First Post: Tuesday of Week Eight

Us newspaper hacks work several days ahead on some stories. Those of you who get the print edition of the Advertiser know about our Saturday GameDay section, which includes a prediction from moi.
That's due on Monday. Wanna know who I picked? I took Auburn. Here's why: LSU's set of statistics are ugly as can be (how can an SEC offense generate fewer yards than Vanderbilt?) and seem out of line for a team in the top 10. That bubble is going to burst soon. I think Auburn's offense will score 24 and the defense will concede 21.
Am I crazy? Maybe. I just think Auburn will click again at some point. I'm picking this weekend.
As Chizik would say, it'll be a day by day thing. Sometimes Auburn will be pretty good. Sometimes it'll be a mess. It's difficult to predict which team will appear each Friday.
Here's the Auburn situation at this moment:
- 10/19: Tigers try to regroup
- 10/18: KENTUCKY 21, AUBURN 14
- 10/16: AU offensive attack must mix execution, evolution
- 10/14: Coleman clears the air
- 10/13: Our weekly AUBURN ADVISORY BOARD report (fans writing about their team.)
- 10/12: Auburn's Coleman looks for ways to contribute
- 10/11: ARKANSAS 44, AUBURN 23
- 10/9: Focus on offense's fast pace pays off
- 10/8: AU junior makes most out of first start
- 10/13: Tuesday interviews
- 10/6: Tuesday interviews
- 9/30: BONUS Wednesday interviews
- 9/27: Sunday interviews
We'll have BLAWGIN FOR YOUR NOGGIN around 11:25 p.m. That's when we relay almost everything Gene Chizik says at his 11:30 a.m. presser. Some players are available after that. Not many. Most players -- and Gustav Malzahn -- are available after practice. So we'll add a practice report and a video around 9 or 10.
Here's what the next few days look like. All times are CDT:
Tue., Oct. 20, 4:30 p.m. (Chizik presser at 11:30 a.m.; some players available around noon.)
Wed., Oct. 21, 4:30 p.m.
Thu., Oct. 22, 4:30 p.m. (Tiger Talk @ 7 p.m.)
Fri., Oct. 23, Flying to Baton Rouge, 1 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 24, 6:30 p.m. vs. LSU, ESPN2
Also, please pick up the Advertiser's print edition if you live around here! Our fine Auburn coverage is only one element of our award-winning product.
My First Post
Wow - Virgin Substance!
Congrats Robert!
Nicely done, Robert.
First post, with the substance. That's just obnoxious.
Jay Can we stop the run this weekend? Scott is a beast.
I say that because I wish I had done that. But alas, it's too late for me. Regrets and what not.
Congrats Robert and welcome!
As usual, as I'm typing, JayG is updating!
As this is my first trip to Tiger Stadium and I'm going with some wild women, I hope Jay's prediction is correct!
Sensi, I am fortunate to work for a company that definitely believes in helping the community (although now with the economy we have to take vacation time), and I'm also President of our volunteer organization. I have attended this event for years, and I can tell you I definitely get more out of it than they do (and they get a lot)!
Sean don't hate. We all have had our moment.
Got to run. Have a great day!
Hottie Hooooooo!
Scott is averaging 60 yards per game.
Interesting pick, Jay G.
I enjoy reading the gameday section each week.
Charles Scott - the disappearing man. He is having Ben Tate's junior year.
Stack the box and dare Jefferson to beat us with his arm.
It's not hate, I already admitted to envy. Don't make me admit pride and force me to wrath. I have enough penance for one day. ;)
Let me rephrase. Can we stop any running back.
Scott's only big game was vs UGA...a lot of players are saying that.
However, a lot of players are saying that about us too.
sure hope you're right on your pick JG.
We know Sensi's pick, the only question is how bad will the loss be?
From the last post:
If I had a freshman QB, I would not hesitate to play him against the AU defense at this point. Trouble is, TR will not be playing the AU defense. So saying other teams have done it doesn't say much becasue TR will ot be facing the AU defense. IMO.
I still do not mind geting him inthe game if he helps us win.
Thanks for reading, Sensi!
I think Roof would like to mess around with this defense -- he used all kinds of fronts at Minnesota last season -- but he has no linebackers. He can't run a 3-4 or a 4-4 because of that.
He can't run a 5-3 because he doesn't have three reliable inside guys. It's pretty much Mike Blanc and Mike Blanc right now.
So Jay G. picks Auburn - that's very interesting. It tells me that he believes the coaches and Todd when they all say his shoulder is ok. If Jay believes them, then I'll believe them.
Coosa-so you're saying you believe a guy that goes over to cover the team daily versus those of us who sit back and get their info from the x-girlfriend of their 3rd cousin that works the clean up crew at Momma G's in Auburn.
The issue is getting the ball to other people besides the backs and Adams and Zachery. We have to get other WRs and TEs involved.
Hey I know that dude that works at Mama G's, but he's not that reliable.
I get the impression that Jay G. doesn't believe them when they say his shoulder is healthy, but I'm not going to speak for Jay G.
gotta to go to work now.
Just watched the replay. Man i am so sick of hearing Tebow's name during games.
I was fortunate enough not to get to watch the game Saturday, but I heard a good bit of it on the radio.
I think some of you may have supressed memories (not a bad idea), but it appeared to me that we DID have a strategery of stacking the line to stop the run while Newton was QB.
UK's first TD drive was on a short field, made shorter by a stupid personal foul on Josh Bynes. The big play was Newton's third completion of the night, in 8 attempts, immediately after the penalty. UK's next three posessions with him at QB netted only 52 yards, 3 1st downs and 0 points.
Will Fidler led them the rest of the way, and was able to pass enough to keep the defense off balance. He led them to both of their TDs, and more than half of their total offense.
The true Freshman QB didn't come into JH and beat us. He didn't even see the field during the critical 4th quarter.
They ran on us early during the game which we should have never let happen. Just my opinion.
I remember UK using two different QB's and neither were effective passing the ball. They had less than 100 yards passing total as well.
I don't recall many passes seeing the field in the critical 4th quarter either.
Ok, a true freshman and a never used junior combined to come into Auburn and win the game.
UK's drive chart indicates that Newton led them on 8 offensive possessions - only two went more than 19 yards (including penalties): the first one for 60 yards (which ended with the blocked FG) and the 53-yard TD drive (which included the 15 yard flag).
Our defense effectively shut UK down when the true FR was under center. 38 plays, 143 net yards, and 7 points through the first 48 minutes of the game.
We didn't allow a 3rd down conversion until late in the 4th's hard to pin this on the defense. If the offense puts together another TD drive, we most likely win the game.
Our offense being ineffective allowed UK to come into JH and beat us, nothing more, nothing less.
And the final 12 mins was mostly runs on a D that was dead tired because the offense had failed them.
This is just my opinion, but we could have gotten a lot more out of the early part of the game and probably a turnover or two had we dared them to pass on us by putting 8 in the box and saying you'll have to pass the ball to beat us.
We didn't put the freshman in a position early in the game where we could force a mistake because we weren't shutting down their running game.
102 of those 143 net yards they had with Newton were on the ground.
Oops, that was through the first 41 minutes, not the first 48. My bad.
To put that in perspective, AU had 55 plays for 211 yards and 7 points by that time.
Our defense has been bad this year, but they more than held their own during the first 3 quarters Saturday.
I'm not pinning this one the D at all, I believe it falls on the offense.
I'm just saying our defensive strategy seemed off for what we knew we were getting with KY.
Had the passing part of our offense shown up, it wouldn't have mattered.
Freep I agree that the D played well. I'm just not sure about the strategy, I think we could have gotten more out of the D eary in the game to force Newton into having to make passes.
If I had to pick three things I think cost us the game Saturday I'd say in this order...
1. Lack of passing game
2. Missed tackles
3. Not putting 8 in the box and dare KY to beat us passing.
You hold a team committed to running the ball to only 102 yards on the ground through 3 quarters, you should be able to beat them. Especially since 60 of those 100 yards came on the first drive. UK had 42 net yards rushing over their next 19 attempts.
Credit Rich Brooks for making the QB change when he needed to do so.
Anyway, moving on let's make Jay G. look like a prophet and beat LSU this weekend!
Like I said, I'm going more on what I heard of the game, and what the official play-by-play says on
I do think we should have done more to pressure Newton into mistakes. It certainly worked with WVU's Jarrett Brown.
I still believe it's a lack of healthy bodies that is killing our defense, not Roof's gameplans. But our tackling has been atrocious even early in the game, and that hurts us badly.
Either way, we lost to a KY team we never should have lost to and we didn't force a single turnover in an environment where we should have gotten more.
I still feel pretty good about the progress we have made as a team this season.
I'm hoping Chizik and staff keep the team together and we get a bowl invite, no matter where it is. Do that, and the growing pains will be worth it.
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Welcome Robert. I am going to sip some Kool Aid and go out on the limb with Jay G.. I believe that we can and will win this game against LSwho 24 to 17. Thats my story and I am sticking to it.
I feel good about where this team is heading in the long run, but I'd like to know if the sudden struggles on offense were due to the rest of the league catching on, or if there is something wrong with Todd.
You don't just stop making routine throws well without something happening.
Auburn Football Insider Podcast live tonight at 8 p.m. CT.
Reeling from a second straight loss, the AFIP guys talk discuss what it will take to get the Tigers back on track. Join Eddie, E-Bro and Sensi as they talk Auburn football.
I agree WERK, we should have beaten the Mildcats. But give Brooks some credit. He's a damn fine HC, and is doing very well in a very tough situation.
I give Brooks credit in that he has made KY into a decent football program while he has been there.
I just think last weekends game was more what we didn't do vs what KY did do.
Guten Tag Everybody!
Gunter Glieben Glauten Globen, E-Bro.
"Guten Tag, my family and I are looking for sex."
-Clark W. Griswold.
I'll admit European Vacation wasn't the best movie, but I didn't think quoting it would kill a thread.
Guten Taq, Alles Hotties!
Wie gehts?
Purple tigers: bad.
Navy blue tigers: Good!
Okay, I'm throwing it out there.
Do we break out the orange jerseys OR the orange helmets this week?
When I think of Def Leppard, I think of our one-armed quarterback.
I never think of Def Leppard.
Say what you will, Phil Collen is a great guitar player.
Geez Sensi, don't you know anything. Phil Collins is in Genesis and is a drummer.
Do we have to walk you through everything?
Def Leppard is good for what they are and they have an audience, so I can't beat up on them too much.
Just not something I ever really liked that much. Didn't hate them, just neutral.
Phil Collen - guitar player
Phil Collins retired drummer/singe
My Guten Tag was in reverence to Dr. Nick from The Simpsons.
Phil Collins > Phil Collen
That being said, I wouldn't put either in my top 1000 favorite musicians list.
Back to my orange jersey/helmet question: yeh or ney?
Just say the word ...
I don't see it happening.
I doubt it. Gene seems like a traditional-type. I doubt he does anything crazy.
A questions ...
Would an orange helmet stay on Tate's head any better?
Jay's avatar inspired me to create my own, if anyone is interested I can give you the link.
Also, don't confuse those names with the game "Feel Colin", which was invented by my friend Colin in high school. He only accepted female contestants. Thus, I am not sure if the game ever actually was played.
Tate is a handsome devil who wants to do commercials one day. Getting his face out there by letting his helmet come off all the time is all part of the plan.
Orange not gonna happen this week. I say we break out against Furman. We know it'll work then.
Think we'll go all blue for the Navy Nightmare?
The only nightmarish part of the Navy Nightmare is the start time.
The Navy Nightmare will probably look better on TV during the day.
Why do you boys insist on raising my ire with this foolish talk of orange jerseys and helmets?
We just like hearing from K, that's all.
Why did we pick a day to wear blue when the team we are playing is blue?
Maybe that's why. To show those Rebels our blue is better.
Or maybe it was just a chance to sell some t-shirts.
We gotta pay the second half of the Tubs buyouy after all.
We also did it on a day where it makes more sense to wear orange with it being Halloween.
I guess there is better chance for it to look successful if both sets of fans are wearing the same color.
Or, ya know, to sell some tshirts.
We need to have brown stain weekend. Since the formerly orange and blue Denver Broncos are doing the throwback brown jerseys, we should do it as well.
They are 6-0 so it works.
Kristina, the reason they are doing Navy Nightmare is because I believe in Auburn and love it.
And because people like Michael believe in the Navy Nightmare and other things, I believe in Auburn and love it.
And because the buying public will purchase one time only use t-shirts I believe in Auburn and love it.
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off to lunch. later.
I believe in werk.
I vote for orange jerseys
For UT, right FSJ?
I wouldn't.
Bammer - #1 in your polls, #2 in your bowls.
There's a shirt for your buying public.
This is the time of year when rested teams win games and beat the spread. Many fans don't want to hear that argument because it dilutes their demands for accountability and self-important X and O analyses.
LSU rested and dreamed up new plays last week, while AU got further beat up, bruised and tired. Forget statistics, X's and O's, I just don't see how AU can go into BR at night and win right now.
The yearly AU-LSU slobberknocker usually renders both teams injured. I'm hoping that the physical effects of this game don't render the Ole Miss unwinnable.
I kinda like the "habitUAl offender" one.
I don't care if UT wears the Colts jerseys, we are still going to smack them around.
Nice corndog, Hoopie. Way to slap with both hands.
I don't think either LSU or Auburn are the same physical team they have been in the past.
The 7-3 game a couple of years ago was the most physical game I've ever attended. Just watching the game I felt like I'd taken a beating.
Yeah, everyone likes to pretend the 2007 Florida-LSU game was the most physical game ever. That was a tea party compared to 2006 Auburn-LSU. Brandon Cox was not the same quarterback after that one.
"demands for accountability and self-important X and O analyses"
Please explain what and who you are talking about, Hoopie.
our 3rd trip to BTR.
MrsTHT and I will be in the upper deck where we were in '97, and not in the low end zone where we were in '05.
Even so, I don't think it will be enough. Our defense has been bad all year and showing no signs of improvement. I think more wheels are coming off this weekend.
I wish I could believe and I hope Jay is right but with a week off while Auburn played does not bode well for Auburn.
If the two teams were absolutely equal the week off would tilt the scales.
I still love Auburn and always will.
Post and run.
Is that like a post-corner.
Sensi....I don't post and run. I post when I can. I work for myself and my partners, so I don't have the luxury of posting on someone else's nickel and can't be around at times. The only reason I'm here now is because I stopped by before lunch to see what the coach had to say and forgot about the time difference.
The comment that you seemed concerned about wasn't aimed at anyone on any blog in particular. It's a general statement and was written that way.
I get the impression that Hoopie just isn't a big fan of Monday morning QB's.
That wasn't directed at you. It was a comment about myself as I was posting and running at the time.
Sorry to offend.
I did wonder if you were being generic in your earlier post or not. You are not above beating people down on here.
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