Radio Appearance Forthcoming

Since they will not be broadcasting new shows later in the week, the time is NOW.
We'll be talkin' Auburn and other stuff. You know how it goes.
Be there or be rectangular.
The Hottest Auburn Blog on The Net"Bob Petrino joined the groups "Abusing Defenses" and "Looking for Jobs." -- Jet, simulating a certain someone's Facebook feed 11.23.2009Radio Appearance Forthcoming![]() Since they will not be broadcasting new shows later in the week, the time is NOW. We'll be talkin' Auburn and other stuff. You know how it goes. Be there or be rectangular. |
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heading to the beach
with substance
Early in the week ... HATE!
Just wanted to let you know, I just sat down at my desk with an extra tall cup of coffee.
If you rearrange the word "hate," you get "heat," which I intend to bring today.
Nice, early Hatin' with Jay G segment!
Who is looking forward to the Macy's Day Thanksgiving Parade more than the Iron Bowl?
I have the pleasure of driving to Charleston Friday, so my only choice would be the Macy's Parade. Ahhh the things we do for love.
My HATE hit .375 in the minors before it hurt its knee
aight, hotties!
aight Saban...JKev
If they are, Eddie, they are a eunuch.
I fully realize we are the underdog in this game. I understand that we are unlikely to lose.
But I'm channeling my inner Herb Brooks.
"Great moments... are born from great opportunity. And that's what you have here, today, boys. That's what you've earned here today. One game. If we played 'em ten times, they might win nine. But not this game. Not today. Today, we play with them. Today, we stay with them. And we shut them down because we can! Today, WE are the greatest football team in the world. You were born to be football players. Every one of you. And you were meant to be here tonight. This is your time. Their time is done. It's over. I'm sick and tired of hearing about what a great football team the Infidels have. Screw 'em. This is your time. Now go out there and take it."
Can't wait to tell Jennifer Lang that I discussed the "friendship french" on the air today.
Truth be told if it comes down to a shootout I like our chances.
this game is not coming down to a shoot out...mark it.
Yeah...... I know. And I hate bama for that.
I'm working from the house this week. My hot wife works from the house too. My daughter is here visiting. My future 4* is at his grandparents. So, all in all, things are pretty much right in my world. These good things do not in any way diminish my hatred towards all things bad. I say it loud and I say it proud - I hate UAT.
Keep Hate Alive
Eddie...not looking forward to Macy Day's Parade more than the Iron Bowl. Not even close.
Bro- I asked the question...didn't answer it. You spending the night on T-Day?
Norm: Do you have a skanky wife?
Why are you distinguishing between the two?
Remember this, my dear children:
You can't make history if you're not willing to make current events.
Bro...was just answering your question...emphatically.
Now that you're definitely going, I'll be spending the night on T-Day and going to the game regardless of whether I have a ticket.
You doing the half-marathon on T-day?
No half marathon for me.
Back in my rock & roll days, one of the bands I played in had an original tune that consisted of our lead singer repeating the same three words over and over, as the tempo increased and the music got louder, culminating in his voice rising to a maniacal scream and the song ending in an explosion of feedback.
The three words were "I hate you". We called it The Hate Song.
Seems appropriate this week, somehow.
As well as my hate for UAT I'm having a difficult time with relatives that decide to get married Thanksgiving weekend. Although I have to say that's more about being peeved than deep down hate.
Missing radio appearances grinds my gears.
My hate did not start util Sept 1952 which is longer than a lot of you have lived. It got so intense during 9 grueling years that I would become ill after each Iron Bowl. Older but necessarily wiser I no longer get ill but the hate is deep and real.
Sportswriter Tate - no skanky wife for me, that's just my descriptor of choice. Now, the beta-wife however is a different matter. She's entitled to a different descriptor.
I'm gonna have to start sending twitter to my phone again. I'll probably take everyone but Jay G off of that kind of thing, though...late night video uploads are the only thing he sends that cause a problem, I guess
Bro- No half marathon this T-Day. Didn't feel like dropping the extra cash right now for pain. Will definitely run one in the near future, no doubt about that. Good, we can travel to the game together. Should be fun either way. Maybe a hottie will have an extra ticket...
beta-wife makes me laugh really hard...
What's stopping someone from just running in a race, not paying, and not having an official time? I'm thinking about running a 10-K T-day morning for the fun and free beer afterwards. Nobody'll know I'm not supposed to be there.
lol at beta-wife..
Good stuff.
My hate first arose in March, 1982, and then we took out nine years of frustration late that year when Bo went over the top.
Auburn fans...your welcome.
Do they take up tickets at a 10k run and search you for weapons of mass distruction? Just asking.
Bro...sounds good.
Eddie - since I paid the registration fee to run the full marathon Thursday and since the doc won't allow me to run, you're welcome to my bib# and move it on over to the half. Let me know if you're interested and I'll get you my info to use to get the stuff from the expo tomorrow.
How sweet that victory was! and things got better after that.
WMD = Bourbon on Hate Day?
PF and FSJ - I can assure you that these days, beta-wife does not make me laugh at all. That'll be about the only time I won't tell one of you to shut up this week.
Keep Hate Alive
Ah, that sucks. I missed it. Hopefully they will have it up on their webpage today.
the one is you, bammer.
As a Jackson resident, I am always in class during Hatin' with Jay G.
This morning I get in the car, and hear this snarky dude on 930 a.m. talking about how Nutt isn't real, and his friendship frenching, before I even realized it was the one and only Mr. Tate. What a surprise to kick off hate week with.
Jay, I thought your voice was going to be a lot more high pitched.
Wow, I really should be working. Only 2 days to get stuff done this week. The hate is preventing me from treating this as anything other than a Thursday, though, by which point I assume I've finished most everything but some formatting. Fridays are so useless to me right now (until January, at least) that I mark the whole day off for meetings.
Big Snacks LOL at WMD = Bourbon. So true!
lol@ high pitched. What were you expecting, Loren Smith?
Frame: I'm sick.
Norm- Thanks, but I already have things I have to get done now. Family is coming down and lots to do. Thanks!
Jet, not that any of us need our HATE turned up a notch, but how about a story of why we should hate UAT.
"On the first day of HATING, my true Jet gave to me...."
my HATE just underwent a military coup and is now known as the Democratic Republic of My HATE
Andre the Giant has a Posse? Holy old school.
Not only does Andre the Giant have a posse, but so does my HATE
Can we rename whatever Jet's roving band of Hotties is called "Hate Posse?"
On the first day of hate, my POSSE gave to me, 12 mythical national championships
I hate Toomer's Drug Store....
I hate Tiger Rags....
I hate Tuberville
I hate Wayne Hall
I hate Patrick Nix
I hate the dude that blocked the punts in '72...
I hate listening to Stan White on the radio...
I hate listening to Stan White on radio also.
Wait a minute.. I hate Tiger Rags too.
on the first day of HATE, my fellow hotties gave to me....
j/k. well, sorta.
never, ever, ever talk about Toomer's like that again.
Toomers should be turned into a parking deck....
I'm not condoning noosing of bammers, but if it has to happen, might I suggest the tree that he threatened to chansaw as an appropriate location.
shut up bammer!
on the 2nd day of HATE, my fellow hotties gave to me....
a 2nd Heisman to Timmy Tebow because MARK INGRAM WILL NOT WIN IT!!!!!
More hate....
I hate David Housel...
I hate the Auburn Creed...
I hate Dean Foy for turning against his alma mater...
Now there are a few Aubies I love...Included in this list are Tony Franklin, the kicker in the 1984 game, Doug Barfield...I'm sure there are others.
FSJ- Take your hate somewhere else, it's not wanted here.
Can we give the Heisman to someone else, say Keenum or ANYONE else but Tebow or Ingram?
Ed Scissum...great man.
Colt McCoy...Heisman
Mike Shula...Great man.
I was wondering how long it would take for Scissum to make his appearance.
Luv ... I have to step out for a while for a meeting, and it will keep me out until early afternoon, but I promise you a lesson as to why we should hate.
Mike Price...Great Man.
Hatin' podcast from today is up.
On the third day of hate, my POSSE gave to me, 11 players in dark pink with a severe case of H1N1.
It's Rollin!
Tyler Watts...Great Man.
Eddie - no problem. You should sign up for the ING which is late March. I'd also already paid to do the full for that one, but by the time I'm allowed to run again, I'm not sure I'll have the training time to get ready for a full. So I'll do the half at the very least. It's a nice event.
Brodie Croyle....great man.
Norm- I am planning to definitely run the ING. My runner partner and I will both be doing it so it will be easy to train for.
Bill Curry...Great Man.
overheard on the BAMA bus pulling into Auburn on Friday, "That's no moon, it's a HATE station."
Joe Cribbs.....Great Auburn Man..
That's about the extent of my knowledge of late 70's Auburn players.
Let me tell you something about hate, my friend. a dangerous thing.
Sullivan to...
Luv ...
On my profile is an email link ... send me an email and I'll unleash how I really feel.
it just fuels my bama HATE even more.
Sorry, folks.
I ain't focused on history. I'm focused on hate.
LOL at Jet and Scottie
93, 22-14!
94 doesn't count.
95, 31-27!!!!!
96 sucked too
96 doesnt count
97, 18-17!!!!!!!
Nobody puts HATE in the corner
I hope y'all are reallllllly hating us come 6PM on Friday.
FSJ- Not as much as you are hating us.
'03, GO CRAZY!
'05-11 SACKS!
'07, 6 IN A ROW!
FSJ...victory doesn't satisfy my hatred.
HATE sometimes comes in strange packages, like a short kid named tre smith. he embodied the HATE in 2002. HATE will possess someone else Friday night.
i needed to get those off my chest fellas, thanks.
Thanks for the coverage. I have especially loved the Chris Lowe and the Rivals guy interviews. Wondering if there is anyshot of getting a guy like Bruce Felman? I think the has a very unique view as it comes to college football. He knows this area of football too. He has an incredible book Meat Market that took place at Ole Miss.
Hatin' was expecially entertaining today. Good job, Bif and Jay G (and Jay White, who may or may not ever read this).
Greatest Bama coach of all time:
Bruce Arians.
Was there in '82 for Bo over the top. Came back to call the screen pass to Scissum in '97.
Can't ask for better credentials than that.
yo Bruce Arians, I'ma let you finish, but Mike Shula was the best Bama coach of all time. ALL TIME.
I've been wanting to read that book you mentioned.
I've heard it is very good.
Bruce Arians....I just lost my lunch.
So I leave work for lunch...who is on Jox? Stan White.
I get to Miss Myra's for lunch. My ticket number? 13. Which is one more than 12.. :-p
J. B. "Ears" Whitworth, greatest UAT coach of all time. Check it out.
Norm, I ain't no Bama.
IV - you know that wasn't directed at you.
He's talking about me IV...
No Auburn fan can shut this mouth...
Yea, I know Nurm, I was just funnin' you. HATE HATE HATE HATE.
Jay said on his hatin' segment that he doesn't like Fakers....
I have a feeling that Lee Ziemba could make you wish you had Faker.
LMAO at the friendship french...
Yeah, he's talking about YOU specifically. Shut up Bammer.
IV...I'm dirtier than Ziemba.
Besides he would false start.
I am sure that it was diricted straight at you Faker.
A false start on opening a can of whoop ass on you could be bad news. You wouldn't be ready for it.
Anyway, We don't need Ziemba, We will just let Eric Smith handle you Faker.
I'd chop block him.
Wrong O lineman Faker. Keep up.
Jimmy Johns has my back.
No, he has your bag of crack.
Oh..I know..I was just sayin I can chop block.
Besides...Jimmy Johns "knows" people on the outside.
Yea, Saban is still trying to get him a Pharmacy Degree by correspondence.
By the way Faker, have I told you I hate you but love little Abbie?
Abbie is going to be an Aubbie.
Where did Faker go? Did he shut up?
Thanks IV...
Abbie loves the hotties too.
Okay, Lunch time for the old man. HATE HATE HATE HATE.
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Just when you think your hate can't be any greater, some stupid bammer says something to make you HATE even more.
So, is there any truth to the rumor that Tim Hawthorne has been abducted by aliens and that is what he hasn't been heard from this season?
Tim Hawthorne is in the same location as Mike McCoy and Earl Alexander.
You all are a HATIN bunch today.
FSJ, you should fear us. We could easily score anywhere from 100 to 1000 times as many points as we did last season. Bama better be worried. In Todd we trust.
...and it's only Monday, Jay G.
Liked the segment today Jay...
Still laughing about the french proposition...
And don't forget, DeAngelo Benton is back!!! No wait, that was against Furman. Never mind.
That's a real story, FSJ.
I did try that.
i just listened to today's archived HATE so i'm full of it!
I don't know how much he played against UGA. The only time I saw him, he was getting up off the ground after getting run over. I remember thinkng to myself "there's Benton on the ground, can't make big plays there."
I will not wait to hate.
I shall not let it abate.
I consider it my finest trait.
The appetite for it you cannot sate.
It was a factor when I chose my mate.
It is with me when I walk out the gate.
I do it early, and I do it late.
It's directed toward UAT, but sometimes also Jon and Kate.
My hate is large, not tiny like Nate.
It goes from the bottom of my feet to the top of my pate.
You can't quantify it, only know that it's first rate.
It certainly can't be packed in a crate.
(My favorite current RB is Ben Tate.)
Some may say I may collapse because of its weight.
This may bother your and on your nerves grate.
Doesn't matter, my attitude toward UAT is pure hate.
Thank you Rev. Sharpto....errrr Jet.
Alabama QB Greg McElroy: "It's not going to be any pressure. It's just going to the same old team that we played last year."
Shut up Greg!
Ask and ye shall receive:
Bruce Feldman was kind enough to call into HABOTN headquarters from his plush pad in suburban LA. I'll post that interview in a bit.
I like Feldman.
Blogger Jay G. Tate confirms that he's in discussions with ESPN.
Be sure to tell Bruce to take a new picture for profile. He looks like a child sex offender in his current one...or a hobo.
I can't decide.
You kids leave Jay G alone right now. He's working.
The more you leave him alone, the sooner he can post something else.
Resume HATIN'.
Is it too early to already be tired of Christmas songs?
It's too early for Xmas songs...period.
My first year at Auburn was Shug's second and we had a blistering 2-8 record. He told us in a pep rally to not hate. But it didn't take because college students NEVER listen to our elders. So even though he never joined in we let it grow and now I am an elder and like Shug I say let's not hate...except for those infidels wearing crimson.
RK ...
You just have heard the good ones yet ... here are a few:
"Hatin' in a Bama Trailer Park"
"Cousin Humpers Are Comin' to Town"
"Eltoro, The Red-@$$ed Linebacker"
In a shocking move, Chizik announces that PPL has been traded to MTSU for a linebacker. Okay, I can dream, can't I?
Jay G. what is Josh Moon back ground is he a bama grad. or just a bandwagoner. My bro.-in-law (who is a bama guy) and I want to know. Is he even from the south? We both are saying he is not from alabama.
I find it highly peculiar that a daily newspaper would have a regular column called "Bama Bandwagon." got me on facebook. Message me your address and I will mail you Meat Market . I always try to pass on the books I have read to others.
Burn something and mail it to him as a representation of your intent to not share.
No, let him think he's getting a book, but just send him an empty box or possibly something that a cat has urinated on.
or a box of bammer food...aka poop.
Send him a flaming bag of poop!
Or send him one of Michael's coolers.
UAT Tailgate Tested!
UAT Tailgate Approved!
Send him a toy elephant with its trunk and tusks cut off.
Have I just offended PETA?
I don't condone poaching.
But I do condone hatin' Bama.
Jet, you can't send fire. that's a mail bomb. Are you trying to get Miller arrested? We need his hate for Friday.
If Miller's in jail, he can extend our hate toward:
1. Jeremy Elder
2. Jimmy Johns
3. Insert random UAT criminal here
I'm just now getting around to watching the CBS version of the LSU-Ole Miss game.
I think Verne yelling "What are they doing?! WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!" has to be the biggest indictment of what Miles did.
If Verne understands what you are doing is wrong, that's when it's time to call it a day.
This day should be almost over, but it's not. I'm starting to suspect that I'm going to be here until 8 or 9 with my boss because she's not going to be here for the next two weeks.
The finish of the Ole Nutt/LSU game was hilarious. If I were a cajun, I would be seriously upset. I wouldn't be so upset about loosing, but rather about the boneheaded mistakes that occurred.
Dear Coach,
You are paid millions of dollars a year to coach. Is it not unrealistic to assume that with such a salary, you would do some coaching.
A dejected LSU fan
Corndogs love Les, don't they?
My favorite ... a blog posted this: If you could ask Les Miles a question, what would it be?
First response: "When are you leaving?"
Alabama's Javier Arenas: "When I heard Carnell Williams went to Auburn, I thought it was a D III school."
Shut up Arenas!
McElroy is just asking to be hurt.
or at least to knocked on his a$$ several times.
SHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I am only telling FSJ that I am sending him a book this week...
Areanas should know the DIII schools, especially given that is the only schools offering him out of HS with exception of UAT!
Arenas is mentally challenged
Someone needs to tell Arenas... Yo Quiero Taco Bell
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FSJ-Chris Capps is the head of my all time fav UAT lineman list. Are his hand prints in the concrete in t-town? If they are, did he voluntarily put them there, or did defensive lineman plant them there?
lol wtc..
That is so wrong.
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