A sticky situation on Thursday night

I have acquired a transcript of the argument. Names have been redacted.
NOTE: There was no physical altercation.
REPORTER A: Do you feel good about the starters at linebacker?
STEVENS: I feel real good. I feel like we could be one of the best linebacker corps in the country if all of us stay healthy. All of us play well together. We have Eltoro, the brazen bull. You got Josh, he’s like the talker. He’s tries to get everybody up. Me, I just go out, I’m like the hard worker. I just go out do all the dirty work and make all the crazy plays and stuff like that. I feel we’ll be good if we just play up to our potential this year.
REPORTER A: Appreciate it.
REPORTER C: Appreciate that.
(Both pick up recorders)
(REPORTER B moves into position for a one-on-one with Stevens after taping the first seven minutes of the interview between Stevens, REPORTER A and REPORTER C.)
REPORTER C: Oh, I thought we were finished with the interview. (Puts recorder back down.) I’ll put this back over here.
REPORTER B: No, you guys go ahead and interview him. When you’re done, I’m going to interview him. I’m not doing interviews for you guys.
**For the record, all previous questions were asked by REPORTER C and REPORTER A**
REPORTER A to REPORTER B: Oh yea, you ask all our questions for us all the time. I’ve never seen anything like it.
(Stevens' eyes get bigger, smirk on face)
REPORTER B: Go ahead. I’m waiting on you.
REPORTER A: Well, you sat there and taped ours.
REPORTER B: I was sitting here doing the interview and you came over.
REPORTER A: I didn’t know we were doing 1-on-1 interviews.
REPORTER B: inaudible
REPORTER A: I guess I must have missed something.
REPORTER B: Go ahead
(Stevens laughs)
REPORTER B: Well, I guess you can go. They’re gonna screw this up.
STEVENS: Aight, I’m done? Aight.
This short video (from a 1984 episode of SNL) is a great example of the tone involved with these exchanges:
That is funny stuff. Well worth the post.
It's funny to me.
Thanks JGT, you da man!
So were you reporter C, Jay?
I was not part of this one.
I was talking with Lutzenkirchen at the time.
Yeah, I can imagine Stevens laughing about that. I love the fact that Reporter B taped their interview but scolded them about him not doing their interviews for them.
I'm dissappointed Reporter G didn't get outa the interview with Lutz to instigate this further.
Eddie -- that's the beauty of the whole thing.
I just read it again.
It looks like the late nights were getting to said reporters.
Sometimes it is more fun to just sit back and watch folks shuffle about and get red faced. That is so funny I have tears running down my cheeks!
Has reporter A really never seen anything like this or is he guilty of exageration here? I know, there was more honor and stuff when he was a young wippersnapper, and all, but shadiness is pretty timeless, and he's seen a lot of time.
play nice.
JGT you are not the official hall monitor. please keep the clowns in line.
Coosa -in case you didn't see my reply on prior thread...
Hi coosa - sources for jersey numbers =
personal recollection (the least accurate of my sources),
old Gloms (available online via AU Library)
Google - not much help here.
10:28 AM
Peter: I've never seen it displayed so blatantly, no.
Wait a minute, was PMarsh even there? He was supposedly speaking in Columbus last night. Reporter A might be someone else.
Interesting, Jay G. We've got an all time shady reporter on the Auburn beat. Times must be harder than I thought.
Yeah, I saw where PMARSH was in columbus, but it all depends on the time. These player interviews didn't occur till at least 9:30 I would guess, so PMarsh could have had time to get to Auburn for that depending on the club meeting time.
I'm not discussing who was or wasn't there.
Names have been redacted.
Well crap, I thought this was a quiz and we were suppose to guess which one was Jay G. Very good stuff though. I vote Craig Stevens as the winner.
I'll go with my original Mark Murphy prediction.
After some further investigation, he was probably there. He penned post-practice notes.
I'm guessing Reporter B was Fbomb
Outstanding stuff
Finebaum isn't leaving Birmingham to cover Auburn practice.
sorry, i forgot the ;-)
Ok, that makes more sense.
Okay, which reporter was it that went "Who's on first"? This does sound pretty entertaining. Jay, any chance of you interviewing reporters A, B, and C for a story. That would be pretty cool.
Thanks JGT for ALL the good stuff and also the funny stuff.
Somebody from AuburnUndercover must have been involved because they have an article on Stevens and use those quotes from him.
Okay, here's what we have so far:
Craig Stevens is definitely the winner.
Mark Murphy, with his shadiness and lack on camaraderie towards other reporters, is probably Reporter B.
Phillip Marshall is the best candidate that we have for reporter A, though I also nominate him for Reporter C (reporter C spoke through his actions more than his words. old people employ this great technique better than us young folks).
We'll definitely talk with Stevens next time about his view of things.
Man, the Hotties have been busy! It took forever to read comments and JGT's stuff from about 5 pm yesterday until now.
Did everybody see Ochocinco kicking last night? As much as I can't stand that guy, he looked like he knew what he was doing.
I wish i knew the "inaudible" statement. That would be gold.
They were definitely on a roll. I wanted to comment on several of the post but it's way too late and Iwouldn't know where to begin
Scott C- The kickoff looked a lot better than the XP, but impressive nevertheless.
Ochocinco and Jay G love the soccer.
So what site does Mark Murphy write for?
PMarsh is credited with the Stevens article posted last night. Maybe he finished in Columbus and bee-lined it for after practice interviews.
FSJ- the auburn scout site.
Scout (ITAT).
By the way, Rivals has a Craig Stevens Article too.
Folks that haven't read it, you should read Jay's story on Daren Bates. I am officially a member of the Daren Bates fan club.
Mr. Bates, you are a two star. Don't you know that you are suppose to stink?
ha. love the SNL addition.
Steve- Not to be a glass half full type of guy, but is Bates doing so well because he is just that good or because that's the best we have? I'm definitely hoping for the first and most I've read seem to be very positive for the kid.
So, the Rivals guy (who is the Rivals guy...we need names- I've reached my daily "Venture from the HABOTN" quota for the day) is a candidate for Reporter C or A.
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Beat Hack Smackdown! Live 8 p.m., National Guard Armory! This Time, It's Personal! Tickets Available at the Gate!
Bryan Mathews is the one that wrote the Stevens article from Rivals.
old people should not do interviews!
I must have missed this somewhere, but I saw where Clinton Durst officially has a scholarship now. About time.
Here is a quote from Malzahn scarfed from one of Jay G.'s stories.
"You have to have a quarterback who can make plays when things break down," he said. "That doesn't mean you have to be fast. You have to be a good decision-maker."
That decision-maker thing is what I harp on with QBs. Forget passer or runner. Give me a QB that makes smart decisions any day.
yeah, you missed it.
Once again, Craig Stevens lives up to his reputation and shows amazing technique.
Eddie, I think the comments from the coaches say that Bates is just that good. They are raving about how good he is even after missing out on summer workouts. He apparently has a nose for the ball. I am feeling real good about our Safeties these days.
Tonight on Oxygen ...
The Real Desperate Beat Hacks of the AU Pay Sites.
So, Matthews and Marshall must be reporters C and A.
Oxygen is great!
THT - Yes, I read your reply on the other thread and replied back. No doubt with the last post on the thread. Keeping up here is a full-time job now.
Very interesting, Jay, thanks for sharing it with us.
That was quite entertaining...
In other news...the DirecTV guy is finally here!
The HABOTN is faster than a squirrel today. We need McCalebb.
anyone see that Bolt ran a 19.19?...FTH. holy crap.
Snacks ...
On another board, several pocket protector Poindexters got in a snit trying to extract at 40-yard-dash time out of that. The range was from 3.52 to 4.15, I believe.
It got out of hand when one of them pulled out the sharp end of the compass, but the teacher came back in the room and everybody settled down.
was he running the 40 on grass or a cork track?
He was on grass (and roids), but the track was made of molten lava.
...and I don't see even Bolt running a sub 4. That's insanity. 4.15 would be insanity, too, but I think he's got that in his bag...Granted, I didn't think a 9.5 100 was possible either, but it looks like he will probably break that.
Too bad he's paid very well to live in Jamaica and run, because it'd be fun to see him run a go route.
my editing skills are lacking today. I'm gonna go get a cheap burger and crappy milkshake.
That's unfair. The molten lava is definitely an advantage.
Usain Bolt v. Anthony Madison, circa 2004.
that is fantastic. can't wait to hear Stevens' POV on this. ha.
I think Jay left out the part where while Reporter B wasing being blocked by Reporter A, he was taken out with an illegal chop block by Reporter C. These reporter ways are juicy stuff.
If he ran at the combine, I would guess he runs about a 4.19. The machine starts when you start, so there is no reaction time lag. The previous fastest in the machine timed era is like a 4.23 or something, isn't it?
Hacks Gone Wild
School days, schools days....that was great Omnica:)
Found this quote funny from WEE:
Luper claims Trooper's enthusiasm isn't an act. "Every day he’s the same," he said. "He doesn’t change. I’ve never seen him sick, I’ve never seen him sleep. I’ve heard he sleeps though. I’ve never actually seen him in the fetal position in the bed. I’ve never seen him sleep. I don’t know what it is. He doesn’t drink coffee. He doesn’t need anything He’s just ready to go."
Reading Stevens' Twitter page today was the first time I've ever been on Twitter.
I don't get it.
Trying to one up us I see.
This tweet from Craig Steven's twitter page should be included here. Man, a kid making some hacks look foolish.
"LMAO at these reporters about to fight over an interview w/ me!!"
I hardly think disorderly conduct is trying to outdo domestic violence, but OK.
Excuse me, one up.
I do want to see what Chizic does though.
Anybody seen this?
Sophomore running back Eric Smith was arrested for disorderly conduct early this morning after an incident at an Auburn hotel.
Smith, 19, was arrested at 1:42 a.m. and transported to the Lee County Detention Center, according to Auburn police Capt. Tom Stofer. The incident occurred at the Lexington Hotel, which is a few miles south of downtown Auburn on South College Street. Stofer said no other details of the arrest were immediately available. A redacted copy of the arrest report provided to the Press-Register said Smith was sober and did not resist arrest.
A native of Seffner, Fla., Smith is expected to get significant playing time behind Ben Tate in Auburn's backfield. He played in 12 games and rushed for 83 yards as a true freshman in 2008.
Auburn coach Gene Chizik is scheduled to meet with reporters later this afternoon after Auburn's practice.
Didn't say it was zookeeper.
Of course, Faker beat me to it. I see where their guy isn't even getting suspended.
You said we were trying to one up you....must have misunderstood your meaning, faker. My apologies.
ESPN's Track dude just said he did the conversion on Bolt's :19.19 to equate to a 3.8 40 time. So, there's that. Squirrels stand no chance against him.
Keep Hate Alive.
Eric, say it ain't so. I am prepared for the Chiz to hand the smack down.
Dear Auburn players,
It is almost time for the season to begin. It is the time of the year that all your hard work pays off. Try not to go out there and do something stupid to screw it up.
I bet Eric Smith will get more than "behavioral probation".
ScottChoc, where did you read what the punishment was (or wasn't) gonna be?
If Bolt keeps practicing, he might be able to keep up with McCalebb.
I sure hope Chizik takes this first opportunity to make an example of Mr. Smith and give him real punishment. This will be interesting to see what happens.
Faker never claimed we succeeded in one upping them. Upshaw still holds the bonehead of fall practice award. So far, the competition isn't even close.
School has started and he has practice at 4:00 today. Why?
crap. come on Eric Smith!!!! 15 days homes!!!!!!!!
Just goes to show what my dad always said...Nothing good happens after midnight.
Right here, Kristina. Of course, this forces me to admit that I've been on al.com. Not reading their comment sections, though!
In my opinion players should be held to a higher standard. You represent the university. Any time you are out in public you should act like that. You should avoid situations that could lead to bad publicity. Even if you aren't doing something wrong, if you are around people doing something wrong, you are guilty of being in the wrong place. Time for the Chiz to lay the smack down.
Nothing good happens when you are out after midnight.
Plenty of good things can happen after midnight.
A great poet once said a lot about things that could happen "After Midnight".
Thanks, Scott. I try not to go over there. I feel my IQ dropping when I get to the comment section ;-)
excellent point RK
Eddie, Chiz has already made plenty of "examples." They're no longer on the team.
Chocolate, I wouldn't recommend copying any text from a story without sighting the source. Fear the rath of the Tater.
The problem could have actually started much earlier in the evening. The Bama kid did his dispicable act at 9:20 pm and wasn't booked until +/- 1:30 am.
PF- This situation is different. It's more public. This is where you could always count on Tubs to put the player in that magical 6 game doghouse.
I'm not saying I want 6 games, but I just want a punishment that fits the crime. Mark Richt, Urban Meyer, Nick Saban and Houston Nutt have been jokes of disciplinarians. Les Miles is close to being on that list, I just feel better when Coaches do the right thing instead of the convienent thing.
Good point, Steve. I usually link. Just wasn't thinking. Source on the Eric Smith arrest was Evan Woodbery.
Suspend Eric Smith from practice one day. That'll teach him a lesson!
College kids are in a unique situation. Some of them are treated as stars and they are just really kids playing a game. That can be a recipe for bad things.
No problem Chocolate. Just friendly advice.
Have you ever wanted to put up a new thread post even if there wasn't, just to see what would happen? It seems like it would be akin to yelling "FIRE!!" in a theater.
Eddie, good point. At times I thought Tubs even overdid punishment. Six games is a lot to lose. The punishment should fit the crime.
lol.. j-z
Kristina, did you ever find anyone that wants to leave their DTV "camper" receiver at your house?
Not that I was saying that you oughta do that. But really, I don't think it would illegal or unethical, since you do have a DTV subscription now. And DTV won't care at all, they hate the stupid locals law as much as we do - cuts into their business.
I don't really care what Chiz does. He's showed already that he has the wherewithall to properly discipline his players. He doesn't need to make a public declaration upon news of an arrest to satisfy my taste for blood. Do we even have the facts to know what Smith did, and if he was really doing it? I don't. I doubt Eddie does. Chiz might.
Not that I would do that either, Coosa, but yeah I think we will end up with it.
In other news, the dude is trying very hard to get out of the install. So I am not please with the DirecTV customer service so far.
j-z - I have done that before
did it make noise, Mikey?
pleased, either
PF- My point is not directed at Eric Smith. I said punishment should fit the crime. IF no crime, no punishment. I'm not throwing away the key's and saying he is guilty, but many on here had fun at Saban's expense yesterday and now the shoe looks to be on the other foot. I'm curious to see how Chizik reacts. Running off players happened with Tubs and just about every coaching change that I can ever remember being made. Saban ran off / kicked players off the team, but it didn't make him a diciplinarian.
My response has completely nothing to do with Eric Smith.
Chiz channeling his inner Belichick ?
Kristina - If go to that al.com link I would recommend not reading the comments. At least not while there's a DirecTV guy there with whom you're already unhappy. :-)
I like the way you think.
Peter, no we really don't know what happened. According to the article he was sober so it wasn't alcohol related.
I agree that Chizic has more than set an example that he isn't gonna take any crap. However, I would expect some punishment considering he gets bent out of shape when helmets aren't aligned at the right angle.
What's weird. It seems that as soon as something happens to Alabama or an Alabama player, many Auburn fans jump all over it...then it's almost like clockwork, something happens to us or one of our players.
If you look back in recent history, it's always once one of their players does something stupid, one of ours will wind up making headlines a week later.
PF – it sounded like hippos mating
I keep trying to understand JZ's post and I can't.
"Have you ever wanted to put up a new thread post even if there wasn't"
How do you post if there isn't a thread. Can someone translate that for me? Where is Jet when I need him?
I'm gonna revisit the cable/satellite situation soon. My last efforts got stymied when I couldn't resolve contradictory info from Direct TV regarding if ESPNU was to be included in the package I had identified. Direct was going to confirm to me in an email and it never happened. If it can't hook you with a quick sell, they will move on to someone else.
some of the running off of players was not just running them off because they weren't a fit, though, it was kicking them off for disobeying team rules.
LOL, Monica. Yes I showed some self-restraint and stopped at the end of the article. The poor directv guy wouldn't know what hit him if he came in here giving another excuse as to why he couldn't finish installing today. I can hear my husband saying "Don't mind her, she's having an al.com rager."
Michael - Do I want to know how you know what mating hippos sound like?
Mon..."New thread up".
Mon- He was thinking about posting this:
"New Thread Up"
And then everyone would go look for a new thread and there wouldn't be one. Kind of like calling Wolf.
Mon... you would accomplish j-z's action by commenting "New Thread Up" even though there wasn't one.
I think he means tell people there was a new thread so they will all go look for it, Monica.
Mon, he's saying posting in this thread that a new thread exists and we should all leave here and go there...better? I'm confused now.
I was talking about putting up a post saying that there is a new thread, even though there wasn't.
OK, I'm deleting my comment since it was answered about 50 different times before.
Yes Monica, you do want to know what it sounds like. It sounds a lot like typing "New thread up" when there isn't one.
Mon... you would accomplish j-z's action by commenting "New Thread Up" even though there wasn't one.
Damn...apparently Trigger is really dead now.
I think he means tell people there was a new thread so they will all go look for it, Monica.
Exactly, Kristina! That first post was showing on my screen as I read the end of the article. It was just a couple of words and so it seeped into my brain. It was pretty much what you'd expect.
Okay, so we established that everyone got it but Mon. :-P
Well, never mind now since Mchaiel is copying it anyway.
PF- Do you know the circumstance to why each player was kicked off? I'm sorry, it is easy to weed kids out when you didn't recruit them and it happen's in a non-public way. I just believe, if true, this will be Chizik's first chance to discpline someone for behavior that is known. Sorry, I think we will not see eye to eye on this issue.
LMAO....Notice how we all jumped to substitute for Jet.
Mating Hippos
Too much foreplay
Old thread is still there. Nothing new...maybe.
Thank you ALL very much for the multiple posts here and multiple IM's explaining!
snort Y'all RAWK!
Mon, he's saying posting in this thread that a new thread exists and we should all leave here and go there.
Who is saying that?
I don't know what it sounds like when hippos mate, but I do know what it sounds like when doves cry.
In terms of discipline, making the punishment fit the crime is very important. Suspending a guy for half a season is very extreme punishment because it also basically punishes the team too. Now, having a player get familiar with every step in JHS repeatedly is a different matter.
for some reason that Prince tune always reminds me of football season
A BC coach would handle this Eric Smith situation perfectly.
you're correct, the details are a bit fuzzy.
You're right, we won't see eye-to-eye, because it won't hurt my feelings it he does anything or nothing. It will only make you feel better if he paddles his players in plublic.
This "New thread up" thing is great. I'm gonna post that constantly.
There's a new thread up discussing the BC coaching situation.
public paddling = kinky
lol@the picture in this article:
It also shows you the danger of football players drowning in a two foot tall bucket. That happens just way too much these days.
Monica, this ought to clear up everything:
Are you serious? I couldn't find it.
I posted first on the new thread! Woohoo!
ehyou - Would I lie to you? You're just not looking correctly.
Setting an example in public curtails problems better than behind the scenes. If the kid is constantly being asked why he screwed up, then maybe he'll be less likely to screw up in the future.
A little public embarassment goes a long way to stopping something like that from happening again.
PF- Your right, I love seeing the players getting a public paddling. Thanks for pegging me. I just hope you don't laugh at Saban when he does nothing.
On that note, catch you guys on Monday.
That's odd. Whenever I hear "When Doves Cry," it makes me think of trying to get lucky in the back seat of a green 69 VW. I'm still not sure why we bothered to get in the back seat.
Did someone say Prince?
Michael -Isn't there a sheep around there somewhere who can teach you how to create a link?
I've got a novel idea! How about we make Eric Smith wear a scarlet letter D for "disorderly conduct", and make him stand in the town square. And he has to wear it all season too. That'll teach him!
Ehyou, try looking at in Internet Explorer...It'll show up that way.
Phillip Marshall as Brock Lesnar is cracking me up.
Now...speaking of sheep and Volkswagens...oh...nevermind.
That is all.
Mond - I know how to link, but I also know how to copy and paste, and I assume most of the hotties do to. It saves me at least 18 seconds when presenting a website to the hotties.
That being said... have I linked recently? Why are you chewing me out in public like this for something I didn't do?
does public punishment deter bad behavior?
OK, there it is, the cnn article.
I have been posting like a mad man and forgot I put that one there.
Monica, I accept your public punishment, and the embarrassment provided will encourage me not to annoy you again. Oh, but I still won't do html links.
Mon D is a public chastiser. She doesn't care whether you're guilty or not.
I guess I'll just wear the scarlet letter for not linking. Which letter should I use, Mond?
New thread up
M of course! duh
public chastiser sounds dirty
Then I assume you will relish that role, Mon
I'm gonna not take mike's bait and just hang around here, despite the fact that Jay G twittered it.
I notice all of us are over on the other thread already... so who exactly am I tricking again?
no, I'm still here.You can't trick me.
When I get out of here, I will work on designing and fabricating carbon fiber pads and helmets for football players.
And I'll sell those to everyone except bammers.
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