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Dear Leader said...
- 5:42 PM
Seanzie said...
- 5:43 PM
shesaid said...
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Seanzie said...
- 5:48 PM
shesaid said...
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Anonymous said...
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Matt said...
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Tar Heel Tiger said...
- 5:54 PM
Seanzie said...
- 5:55 PM
Jet said...
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shesaid said...
- 6:02 PM
Seanzie said...
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Will said...
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michael said...
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digger4au said...
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GregaPress said...
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Seanzie said...
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GregaPress said...
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wartiger said...
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Jay G. Tate said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Anonymous said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Anonymous said...
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Miller said...
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ehyou said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Miller said...
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Miller said...
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Jet said...
- 7:47 PM
Miller said...
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Jay G. Tate said...
- 7:53 PM
Jet said...
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wtc said...
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Jet said...
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Miller said...
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Miller said...
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Jet said...
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Jet said...
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wtc said...
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Miller said...
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Bfoster18 said...
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Miller said...
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Jeremy Eubanks said...
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wtc said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Miller said...
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wtc said...
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Miller said...
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wtc said...
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Miller said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Miller said...
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wtc said...
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Miller said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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digger4au said...
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Miller said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Jet said...
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digger4au said...
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Miller said...
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wtc said...
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wtc said...
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digger4au said...
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Miller said...
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wtc said...
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digger4au said...
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wtc said...
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digger4au said...
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Jay G. Tate said...
- 8:56 PM
Anonymous said...
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Jet said...
- 8:57 PM
Jay G. Tate said...
- 8:57 PM
Jay G. Tate said...
- 8:59 PM
digger4au said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
- 9:00 PM
Anonymous said...
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Jay G. Tate said...
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Anonymous said...
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Jet said...
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wtc said...
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Anonymous said...
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Jet said...
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digger4au said...
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BigEZ said...
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Miller said...
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digger4au said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Hornet said...
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Denny Crum said...
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BigEZ said...
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BigEZ said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Denny Crum said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Denny Crum said...
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Monica said...
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digger4au said...
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Monica said...
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wtc said...
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digger4au said...
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BigEZ said...
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BigEZ said...
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wtc said...
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Monica said...
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BigEZ said...
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BigEZ said...
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BigEZ said...
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Miller said...
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Monica said...
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Monica said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
- 9:37 PM
Jay G. Tate said...
- 9:58 PM
Wakeriderof87 said...
- 10:08 PM
Miller said...
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Miller said...
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Monica said...
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Miller said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
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Miller said...
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Monica said...
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Monica said...
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Miller said...
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shesaid said...
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Jay G. Tate said...
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Wakeriderof87 said...
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Monica said...
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Monica said...
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Jay G. Tate said...
- 10:44 PM
Wakeriderof87 said...
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Monica said...
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Monica said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
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Wakeriderof87 said...
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Nooj4AU(qualify tyrick!) said...
- 11:23 PM
Nooj4AU(qualify tyrick!) said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
- 11:40 PM
Wakeriderof87 said...
- 12:39 AM
YoungPJ said...
- 1:11 AM
WarEagleRK said...
- 6:08 AM
Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...
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Jet said...
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Anonymous said...
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Norm said...
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Anonymous said...
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ehyou said...
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Seanzie said...
- 7:37 AM
Peter Frankenschmidt said...
- 7:38 AM
Anonymous said...
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AUfan said...
- 7:41 AM
Peter Frankenschmidt said...
- 7:51 AM
ehyou said...
- 7:54 AM
ehyou said...
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Seanzie said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
- 8:22 AM
michael said...
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Norm said...
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Anonymous said...
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Roland said...
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Seanzie said...
- 8:37 AM
Anonymous said...
- 8:38 AM
Seanzie said...
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wtc said...
- 8:47 AM
Peter Frankenschmidt said...
- 8:51 AM
ehyou said...
- 8:52 AM
Seanzie said...
- 8:55 AM
Peter Frankenschmidt said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
- 8:56 AM
Seanzie said...
- 9:00 AM
ehyou said...
- 9:02 AM
Peter Frankenschmidt said...
- 9:03 AM
ehyou said...
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Seanzie said...
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Peter Frankenschmidt said...
- 9:07 AM
Seanzie said...
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Seanzie said...
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michael said...
- 9:11 AM
Hornet said...
- 9:13 AM
Hornet said...
- 9:15 AM
ehyou said...
- 9:15 AM
Seanzie said...
- 9:16 AM
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No Drops
That was fast.
Shesaid, first time I've seen your quote, I love it. I'm bout to 'act a fool' eltoro style, I'm so excited for college football.
Seanzie, do it for yourself. I'm just a hapless bystander. Acting foolish comes natural to me and many more on this blog.
If you put a starched shirt and some suspenders on Quindarius, you have a young looking attorney.
great video; have fun scouting the striker
Do it for myself? Now that just sounds dirty. As far as foolishness goes, that was my minor as an undergrad, it's about time I put it to use.
Craig "The Law" Stevens, as in the Long Arms of the Law.
Use this. Thank you.
Seanz, no disrespect. It's all good.
Shesaid, none taken.
JG Tate, re: your post from the previous thread. Count me in as a Hawthorne fan. Is there an official fan club? Can I get an application?
Glad we had this talk.
Great video enjoyd it. Keep up the excellent work Jay!!
Can anyone else see the video on their iphone?
I get that darn blue square of denial
Greg I too see the blue square of denial.
We need a nerd.
Where is Malzhan?
thanks for the video Jay...excellent job as always..
iPhone doesn't support flash. So it goes.
The question mark blue box of shame.
oh yeah....
suspenders? who wears suspenders anymore?
don't lawyers still where them? Oh Larry King!! Mr. Carr doesn't look like LK though for sure!
Larry King is the Ghost of Xmas Past.
ain't that the truth
dang you jet! now I want a hamburger!
How are all of JGT's videos so good?
BTW - Another good video man.
Carr reminds me of a young Malcolm X. Not so angry, but has that preppy, precise look to him.
he doesn't shake when shooting
D. Miller - That is funny, still could go for the cookies.
Oh... I am baking cookies tonight... no doubt.
Or I may just eat the cookie dough
DMiller ...
You'll get your chance at Hamburger King after UConn beats UNC for the national championship, and I storm back from 60th place to win the HABOTN bracket contest!
That's right... you get the King on my dime if it happens...
Thanks for your support, ehyou.
After having an OC that looked like he peddles pine straw on the side of the road, it's perfectly cool with me that we have a nerd as our offensive coordinator.
Jet-You win I will go to the King with you. Never been there.
SO with calipari to UK, does Anderson go to Memphis? Does Lebo leave for VCU? We get who?
VCU hired Shaka Smart, assistant from Florida ... Lebo no go anywhere.
VCU's new marketing campaign ...
Shaka Can!
Anderson signs a new 7 year deal with Mizzou...
Rumors swirling that Pitino may go to Arizona.
Interesting ... Anderson chooses less money for ... an easier league?
Coaching in a division with Calipari, Donovan, Pearl, and Stallings would be kinda tough. Darrin Horn might not be a weakling either.
I love a good chocolate-vanilla yogurt swirl at Chappy's after dinner.
Jet-That's the pastrami burger talking. Don't eat the swirl.
So we keep Lebo for at least another year. That is OK with me. I'm not on the bandwagon. I think he can coach but being hamstrung by the Athl dept (not allowed to talk with the AAU guy in AL) is tough on him. Can't win w/o being able to recruit with the guy.
Wow... SEC teams getting stronger by adding better coaches, Calipari at UK, Grant at $puat, UGA going for top coaches... Donovan, Pearl, Horn all still in the league...
And here is poor lil ol AU "excited" about keeping Lebo.
If I had a puke emoticon, I'd use it.
Dmiller-He can coach he just doesn't recruit that well. Even next year we have a small class. Even Baylor had two 7 footers.
Not sure what AU is trying to accomplish with this program.
Didn't dig the quote of the day. But do dig Eltoro Freeman's style. And nobody attacks that bag like the Bull. He's going to make for some nice highlights.
He finally has a winning record overall but a losing SEC record. Should the dept be pleased with that. Do they think he has turned it around? DO you think he has turned it around?
recruiting is part of coaching...
He complains about not having size... well, whose fault is that?
Next year he has Sullivan and Waller and Reed and everyone else will be new on the court. Gotta do a better job of getting kids on the floor. That line up scares no one.
Selling is part of recruiting and coaching. You have to get them to want to come here. Maybe he needs to take a class at AU in selling? along with Jacobs.
80-76 overall... (51.3%)
28-51 in conference... (35.4%)
How can anyone look at that, and want to keep Lebo?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Calipari goes to Memphis and goes about 130-14 in 4 years. That conference is weak, but he beat some good teams outside if conference. He came to AL and took the best prospect (Cousins) out. HE knows how to recruit.
I need to hear more about the dept banning him from talking to the AAU guy. What's the back story there?
I don't think he is willing to do what it takes to sell a program. He doesn't do the media thing, he isn't visible in the community... he hasn't embraced Auburn in the 5 years he's been here. He acts like he could care less about the fans...
He got that handcuff thanks to Cliff Ellis. I think was too chummy with the guy and that is what got AU in trouble. Lebo's contract states he can not recruit from that guy (AAU guys run all the players in each state) for 5 years. That is why we only have 1 player (that was recruited) from AL and it is Sullivan. He wanted to come to AU and was only recruited by AU, Miss St, TN, UAB.
PF, the AAU guys is supposedly crooked and the reason our previous coach got ran
Problem is he came from a program that never needed to sell it's program. That is why he needs some marketing classes to teach himto warm up to the masses.
Wifey brings up a good point... We fired Tubs for FAR less than what we're 'excited' to keep Lebo around for.
AAU guys are all crooked, but you can't stop dealing with them, especially in basketball. Is there a decent HS basketball player in America who's life isn't controlled by AAU? I think the university needs to reevaluate it, make some provisions, and figure out how to talk to this guy within the rules.
Other coaches have come from that program and have done what it takes to be a good all around coach (including sell a program and recruit)
AN example of how AAU guys run basketball players:
Watched 60 miuntes Sunday to see LeBron James. He was on an AAU team that was winning at a pretty good clip when he was in the 9th grade. When th enext rolled around, the AAU coach convinced all the kids to enroll in certain high school. They did and won at 2 national titles in the next 3 years for that school. I'mnot saying that is wrong,just stating they carry a lot of weight in each state.
Big problem though, is that after 5 years of no contact with the guy... any and all relationships that he may have had with AU have been severed... AU will never recruit that guys players..
it's definitely wrong in my book, but that's the way those guys operate.
The restrictions shold be coming off this year fordealing with the AL AAU coach.
Dmiller-agreed that others have done better in selling thir program. Just not sure Lebo gets it. Hopefully he has seen the light after the NIT games, but we will have to wait a whole year to find out.
I rememeber Sonny Smith getting on talk radio and making appearances everywhere to churn up interest. Ellis was clownish at times, but the students turned out for the games because he showed interest in them.
Let's change the subject to football:
Haw many wins, honestly, does AU get this year?
Shoot high boys they are riding Giraffs. 9-4 including win in bowl.
If he hasn't seen the light after 5 years, it ain't gonna happen. I haven't seen any indication that he is willing to do those things that it takes to build a program.
And really, what good will it do after all of this time if the restrictions are lifted on recruiting this guys players? If you were him, and a coach ignored you (regardless of the reason) for 5 years... how willing would you be to work with him? Exactly... Nada.
There are two ways to win at basketball in Auburn.
1. Make the investment. And we have, but it was four years behind schedule. It's hard to get a date when you're driving a brown Citation with a blown engine.
2. Cheat like crazy.
Lebo is on the year to year plan, but to run him after this season would be silly and irresponsible.
Tubs was different. The football momentum was dropping faster than Colonial Bank stock.
I think Lebo earned another year with this years turn-a -round. If he can't improve wheter because of recruiting or what ever, turn him loose
You think ROy Williams needs to 'sell' UNC? or does Coach K need to 'sell' Duke? Heck no! But, they do. They make appearances and they are visible in the community, and they engage the students on campus, and they go out and recruit...
They certainly don't have to...UNC and Duke sells itself. But, a good coach still goes out and does those things.
It is even more important at a place like AU for a coach to do all of those things.
The admin is spending $90mil+ on a new arena... and unless something odd happens, they won't have a coach that buys into his own program when they open it.
I agree on the 9-4.
PF: 5-7 really?
Jet-It's more like we are driving Pacer or maybe a Gremlin but it could be a Vega. We made the investment on the building but what about getting the ath dept behind him. Show some support.
Remember the 'white out'night. Flippin' Jacobs shows up in a blue shirt, blue pants and brown frickin' shoes.
Who shoudl Au go after? It is too late this year, but who should be on the list?
Jacobs should be selling women's shoes at Pick a Pair. How he got this job is beyond me.
8-4 this year...
With marked improvement from the start of the season to the end. 8 wins is not unreasonable for this year. Anything over 8 wins is gravy.
Jacobs is bought buy Lowder and Dye. I have big issue with that. Those two finally got back into the fold. I liekd Dye but his time has passed. He should not be hanging around AU anymore. Kinda like Ted Kennedy going on springbreak. It just smells bad.
Did you hear
The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work.
I see LSU, UGA, UAT as the toughest games. I think Nutt played the best hand he's got. He goes 6-6 this year. Everyone is ready for him and he lost two very good linemen. Nutt is Tuberville. Goes 8-4 or 9-3 most of the time but has a tendency to go worse or better every once in a while.
I thought Lowder was too busy saving his bank to get too envolved. Dye should just ride off into the sunset.
I have heard Lebo talk about the "AAU ban" ... and his explanation is that Mark Komara (the AAU guy) was considered an Auburn booster.
Using boosters to influence kids to sign is a huge NCAA violation. This story interests me. Maybe I can take some time this summer and work on it.
I'm not shopping, so I don't have a list ... yet.
This signing class, and the one prior show me that Lebo is making inroads. Would I like him to go glad-hand more? Yes.
As for football, 6 wins is the benchmark. But I'm cautiously optimistic that we can get to 7 or 8.
The NCAA determined that Komara was a booster ... by definition. I don't think he's an Auburn guy per se.
Read this is the Komara thing interests you.
1,100 phone calls in two years is a lot.
That is strange how do they do that. Place the sword on each shoulder and say I pronounce you a ....
yeah, 5-7....that was my prediction last season once Jay G got to 80% Tubs being gone. I kinda expected the regime change to hurt recruiting worse than it did, so maybe I could go to 6-6, but I really don't see any huge differences from last year. The lack of depth at O Line is gonna hurt. I don't forsee prolific QB play, and that is super important for Malzahn's system. The up tempo pace + bad offense = quicker on and off the field, which will just lead to the defense being tired again. Same story, second verse Maybe worse. Improvement could come, but it will take time if it does.
I like Chiz, too, but I'm still not sold on him. I know not to judge him based on that impossibly situation he had a ISU (because that was my argument to the critics), but I still find it difficult to overlook.
Kinda smells like UCONN
I tend to side with Peter in this football discussion.
We're still looking at a team with an alarming lack of OL depth, a questionable receiving corps and a questionable quarterback corps. Expecting 30 points per game seems like a stretch to me.
I agree...I was giving the 7th game as the one xtra victory. Anything beyond that I think is a big stretch. I think there are so many "ifs" that one bad thing happens it could be a long season.
AU1N04 ...
Kinda smells like UConn over UNC. Kinda smells like Hamburger King.
2009 will be a tough season. I feel that with everyone working together, AU can do better than many expect. Much of the demise last year can be attributed to the OC being fired and the offense having no leadership, on or off the field.
I will surely be disappointed with less than 8 wins. now if AU has injuries to the OL, I will adjust downward but otherwise I am aiming high.
I picked Louisville so my sense of smell is way off. I was referring to the article. UCONN making 1500 calls previously.
Jay G ...
How do you view the schedule? More manageable? Less?
I'm asking ... but I'm not sticking around for the answer ...
JGT thanks for the article that explains the NCAA position. Not sure I agree with it but I am sure they don't care if I ever agree with them.
You can trust this! Our D will be tough with Chiz back and Roof here. Like always, our D will keep us in games and who knows? It's not like we've been struggling for 5 or 6 years like Bama had to do. We are not rebuilding, so the turn around could be a little sooner.
Valid points... i had to take off the O&B glasses for a minute... I will trim down to 7 wins being what it will take for me to be 'ok' with it, as long as there is improvement from beginning to end...
It will take a tremendous amount of luck though, to not have a 5-7, 6-6 season... OL depth could kill us before we get started... LB depth could do the same. As long as they find a serviceable, game manager at QB, the offense can be decent.
My lofty prediction is probably wishful thinking. I agree with the thin O-Line if we have many injuries then the sesean will go in the tank quickly.
the news station here was just reporting on the slayings at J. Vilma's house. The whole time, they're playing his highlight reel. Just seems strange.
Quindarius Carr reminds me of one of the dudes from Bell Biv Devoe or Boyz II Men...I'm just not sure which one.
Craig Stevens reminds me of Dr Octopus from Spider Man
Been lurking tonight reading comments. Interesting stuff.
As always, injuries will be key. If we have as many as we did last year, we won't win 5 games, but hopefully the chemistry is good. A little bit of that goes a long way.
What gets me is how terrible all around that I thought we were but still only blown out in a couple of games...?
EZ, you can make the D as tough as you want, but if you leave them on the field for 50 minutes (yeah, an exaggeration...barely), they will give up points. especially at LB, where the depth and talent isn't enough to keep the guys fresh.
Injuries this season?!?!, we need to worry about coming out of spring ball without injuries.
I want to know how the E-Town wunderkid, Chris Todd is doing.
okay, enough from me. I'm bumming myself out.
BTW, I wish Shesaid would contribute more. Shesaid, while being pretty hot, has got some great insight on things.
Bring on Mrs. Jet!!!
MOn have you been lurking
Nope, Digger - been out of commission most of the day.
Jay G. another great vid.
Bangin on Bynes for his tiny arms.
I like Carr's glasses.
That video music fills me with the urge to wear polyester.
I'm not giving in to the lower win-loss record. Really feel we are better than showed last year. Too many injuries and NO breaks. Yes we could have lost more games (TN) but we could have won more (ARK) AU just looked horrible in going through that schedule. QB play is huge. AU needs a Randy Campbell type. Not flashy but won't get you beat.
As usual can't stay on any longer. All you hotties have a good night
You're right PF, I just don't think it's possible to be any worse than we were last year on offense. I think, hope, and pray that Gus is tricky enough to disguise our weaknesses and hold the ball for a while.
We have to everyone doing the same thing and believe in it, I can't stress this enough. That is main reason for the change. There were players that by the end didn't want any of the coaches there.
EZ, you can read tell that by the interviews jay has posted. Ziemba, Tate, Green, etc. all sound as though they thought last year was wasted on the things they were taught and how they were taught.
I'm out for the night. Got an earlier start today and an early start Wednesday.
Night all.
man i know how to clear a blog!
Yeah wtc, you can't have the o coordinator telling you one thing and then go to group drills and your position coach telling you to do different. That crap doesn't work for any team or any job.
Waddup MonDiesel..
I don't mind playing cleanup. Come in bottom of the ninth and close it down.
I'm trying to learn how to tile via the interwebs...
MonDiesel = me likey
Tiling - You find a good handyman and you pay him to do it.
I tiled our fireplace. I love it. Turned out beautifully. I'll never do it again.
have you looked up the DIY classes at Lowes or Home Depot?
Calipari. It's ON.
I think with any luck at all we are a 7 win team, witht eh possibility of being a 9 win team.
The team was in alot of games late last year. I don't think the talent is there for a national championship run, but the talent is there to be competetive in every game this year.
I think by adding 15 pounds to the lineman last year we win 2 more games.
I would pay someone to do it, if I had someone else's money to spend in doing so... but, since it is my money, and I would like to do several other projects... that means, I get to tile my kitchen myself.
straight/square pattern, or diagonal?
I do plan on attending on eof the DIY classes at the dePot.
I'm also trying to figure out paint types, and primers, and what kind of rollers i need to paint with...
having never done any of this before (I was 4 when my parents built there house... so I was more painting myself than the wall back then)... having never done any of this, I haven't the slightest clue what I am doing. Should be fun.
You're tiling your entire kitchen floor?
yes ma'am
Congrats to the UK nation.
Rebecca Lobo is extremely tall!
doing it on the diagonal makes the room look bigger
congrats Shesaid on your front page status - YOU'RE A STAR all over again
I wonder if the diagonal would be more difficult?
Thanks, Monica. I'm scared though. Is that normal?
Watching The Real Housewives of New York.
At Wifey's behest.
These gals are not hot enough to have men deal with this amount of drama. No way. I don't do maintenance makeup.
yeah miller, diagonal means more cuts.
Just breath through the fear, Shesaid. It's just part of the fame panic. I'm here for you.
The Real Housewives of NY or neither real or housewives. Discuss.
Not sure, Miller.
breath = breathe
These chicks are definitely not housewives according to my definition.
They're doing nothing but spending their man's money. They're accomplishing exactly zero.
Still, it's engrossing. These chicks have no humility or self-awareness.
Miller, I would just go in different kitchens and see what look you like the best. The diagonal makes the room look bigger, but might not look great if you are going for the traditional look in your kitchen. I would go to some model homes or open houses.
Two of them are spending their own money the cook and the "writer".
Their GENUINE lack of self awareness, ego mania is intriguing. They really are nut burgers.
I don't like tile laid on the diagonal. That's just me. Men are still like tile.
They have great books in Home Depot/Lowes to get a look at different kitchens. They are located just inside the door in the Lowes around here.
is a beast
for sure...i saw it with my own eyes
I like your twitter about the OT MCain Jay G. He seems truly ready to make the best of his senior year.
yummmmm bagel bites
If anyone was wondering, the answer is yes, scrubs is a great show.
Dear Leader, I love your "No Drops" first comment!
You truly are worthy of that beautiful trooper taylorism
Thankfully I've never watched of this "Real Housewives..." stuff.
Good morning and Happy Hump Day, Hotties!
Great stuff, as usual, Jay G! I know I speak for all of the Hotties when I say we really appreciate all your hard work and your insight. Thanks! :-)
BTW...I love the nickname Big Snacks!
TarHeelTiger said - I haven't burned out or gone anywhere. Just trying to keep my mouth shut, so to speak/write.
Why? I, for one, miss his presence!
Thanks for the excellent coverage Jay. I am still out of town taking care of family business. Hopefully I will return in 3 or 4 days. It has been a week and a half so far.
Reading through the articles, it appears the players are positive. I haven't read anything that makes me think there is any discontent.
The McCalebb talk is probably the most surprising. I expected Tate and Fannin to get most of the carries, but it looks like McCalebb will be in the mix.
I just saw Michael on TV as a rodeo clown at the mutton busting contest for 5 year olds.
mutton busting??
G'morning Hotties - today's the first day of our new Fiscal Year here at the gatiger employer and I'm just pleased as punch to have a place to go during the day. Work is swamped and I can't keep up here as much as I'd like but I sure do enjoy reading and thinking about football again. Well, I never stop thinking about it. But you know what I mean.
Jet - was Michael wearing a box as part of his disguise during said Mutton busting?
gatiger, I was thinking the same thing about Michael! LOL
A Good Morning to all!!
A happy hump day back atcha Luv.
Good morning gang, happy humpday!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Well, I was about to ask PF what he was talking about, but he deleted his post.
I read in the Atlanta-Journal that Mike Anderson negotiated with UGA all day Tuesday, then decided to stay at Missouri. Jimmy Sexton plays another school along into more money for his client. Sexton must be the best out there, that is an impressive client list he has.
5'9" dude out of Broward County, Florida, who can allegedly run over anything is interested in Auburn.
Rick Astley had some killer moves in that video PF.
I never realized Howdy Doody had such a strong voice.
A curse on you PF!! I'm gonna have that dam song in my head all day now.
Geez, was that a Rick Roll, and on a Wednesday?
a curse? like voodoo?
Baylor in NIT finals vs Penn St.
I'm Captain Boxhead, I've got a box for my head.
Look out for that cube wall Captain.
The Chiz was just on Longshore...oh how I detest Longshore.
NIT, that's still going on?
Good morning and Happy April Fools!! It seems PF is the winner for the first dig. Luckily I got to read "Access Denied!"
April Fool's Day, is a fun yet blood pressure raising day for me...but it's cool I'm young enough to survive.
Listened to Longshore this AM just to hear CHizik. When it was over Longshore is giving him grief for not saying they were going to win the national championship. Then starts in that he thinks Chizik feels they can not complete in the SEC west.
now I remember why I hardly ever listen to that show. Rick & Bubba give me better sports info than that show.
ooooohhh, I see Andy Bitter is in full on copycat mode and will be hosting live chats now. It's been kinda interesting to see that blog evolve since Ching left. I thought Andy was going to be a step back (and he was initially), but he's done a good job watching what works in the blogosphere and evolving accordingly. I still think he's mostly copycat, though, in most of his stories, videos, and now chat. All hail Jay G.
Is there anyone out there that doesn't think Longshore is a weenie?
Who/what is a Longshore? And for the record anyone that thinks Auburn can't compete in the SEC West shouldn't be a sports commentator.
I've never heard Longshore, but if Jay G says he's a sorry excuse for a human being, I believe it.
Dolly Parton enters partnership with Cracker Barrel to market her new stuff.
I surely would have never guessed that Dolly would have reason to market anything besides her biggest assets...what's the world come to?
He and McKnight host Sportsline on AM740. I think he also does a roundtable show.
Auburn baseball in Mobile today at South Alabama.
He can be reached at johnandbarry@cumulus.com. I just e-mailed him and told him he was a human paraquat.
ehyou, thanks for expanding by vocab today. Paraquat is fun a word.
paraquat is dangerous.
Yes it is...Definitely don't eat it.
I find it rare that I can listen to or read anyone who discusses sports...the fact that I participate in this blog on a regular basis is a tribute to Jay and his reporting.
human paraquat... the Dude abides.
you never see just one quat, always a paraquat
speaking of horrible morning sports shows...Jay and Al were discussing SEC basketball coaching vacancies and began arguing about how good of a job Stan Heath was doing at Arkansas and when his job should be in jeopardy
You nailed it Mikl.
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