Randy Campbell back in the fray

He is replacing Paul Spina.
Campbell is president of Campbell Financial Partners and Harlan Partners, both in Birmingham. He graduated from Auburn in 1984 with a degree in industrial management.
Bob Riley, president pro tem of the Auburn Board, will send the selection to the Alabama Senate. Trustee nominees require senate confirmation.
(Here he is pictured with his wife, Nancy.)
Die puppets!!
you know, eating cheese while chewing gum is quite the culinary delight
I must say that does not sound appetizing.
how long do you think it will take the politicians to do their thing? more importantly, how many bammers are amongst them?
He has a very attractive wife!
And, he's a very good guy. I'm pleased with this BOT appointee.
There are quite a few bammers, but I think confirmations are pretty routine unless the person is very controversial. Randy should be confirmed without any problem.
I think that was sort of the principle behind the Willy Wonka gum. If it's of that variety, watch out for the dessert part.
I always liked Randy Campbell (and yes, DMiller, his wife appears to be very attractive). Anybody got any thoughts on him being a former teammate of Jay Jacobs?
Welcome back, Mr. Campbell.
Are you joining the No Shave Til Bama Falls club with me and Miller?
It won't be easy ... the chairman of the Confirmations Committee is black, and at the Harbert confirmation made it plain that he was tired of seeing only white trustee nominees from the universities come before his committee.
Okay, I am finally back from 'gomery, whew, I can take a deep breath now. Trying to catch up on all the fun things that have been happening on HABOTN today. If I haven't told you before, you guys are good, especially the girl guys. Monica, check your in box again. If no mail, wait about 30 mins., tell me again and I will rectify the problem, I think.
But don't they have to have a reason not to confirm him, other than he is white so they won't?
cincy... since when has having to have a valid reason ever mattered?
Hmmm, if I do that there's a good chance that Mrs. Choco will start her own No Lovin' Til You Shave Club.
You're right, my husband says I always try to apply logic and common sense to situations that don't require it.
Powerful, these female creatures are, Choco.
Seeing Randy brings back pleasant childhood memories of listening to Auburn on the radio... good times.
I think this is an excellent choice.
if any former starting QB at a major D-I program can't score a hottie wife they need to go back & take pimpin' 101. i mean, come on.
Scott Choc,
I have been a member of that fan club before. It is very persuasive.
LMAO that was good stuff right there, Scottie and I totally agree with you.
Monica neither starts nor joins a club that diminishes her own pleasure. And that's all I'm saying about that.
I'll bet he still has to shave regularly.
i tried a gameday beard last year but mrs. scottie wasn't thrilled. it didn't last too long b/c we started sucking so bad.
Monica, so you're saying a ZZ Top - style beard would not decrease your pleasure? Not sayin' Bama's going to go that long without losing - just askin'.
just to clarify, Auburn started sucking so bad. no need for beard really. my baby face still hasn't grasped the beard concept anyways.
Whoa! Nice venue. The HABOTN meet & greet better have the same event planner.
Matt makes a good point.
Is there a plan for an informal gathering before La. Tech.
Ha! I didn't catch that until you clarified it, ScottieB. You're lucky that some of the more immature Hotties (j-z) are not around right now.
Scott, I'm saying any tactic of persuasion that I engage will not be a tactic that causes me a decrease in pleasure.
"Greg, you don't look so good in a beard" would do it. Monica don't play withholding games.
yeah, if i had made that slip during puppet hour i'd have been in for a load of hurt, eh? ha.
Mon, you crack me up.
I have not told my wife yet about my plans to forego shaving until $puat bites the dust...
well, it was nice knowin' ya D.Miller.
But would you let Greg play the "I'm not shaving til Bama loses" game?
Greg doesn't need my permission to do anything.
in other words... no
Give up, SC.
DMiller, just tell your wife it's only until Sept. 6.
I'm not sure of her ability with a razor (near facial areas at least).... and I'm almost afraid she may try to get me while I'm sleeping...
My youthful appearance does not exactly embrace the beard concept readily...
Miller - isn't she in med-school? Shouldn't there be some semblance of confidence in her cutting abilities?
Ehh, Mon - not analyzing your relationship....but since he doesn't need your permission, if he's in on (and committed to) the beard-growing game, and Bama doesn't lose for a long, long, long time (God forbid), is he gettin' lucky? ('cause the "You don't look so good in beard" thing can't work, 'cause he's committed, see? Heeheeheehahahaha!!!!
Close parentheses.
Yes, he's getting lucky.
Norm... I am confident in her cutting abilities... it is her ability NOT to cut, that I am unsure of...
Ahhh, I see. Separate bedrooms then?
Wow, do I have some hypotheticals to present to Mrs. Choco tonight!
Why is it, when I am trying my best to catch up on about 400 posts, I can go right by anyone's link to other sites except Michael's? The business presentation link was outrageously funny. LMFAO.
The old geezer killed the thread again
UT's Bryce Brown NCAA Investigation Update
Wait...What are we talking about shaving or not shaving?
What do you normally shave, j-z?
better yet... I may not want to know... no need to answer that
Why do I not see Scottie B or Jet in the HABOTN pick 'em yet? disappointing fellas... I thought you were leaders...
Congrats Randy!!! He is one of my favorite QBs and a true Auburn man. This blogs for you:)
THT is in, setting a good example.... but 2.0 is not following in her father's footsteps...
Auburn Football Insider Podcast is live tonight from 8 pm-9pm CDT.
Eddie and Sensi will talk about quarterbacks, receivers, defensive depth, and Auburn marketing tonight.
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Cincy, the Confirmations Committee refused for four years to take up the nomination of Phil Richardson to Lowder's seat. After Siegelman was elected, Lowder was renominated and quickly confirmed. Under the new law that governs trustee selection, a trustee can serve for one year after the expiration of their term, pending the confirmation of a successor.After a year, if no successor is confirmed, the seat becomes vacant. A likely scenario is that the Committee chair may make Randy wait the year and see how the election goes.
It all depends on who's asking Dusty, you or Mrs. Campbell? 'Cause I'm just going to tell you, you would both get very different answers.
Greg asked me to ask if any of you take a large "D" or a cardboard fence to football games.
IV I finally received your email and I answered it.
Norm - No separate bedrooms.
and I am glad for that, j-z
I am the only big D that I take to games...
There are rumors flying around that you only carry a merely adequate D to the game.
Wifey got a chuckle from that, j-z. She says that those rumors are baseless and unsubstantiated.
D I need a picture of the D you're talking about because I'm not sure if it's the same D Greg is talking about.
I'm sure it isn't, Mon...
I do not take a D cut out of cardboard to games...
I was referring to myself... my name... D... get it? ahhh, nevermind!
LOL yes, I got it you big goober. I was looking forward to Wifey's reply to my request.
Word is, J-Z has a set of Double Ds attached to his chest he carries everywhere.
Dusty, thanks for your fb support. Hotties gotta stick together.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sorry, mon... you gotta catch her on the walk-through... she's locked away studying now...
I understand. Thanks anyway. :-)
2.0 will spend the entire football season 4,994 miles away from Auburn, so I don't expect her to sign up for the pick 'em contest.
And I'm guessing that yours truly will forget to make his picks NLT the end of September.
Mon, the only Ds I ever carried to a football game were the ones that showed up on my final quarter grades, (I know, all you younguns went after it was changed to the semester system). The only reason I did that was so I could tell my parents that the big left defensive tackle ate my grade sheet and if they wanted to see it, they would have to go and get it back from him, not me. I also never took a section of a picket fence with me to a game but did take a roll of barbed wire with me one time.
well said, j-z...
That is no excuse, THT...
I'm only giving her a hard time...
Easy now old man...I was still there when AU was on quarters.
man D.Miller, my bad. sorry to disappoint. will try to rectify that soon. don't you give up on me!!!!!
IV Auburn was on quarters when I was there. You and I are practically the same age!
And...ummmm...why did you take barbed wire?
How did you get a roll of barbed wire into the stadium?! And... why?
I haven't given up on you Scottie B... I believe you have potential, and I just want to see you reach it.
never took a D or a fence, but i did take a pair of Aubie paws i made to represent '6' to the '07 Iron Bowl. they were a bit hit. also took some signs to ESPN's Gameday vs. UF in '06 and @ Vandy in '08.
Thanks, Jet, why does politics have to affect everything?
You posted a pic of those paws one time, Scottie. They were AWESOME!
New thread is UP.
Having a hot wife like that should get you a senate confirmation.
I so very much like this appointment.
When I was growing up, Randy Campbell and Freddie Smith were who I used to 'play as' in neighborhood football.
We always won.
It probably helped that the other teams were generally made up of little brothers though.
Yet once again Randy's individual accomplishment makes us all proud, and will make Auburn University better.
So I say "Huzzah! Congratulations, Randy Campbell! I still want to be like you some day"
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