather they're just letting things happen. But that's just my opinion, what do I know?
GA Tiger, the trick here is, two seperate business entities, working on one project, each wants to be in the lead and there's two PMs. So we have meetings to discuss "alignment" and "visibility." I play buzz word bingo throughout.
This same situation led to the disaster known as the Auburn 2008 Offense.
yep, nothing new there. now i'd question the validity of the project charter as well as the project sponsor, one of those should spell out who is in charge.
i would like to make it clear that this failure in project leadership at your company absolutely will not drive me to the competition. that will never happen.
I really don't think what we had in 2008 could be considered "Offense". Offensive, yes. Offense, no.
And posts like these make me glad I don't go to work anymore...
I just scheduled a meeting for tomorrow that will actually be the third time we have had this meeting. First we presented to one group that needed to hear it, then to some peops higher up the chain, and now to another group whose approval we also need. Same darn meeting. Silliness I tell ya.
But I got no real complaints. I got a job and stuff to do, so that ain't bad.
I've seen my wife's job with the kids, and I don't envy it. I can take a ten minute break whenever I feel like it, Christeenuh. You moms are on 24/7.
GA Tiger, that's good news. Even better news is that depsite all the internal crap that goes on here, we still make the best darn product on the shelf.
SeanZ, I hate to disagree, but I'm a Diet Dew drinker.
From the sounds of it, the business world is definitely not for me. I like coming to the hospital, taking some x-rays and going home. OH! And, when we're not busy, I get to play on the internet and chat with the Hotties!
Tsk Tsk Luv, but since that's a secondary flavor of a secondary drink line...we can let that slide.
well, it's primarily 2 cups of coffee followed by water for the rest of the day/night for gatiger. and i'm not talking about water i have to buy. if i were to drink a soft drink though, it would absolutely be seanz mainstay product.
I drink water all day long and that have a Diet Dew or two in the evening. I do like Sprite, SeanZ, does that put me back in your good graces?
Good news hotties!
As I was driving to PT this morning at 5:30 am, I happened to pass the Auburn football practice field. I was extremely excited to see our boys out there getting an early morning workout in! It was like 36 degrees outside!
Gene doesn't mess around!
Luv, no worries, you never left. I too am a coffee adict, speaking of, I think it's time for my second round.
That's why I know our new offense is going to rock, because Gus is a coffee guy and "coffee is the lifeblood that fuels the dreams of champions." -Mike Ditka
Coffee is a drug. It is quite literally a drug. It speeds people up. It's not the only drug that speeds people up. (Giggles slightly) You hear stories about Dunder-Mifflin in the eighties before people knew how bad cocaine was...gah..man did they move paper!
...Michael Scott
I like my job, too.
I'll have it maybe one more year. Newspapers will be extinct by then. Our stock price is like $3. It used to be $80.
It doesn't bother me, though. Gotta follow the cheese!
jgt needs a syndicated radio gig. that needs to happen when that other gig goes away.
The synergy that exists here positions HABOTN to be a market leader for the foreseeable future, thereby guaranteeing our strategic success through tactical efforts.
In the global economic downtown, most blog communities are not nimble enough to survive, but that, through our objective analysis of our strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, does not apply to HABOTN.
Put simply, HABOTN will continue to have a long history of existence to its members.
Jay G. Tate said...
Gotta follow the cheese!
What is your cheese, Jay G?
Michael's right about Sen. Jetarsky being right...
how old is Oku?
I think Oku is 43 maybe? This is his second career. He spent years working as a dock manager in Bangkok before realizing he might be good at this whole football thing.
Cheese: Well, I gotta help pay for this house and all.
Can't make Wifey pay for everything!
Who Moved My Cheese?
Michael - aren't you forgetting his work constructing that bridge for the Peace Corps with Lawrence and Tom?
When Washington State came to play AU, all I could think of was that movie ... and John Candy as "Tom Tuggle from Tacoma" signing "Fight, Fight, Fight for Washington State!"
I still don't believe Oku transferred during Week Seven of his final HS semester. That makes no sense to me.
This is great for all you Apple fans out there:
New Apple Laptop
Jay G, I meant, what are your aspirations beyond the M.A.?
Did Oku's "mentor" have anything to do with the transfer?
Perhaps it was his "man tool."
Yes, I'm more inclined to believe it was his man tool more heavily involved in the decision rather than his mentor. Many a foolish decision has been made with that assistance. Always has been, always will be...
It started with Adam, who didn't list to his Mentor.
Instead he listen to his Womentor, who then became his Tormentor.
And, well, you know the rest of the story.
His man tool? You mean, like a hammer or something???? Describe it more in great detail.
Michael - would you like him to expand or expound?
5 diet cokes/day since the beginning of time. I occasionally supplement my fluid intake with a glass of chocolate milk.
Chocolate milk makes me smile. :-)
Ice cold Yoo-Hoo. In the bottle only, please. No cans.
I drink a ton of water each day, and not much else. I finish my 64 ounce jug I bring to work from home by 2:00. After that, I have to drink the water here, which I am pretty sure is giving me cancers.
depressed! I too share the hatred for canned Yoohoo. It tastes weird.
My mom got it for me from Sam's in bulk years ago and I was all like, "MMOOOMMMM!!! That Yoooo don't taste right!"
btw not to leave gatiger hangin from his comment about micheal being right about Sen Jetarsky being right .... Reverr!!
I wish I drank water, but alas, I'm dedicated to the financial success of SeanZ.
I had no idea Oku was so weird.
Michael, canned Yoo-Hoo is like unsweet tea. It looks like the real thing, only to leave you heartbroken and bitter after you drink it.
Diet Lipton Green Tea in the 1.5 liter bottle has become my drink lately. Not sure why, it just seems like with all that chemistry and green tea flavoring I've got to be doing something good for the body, right?
Thank you MrTommyD, I'm surprised and disappointed in the formerly 'great' Senator for not immediately jumping on it.
He must be busy taking care of the affairs of state.
LOL at the "man tool" reference...
Things would have been much more simple had I been able to leave it at home when going out as a single man...
I drink about 68 ounces of water between 5 and 1:30. Are you in the bathroom all day, michael?
You are so good...getting your 8 glasses in a day.
You are well hydrated.
For some reason I am feeling parched right now..
Let's see... I have only made one trip so far (I start my day at 8:00 by the way), but another one is looming. I average about once every 1.5 hours.
If I don't drink a ton of water, my mouth gets all dry and I get a headache. I am a man that requires hydrating. Must be because of all my huge muscles.
I feel like I need to drink a glass of water now...or 5.
Live coverage on www.wkrg.com
Mardi Gras?? Already?!
Well, this new Oku revelation does kind of shine a different light on things. My guess that this kid is going to commit stupicide.
At work I drink two 20 oz Lipton diet green tea's per day and two or three 20oz water bottles per day.
I also have to get in my one canned Coke for caffine just to get going.
Luv, do you do Xrays at EAMC here in Lee County?
My wife works in ultrasound.
I also get bad headaches if I don't stay well hydrated. So it obviously is unrelated to your huge muscleS
I'm guessing Princeton.
tht - that's funny right there, i don't care who you are.
Will, no. I work at SBMC in Alabaster.
Huge man tools then, THT? I mean, like having to carry around a large hammer all the time. That will take the water right out of your body.
Michael wins the Internet for the day.
Something tells me that the Southeast is filled with dehydrated people on this Fat Tuesday.
I would like to thank all the small people for this great win. I credit this victory to my strategy of simplifying my posting even further recently.
Luv-Alabaster would have been my 2nd guess.
just checking in
I live in Pelham, so my commute is about 5 minutes. I love it.
Hi jhag - hope you're having a great day. Lunch is over, so I'm checking out.
Lunch is not over. Lunch has only just BEGUN!
Did we already dicuss M. Gunn getting busted for selling crack?
Will, I heard he got busted selling crack, what did you hear?
Same thing Seanz. I thought he might have still been in the NFL. If not still there then he at least should've had a few dollars lying around from his pro days.
Don't know how you guys see it, but this is clearly the work of Nick Saban.
I don't think he did much, last I heard he was with the Saints...I'm still upset over his refumble against South Carolina a few years ago.
I'm with Jay...it's hard to imagine a kid leaving his graduating HS class to finish at a school in another state. This could be paparazzi.
On the other hand, thinking back to HS.....everytime some dude let littlehead do all the thinking, stoopid decisions ensued.
News at 11:00.
Isn't the league min in the NFL like $200k? Them's JG TATE dollaz right there! Maybe Gunn invested all of his NFL $$$ in CNB stock.
On Oku...Can't you all see that this is last act of a desperate man to win the heart of this sweet Neb. girl and ultimately bring her to the loveliest village.
any financial wizards out there?
I'm not interested in citi, but what think ye of Bank of America if banks are temporarily nationalized?
Free stock tip: don't buy anything I buy unless you want your account to go to zero.
BTW, is this a banned topic on HABOTN?
M. Gunn got busted with about 5 other guys, some had crack,some had coke, some had pot (you know, the level 2 drug the us govt classifies with heroin). Happens everyday, shame a guy that had the tools to avoid such has not.
I am glad mardi gras is over today, i can't take much more fun.
THT send me your money, i can put it to work for us.
Will - call me shortsighted but no, i can't see that. you must be a visionary.
We should go on and pull dr. love's scholly. Seriously, if i was out running at 5 this am i'm sure i'd be worrying about David Oku. We need to let that circus cruise on by.
I'm hittin the sunshine to walk the dog, catch yall in a while. Any word on when the first campfire since the furlough will pop off???
This comment has been removed by the author.
BinOBA- wish I had some left to send. AU-TUF got the last of it this week :-(
I agree with pulling Oku's offer. I hate when young people start acting like this. He needs a heavy dose of reality. Auburn, Neb, Syr, and UT were all doing just fine before Oku came around, and they'll be fine long after Oku has been forgotten.
I just read where Bryce Brown is going to fast for 2 weeks prior to deciding where he goes to college. We could all learn from the guy. From now on, I am going to fast for 2 weeks before deciding where to go to lunch. We can all learn from his example.
I don't care if it's the last act of Henry the VIII.
We can sign Oku today, but after that, we can't sign him until after Easter.
After learning more about him, I hope he goes anywhere but AU. I feel like such a fool for openly lusting for his signature before NSD.
I'll fast for 2 minutes after lunch.
By the way, VH1 or MTV needs to jump on this since they are the kings of worthless reality TV shows:
They need to get a camera crew and just film Barkley during his 5 days in jail and doing any community service. That's television gold.
They've already sent a crew to Lincoln,NE; not sure they have anyone to spare.
If Oku comes to Auburn, he'll be back home in a year.
He'll be the type who gets homesick and heads back home quickly at the first sign of things not going his way.
I could run a campfire tonight.
Depends on the timing of said campfire.
I'd be more interested in finding a very large cache of cash, but a campfire will do.
I think most of the Hotties are out to lunch... of course, I've thought that all along ;-)
Debuting this week on Fox ... the new reality TV show that America is waiting for ...
Follow in irritating, 24/7 detail the ups and downs, ins and outs, thoughts, hopes and dreams of a high school senior as he contemplates his choice of college -- and high school for the last six weeks of school, for that matter.
Old thread down.
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