Furman @ Auburn, 1st half

Um. Yeah. That's on me.
It's Furman week. So what?
There are no significant roster changes to report. It's a beautiful day here at Jordan-Hare -- sunny, 70ish, not much wind. Sorry you're not here.
- Auburn first possession: TOUCHDOWN. Darvin Adams 6 pass from Chris Todd. Drive covered 50 yards in six plays. No penalties. Big play was a 26-yard pass to Tommy Trott down the middle. There were four Furman defenders right there. I have no idea how that ball got through. Fannin returned the opening kickoff to the 50.
- Furman first possession: FIELD GOAL. 23 yards. Drive covered 51 yards in 12 plays. Three of them were runs. It's quick passing, crossing routes, quick throws into the flats. Over and over.
- Auburn second possession: TOUCHDOWN. Ben Tate 9 run. Drive covered 80 yards in 8 plays. Todd completed three consecutive passes -- to Eric Smith (3), Smith (10) and D. Adams (20). Then he gained 12 yards on an option keeper. Not too shabby.
- Furman second possession: Three-and-out.
- Auburn third possession: TOUCHDOWN. Mario Fannin 24 pass from Todd. Drive covered 73 yards in 5 plays. Tigers finish the drive with two long passes -- one to Darvin Adams (21 yards) and then the throw to Fannin.
- Furman third possession: Three-and-out.
- Auburn fourth possession: TOUCHDOWN. Darvin Adams 23 pass from Chris Todd. Drive covered 55 yards in 4 plays. Two big plays -- a 30-yard run from Fannin and the scoring pass to Adams. It's gettin' ugly.
- Furman fourth possession: Three-and-out.
- Auburn fifth possession: TOUCHDOWN. Darvin Adams 41 pass from Chris Todd. Drive covered 71 yards in 6 plays. Auburn now has 345 yards of offense and Todd is 12-for-12.
- Furman fifth possession: I'm not paying attention to Furman possessions anymore.
- Auburn sixth possession: Finally a Furman stop! Auburn's drive dissolved at the AU 32. Todd had his consecutive completion streak ended at 14. Kodi Burns dropped a pass.
- Auburn seventh possession: TOUCHDOWN. Ben Tate 5 run. Drive covered 56 yards in 5 plays. It's not even competitive.
game day
i'm sorry i'm not there too. bummer.
I got to work every Saturday but today is a great day for a game
boring game day
Well, ESPN360 is pretty pointless when they backout games. Stupid PPV!
Small Senior class
But I can watch a CFL game or the 4 Nations Rugby League
England leads New Zealand 6-4 in Rugby by the way.
I can't even ESPN360 here in Dayton, OH..IO
i've got wings on the grill. beAUtiful day here in east tennessee too. :)
wow, i think my audio link is a good 20-30 seconds behind.
Dang ESPN360 has this game on blackout here!
Guess I won't be seeing it.
It's a Rod Bramlett/Stan White day for me.
That was quick.
Auburn 7, Furman 0
well, that was quick
It is more difficult than you'd think to listen to Football and watch Rugby (muted)
yeah, i guess JOX online is maybe 2 minutes behind. oh, well.
I write more on the Auburn possessions for the PEEPS who can't watch.
Awesome, thanks Jay G...any one not local found any methods to watching?
That was nice of Todd to wait on four defenders to converge on Trott before throwing the ball.
Thanks JGT. I appreciate the read!
I'm still looking on Justin TV for someone to host the stream.
JGT, are there a lot of empty seats?
Kathy: Not too bad. I'd say this is 83k or so.
why are they completing passes?
why are they on OUR 43?
penalty. and short passes
Are we playing a prevent defense?
Furman looking at 4th-and-2 at the AU 35.
Apparently there is a screamer just under the radio booth.
Jhag, save this for basketball season:
someone posted it last basketball season and it showed the video from the jumbo-tron in BEMC. not sure if it will work this year, though. not working today for football.
I hear the screamer too!
Auburn had an encroachment again on that 4th down play.
oh, yeah. SCREAM!!!
wow, they are driving
Maybe we should put in our backups, well if we had backups! Our first teamers seem to have taken this series off.
FU down to our 21
is furman looking good its sound like they r moving the ball well right now
Do they have an incompletion yet?
Furman down to our 11!
Furman at the 8.
What's up with Ted Roof's opening drive defense? IMO he is weak and needs serious evaluation this off season.
It's the same kind of play ... crossing routes.
#*@& #*@& #!?!
Freeman had a big bust earlier ... gave up a 14-yard pass.
this was supposed to be a stress free football day
I don't like this. Not a bit
Block that Kick!
Is this game on TV anywhere?
Game is PPV. I haven't been able to find it live streaming anywhere.
Did anyone else's mind go to Point Break's Johnny Utah when Stan White mentioned the Utah pass?
That crossing route has killed us all year. That's all GA and Bama need to run.
#73 false start!
Penalties a problem? Who would have ever thought that.
Tate. 13-3
Auburn touchdown.
Ben Tate 9 yards.
TD TD TD!!!!!!!!
JGT, your fingers are going to get tired typing all the offense action!!!
We can't afford any injuries.
Couldn't find this on pay per view, but it may have been pay per screw anyways. This one is going to be over quick.
Furman TB's name is Uhaa.
That's a cool name.
3 and out! awesome
Any chance we get a punt return?
How many punt return yards has AU accumulated this season. With penalties included, I would say negative yards. I have never seen anything like it.
Do you think there was a chance Rick Furman would not get playing time at Furman?
Touchdown Auburn.
Fannin 24 pass.
5th great-grandson of the school's founder. I wonder if he's on scholarship?
Wow. My ISP must've reached a recent agreement with 360 because I've never had it before. Plus it's not blacked out. Happy day!!
Get Tate out of this game. I don't care who you replace him with. Let Benton play tailback. Heck, at least he will touch the ball.
Tate w/ 54 yards. Todd w/ 114
That play was there in the Kentucky game. Boy I know CT wishes he had that throw (UK game) back.
Comcast customers get free ESPN360. Unfortunately, they blackout games here in Abalama
Get Todd out of the game too. Bring in Caudle. This game is over.
1st Q offense AU - 209. FU - 40
Heck, take any scholarship player out of the game. Let the walkons handle this one.
Ark 17, South Carolina 16
Now, that is a football game.
Our penalty yards equal their total offense. Good news, bad news
Emory Blake with a catch!
Todd 10-10 145 yds 3 TDs. Time to sit.
Demond Washington is doing a very good job.
I zoned out on the punt. Did we get any sort of return?
Washington has been awesome, no doubt.
Fair catch on the punt.
No, we did get a bit of a bobble.
Can we get the starters out now?
Emory Blake making some contributions too. Nice block
Hola, HOTTIEs, Happy Homecoming!
Bet Benton and Hawthorne some touches. Move Todd and Tate to the locker room.
Man...nice call.
Does this mean we are finally executing?
600 yards total offense coming....just sayin
It's Caudle Time!
Furman has -7 rushing yards
Get Adams and Zachery and Ziemba and Coleman and....get everyone out of this game.
Did we get an update on Stallworth?
Northwestern is whoopin Iowa.
Darvin looking good today.
I heard E Blake's name on consecutive plays.
Can AU ISP get better cameras? I saw an old black and white one at WCOV recently that was the size of a small bus. It might get a better picture than what they're sending.
Haven't heard anything on Stallworth
If Iowa loses does this mean we can go on their Blog?
OK, this needs to be Todd's last drive.
Or is that a bammer move with the exception of FSJ.
Dyer should return punts next year in the reggie bush role
I liked the tackle made by the Furman player earlier.
Tackle made by the Great Grandson of the Founder of Furman.
Stallworth -- right knee.
Severity is unknown.
Furman fifth possession: I'm not paying attention to Furman possessions anymore.
Oh no!
Now McCain. Isn't it time to put in backups?
jhag - Today you should be confident not nervous.
Nice yelling when catching the ball. Ha.
McCain's injury didn't look at that bad to me.
It's right ankle or knee.
Upset Alert ( i wouldnt call it that though)
Iowa 10
5 minutes remaining, Northwestern ball
nice call AU
I'm with you Kathy. ridiculous.
What? A return for positive yards? Fun.
Benton with a catch!
D'Aneglo Benton with a catch!
McCaleb and Stallworth both got their injuries on Special Teams.
Maybe Benton will get his first TD today!!!
Why is Todd still in?
I want 700 yards
Are we working on timing between Todd and all these young receivers?
ESPN360.com is running more like 180. Hence the belated kudos on the punt return.
I am sure they are going to play the first half.
I appreciate BenTate's heart and effort, but he needs rest more than he needs yards!
We play Georgia next week for crying out loud!!!
I know these guys have a below-average defense even in FCS, but I have to admit we look pretty good on offense.
Chris Todd having a decent day 17/18 256 yards 4 tds
Because it is easy for him. Just like that.
Offense: 415 yards.
Last year's team would have struggled even against Furman. An easy win is beneficial to getting my house cleaned today!
man this is awesome
420 total yards for the Tigers in the 1st half
Being in Maryland, I love Crabcakes!
I think even neil caudle is gonna rip Furman a new one..working with Blake, Benton, Lutz...we reach 62 points IMO
And I watched Dyer last night and he is something. In addition, that Dakota Mosely is huge!
OKay, it is official. I am not pulling for Furman.
Has there been any turnovers? Nevermind.
do we try to score again?
Iowa ball on OWN 17 with 2:04 remaining, no timeouts left
Ford putting on some pounds!
shower time.
Has Mosely commited to Auburn? I've heard he really likes TN.
Great half! Now all the backups get the 2nd half work!!!
Finally a Furman stop! Auburn's drive dissolved at the AU 32. Todd had his consecutive completion streak ended at 14. Kodi Burns dropped a pass.
Part of Kodi's conspiracy
I predicted 55+ points yesterday. I'm feeling confident.
4th and 2 for Iowa 1:46 remaining
1st down crapeyes
Kathy - No. I just saw him for the first time and I know there was interest by Auburn.
WOW - First chance I have had toda to check the score...... Go Tigers!!!
Come out of this game with Mo' heading to the Hedges.....
Jay G,
Will Iowa be in your rankings next week?
Northwestern wins!!!! iowa losses!!
Buh Bye Iowa! Thanks for playing!
Maybe we will play Iowa in some bowl and murder them
JGT - Did you keep everyones email so you can reply all and say...
Jay, better start working on you AP ballot. Since Iowa beat Penn State, you must rank them above Penn State. But since Northwestern beat Iowa, you must rank Northwestern above Iowa. And of course Penn State beat Northwestern, you so you rank Penn State ahead of Northwestern.
Fear the cornpone.
UGA's looking equally good vs TN Tech, by the way.
Their backup is more likely to throw an INT than Caudle, though.
2nd and Goal for Navy on the ND 5.
Let's go NAVY!!
Jubilation T. Cornpone?
Arky looks like they will beat the Cocks.
Starting to look like UT is the best SEC team that Bama has beaten this season.
Navy on the 1 yd line 4th and Goal.
Must score.
Question: Should Auburn have run Tate more to pad his stats a little bit better or did Auburn make the right choice letting Chris Todd air it out, helping to both build his confidence and conserve Ben Tate's health?
I think Gus & Co. are playing it the right way. I'm willing to be that Ben would agree.
Willing to BET, not be.
I just hope that they play maybe one series to start the 2nd half, then sit til Athens.
I'm going to blog vaguely during the second half.
If I can get my writing finished before this bad boy is over, I can get home early.
And when you're looking at a 100-6 game, well, getting home early is good.
Thank JG for the work.
Before you bolt...anything more on Stallworth?
New thread UPZ.
Gabe Mackenzie on the tackle!
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