Hey everyone. Here's what I heard during interviews this afternoon:
- Gene Chizik said Tyrik Rollison remains on the team, is still in school and "his concern is solely on academics." The coach said Rollison is eligible.
- Kicker Morgan Hull has left the program.
- Fullback John Douglas has left the program.
- A walk-on named Jason King, who was nabbed for DUI a while back, has left the program.
- Chizik and defensive coordinator Ted Roof were evasive when asked if Auburn would run a 3-4 front this season.
- Roszell Gayden's first name is pronounced: "RAWS-el"
- Gayden, who is left-handed, said he never has played on the right side. Yet he's OK with that, as you'd expect.
- Chizik said he's decided that upgrading speed on defense is his No. 1 priority, which helps explain why he plans to move safety Daren Bates to outside linebacker. That hasn't actually happened, though, because Bates is out because of shoulder surgery.
Rollison??? On team still?
Not sure how I feel about a 3-4 front. That requires a lot from areas that seem concerning heading into the season.
No Morgan Hull?
I don't even know who Morgan and Douglas are...were
I'm with Eddie - WOW!!
I knew he hadn't submitted papers, but I just thought it was a matter of time.
Speed kills!
Does that mean Eddie is still on the train?
I have the need...
the equivalent of this train is two guys pushing up and down to make it go.
Is the kid with the yellow shoes still on the team?
Not to bring down the talk of spring football, but my dad has surgery tomorrow for a cancerous tumor on his liver and it's a fairly serious situation as it's in a pretty bad spot, so any thoughts, prayers or good vibes would be appreciated.
Now back to spring football...
nevermind, found the roster. Yellow shoes kid is still on the team.
Prayers coming you and your family's way RK.
Prayers and well wish Sent RK!
Good luck to him, RK. I'll be thinking about you.
Thanks everyone
RK ...
You and your fam have my prayers, too.
Jay G,
So you still feel the starting QB will not be named until the fall?
Who will emerge as the # 2 option at WR behind Adams?
Tomorrow, I join the Mile High Club.
Isn't the name of the club for people who have visit Denver?
Can't keep up today, but that's a good thing.
i love football
That's the name of the other Mile High Club I believe Jet.
I don't think solo flights count for the Mile High Club.
Photos of the new arena, for those who haven't seen them.
Prayers out. Jay, any explanation with Morgan?
A friend of ours had stage 4 liver cancer a few years back. They went to M D Anderson in Houston and did some innovative and remarkable things. Thanks to God and the doctors he is now cancer free and that was over three years ago.
My prayers are with your family. My friend is living proof it can be beat!!!!
Nice work as always JGT!! I love the smell of spring in the air!
Oh and THT 3-1 Caps!
DC/Baltimore teams suck in general. That is all.
The Rollison Express is back on the tracks!!! Sort of.
As for the 3-4 defense, I read up on Roof a long time back and he ran multiple defensive fronts at Minnesota. Although we didn't see it last season due to depth issues, I expect to see it this season.
The scoop on Hull (via Bitter) is that he graduated and moved on. Guess he didn't want to deal with grad school or whatever.
The loss of the fullbacks shouldn't be an issue. I expect them to have issues working all the receivers into the lineup. When you figure Blake and Benton are likely to contribute this year and you throw in Stallworth and Gulley along with Zachery and Adams returning as starters, they will need to find rolls for them. With Malzahn's offense, they should be able to play rolls at h-back or as slot receivers.
Wasn't Hull suppose to be a decent kicker? We have a new kicker coming n with the recruiting class, so this is probably not an issue.
RK ...prayers sent for your dad, you and your family.
Regarding football:
I guess since there are 3 scholly folks leaving(Woods,Douglas,Hull), we now won't need to grayshirt anyone.
JG ..nice video and report sir.
"Don't throw across your body". Fundamentals ..fundamentals ..fundamentals. Brett Farve is one of the only QBs that can throw across his body accurately.
Seanzie - I am holding my tongue.
I like TR's fundamentals and hope he does get back on track. TR's throws on film are more accurate than Newton. Then again...Did anyone notice the pipes on Newton? Reminiscent of Ronnie Brown.
Sometimes Favre can do that, sometimes. I'd like to see what a technical QB coach thinks of a Favre highlight video. I bet they would cringe.
New candidate in the coaching search: Donnie Tyndall of Morehead State in Kentucky.
Good point about Favre, Hoopie. There are QBs that get buy without good fundamentals, but they are rare. Usually you see inconsistency when the fundamentals.
A Phil Sims University.
i bet eddie soiled himself when he heard about rollison. ha!
Jay, I believe you mentioned that you see Newton as #1 and Moseley as #2. Has anything you've seen today changed your opinion? I keep wondering if the light in Caudle's head might suddenly come on.
It would seem that Rollison is having a hard time adjusting to college. I like how Chizik is handling it. They just need to let him do what he can to give him time to adjust. If transferring is the best thing for him, good luck to him, but I think he would have similar issues wherever he went. It isn't like Auburn is Vanderbilt or Harvard.
Would the move of Bates to LB be a hint of the 3-4 coming? We have all 3 starting linebackers returning. I would think they would want to get Bates on the field. He is a playmaker and hitter. It would also fit right in with getting more speed on the defensive side of the ball.
Didn't Favre throw across his body and right out of the playoffs recently?
i believe he did PF. but he also did the same thing throughout his entire hall of fame career. so what?
Gulley? Who is Gulley? I don't see a Gulley on the roster.
Of note: he was apparently working with the D today, so SteveFCc, that might work into your clogged pipe pproblem you've been rambling about for months now.
I dunno. So nothing.
you're a funny guy PF. god love you.
Shouldn't that read "probable Hall of Fame career?" I mean, there'a no guarantee the hall is even going to be there by the time he retires and becomes eligible.
PF ..you are right about Farve in the playoffs and on occasion. Farve was one of the best QBs with poor fundamentals and yet probably leads the NFL in INTS. All the more reason for Cam to listen to CGM.
anything is possible PF. i guess the hall could be picked up by a twister & dropped into the atlantic ocean by the time he is eligible.
so....favre....a possible hall of famer. ;)
SteveFC, I don't buy the whole Vandy or Harvard is tougher than AU thing. Yes they are harder to get in (not as much since AU raised the standards if I'm not mistaken they now have one of the highest ACT requirements in the SEC) but once your in there isn't much difference in the course work. I read and article in the Wall St. Journal one time taking about this issue. Harvard's prestige is all about money and power.
We gotta squelch the Farve talk. If jhag finds out he'll get detention for blogging from class. that boy'z gotta serious mancrush on Farve.
Hoopie, I think some kids would still have to be gray shirted. Our issues wasn't with the 85 limit but the annual limit of 25.
You can take classes "pass only" at those dirty liberal universities, too, meaning you either pass or you didn't take the class. None of that failing bs to hurt your gpa....seriously, though, the level of writing at a Harvard or similar school is much higher than Auburn.
CH=B ..you are right that academically the schools are much closer than the entrance requiements suggest. Top students at AU and those schools are similar. The difference is that those schools only put out top students. Slackers won't survive.
This discussion started b/c of TR's academic quandary. I'm guessing that a transfer to Sam Houston St. will alleviate TR's academic issues. So the question is: Does TR give in and go to SHSt or buckle down and become an Auburn man.
PF ..absolutely ...on the writing skills difference.
I went to SHSU for a semester. He's got a bettter chance there. There literacy level of the average student there is questionable.
CH-B ..25 vs 28 schollys ..yup that's right.
OK ..time for Hoopie to baa-aack away from the keyboard. Work calls.
PF. I know nothing about your clogged pipe problem, but God bless you anyway.
Here we go, here we go, here we go now...
I like it.
As for Rollison going to Sam Houston State, I would typically advise a college kid to go the JUCO route and stay at home until they get use to college classes. It is a different world.
That practice video is making me consider taking a cold shower.
As for the difference between Auburn and Vandy or Harvard, I don't have a direct experience here. I do know that there are different levels of difficult in specific colleges, such as the engineering school at UAH. The requirements for a grades in a specific class can differ greatly based upon the degree that you are seeking. I found this wild. I knew students that found out in their senior year that they couldn't get a degree at UAH in their field because they hadn't meet the required GPA in their core courses. Even more surprising was that UAH would not allow them to re-take the courses to raise there GPA.
Too many WRs clogging the pipe. It's called a metaphor, and I was using it to describe what you've been talking about. Given the context, I have a hard time believing that you had no idea what I meant. You're not dumb.
...or are you?
[Insert dramatic mystery music here]
Duhn duhn dunh
[/dramatic mystery music]
So how about that football practice?
To SteveFC's point, I know that the difficulty of certain programs are absolutely varied from the Harvard's, Princeton's, etc, than say Auburn or Georgia. Most of that is the prestige and knowledge of the professors there. No doubt Auburn's ag and architecture programs are on par with the best of the best in the country. An english major, however, would be "better" off saying they graduated from some northeastern liberal arts school.
Jay, more love from Chris Low today. He put you as the headlining article on his lunchtime links.
PF, here is what may have confused you with Gulley.
"The wideout from Brantley is now Anthony Gulley Morgan. His jersey reads "Morgan."
Yea, we have another player with a name change.
Sorry PF, but I don't understand how your inability to comprehend would make me dumb. I know you are young and that alone will cause you to say silly things, but I understand. Kids will be kids.
He said "Morehead State" ... heh heh heh heh heh.
Face palm.
Sometimes they just fly too high.
Serious face palm on the Steve reply, I expect better of him.
If Brett Favre and Bob Knight were in a burning building and Jhag could only save one, which one would it be? Discuss.
Implausible. Favre and Knight are too legendary to ever allow themselves into such a quandry.
Hmmm, go get Favre and replace him with Woody Hayes. Him and Knight would get along better together.
Jhag would put out the fire, then commend them for how well they saved themselves.
That's because Knight would sling a chair through the window, and they would make their own escape.
The real question is, would Favre decide to go through the smashed window, get halfway out and then decide to wait a bit longer before leaving?
"Jhag would put out the fire, then commend them for how well they saved themselves."
Here is a good article on healthcare and what to expect. Things will definitely get interesing in the next 3 or 4 years.
I'm sure this has been brought up already, but I say there's no way Harrison could head 1 punt out of 50. (I'll bet he feels like Brian McBride behind that keyboard, though).
I don't recall ever seeing that drill in a practice video. I wonder why Demond Washington wasn't back there.
Posted an interesting comment from Cam Newton.
Seems like the football to the helmet would hurt.
On a new thread that's UPZ.
nice work THT. ;)
PF ...I ain't so sure that the 'hag is that generous. Those youthful ones seem to enjoy attention.
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