Furlough, Pt. II: Day Five (Thursday)
Sorry for this thread's late arrival.
Take a look at the radar if you're not in the Selma-Montgomery-Auburn area. You'll understand.
Peace and love.
Photo credit: Todd Van Emst/Auburn University
The Hottest Auburn Blog on The Net"Bob Petrino joined the groups "Abusing Defenses" and "Looking for Jobs." -- Jet, simulating a certain someone's Facebook feed 5.07.2009Furlough, Pt. II: Day Five (Thursday)Sorry for this thread's late arrival. Take a look at the radar if you're not in the Selma-Montgomery-Auburn area. You'll understand. Peace and love. Photo credit: Todd Van Emst/Auburn University |
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Woot. Shake N Bake.
I guess I'm the only one hanging out.
Kitchen issues = bad.
You folks in the Gump building a boat yet?
Kitchen issues=expensive.
I didn't realize Mont had so much flooding!
You better have a boat if you work downtown....
I would like to hear from Jet.
Jet is busy lashing together legistlators to make a raft, and he's tying them to tegether with hair...from his back.
Did Jay reset the auto pilot or sneak in and tickled the ivories
I'm anxious to hear that all our Gump and Prattville Hotties are safe and dry.
Had to do the flurry of work I came for. I just need to finish getting the material ready for FedEx and my work here is done.
Of course, I have to wait for a 7:30 flight. I hope the Charlotte airport has free internet.
whattup hotties. been a long week. hope all is well.
hey Scottie B. just wanted to say my mother loves the tshirt from your joint so much that she's threatening to leave with it and she's a bammer! She asked if y'all had any HABOTN-like T's, but with some bammer graffiti. I said no. :-)
nice monnie. guard it with your life!!!!
oh, i finished the fence for my kids last week. they love it. i can't get Sully to come back inside, even in the rain. :)
Conference calls suck.
I think we should have a HABTON conference call instead of work related ones, that way Steve and I could actually have a conf call to look forward to.
Hey Hotties...nothing new to report..just checking in..hope those of you in Alabama are all safe..guess I got out just in time..
What has Manny done now?
From a previous thread....
Love me some Williamson Bros. They used to have an all you can eat lunch special when I lived in the ATL. That was a beautiful thing for a young, fresh out of school bachelor kid.
Prattville had some flooding downtown and out east. Nothing too major. I am worried about Jet out in Vaughngumpery though. It's pretty bad out there.
nevermind..just saw it..geez what a goob...sox fans around here are laughing their butts off..I didn't know why..now I do..
Manny has done the juice. allegedly.
I didn't realize Manny was 36 years old..supposedly is wasn't steroids but a chemical that's suppose to restart the testosterone after a cycle..not usually a baseball fan but there ain't crap going on..Manny fixing to get the job..50 games!! it had to be pretty bad...
If I don't comment in an hour, the airport doesn't have free wireless. I may even be desperate enough to pay. I'm almost finished with my book and I haven't found another in the news stands.
Just Manny juicing Manny
I'm on a conference call too, FSJ. Are we on the same one?
Thanks for the update on flooding, JZ.
Don't you guys worry about Jet. He's a survivor.
Me on the other hand, I've just been sentenced to three days time in Bentonville, AR. That will be a test of will.
It is crazy here in the Gump! If you want to see pictures, go to www.WSFA.com and look at the weather pictures. A lady died after being swept off the road.
Also the state house is flooded and closed.
Man and just last year we were having epic drought across the south. This year, disastrous floods.
Weather that hits the Gump normally hits Macon a half a day later. I guess I can look forward to some serious stuff this evening.
WAR EAGLE!!! Only a few more days until the GreatJGT returns!
I hope y'all don't mind if I leave work early. There's nothing else for me to do and I can beat the 5pm congestion going through UNC campus.
Catch up with y'all later.
rats; looks like another 10 minutes, then I can skeedaddle
i'm gone
should be hitting 100 degrees out here today. dry as a bone (in a bad way).
wow. pics from wsfa.com were wild. that's a lot of rain!
It's been an hour NoVatiger where are you.
Braves beat Fins 4-2
dammit I owe people money, but good for the Braves.
There's a pretty impressive pic on the WSFA site from the neighborhood I grew up in. If you search "Prattville" in the photo section, it comes up as the 1st photo (it's captioned "Flooded Prattville). It's got to be 3 or 4 feet deep and moving. We used to try to dam the creek right there when we were kids. Mother Nature does a much better job.
Scott only 100, shoot it hasn't even warmed up yet.
Is it 5 oclock yet?
Not even in Eastern time.
Took a little longer to get a cab than I thought. I'm ensconced in the food court now. CLT has free wireless!
I've got about 3 hrs before my plane boards.
digger--and it's only the 1st week of may.
re manny, i just read the substance was "human chorionic growth hormone". he and his doctor didn't think that was inappropriate? oh well, maybe he was trying to get pregnant.
I'm not starving but the smells from Manch Wok are calling me. There's a Brookwood Farms BBQ next to it but I don't really trust it.
Don't try it NoVaTiger I lived in NC a little over 2 years and never did find any good BBQ
I went for the General Tsao's chicken, adequate for airport food.
Airport barbecue is the worst. Eat at your own risk.
My last risk involved food poisoning.
I'm going to make a unilateral declaration and say that it is impossible to find good barbecue in any airport.
It was pretty bad here, but I didn't suffer any permanent or semi-permanent damage.
At least I know where my problems are now!
Taking a stab at Chinese in an airport ... brave soul.
All airport food is risky.
Glad to hear you and yours are safe.
Chocolate - Hunting Ridge was my old stomping grounds many years ago when there were maybe only 4 streets with houses on them. We had a creek running behind my house we dammed up, caught crawdads in and did all the other great things boys got to do back in those days.
Manny wasn't juicing - he took an erectile dysfunction drug.
Now if it were me, I might just say screw the hall of fame and let everyone think I was juicing at this point.
That's officially bizarre. I grew up on Deer Trace. Sent you a FB note.
Hey you Prattville people,
We lived on Thomas Ct in Hunting Ridge from 94 to 96. The lot sloped down from the street to the house - I bet it is really flooded.
This is just getting spooky. I have to go up and clean out my parents drains in the back yard. I'll let you know Cincy.
101 Thomas Ct. Had a pool in the backyard. I always worried about flooding when we lived there.
Anyone heard anything from Jet? My sister had to evacuate the state house because of flooding. She doesn't know if her car is one of the flooded ones. Her neighborhood - Deer Creek - is also flooded. Roads are all closed and they can't get to their house to find out if it is flooded or not.
Gurgle, gurgle.
Someone throw jet a line.
My mother-in-law's store (Eastbrook Flea Market) has a flooded basement. She was in tears when I talked to her. Flood is not in your property insurance.
I, too, live in Deer Creek and have some electrical issues, so I am told.
The legislature is actually meeting in the old Capitol because the Statehouse flooded.
My 7:20 flight has now been pushed back to 9:20. Flying is such fun.
I'll have to leave my seat in the food court soon to seek out power.
Nothing for 2hrs? (cricket sounds)
I keep looking in but no activity.
I know how you feel I have spent many hours in Airports when I was working.
Yeah buddy!! Just got my HABOTN tshirt in the mail! That's one good lookin' shirt...hope it doesn't shrink cause right now it fits perfectly!
United shifted me to USair because the USair plane "isn't as delayed". So I hiked to the other end of the airport. At least there's more outlets in this concourse.
Good deal hope you get out earlier. Those delays sure make the late drive home a bitch.
I'm not looking forward to getting up to go to the gym in the morning but I need to work off that airport chinese food.
I just hope you can carry it home and not lose it in th airport toilet.
How far do you have to drive after you get back?
About 45 minutes, not too bad. It'll probably be almost as long from gate to car.
Nova where you flying?
My sister said her neighbor's car floated out of the driveway and to the street. She lives in Prattville.
So happy our Jet is safe. Are all our Gump/Pratt hotties accounted for?
I think he is in Charlotte NC and heading home.
Trying to get home from Charlotte. A plane just came up to the gate. This looks promising.
I should have driven, I'd be getting home sooner.
Good luck and have a safe trip
Who said he could travel to Charlotte?
His boss said get on that plane and don't come back till the job is done.
Pretty much Digger. But the job was done 7 hrs ago. They should start boarding in a few minutes so I won't be around much longer.
I just googled it. Charlotte is 6.5 hrs from DC. I shoulda driven.
I didn't tell him to get on a plane. Ohhhh you mean the person who signs his paycheck! ;-)
Nova - You want me to come get you and drive you home, honey?
6.5 hours is probably a bit optomistic due to the I-40 parking lot in the triangle, but DC isn't a bad drive.
Poor Hawks. They don't have a snowball's chance.
I am not that into the Cavs but someone needs to take down the Lakers.
My loathing for Phil Jackson and Kobe Bryant are second on my hate meter. Bama, as always, retains the most hated.
You're not the boss of me Mon! And I'd like to get home tonight.
We're boarding! YAY!!!!!!
We got through the day. The house is okay. When we moved in I civil engineered a way to dump all of the water in my neighbors yard, sure he really appreciates it. We lost 1 car today at work. The Future Mrs. JD's car was completely covered in water on Taylor Road. Good thing I just bought that old truck, we're going to need it until she gets insurance $
So, is it Sunday that Jay's muzzle is removed, and if so, will there be an official ceremony?
By the way, I see on Undercover where Auburn is going after a JUCO offensive lineman from California, John Cullen. That is very good news. I hope to see us sign at least two JUCO offensive linemen, and possibly more.
Wow JD! Sorry to hear about your property damage, but glad y'all are ok.
Evening folks- it was a long day in Montgomery. Everywhere you went there was water. Never seen so much water at one time. No damage for me. Only now will have to buy more salt for the pool as the overflow valve was working overtime to keep the water from flowing over the top.
Thanks for the wishes Mon, but between you me and the fence post. We will probably get more for the total than trying to sell in this market. Blessing in disguise.
Hope all you Gumptown Hotties are safe and your homes and vehicles are still ok!
Prowler! You good lookin' thang! You look good in your new HABOTN gear!
Great hockey tonight. Another OT game. Now we've got Ducks and Commies.
I wish I loved hockey like you do, THT.
Digger - come on back to NC and I'll show you good bbq. Where on earth did you eat? Yes, there are some crummy bbq places (especially in Durham), but no state has better bbq than NC. No brag, just fact.
Don't worry, Mon, MrsTHT just doesn't care for it at all, either.
I just find it the most skillful sport I've ever watched. And FAST!
I guess I wish I didnt love hockey like I do. I have to leave for work in 7 hours, and we've got at least 2 periods of hockey to go.
Just got back from hearing Coach Chizik speak tonight. I'm pretty damn impressed. I think the days of Auburn coaches getting outworked by the competition is long gone. CGC talked a great deal about his father and the lessons he learned from him.
Turns out his dad was on a college scholarship for football when Pearl Harbor was bombed. He dropped out the next day and enlisted in the Marines and went on to fight at Okinawa. He was in the group that took Sugarloaf Hill and was one of 12 out of 140 in his unit to survive the battle. I can see where he gets his intensity from.
I also didn't know that CGC started out as a 3rd grade classroom teacher (not PE)and started coaching by volunteering at a local HS.
Sorry to ramble, but I was pretty impressed tonight. I feel really good about the direction that our program is headed and the character lessons our players will learn under Chizik's influence.
hi j-z
Thanks so much for that report. Much appreciated!
Hello children.
Goodnight children.
Good night, Jet.
Commies up 2 goals on Ducks after 2 :-(
j-z- your not rambling buddy...I would love to see more of what he was talking about..thanks for the info man..nicely done...
I have been keeping up with the Undercover articles on the assistant coaches. All of them have great tails to tell. I am impressed by the staff Chizik has chosen. Now, lets just see if he can keep it together for a few years.
JGT is Nostradamus.
SteveFC.. I also talk about some really good tails, but only when I'm drunk.
Good Morning Hotties!
Luv, what day is it? That's right! TGIF!!!
MrsTHT's alarm clock makes a racket at 5 EST. I don't think she realizes that the hockey game didn't end until well after midnight.
You got that right, TarHeel! It's FRIDAY!!!!
"So, THT, what was on your iTunes this morning?" you ask.
Rockettown by Michael W Smith
Burn by Deep Purple
Rolling with the Punches by Zevon
In the Garden by Bob Dylan
Steve McQueen by Sheryl Crow
Already Gone by The Eagles
"Isn't that eclectic?" you ask.
No, I'm afraid it doesn't qualify for that honor without some GWAR and Saline Dijon.
It's Friday and get-away day. I'll be cutting out about 3:00 to head camping. Sweet.
Nice lineup THT.
Thanks for the excellent report JZ.
Morning Luv.
Friday is a very good idea.
Jet, take that idea to the legislature and see if they can't enact more Fridays.
All if favor of increasing the Friday quotient?
The majority of the AL Legislative body would respond "Aye"
However, never one to pass up an opportunity to be on the news, Alvin Holmes would boisterously shout "Nay".
GaTiger ...
Alvin had one of his famous meltdowns on Wednesday. I will send you an email to explain the details.
Here's the Cliff Notes version for the Hotties.
ALVIN: You racist Republicans ... and Neo-Nazis ... taking money away from this project ... yada ... yada.
UNNAMED REPUBLICAN: I will not stand by and allow you to call me a racist. You do this ranting and raving, and no one does anything about it. Mr. Speaker, it's time to put an end to it.
ALVIN: You misunderstood me. I didn't call you a racist. I called you a racist AND a Neo-Nazi.
What's wrong with our beer? Our beer drinks pretty good, don't it?
I'm not tech savvy enough to appropriately link, so you'll have to cut and paste to view Everyday Should be Saturday's security cam capture of the Leigh Tiffin attack.
Barnhart has an interesting article today. Don't miss the part about Tubberville being in a movie.
Jet - i just saw a little story there, couldn't find a video link :-(
I think they mean the embedded Charlie Brown video.
hilarious btw jet.
So what do you guys think about Tennessee signing a guy that assisted in raping his cousin a few years ago?
A few more thoughts on the Chizik speech last night...
There was a little coach speak going on, but on the whole, I think Chizik gets what Auburn is about, both on a football level and on a "Auburn means something special, we're different" level. I fully expect to see a very motivated team next fall. We'll still be a 7-8 win ball team, but there will be no question that the team left everything out on the field after every game. So we've got that going for us...
He also commented on sitting down with the players one on one and explaining to them what standards they were going to be held to both on and off the field, and that the standard would not be lowered to meet the players, the player would have to rise to the standard. Coach said some players didn't buy into that, and they aren't there any longer. Any ideas who he was talking about?
Michael...at first it sounded like the wrong thing to do. Considering that the kid was 13 and his cousin was 14 when this happened and that the victim has forgiven him and even endorsed this scholly, this seems OK to me.
The kid will have to be on short lease and will get and undue amount of press scrutiny. Undue press scrutiny hardly ever works out well.
J-Z thanks for sharing. The "rise up to standards" ultimatum may explain some of the "medical" issues that a few recruits suffered during the spring.
It will be interesting to see how high the standards can be risen. CTT wasn't running an undisciplined show, so how much more will the kids buy into?
More is better..until it is to much.
dangit.....to = too
New thread is up...; but Hoopie, I disagree. The kid should be in jail for the rest of his life in my opinion. Read about the crime specifics. Of course, we are soft on rape in America, so oh well.
And a 13 year old should know better than to duct tape a girl and assist in her getting raped. There are a lot of rapists who are remorseful and whose victims have forgiven them, but they are still in jail. That's where this kid should be.
I agree with michael.
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