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The Hottest Auburn Blog on The Net"Bob Petrino joined the groups "Abusing Defenses" and "Looking for Jobs." -- Jet, simulating a certain someone's Facebook feed |
INAUGURAL CLASS Phormerly Phred Scottie B. in Tennessee crudup Hoopie Ron Mexico hip-hopanonymous AUnMobilz Sullivan013 Scott from Tucson scottatl jhag **FRANCHISE PLAYER**
WarEagleGirl TarHeelTiger Kathy D. Miller Dear Leader j-z Norm digger4au Harrison LuvAU1968 cincytiger mytommyd (is supposed to be mrtommyd) ehyoutiger wtc IV wakeriderof87 Sean Scott Chocolate NoVaTiger Taylor BinOBA wes Aeronaut chip chip Spongeworthy Loganville Tiger E-Bro Ephemeral au1n04 FearlessFreep coosa bear82 wartiger patdyeswildturkey atlantatiger JD the Biscuitator shesaid depressedAUfan dnatl
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Substance, which is French for "substance."
Criminal Type,
Since you fashion yourself as some sort of horseman, what was your take on the Derby?
It does suck!
"will blog for food?" just a thought.
i like that the winner's owner hitched his horse trailer to his pickup, drove it to kentucky and won the derby.
I think it's an awesome development. The Derby is one race. The term "upset" has its origins in thoroughbred racing.
Upset was the only horse to beat Man O' War.
Anything can happen when the track is wet. See: Sea Hero, Lil E. Tee.
It would seem that JGT would be allowed to do voluntary posts. The attorneys are probably worried about some kind of liability that could arise.
Back in the day, I turned down a law school scholarship/work offer from a top construction law firm. Got several close friends that are attorneys. The friends are OK, but I hate our legal system that ensures attorney neccesity through overly complicated rules/liability issues.
Sorry for the soapbox moment...now..off to church.
우리의 위대한 지도자, 어제 아침에 먼저 나온 그리고 분명히 첫 차례 전에 안락사 좋아. 모든 희망이 예쁜 여자 친구 들한테 좋은 하루 되세요. 난 돈을받을 때 JGT하지 않는 다 맘에 안들어.
Yesterday, Xaff said he didn't understand a lot of our posts. I thought I would try posting in Korean to see if that would help.
It is hilarious how much gets lost in translation when you go English->Korean and then back to English using google translation.
Good morning to our Dear Leader, first out of the gate yesterday and apparently euthanized before the first turn. I hope all the Hotties have a great day. I do not like it when JGT does not get paid.
translated into Korean, then back to English ends up as...
Our great leader, and probably the first time yesterday morning before the first euthanasia good. Hope this beautiful young woman, all friends have a good day. Doneulbateul I do not like it when I do not JGT.
I do not like not having JGT leadership either?
have a good day
I will stick to Ringlish... it is easier to understand...
if anyone can translate doneulbateul from google English to my English, go right ahead.
i believe it is an anglo-saxon corruption of a norman phrase meaning "don't give that man a bat".
Scott- that's good! Made me LOL.
Well, no laughing matter now. I must get back to huge quantities of work. My regrets to all the hotties for not being available to bore you incessantly today.
i'll be working for the man from 1900-0730 tonight so, at some point, i'll be napping. can't complain as i haven't been furloughed.
Anyone else have that song "Want to Live Forever" from Highlander in their head?
nope. for me it's the moody blues' "long distance voyager".
The voice a good choice.
Days of Future Passed is a great Moody Blues album I would recommend to all. After that, not a big fan of most their other stuff.
there's none so blind as those who will not see
...yes, I'm addicted. Work keeps piling up, but I can't escape the grip of HABOTN
even though they've written tons of them, i've never heard anyone cover a song of theirs.
When I hear Go Now! I always think of the Bee Gees. (barf bags are in the kitchen). That's why it's my least favorite Moody Blues song.
I've heard that the Bee Gees were pulling some (puppet) strings behind the scenes at BC.
does gannett think news just stops when they send employees on furlough? they are doing their readership a disservice and doing little to build customer loyalty. i certainly do not read THE HABOTN because gannett has something to do with it. it's 100% jgt.
You WILL be missed JGT.
CT is back!!!!!!!
i thought that ct was banhammered for being overly objective.
this is terrible. since I made the mistake of mentioning the bee gees, my wandering mind has seized on that Yvonne Elliman song and won't let go of it. This is painful, not to mention gross.
For lunch I may have to eat a bullet with my salad.
Your last meal would be a salad? What a sissy.
So did anyone else stay home from church today to avoid the swine flu? Or am I unique in this?
You should be bloggin'! Yeah!
tucson is currently hosting swine flu, valley fever and west nile--y'all come see us, ya here?
got any of that cocidiodioidy stuff for us, Scott?
I ushered ... stood in the lobby and lathered my hands in sanitizer.
had a lead free salad for lunch. Listening to my ring tone (Baba O'Riley) solved the problem.
don't worry, Michael. Afternoon and evening meals will be heavily weighted (literally) towads fudge sticks, "nabs", and similar goodies.
And on my day off tomorrow, I'll have a 1/3 lb bacon cheeseburger at Sutton's Drug Store.
Salad was the only thing edible in the cafe. The entree was some liver stuff. I don't eat viscera.
besides, there were several sccops of bacon bits on my salad.
that belongs in 12:21 post
I have no problem with a man eating a salad (well, I have a little bit of a problem), but not for your last meal. If I was going to shoot myself to get a song out of my head, I would go somewhere and order steak.
Question: does "anti-bacterial" hand sanitizer kill viruses?
Kill 'em? Nah.
It gives it a hot foot, short sheets its bed, and a really mean noogie.
its mostly ethyl alcohol and those delightful emollients.
coccidiomycosis--lovely stuff.
at the epicenter of the swine flu epidemic was a mexican punch and judy show featuring mariachi puppets.
epicenter, ugh. I think I'm the only person on the planet who refuses to use that word in any way other than its correct meaning. Even the dictionaries have caved. I wish I could, but the Monk in me won't allow it.
Michael - if the swine flu epidemic passes and you still have some leftover antiviral hand sanitizer, you can drink it. It's made from 80 proof vodka, says so right on that bottle!
Since we're talking a pandemic ... wouldn't it be a "pandicenter?"
just a pancenter, which sounds oxymoronic, like if you crossed an ox with me.
isn't a pandicenter a place with a large population of panda bears?
Don't worry Harrison (or was it Will...I think they are interchangeable), pandas aren't real bears.
Now koala bears, oh boy. They'll rip your lungs right out of your chest.
i am writing a fictional short story about a newspaper reporter who is put on furlough. As a result of the furlough, he is ordered not to blog for the week.
Our hero, however, signs up for a blogger account under a pseudonym, and actually participates in the blog all week... unbeknownst to his employer!!
bwahahahahah (evil laugh)
Koalas will rip your lungs out?
Know what else will rip your lungs out Jim?
Werewolves of London
I'm back, damn right.
No blogger is going to keep me down. JGT knows a good thing when he sees it.
bands koalas get all hopped up on eucalyptus and raid australian towns looking for fosters lager.
Has anyone else died from cooties yet? I mean swine flu.
not in the us of a.
Scott - have you been hangin' out with Michael? That's good stuff.
Aubie - WAR EAGLE! I could use a little Zevon right now. Lawyers, Guns, and Money; The Hula Hula Boys; etc
I'm ready to hurl myself against the wall
Some classics on TFLN ... the weekends always bring out the best.
i forget what it was named, but i remember listening to zevon's last album and being quite impressed. one dare not emulate michaele, queen of the habotn.
tornado warning in Jeff Co.
Viagra is to middle aged men
tornado warning is to James Spann
arsenal just took the pitch on a tape delay broadcast on fox sports arizona.
Getting panicky calls from Mrs. Jet. ElTurbo, Stewardess and Mrs. Jet on a bus coming back from Gatlinburg ... pulled into Galleria to ride out storm.
I told 'em not to linger because we're getting a bigger dose later today.
Jay G.
Sorry about the furlough. Hope things begin to pick up for you and TMA soon.
Enjoy Every Sandwich
I think all of his albums are good to great.
which is why I have a zillion Zevon songs in my itunes.
Jack Kemp, RIP.
I wasn't the biggest fan of his, but I enjoyed his enthusiasm.
oops, Enjoy Every Sandwich was the tribute album
The Wind was WZ's last album
In other news, I'm jealous of my friend, Josh (you've heard him on The Gridiron Breakdown).
He saw Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band in Greensboro, NC last night and got to hear "Human Touch" - my favorite Bruce song.
The Wind was Zevon's last album.
Awesome album... won a grammy i think.
Enjoy Every Sandwich is the tribute album released after his death.
My dad and I watched Kemp practice for the AFC championship game back in the 60s. The Bills came to NC to find a practice field that wasn't covered in snow.
As a conservative, I am an admirer of Jack Kemp. He would have been a better running mate for George H.W. Bush than Dan Quayle, and perhaps would have helped spare us the narcissistic Clintons.
End of soapbox.
I'd heard rumors that Bruce was playing Land of Hope & Dreams. Haven't had a chance to talk to my next door neighbor to find out if it was true. Human Touch is a great one, too.
I know I ain't nobody's bargain but, hell, a little touch up and a little paint
my impression of kemp is that he was principled. you might not agree with him, but you knew where he stood.
i obviously meant "AFL"
not to be confuse with AFL-CIO
You knew where he stood. Absolutely.
I love that there's a control center that's a part of the review system in hockey.
CHAOS = Central Hockey Almighty Oversight System
CHAOS is in Canada
that's a goal, eh
no, i think that is a distinct kicking motion, eh
THT is missing hockey :-(
Gannett is beginning to piss me off. The right to blog is a God given right. If not, why would God have invented the high speed modem?
That's right CT, he stood in the pocket!
SteveFC - you mean it wasn't Al Gore?
You always knew where Jack Kemp stood, and now you will also always know where he lies.
JGT can't blog because of work and that sucks.
I'm afraid the same holds true for me for the next several hours, though the particulars are obviously very VERY different.
Jet - you live near the dude. Tell him I said hello.
I had the opportunity to chat the old-fashioned way with JGT yesterday when we met so I could give him the resolution.
For someone who will be spending the next week off the payroll, he was surprisingly calm. He was frustrated, yet controlled. Of course, he was accompanied by Wifey and daughter -- what a cutie, she was.
He was rightly excited about the award he won for journalistic excellence. I presume Wifey will leave an extensive list of chores for him. Maybe he'll look in on us as a lurker. It's up to us to fan the flames that keep this place so hot.
I am disappointed to hear of the death of Jack Kemp. In my opinion, he would have made a good president.
Yea, I know Jay will handle this troubling time with dignity and make use of his time wisely. It is ashame there isn't a yard to role though.
just a thought but does auburn's hummer driver use twitter?
Must ... resist ... urge ...
Ex-AU golfer Jason Dufner one shot back through 15 holes in the PGA tournament.
Lame! And it's finals week too! BOO!
DUF! I like him. His No. 1 hobby is video games.
I was having football withdrawls, JGT was like the nicotine patch.
What do I do now?
Since football season doesn't start until early August and camps don't start for at least three more weeks, I'd say you may have to find other pursuits to fill the chasm.
There are many options available.
Maybe Criminal Type can fill the void with tales of being an oysterman. Sounds like a fascinating line of work.
i say we start a grassroots movment to get au's long snapper the heisman trophy.
Let's be honest ... a long snapper will never win the Heisman Trophy. It's just not going to happen.
So what is doable?
How about an award for the nation's top long snapper -- akin to the Thorpe, the Groza, etc.
We should name it for the first snapper to gain popularity at Auburn -- Brian Brinsfield. Of course, Coach Dye could never get his name correct, so the award should be ...
The Brainsworth Award
Criminal Type...
I hate it that you're forced to be here...But we're glad you're around.
I hereby move that the HABOTN present the inaugural Brainsworth Award to the nation's top long snapper.
Maybe this means Jay G will get a free trip to Disney World to present the award on the Home Depot Awards Show.
We need a selection committee. I don't want to serve on this committee, so I will be glad to accept nominations for this important award.
Have to be here?
Jet - I present to you the Long Snapper Candidates.
Long Snapper
AU1 - you've got to be kidding. There's a high school longsnapper watch list?!?!?
Yup...even videos you can buy.
all nominees for the award must be thoroughly vetted. dvd of howdy doodie's greatest hits? you're out. team mascot a bear or a grizzly--out!
turtles and fish not eligible
caught up with the backlog for the first time since 7:30 this morning. The goal now is to keep my head above water until 11 p.m. Maybe I can go sneak a peak at the Canes game. With my luck they will be in intermission.
THT, I like Studebaker, isn't that from the album you mentioned?
Hi BigEZ - yes, Studebaker performed by Jordon Zevon is on Enjoy Every Sandwich. My son likes that album a lot. That song is nice cause WZ never released it. Otherwise, I prefer WZ over people singing his songs.
Rats. It is intermission. And HOLY COW, I missed a 3OT game between the Ducks and Commies today.
I thought so, I'm not that familiar with Warren, I just came across that song and really liked it. I may check out some more though.
I also like the commie comment too. I thought the same thing today watching the highlights on espn.
BigEZ - WZ is absolutely great music.
44 tracks on this compilation which I HIGHLY recommend...at amazon.com, under music, search:
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (An Anthology)
What do you all think of Jeff Goldblum's addition to the Law & Order: Criminal Intent team?
I think I could just have I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (An Anthology) on my ipod and nothing else and never get tired of my music options.
I love the 30 second song "If you won't leave me I'll find somebody who will". I think it was supposed to be for a tv show that never made it to tv.
***BigEZ - if you listen to the music clips on amazon, a bunch of them are not matched to the right song title.
Sensi ...
They've got too many of the Law & Order brand ... I mean, when they started Law & Order: Scattered, Smothered & Covered ... well, it was just a litte much for me.
Sensi, you'll have to ask Mrs THT or THTjr. They are both L&O junkies. Of course, Mrs THT always falls asleep in the middle of the show. That's when I grab the remote and turn to hockey, football, AMC, TCM, or just about anything else.
dang BigEZ, you've got me craving some Zevon. I'm going to "Play it All Night Long" when I get home from work tonight.
By the way, I believe Play it All Night Long is the only song I know that mentions brucellosis.
Sweet Home Alabama, play that dead band's song. Turn the speakers up full blast, play it all night long.
Of course, you'll have to get My Ride's Here for the title track and the Hockey Song (or buy those two songs if you don't want the whole album). Some of the other songs are ok but those two are super.
dang it, i'm underwater again. Catch y'all l8r.
Cool THT, I'll check it out with that kind of recommendation.
all the hotties should start bad habits such as:
self mutilation
drug addiction
then we could all file a class action suit against gannett and get whatever money they have left for ruining our lives by mandating jgt do a furlough. then we could divest ourselves of all of gannett's dog investments and re-invest the money into THE HABOTN and hire jgt.
THT....dude you have posted 44 of today's 124 comments.....that's impressive.
Looks like we're in the football doldrums. The HABOTN during the doldrums last year.....10 comments/day. This year...125.
I was the only one at work today, except Scott from Tucson who just got to work. What else was I supposed to do?
Criminal Type, I see you are into Iron Butterfly. In a gadda da vida, baby!
Did anyone see the news that a 33-year old Dallas Cowboy scouting assistant was permanently paralyzed in the practice bubble collapse from a couple of days ago? The AP report said it severed his spine. What a tragedy for the man involved. I suspect college and pro teams will take a closer look at the "bubble" type of facilities and the safety of using them during severe weather.
Our Prattville HS band played "Inna godda davida". We had 2 drummers that could do the solos/rimshots.
THT...My comment was meant to be a compliment, b/c I am impressed with your total comment count and ability to carry the board on a very slow day without talking to yourself.
Julio? DeAngelo ... that's wholio.
A little more positive pub for the Good Guys! College Football News has named the Top 20 Coordinators of 2009. Ted "Rusted" Roof comes in at #10 with Guz Malzahn leading the pack at #1
Welcoming the New Coordinators
Thanks! BTW, I may not have been posting to myself much, but I was talking to myself the whole day. We were having a delightful conversation.
It's so good to be home finally. I can't wait to be off tomorrow!!!
Michael & JGT - wasn't In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida before y'all were born?
That makes me curious. I only have one iTune song that predates me, and it does so by almost 2 decades (1939's Mbube by Solomon Linda).
Do other Hotties have many songs in their "tunes" from before they were born?
well, Hoopie, it looks like I'm talking and posting to myself now. I'm going to eat supper (country style steak, taters, and an obligatory green vegetable I don't remember...asparagus?) and check back in a bit.
when did Prattville play Inna Godda Da Vida? I loved that song and still have the album (for those born before cds).
dang, that was a good meal. Looks like everyone's asleep (except SteveFC who will probably post soon). I'm calling it a night.
Good morning,Hoties!
Eddie, you at work yet?
Luv, Jet, et al, get the coffee brewing.
As for me, I think I'll have a diet coke.
WAR EAGLE!!!! and HATE BAMA 24/7
here's the "t" I left out
THT ...
You don't sleep much, do ya?
I am on cup No. 2, dodging lightning bolts in the Gump.
My suggestions for ElTurbo's HS band have been soundly rejected, which is a shame.
Hi Jet- why would I want to be sleeping? I might miss my day off!
Got the recycles to the street, probably waking half the neighborhood when all those coke cans fell out and started rolling all over the driveway.
I was just watching some old James Gang performances on YouTube. Good stuff.
Morning Hotties - many things make me curious. Like eating dinner close to midnight when you're not a 3rd shifter. What's up with that THT?
Other than that, I can confirm that my very large and successful employer's fire alarm/emergency door system works quite well this morning.
Have a good day.
don't dodge the bolts. Embrace them. Then you won't need that 2nd cup of coffee.
THT - Funk #49?
gatiger GREAT Monday morning to ya!
Re: dinner, I was starving when I got home from work. Come to think of it, I'm starving now. Let's go have some cereal. I can't wait for my bacon cheeseburger at Sutton's today. Yummy!
The Bomber, complete with a little snippet of Ravel's Bolero
gatiger - Funk 49 is best experienced with headphones/earbuds so the guitar intro can go straight through your brain from one ear to the other. The echo effect when I listen to it that way is amazing!
We're rocking with the James Gang already this morning? You guys are my kind of folks.
ehyou - Good Morning!!! I absolutely love your avatar. It always makes me smile.
tangent to the James Gang, does anyone else out there have Mary Measle & the Fabulous Retreads in there tunes?
Gotta love the Chief.
Doc - I'm absolutely unfamiliar with who you just mentioned, so no I don't have them.
Good Monday morning, Hotties!
Jet, I was thinking the same thing about TarHeel.
"Mary Measle" = Mary Sterpka is the female vocalist in The James Gang's Midnight Man
Mary Measle & the Fabulous RetreadsI sort of like Stranded Again
What up gang? Luv, how's that slice?
LUV!!! My favorite radiology technologist! Good morning and a hearty WAR EAGLE to you.
Seanzie, it's worse than ever. I have now resorted to just lining myself up WAY left! LOL
TarHeel, War Eagle!
ya just gotta turn those wrists over, Luv
Easier said than done, TarHeel! I really need to take some lessons, but I just don't feel like it.
Well Luv I have the opposite problem, I pronate too much and end up hooking the ball usually, which is odd for a righty, but so it goes. My golf instructor at Auburn spent 2 weeks teaching me how to set up like a normal righty would slice...funny how things work.
Furlough = BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
what has happened to our AU baseball team? talk about tanking it? yikes!
oh, and good morning everyone.
Scottie, it's all about the pitching. It's not very good.
nope. not good at all.
is it too early for Diet Coke #2?
The Braves need to spend some money, speaking of Baseball. When everyone is healthy, they have a solid team. The problem is their depth outside of their first five pitchers and line up isn't very good. They need to get some 3 out guys and get rid of some of these long men who aren't worth much, i.e. Bennett, Carlyle.
THT, It's never too early for DC, there's not much to it.
That weather that hit the Gump is heading Macon-way. Looks pretty nasty.
ehyou (chief) - it ain't much better a couple hours north of you either from what I hear.
I'm convinced the bullpen for AU is comprised of GaTiger, Digger, THT and me.
This is the equivalent of 87 octane, 89 octane, 93 octane, and lard.
Sean, i agree on the Braves. they were up 2-3 runs yesterday when i went out to clean the garage. i thought Jo-Jo was doing pretty good but the Astros finally got to him. i guess back-to-back good starts were too much for him. :(
lard burns clean, right?
Jet - I don't know about the rest of your aforementioned crew but this here reliever can bring some heat. I've been pitching alot of baseballs lately and I'm absolutely blowing it past 'em. I've pitched a veritable No Hitter. Oh sure, some of you are bound to say, 'but gatiger, you're pitching against your 2 year old son.' Well, while that may be a valid statement, it just doesn't matter. That boy can swing a bat and he's bigger than most other boys his age.
So, leave me alone.
Ga Tiger, I have a nasty 2 seamer, a decent change and an "exploding slider...says the middle school team I help out.
after busting my shoulder while skiing 10 years back, the only thing I can throw now is a tantrum.
A Tantrum is a pretty legit wakeboarding trick, THT. You should be proud of yourself.
yikes, Sean. I didn't know. My tantrums are confined to land. I don't do deep water. I swim like a concrete block.
You should YouTube the tantrum, it's a cool looking trick. One of my really good friend's brothers almost died attempting to do one, but they were able to revive him after paddles and CPR.
TarHeel, you're too hard on yourself.
well, that's something I'll never try! I'll stick to catching some air on the mountain.
Luv, you're right. Maybe I don't swim as bad as a concrete block. Perhaps it's more like I have a ball & chain attached to each extremity.
I consider it amazing, shocking, impossible that Auburn has gone -- and will go -- this long between trips to the SEC baseball tournament.
2003? Seriously?
good morning Criminal! Great to have you here.
How does that happen?
It's shameful. Just get out of the bottom third of the league. I mean, Stephen Hawking is married. So was Dennis Johnson.
my adjectives re: AU baseball... embarrassing, unacceptable, disturbing
They have a swell stadium. Not the SEC's best anymore, but it's still in the top half.
They have a fine overall athletic department and baseball, for the most part, gets what it needs financially.
They have a swell recruiting area. Alabama and Georgia are teeming with good college players.
I don't get it.
I couldn't agree more. While not always the national powerhouse, AU has always been a solid top-half of the conference team. Generally respectable and competitive. 6 years is a long time to be in a slide, I didn't realize it had been that long.
I'm just glad to see that there are still some GWAR supporters out there. Rock on CT.
Maggots are falling like RAIN!
and I thought yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eye were pretty gross lyrics
Not many can tout both GWAR and Celine Dion on their fav's list.
I have eclectic tastes.
I don't feel the need to conform to society's opinions about "good" music. I just follow my spirit and allow my body to be absorbed by the melodies.
Ministry has great melodies.
I am the Walrus, COO COO CACHOO!
great lyrics. i have no idea what they mean but who cares?!
lyrics are so unimportant to me. Sing about burnt toast, I don't care. Just make the music good.
Lebron named MVP. Shocker.
I thought some NBA talk would spark a flurry of debate. Guess not.
I am seeing reports that DeAngelo Benton will wear #5 in the fall. That means Tommy Trott will not. Any info on this anyone?
Maybe Tommy will wear my orange prototype AU #5 and DeAngelo will wear old school #5.
the NBA? what's that?
i keed!
i actually watched the 4th quarter of the Bulls/Celtics game Sat. nite. i dunno why.
ehyou, we're on the new thread
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