Zac Etheridge video, 11/3

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The Hottest Auburn Blog on The Net"Bob Petrino joined the groups "Abusing Defenses" and "Looking for Jobs." -- Jet, simulating a certain someone's Facebook feed 11.03.2009Zac Etheridge video, 11/3![]() Want to see it again? Missed it the first time? CLICK THIS TO SEE THE FULL ZAC ETHERIDGE INTERVIEW |
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War Damn Etheridge
Great to see Zac up and walking!
Wow. Thanks for posting the whole interview.
Thanks for posting the interview, Jay.
Thanks Jay, You are the man!!
Kudos to Mr. Etheridge for his leadership and clarity of priorities.
....Yes, thanks JGT for posting.
Thanks, Jay G. Zac seems like a really strong guy, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Glad he's a part of the AU family.
Thanks, Jay G and I second what weagle251 said!
Thanks JGT for showing the entire video. It is great to see Zac doing so well. Hope he can return next year if that is waht he wants to do. It is not that important to me but if it is for him I hope he makes it.
Great post - that one deserves front page action.
Thanks or the updates and the video. Glad to see Etheridge made it to the complex. That had to be a great experience for both the team and himself.
Auburn Football Insider Podcast is live tonight at 7pm CST. I will have a link in just a little bit.
Auburn should offcially honor Scott in some manner. He may play for Ole Miss, bit I say he is a true Auburn man IMO!
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Thanks JayG.
Also JayG, can I nominate one of Zac's quotes from today's press conference to grace the top of the front page of the HABOTN? Maybe something along the lines of (and I'm paraphrasing) "I just wanted to let the world know I was alright" or "I can't stay away from these guys".
Anybody else feeling me on this?
Great to see he's OK. Great to see the AU family coming together. We should honor both these men.
Thanks for uploading this video Jay.
Auburn Football Insider Podcast Live Tonight from 7-8PM CST
Thanks for stretching those rules a little and giving us the whole interview. Appreciate it very much.
We never know what life is gonna throw our way. I'm sure this was very much a growing experience for Zac. It is evident he cares about Auburn and his teamates as much as they (and we) care about him!
i don't think there's ever been a post with more substance.
Digger- Thanks for calling.
I never post on here, but love to read your content... Thanks so much for this video Jay.
Thanks for the vid Jay G. Zach's attitude is very inspiring and humbling.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for showing the video in its entirety J.
First time I listened to the show Eddie, and I only caught the 2nd half, but I enjoyed it.
Thanks for listening Wakerider!!!!!!!
Enjoyed the whole show Eddie and E-Bro
I was right about Washington being a little light in the shoes for a safety. Hope he does a good job.
Agreed Digger. Thanks for listening. Washington experiment will be interesting.
Great video Jay. I'm sure the team was glad to see him. He is a fine young man.
I won't lie, I've always been pretty critical of Etheridge, but I've got nothing but respect for the kid. He has handled himself like a man.
What an amazing story. What an amazing, man.
JayGT - thanks so much for that video. I'll be back after I get a tissue. WAR EAGLE!!!!!
Off Topic- Travon Reed has set 11.13.09 as his date to announce his college choice. This will be big for AU if he chooses AU. He was one of my group of 5 I thought AU would get. Theory is that if he chooses AU, Seastrunk will follow. No guarantees but that is what I have heard for a long time.
anybody else watching Bowling Green take a 30-29 lead over Turner Gill's Buffalo team with 38 seconds to play?
wtc- do you still think Reed chooses AU?
I do.
JGT, I've been awaiting friend approval on facebook for months... Am I not cool enough to be approved?
Jeff Lee of is going to LA to cover Trovon's press conference seems like that means a lot
I've been awaiting FB friend approval from Harrison for about a year. I mean, it's not like I don't shower or anything. It's about to the point where I just don't want to be his friend anyway.
What's up Hotties? I loved this video of Zac. What an Auburn man.
That was just flat awesome Jay G. What an outstanding example of everything a kid needs to be an example of. I know what it is to be broken up like that. Very scary indeed. There is only one explanation for the way he has handled it. I'll leave that open to interpretation.
Just curious Jay G., how does witnessing something like that affect you?
It was great to see him out and about today! I do believe that he loves Auburn as much as we do...that's what the Auburn Family is all about! I know his family is happy and they will be so proud when he graduates. He is truly an Auburn Man.
Thanks for haing the full interview Jay. GOD bless Zac and War Eagle!
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Eddie I got my Auburn-Georgia tickets. About the same place as my AU LSU seat. Where is a good place to park in Athens?
wtc any significance to Reed announcing on Friday the 13th?!!!
Phred: I like Zac and I'm glad to see he's Ok. I don't get emotional about it or anything. I guess I'm desensitized.
Just curious. BTW sports fans, after the Furman victory, I will be $1000 richer for a total of $2500 from the same Bammer. Oh how I love that.
Thanks for the great video, Jay. It is a reminder of how much these players give up to play the game. Also, excellent closing music. I look forward to it each time:)
Good Hump Day Morning, Hotties!
Kathy, we weren't going to go to the UGA game, but we decided the team needs all the fan support they can get! We should meet up!
My partner purchased the tix on ebay and she said UGA fans are selling their tix like crazy. I think AU fans need to paint Sanford Stadium ORANGE!! Who's with me? WDE!
Kathy, we have never been there, so I found this gameday parking map. Hope you find it helpful!
Gameday Parking at UGA
I've never found parking to be that bad at UGA, however traffic is never fun getting in and out.
Luv & Kathy- First off, I highly recommend that you either come to Athens via I-20 or Hwy 78. Avoid 316 at all costs. I-20 is probably the best least used way into Athens. It maybe a few more miles than 316, but you will get in and out of Athens a lot faster than main way which is 316. As far as parking, if you look at the map that LUV linked, I typically park at the bottom of the map on East Campus Road. There is a train track that runs parallel to it on the East Side of the road that makes for good parking spots in between the tracks and the road which I suggest backing into. You get there by taking the loop and getting off college station road. I have parked near there almost every time i've been, which this time will be my 5th trip driving as a fan. This area is good for getting in and out of Athens and not the best tailgating spot. It does involve a little walking, but if you are just going to the stadium or after the game it's easy, just follow East Campus which runs directly behind the stadium. I've actually gotten lost on UGA's campus and wondered around the first time I went there totally in daze trying to figure out where I parked. I hope this helps. I suggest getting there early and going into town or tailgate with someone if you can. I always enjoy my trip to Athens, especially if we win.
Thanks, Eddie! That most definitely helps! In my old age, I get anxious and nervous when I don't know where I am or where to go or how to get there. That's why we always book our away game trips through Total Sports Travel because they take of everything - including a bus ride to and from the stadium.
Thanks for the info Eddie and Luv. This will be our first trip over. We are just driving over for the game and then heading back to Huntsville afterwards. We also got our tickets off e-bay. Of course, we are up in the clouds again, but they were great seats at the LSU game and we had a lot of great Auburn people sitting with us. I expect the same for this trip. We should definitely try to meet up.
Kathy- My seats are up in clouds also in the Auburn section, but up in the clouds outside of Auburn isn't the same. You will be able to see the game just from the upper deck. There is really not a bad seat at Georgia IMO. Kathy- If you are coming from Huntsville via BHAM take the I20 way and if VIA Chattanooga take the HWY 78 way. If you need any more detailed information, feel free to shoot me an email. Glad you all are going and hopefully it will be an awesome day.
Kathy, we're in Sec. 602, row 9, I think. What way will you be going? We should meet up somewhere and follow you there, or at least park in the same place in Athens.
Eddie, where do you go from 1-20?
To Athens VIA I20- Get off Exit 82 (HWY 138) and take that till it hits HWY 78 in Monroe and then HWY78 runs into Athens and the loop.
To Athens VIA HWY 78- Take I285 East like you are going to Stone Mountain and then get off on the HWY 78 and that will take you directly to Athens. There are more stop lights along this route and watch out for cops.
HWY 316 turns into a parking lot and that is why I like these other routes, especially the I20 if it is possible for you.
Thanks, Eddie!
No problem. Glad I could help.
Eddie, going from field level to the top of the upper deck is quite a difference, eh? :)
Random worthless info: my boss ate lunch and played golf with Johnny Majors yesterday here in Knoxville. he played for him at UT in the early 80's and his dad played football at SMU with Doak Walker. pretty cool.
Scottie- Big Difference. It makes getting my share of the hedges that much tougher :)!
i'll never forget being assaulted by a UGA fan after the '97 game in Athens. he didn't take kindly to the hedges i had so gloriously displayed in my teeth. ah, good college memories.
I remember leaving UGA after the 1999 game and a friend of mine walking around started to act like he was lost, he flagged down a UGA fan walking by and the wasn't happy but asked what he needed. My friend replied "yeah, we're looking for WeOwnYa Blvd, can you let us know where that is?
Scottie- When I was a caddy at the Honors Course in Ooltewah, Johny Majors was a member and caddied for him and his brother Bobby ever year just about. This was after he was let go by Tennessee and the head coach at Pitt. I enjoyed getting to know him over about the 4-5 years I caddied for him. He always played quickly to get to the bar :). Oh, he knew I was heading down to Auburn to be apart of the team and had this to say about Terry Bowden..."As soon as Terry was born and the doctor spanked him he started talking and has yet to shut up" was funny.
I've got some good pictures of me with some hedges on the field with Ricky Neal and Jeno James. I'll try and get that scanned in as my avatar for next week.
Scottie and WERK, love your stories!
Speaking of Georgia stories... I was doing video in 99, and at Georgia you get the endzone shots by filming at the top of their club level seating right on the same level as their luxury boxes. The fans are all sitting in front of you and during the first half I think Tubs went for every 4th down even when it was deep in our territory and converted. At halftime it was 31-7 I believe or something very close to that. All the fans kept walking by me and bitching about Tubs and why doesn't he punt the ball like everyone else. It was priceless, especially because the UGA video guys were talking smack before the game. One of my favorites by far.
That's AUsome, Eddie. Of course, that was before Tubs went all conservative...
morning Hotties!
must get back to work :-(
It is SOOOO great to have young men like Zac Etheridge representing our school. Thanks so much for the entire interview JGT!
Good morning Hotties just had to watch the video again. Great young man may God bless him with a full recovery.
THT- I am not on facebook, so somebody must have made up a fake Harrison profile, it's understable seeing as how popular and atractive i am
Yeah right, Harrison. The next thing you'll tell me is that you are not the guy that cuts my grass in the summer. I know its you. You can give up your little, "I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Just pay me and leave me alone" act you keep pulling when we meet in person. It is unbecoming of you.
Sorry Michael, I just enjoy your lawn. I bet the guy that cuts my grass is the guy that is my imposter on facebook
Is his name Ted? If so, then yeah, it's the same guy.
I just now watched the video for the first time. I was like thinking I'll watch and be happy for the kid and everthing, but ZE had this Auburn Man reaching for the tissues before the interview was over. Props to Mr. Scott. Auburn should recognize him for his selfless act in some manner.
I am home with an ear infection ... it hurts ... I am like a 4 year old when it comes to pain.
I did watch the "College Flash Classics" of the 1994 LSU game. I am watching the Ole Miss game again now.
Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead, and Curley Hallman is still a moron.
Curly Hallman is still a moron, but that was one of the most fun games i've been to.
Yes, Rodney Scott does deserve high praise.
I know that Knowshon Moreno had the "hey look at me habit" of trying to pop up as soon as humanly possible, and would essentially push through anything and everything in an effort to get off the ground. I noticed a UGA runner do the same Saturday -- I think it was Samuel -- but then again maybe he was concerned that Brandon Spikes in the pile.
One does not stay in a pile with a bulldog very long. Wise old saying.
If named Spike as in Tom & Jerry you run away as fast as you can.
Harrison - guess what? I'm not on FB either. So it was an imposter trying to FB friend your imposter.
THT, wanna do this?
I've been to one AU/UGA game at UGA - 1987. We won and I had a blast at the game, but the gridlock afterward was unreal, probably the worst post-game traffic I've ever been in. We must have been on the 316 that Eddie was talking about. If I go back sometime, I'll definitely refer back to your instructions, Eddie.
Scottie - you deserve the honor
I've been to Athens in 1981, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1995, and 2007.
It's my favorite non-Jordan Hare venue.
Jet, go to sleep and quit messing up me & Scottie ;-)
If I was going to false start on the Beasley post, at least I was talking about Athens, the site of one of Beasley's finest days.
i'm glad you're not on facebook either, confirming how awesome we are. Tough luck Michael
That's a fabulous idea ... time for another Lortab.
and I was there. It was absolutely one of the best days of my life.
If the AU @ UGa game is anything like the UGA/FL game this past weekend, there will be lots of room for Auburn folks. I never imagined Georgia fans would give up that many seats. It was pushing 60,000 Florida fans in an 85,000 seat stadium that is usually split 50/50.
i hesitated. my bad THT.
BEASLEY + 9 or 10!!!
that'll work. :)
my HABOTN hit & run is over. Piles & piles of work to do :-(
Thanks Harrison, Jet, Scottieus, PF, et al for the Auburn refreshment!
I'm goin to Athens. I need tickets, willing to send you an autographed picture of me in the mail
I didn't even do anything and got a shoutout. Score!
i need to eat. me hongry.
Luv, my seats are in Section 609 I believe, Row 12. I think I my row was a lot higher at LSU. Most of the visitors get to sit up there! I don't know how much Georgia SEC games cost, but we paid $220 for 4 which I thought was a bargain since I paid $100 for my LSU ticket.
Not sure which way we will travel. I've got 3 others coming with me. One lives in Hartselle, so we will probably come down to B'ham and over.
I'm all for a Hottie meet & greet there, since I haven't been able to get one in Auburn! Hopefully we can all meet up after Thanksgiving in Auburn.
I should be in section 119 if I make it. I've got to figure out some arrangements for my dog. She has to ride with me, but I'm not sure where to put her during the game.
she can stay at my zoo in knoxville PF. just stop on by!
There are a lot of tickets available, especially in the Georgia section, but I wanted to sit with Auburn folks.
scratch that, 129...119 is bogus. Don't sit there. Ever.
Thanks Scottie. How far is Knoxville from Athens? I'm sure an extra 6-8 hours won't make that much of a difference to my already unreasonably long drive.
i think i'm 4.5 or so hrs from Athens. it should be an easy stop for you. better yet, pick me up and the wifey can watch all the dogs while we're at the game. what a wonderful idea!
I'm in section 6-0-something. I'll look tonight. It's the auburn section, I know that for sure. Hottie get together in Athens would be fun.
Well since you have to pass Chattanooga on the way from Knoxville to Athens, I guess you guys can stop and pick me up as well.
sounds like a plan. make it happen PF. oh, and since this was all your idea you're on the hook for all the food and beverages. you can't ask us out for the day and expect us to pay for anything. geeez.
Food? You eat on the weekends? Liquid diets are much better.
Auburn Ninja's
I will be in Section 9999998999 for the Georgia game.
Ninja's and The Allman Brothers Band, what a great combination.
Those Ninja's are wacky.
Kathy, I think ours were $125 for the pair. Also a bargain compared to what TST charges for tix, but we did have seats in the lower level Auburn section for the LSU game. The view was great, but the benches down there were awful. They curved down and back - not flat like most. My lower back was killing me! I stood a lot!
Auburn Ninja's are awesome, but for that last part that takes place in a classroom, if I'm a student in that class, my first instinct might have been to think about the Virginia Tech tragedy and worry a little bit. Granted, it becomes clear pretty early on that it's an act, but still. I wonder if anybody else knew that would happen. The stuff during the tailgating was awesome, though.
Yeah, if a guy walks into a classroom (or anywhere public) wearing a mask, you tend to be a little leary of what might happen next.
Those ninjas were great. Captain Boxhead of course would defeat them easily using his Proton Ray Gun. But still, bravo.
Ninjas in Auburn. Who woulda thunk it?!?
New thread up.
an old trick Mhlceai taught me.
jflakjfkl;ja jakljfklajrfl kak jfkl
You have learned well, PF. I am so darn proud of you.
Eddie, something wrong with your left hand?
nah, just using my right for something else.
Wait, no, I mean haha!
I see what you did there.
you're so annoying
Maybe I'll go start my own blog for me and my minions.
Oh wait, I already do have a blog - but rarely post at it these days and no one really reads it when I do. Nevermind, I will stick around here and cease to be annoying.
Ok, i'm finished. What's up?
I read your blog just now Michael. Please write one about bigfoot.
i hear Big Foot likes beef jerky.
i like how you wrote it Big Foot. As if his last name is Foot, first name Big.
Kathy said...
There are a lot of tickets available
That's why I think AU fans should go and paint Sanford stadium orange!
OK, I will write one about Mr Foot as soon as possible and try to post it tonight. As a rule, I don't blog at work (yet I hang out at HABOTN? What kind of inconsistent self righteous crap is that?!)
I Agree, LUV. It'd be nice to see 40-50K Auburn fans at Sanford.
Anybody see where Division II LeMoyne College beat Syracuse in basketball?
They have about 3500 students according to ESPN.
FSJ- I did and that was funny. Good thing for Syracuse it was "exhibition" so they can claim it wasn't a real game and it wouldn't have happened if the game would have counted.
Arrest this man! He's a thread killer!
I get no RESPECT I tell ya.
Kinda like us and AUM.
Furman this week. Who ya got?
I've got the over/under of number of Furman chants of "FU Auburn FU" at 10.
My favorite sports chant is the one that Austin Peay uses..
"Let's go Peay....Let's go Peay!"
Mine too, FSJ.
Certainly better than "We are...Penn State." WTH?!
HEY! Watch it E-Bro!
Sorry Luv. You got some Nittany Lion heritage?
A bunch of fans stayed in our hotel at the 2003 Capital One Bowl and just said it over and over again. It vexed me. I was terribly vexed.
Absolutely, I do! I thought all the Hotties knew that. I can understand it getting in your nerves, though. It beats, RT, though, doesn't it?
Nothing wrong with RT.
Absolutely it does.
Duly noted for the future about your Penn State ties. I'll refrain from any disrespectful comments in the future...unless we play them.
There is come Nov. 27, FSJ. There's a lot wrong with it then.
New thread UPZ.
Sorry it took so long.
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