Days to kickoff: 9
Our Tar Heel Tiger's Auburn Minute is brought to you by the number:
Tommie Powell: A native of Greenville, Ala., who lettered in 1983-86 and made First Team ALL-SEC Free Safety in 1985. He also led the Tigers that year with six interceptions. His biggest game was a three-interception effort in the 1985 blowout loss in Knoxville.
Tristan Davis: An East Point, Ga., native who changed positions more often than jersey numbers. He played safety, kick returner, running back, and probably five other positions I don't recall. Tristan was a huge fan favorite who exploded onto the Auburn scene in 2005 with a 162-yard rushing game (on just 8 carries) against the Kentucky Wildcats. His career 27-yard average on kickoff returns (min. 25 returns) is an Auburn record. He had a approximately 97 yard kickoff return against Arkansas which I think was negated by non-contributory penalty. Unfortunately, his full football potential was never realized at Auburn due to repeated injuries.
* Roger Pruett: Place kicker and punter who lettered in 1971-73. The first two years he backed up Gardner Jett and David Beverly at those positions. He earned his 15 minutes of fame as the team's leading punter and scorer in 1973, piling up 17 PATs and 4 FGs as part of an offensive jugger...NOT!
* Anthony Mix: Bay Minette native who sometimes played wideout, sometimes played tight end and occasionally returned kicks. Mix had a great play in the 2004 game at Mississippi State; he broke free from a standing room only crowd of defenders and then outran all of them to the end zone for a 58-yard score. You can read about his high school and early Auburn exploits here and pro efforts/alleged misdeeds here.
* Ken Alvis: Demopolis native and free safety who had two PICK SIXES in 1994 as a redshirt freshman. He also made the first of Auburn's five fourth-quarter picks against LSU in 1994. BTW, what is it about LSU and their doofus play calling? Auburn's offense was absolutely pitiful in that game, gaining only one first down in the second half and scoring only three points the entire game. But Auburn's defense outscored the LSU offense 27-26 on that bizarre day. Alvis played only year at Auburn.
Photo credit: Todd Van Emst/Auburn University
Tommie Powell: A native of Greenville, Ala., who lettered in 1983-86 and made First Team ALL-SEC Free Safety in 1985. He also led the Tigers that year with six interceptions. His biggest game was a three-interception effort in the 1985 blowout loss in Knoxville.

* Roger Pruett: Place kicker and punter who lettered in 1971-73. The first two years he backed up Gardner Jett and David Beverly at those positions. He earned his 15 minutes of fame as the team's leading punter and scorer in 1973, piling up 17 PATs and 4 FGs as part of an offensive jugger...NOT!
* Anthony Mix: Bay Minette native who sometimes played wideout, sometimes played tight end and occasionally returned kicks. Mix had a great play in the 2004 game at Mississippi State; he broke free from a standing room only crowd of defenders and then outran all of them to the end zone for a 58-yard score. You can read about his high school and early Auburn exploits here and pro efforts/alleged misdeeds here.
* Ken Alvis: Demopolis native and free safety who had two PICK SIXES in 1994 as a redshirt freshman. He also made the first of Auburn's five fourth-quarter picks against LSU in 1994. BTW, what is it about LSU and their doofus play calling? Auburn's offense was absolutely pitiful in that game, gaining only one first down in the second half and scoring only three points the entire game. But Auburn's defense outscored the LSU offense 27-26 on that bizarre day. Alvis played only year at Auburn.
Photo credit: Todd Van Emst/Auburn University
reminds me of Love Potion #9 as performed by The Clovers
yippee! flu-like symptoms can't keep scottie burns down. hot-dang!
THT getting called out on Tristan Davis Reference by Jet as he leaves :).
I'm not letting the Uni talk die just yet, to compelling.
Thanks for leaving me over there all alone, guys.
i'd be down with it Eddie if they wanted a retro jersey from the 30's or 40's. that would be cool with me. bring on the Travis Tidwell or Monk Gafford uni's. we'd scare the mess outta Furman in those things!
JG, what was the most outlandish question you got yesterday in Mrs. Bradley's class?
Other than this pic of Travis T -->, I have never seen a color photo of the old unis. Did the AU sports museum have the old unis on display?
You weren't all alone.
Goob, Cincy posted a link in the last thread to an old Glomerata that had a color pic of some HIDEOUS orange and black!?! unis.
Eddie I think I have something for you. Let me know if I'm close
Why would Jet call someone out on Tristan Davis?
Am i close?
Gross it looks like a Bears helmet.
Yeah the "official" blue and orange don't work as well as I would have liked for the web
called out on my Tristan Davis reference? Did I write something wrong, or more stupid than usual?
I think I'll sport the prototype for a little while today.
mytommy- That is very close for an illustration. Seeing it in person does it justice.
Well, let's not change a thing becuase it may be HIDEOUS. Good grief. I'll take the bashing, keep sending it my way. I may be the only one speaking up, but i'm not alone on this, I promise.
I think the blue helmet looks pretty sharp. I wouldn't mind seeing it in a game.
I guess everyone knows that AU did wear orange jerseys for a few games back in the Barfield era. It may have been mentioned; I haven't read everything this morning.
The first time was against GA in 1978. GA was undefeated and ranked in the top 3; AU was 6-3, but we had Cribbs and Andrews in the backfield. AU came out and warmed up in blue, none of the players suspected a thing unusual. They returned to the locker room and found orange jerseys laid out for them. Barfield said later that they got so excited that he thought that he might have made a mistake. He didn't.
AU played their best game of the season, and would have won if not for 2 bonehead calls by the officials. Andrews clearly scored on a long run on the last play of the first half, but the striped shirts waved it off. Then on 4th and a foot in the 4th quarter around the GA 35, Andrews went forward for about 2 yards. They gave him the worst spot in history and he didn't even get a first down. The game ended in a 22-22 tie.
I think they wore them one more game the next season. When Pat Dye came, he nixed the orange jerseys. So Eddie can say that AU does indeed have a tradition of wearing orange.
I still prefer the blue.
The Chicago Bears and Auburn's colors are not that far off.
One of the blue ones should be laying around in the athletic complex. Maybe in the equipment room. JGT should try to do a little sneaking around and get a picture of it for proof.
It was in the equipment room while I was there, but my brother said it was not there when he was there. Not sure where it went too.
coosa, exactly how many games did they wear the orange jerseys? Two games does not a tradition make.
They didn't really ask anything outlandish.
They asked me, as many people do, if I get free tickets to games. I always interpret that as them asking if my peeps get seats on the 50 free of charge.
I guess they mean ... do I get in free to cover the game.
I get in free, yes. I cannot drink.
I had to leave in the middle of typing and hit the publish button on the last thread when it was dead but because I REALLY want to's a repeat!
THT, exactly when do you sleep?
Seriously you amaze me! I average five hours of sleep a night. That's all it takes for me...just wake up after five. As a young kid I was the only one on the block that knew who Jack Parr was cause I didn't sleep much.
But you, you NEVER sleep! How do you function?
We wore Orange for 3 games in the modern era. UGA game '78, a tie; MSU '79, a win; and '80 UGA, a loss. (see page 89 of David Housels book AU Football Vault)
Auburn did, however, where orange routinely prior to our current uni style which was introduced in the late '50's. (which, incedently, were designed by Arthur Fonzarelli - thus the "coolness" of the them)
I only use orange and blue markers during presentations. So there.
I try to be not like that,
but some people really suck.
(Random lyric)
I'm in a 311 mood.
"Well, I guess you left me with some feathers in my hand.
Did it make it any easier to leave me where I stand?"
Fickin' gen-X poetry right there
Yes sir.
"That's where I come from. I'm an old Tennessean."
That's playing right now for me and I'm in that mood.
Just keep the classic blue please. All I got to say on that subject.
I am amazed at the attitude of all of these players this year. Seems like everyone steps up with team first and I must do better. I hope this pays off in W's this year.
I'm listening to Godsmack "Whiskey Hangover" ... sounds like a plan.
Whats the saying BIG TEAM, little me. And after that LOTS of success.... hopefully.
i would say i'm in a Rage Against the Machine mode.
"...... you i won't do what you tell me!"
OMG I just had the most fun I've had in a month! This WVU dude comes into my office banging on my big huge Auburn Tigers magnet.
good times! OOOO I'm so psyched!
Just caught up again after feeding my face. Norm, yes on your question on the previous thread concerning the Gainser; however, he no longer lives in Duluth. Now a resident in a condo on Peachtree street near, dare I say it, the campus of the insects. Also, Cincy, If I am not mistaken, and I am really scratching my head on this one, I believe that in the picture of the team in the Glom from way back when, what you think is black was actually the navy blue pants and stripes. Photog back then was light years back from what it is today. I have friends that think that the Chicago bears colors are black. Navy blue can look that way even on today's color TVs. The Bears blue is an even a deeper blue than ours. I saw the unis that you are talking about once when we played Clemson, in Mobile of all places, in the late 40s, maybe the early 50s and I think that I am correct about what appears black in that picture is really navy blue. At that age, around 10 or 11, you don't pay attention to those kinds of details. Those unis were alright, but I prefer Coach Jordan's take on it. Believe me, that man loved tradition but I think he liked to help create some of them. Amen, Brother Jet, Amen. I think the answer to the 7 jersey number is no one wore it before Sullivan. I can't remember any numbers below 10 until Sullivan played. I can also remember no 90s numbers for a long time. All of this evolved over the time college football went from 1 platoon to 2 platoon football. Used to not have as many players in 1 platoon. I am done and I know you are glad. Gotta go cut Mrs. IV's grass.
... if you like pina coladas, gettin caught in the rain...
Crank it up! Man, I am in the mood for some football!!!
missinit - I've been asleep at work for the past hour ;-)
I went to bed real early last night, about 11 pm. So when MrsTHT's alarm went off at 4:30 EDT, I had been asleep plenty long. It's those nights I stay up after 1 that I find the 4:30 alarm disturbing. Of course, my iTunes always come on at about 4:50, so it's really only 20 minutes of being disturbed.
Of course, some would claim I've been disturbed my whole life.
Did IV just say what I think he did?
I am a preteen in a 44 year old body
After nine months I am ready for some College Football, mainly AUBURN FOOTBALL. It is hard not to be optomistic with a new year and new coaches. With our thin blue line we could be in trouble as the year goes forward but I still hold hope that it will at least be a good year. Some point out Cizik's record as a big negative but I believe that we learn more from adversity than some successes. I hope this is thrue with coach Cizik.
Digger Sir,
I have been missing you. Where have you been? Please help me on the unis question and the answer I gave concerning my memory of the ones they wore before our basic current edition.
The Bammer and I just had our first verbal disagreement of the 2009 football season, I'm ready for some violence!
Rally round tha family! With a pocket full of shells...
'The', Sean?
Is this some sort of Ultimo Bammer?
I really have to go now. She's standing there , hands on hips, with that what did I tell you look?
The only Bammer on the floor....Thank God.
I HATE that look. I believe I hate that look more than I hate UAT.
IV I believe you are right, in my long memeory of Auburn football we have never wore Black. At one time we had very dark blue but no black. That is just my memory not a historical fact. Sorry we been missing each other but I was extemely busy yesterday and wasn't on.
"Put your hand up on your hip. When I dip, you dip, we dip."
Norm - you are indeed in need of some rehabilitation therapy. There can be no greater hate than UA-T hate.
This has nothing to do with Auburn, but it's too good not to share. If you have kids age 5-10 only my friend Lisa is doing FREE photo shoots if you call and schedule by 9/9. She is building up her website portfolio. She is FANTASTIC.
Check out her site. If you don't live in B'ham she's worth the trip. Especially considering you'd be getting about $400 worth of photography for FREE. My sister Dirty is in the Bridal section of her site.
Lisa Rosato Photography
agreed THT. come on Norm. you know better than that. ;)
Hands on hip and the look that could turn a man to stone but makes him flutter like a butterfly is known by all married men.
when i move you move
just like that
hey dj bring that back
Well, I'm just not sure about that guys. How about this, I've conditioned myself so much over the years due to my intense hatred of said look that I avoid it at all costs and thus am only rarely on the receiving end these days. At least that's what I think, sometimes I try not to look in her general direction.
On the other hand, I've found there's little I can do to avoid UAT. So, I'm fairly well screwed there.
Keep Hate Alive doggone it.
I did some uniform research for my wife when looking to acquire a throwback jersey like her father wore when he played football. This is an awesome site, i found out kodi was the only player with his #'s stitched into his socks last year while researching this site
I need advice.
What do you do when you have a friend who you really like, but he's an obnoxious bamer and he's vomiting his bamerness on your Facebook?
Luv, guess I shoulda said it was not without precedent instead of using the word tradition.
If it would help us win a game to use orange jerseys occasionally, I'm all for it. But I doubt it would affect the players today the way it did in 1978.
Omni - There's no choice but to shoot him/her. It's a bitter pill, but he/she needs to learn.
Monica - unfriend him. Or whatever they call it.
Mon, hide him til football season is over with.
I can't shoot him from here.
I must agree with Norm.
Mon, tell him you heard from a friend that Nick Saban is a cross dresser.
My general policy is to not actually get involved with real world "mine is bigger than yours" stupidness ( style), but just make stupid arguments that illustrate that it is stupid to be talking trash about it in the first place.
As a side note, answering things stupidly is my solution to everything
then you must get in your car
Isn't there some kind of ignore button Mon?
hmmmmm Kristina that may just do it
Should I tell him I'm hiding him? Because except for his bama stuff he says things that are worth reading.
Dag nabit frasin stinkin stupid frakkin Word 2007! I am seriously reaching UAT levels of hate for Microsoft right now...
Michael that is an excellent suggestion!
what is it doing to you, K???
Call them ugly bammer tooty heads
Is that the kind of stupid you were talking about Michael?
I would not mention you are hiding him, but would set up a reminder to manually check his page for non-bammer related items once a week.
You know Kristina I think FSJ may have a suggestion for that whole MS Office problem
OK, I'm going with goofy comment back to him first. If he escalates then I'll go with hiding.
Good stuff guys! Thanks!
I just want the Hotties to know about a travesty that occurred yesterday on Auburn's campus. I am in a Sports in America class that is in the Sociology Department. Our professor showed us a video that he said explained why football in the South is so special. It was a documentary of Alabama's 1925 season and the 1926 Rose Bowl win over the University of Washington. It was terrible. I never thought I would see the day that Alabama football videos in a class at Auburn.
That is awful.
My mouse has quit working within the text of Word. I can click on the top menu items but cannot highlight, move the cursor, or do anything else within the text using the mouse. Which makes it VERY difficult to proofread and edit a book! GRRRRRRR
I googled the problem and it has happened with others, but I also can't click on the item I need to to try the suggestions.
And that's why professors get shot on college campuses nowadays
That warrants a march on campus! ORGANIZE IT!
Get a Mac zookeeper.
WDCWE....outstanding stuff. Can I quote you on the Alabama boards? Just kidding.
Restart and hope
mytommy, I would LOVE a Mac, but it still wouldn't change the fact that my boss/sister uses Office. I wonder if the Mac version of Windows has the same problems??
Faker is never around when you actually need him...
LOL....I rescind my last comment. Hello faker
Mac Office seems to work pretty smooth, the few times I've had to use it. We use the Adobe products more than the Office products at our place. Although all the administrative work is done through PC formats ... yay.
WDCWE- That action should not go unpunished.
I'm not a big fan of the Mac version of windows. It is usable but isn't very user friendly.
The new Office for Mac is supposed to be better.
I typically use Pages which is Mac's word processing app. It works with Word too.
I use MS Office with my Mac and I never have any problems.
I have the new one faker spoke of.
Me works fantastic.
I take time to read about old football helmets and get left behind. MAN you hotties are wordisum.
Of course you also have the option of using windows on a Mac with bootcamp or some sort of virtual program. However, that's a little like going to Alabama and cheering for Auburn. It ain't natural.
Kristina - I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the *%)#$*39_ as I was shutting down the unresponsive Microsoft IE on the work computer. Did you say something about the joys of MS products? ;-)
btw, I am now safely cruising with Firefox via my keychain USB thingie which I have impaled into the front of this stupid PC.
Ken Alvis was the first to come to mind. I remember that game against LSU in 94. It was awesome!
I went to Alabama and cheered for Auburn.
Unless of course you mean the Univeristy of Alabama-Tuscaloosa campus.
You can't claim the whole state Faker!
THT, yeah I gave up IE a while ago when the hotties (Peter, maybe) got me on chrome...I now use both firefox and chrome. Soooo much better.
So I guess I just need someone to donate a Mac to me and I'll be good to go....anyone? Anyone?
OK, I'm ready for my speech.
A thought on the way ought the door ... when Thomas Peete was in the Sociology Department, I'll bet we didn't allow crap like that.
I'll be scarce today ... I know that thrills you ... speech, doc with Mrs. Jet, getting ready for the season opener tonight and the game itself.
No Mac for me :'(
Yes...Sean I meant UA...not the entire state..
I realize Lee and Montgomery Counties are Orange and Blue.
Zookeeper...Maybe Santa will bring you a Mac.
i never use IE at home, only Chrome on the old PC, and Safari/Firefox on the Mac. No you can't have my Macbook, even though I need to take it to a "genius" to find out why the wireles range is now intermittently about 15 feet (wifey and 2.0's macbooks are unaffected and still work all over the house).
Faker - any ideas?
It mentioned briefly that people met in Langdon Hall to get telegraphs from the game. Surely people weren't cheering? If they were, obviously times have changed (or should I say hatred had not developed yet)on the Plains.
I had a choice in buying a mac or a dell that my wife wanted. The wife won out and after several issues with the dell, I think she will finally sway to the MAC on the next go around, or at least I hope so.
You have the white/black macbook or one of the aluminum ones THT?
I've heard some gripes about wireless range on the aluminum ones. I've had no problems with my last generation Macbook Pro though as far as wireless range goes.
My Dell is only 4 years old but have never had a hardware problem with it. Have had some minor problems with Microsft Windows but nothing I couldn't handle and I am not a guru when it comes to PC's.
aluminium macbook pro
wireless was fine until about a week or two ago. Occasionally still fine, but more often miserable everywhere but in the kitchen near the airport thingie.
wifey & 2.0 have macbooks that keep their super fast wifi even when mine is constipated.
I am now afraid to kiss a pig because of the swine flu.
Peace be with you
until I return.
As you know, I have access to some very large WW II era artillery. I can take out your bammer friend.
I'm not sure why you would want a Mac unless you're a big graphics user. If you're just doing word processing, etc. your PC is fine and much less expensive. Microsoft is the evil doer.
Yeah, your friend was wanting to take me out. grrrrr
I don't want him dead. I just want him less obnoxious.
wanting a bammer less obnoxious is like wanting a zebra without stripes
just kidding, FSJ. You know I've said before how nice folks in t'loser were when THTjr and I went there for IB a few years back.
those UA-T fans were so nice, they made me momentarily question my hatehood.
My 1.5 year old dell has crashed 3 times and i've lost everything. Luckily for me, i've had most of the stuff backed out, but I've also lost some pictures and songs that I had not backedup. It still has issues and gives me a blue screen. Of course, i'm glad I doled out the big bucks for their premium help / warranty service. When you do that, they give you another number to talk to some person in India that knows jack squat about computers. I'm a dell hater now. NEVER BUY A DELL!!!
I agree, tis a shame.
That brings up a sore point with me too! One of the bammer heros of that year was A T "Pooley" Hubert. He was a big deal with the bammers. He was my Physical Science teacher in high school and our high school football coach and old as dirt by then.
He would be put in jail today for the things he did back in the day. Seriously! For example to get our attention he would throw blackboard erasers at you to wake you up in his class....yes he was that borrriiing. He threw an eraser at the guy in front of me one day in class but got me instead. Didn't even say he was sorry. Probably would have caused physical harm to me if he had known I'd one day be an AU Tiger!!!!
He loved to make us girls squat. If we were one second late he would put us up front, draw a circle down real low on the black board and make us squat and put our nose in it. We would have to stay there for 10-15 minutes in the squatting position. I kid you not. I remember the agony in my thighs all too well. The guys in the class were in heaven to say the least. Remember that was in 1967 and mini skirts were well, mini.
To top it off he would open the window, tap his pipe on the sill to empty, reload with tobacco, light it and continue to puff while teaching!
Mon, which is why I ended up with an HP again when I bought a new laptop a few months ago.
But Mac's are sooo pretty....and cool. I wanna be pretty and cool!
Hmmm, never saw the Tristan Davis coming. He should be on a list of most injured.
we let Molly dog squat outside, probably because we don't have a blackboard
Monnie, my friend is a good guy.. he was defending an old Auburn friend being called a goob ;)
If you'll notice, no shells fell in your yard. I'm deadly with my cannon!
Kristina - just cause the puter ain't don't mean you ain't. After all, you're an AUBURN GIRL!!!
9 days 6 hours and 15 minutes until kickoff!!!!
Gotta love North Carolina folks
That's right zookeeper....
I didnt' have a Mac for years and I was still 6"5 215 lbs of mac daddy manhood...With the IHCF of course.
Pooley -->
IHCF, of course. Not to be nitpicky but isn't " inches? What exactly are you talking about?
What on earth possessed Rick Petino to hold that 2nd press conference and say such stupid, odd things??
WDCWE - hopefully, that professor wasn't tenured. He has to go! Regarding the telegraph thing, it could be that hatred was not at its highest level due to the fact that we didn't play Bammer back then. We were on the 40 year hiatus. GT was our big rival.
He was trying to make the case of why football is a matter of Southern Pride. Until then, Southern Conference teams had not beaten Eastern or Western teams of any consequence. It was a matter of Southern pride.
One question, did everybody boo and hiss????
I'm sorry WDCWE, he's still gotta go.
You could certainly see why people in Auburn would be interested in how Alabama did in the game. It would be interesting to know whether they were cheering for Bammer. Scarily enough, I would guess that most of them were, probably due to the "southern pride" that you mentioned, and what I mentioned about not playing them back then. You could also equate it to cheering for SEC schools in bowl games these days, although I refuse to do that for Bammer.
lol @ "but Mac's are sooooo pretty"
Nuff said!
Yeah, what was the reaction of the students in your class?
There was definitely an audible groan. It was interesting video for sure. Interesting in a car wreck kind of way.
This prototype helmet's starting to grow on me. Figuratively.
they can come out in orange and blue polkadot helmets and I'll still be screaming support at the top of my lungs
I'd like to publicly thank Eddie for coaching me up to take on Mr. WVU that's here in my office today!
Scottie B was not happy that I was tired of "Livin' on a Prayer", anybody else feel like this needs to go?
I just hate the message of the song. We sang it at every game last year? How were our prayers answered? Tubs being gone? Sorry, this is one song I just don't get.
it's a wimpy song for losers
I need some of that coaching for these obnoxious Dawgs and the lone Corn Dog here at work. They are already driving me crazy!!!!!
we can live on a prayer, live on a dare, or live without a care; the words are irrelevant, it's a good tune.
ok, then how about "Adam Raised a Cain"?
THT- So with that logic, then if the song had bama was the best in it, it would be all right? :)
i have no idea why that popped into my head
good point, Eddie. The words are almost irrelevant.
I hate Steely Dan and will never listen to any of their songs.
Nice, Eddie, nice...
Steely Dan is awesome. I didn't like them as a kid because that would have meant I was gay. Now that I am older, I don't care. I like them.
Mon- No Problem
Missinit- Dawgs are tough creatures to pry from your leg. I can tell you that the dawgs are going to be struggling to dog paddle this year. They were 10th last season in the SEC in Scoring Defense and they lost 5 starters off that terrible defense. Offense returns the complete offensive line and AJ Greene. I don't see how the defense will be much better for them this year and there schedule is brutal. The offense will be sufficient, but I think they struggle mightly in the beginning and could end up stumbling to a .500 season.
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