Auburn @ Arkansas, 2nd half

HALFTIME SCORE: Arkansas 27, Auburn 3
- Arkansas' first possession: PUNT. Three and out.
- Auburn's first possession: TURNOVER. Ben Tate fumbled at the UA 3.
- Arkansas' second possession: TOUCHDOWN. Ryan Mallett 4 run. PAT kick good. Drive covered 95 yards in 10 plays.
- Auburn's second possession: TOUCHDOWN. Ben Tate 1 run. PAT kick good. Drive covered 67 yards in eight plays.
- Arkansas' third possession: PUNT. Three and out.
- Auburn's third possession: TOUCHDOWN. Ben Tate 60 run. 2-point conversion pass failed. Drive covered 60 yards in one play.
- Arkansas' fourth possession: TURNOVER ON DOWNS.
- Auburn's fourth possession: TOUCHDOWN. Onterio McCalebb 3 run. PAT kick is good. Drive covers 66 yards in three plays.
- Arkansas's fifth possession: TOUCHDOWN. Broderick Green 3 run. PAT kick good. Drive covered 30 yards in seven plays. Long return prefaced the possession.
- Arkansas' seventh possession: FIELD GOAL. Alex Tejada 23 FG. Drive covered four yards in four plays.
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Loganville Tiger said...
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Miller said...
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Reynolds said...
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Wakeriderof87 said...
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HamTiger said...
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Miller said...
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HamTiger said...
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Kathy said...
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Miller said...
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Reynolds said...
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Reynolds said...
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Wakeriderof87 said...
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Kathy said...
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Loganville Tiger said...
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Miller said...
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Eddie McCoy said...
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Kathy said...
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Miller said...
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Dear Leader said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
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Miller said...
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Jay G. Tate said...
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Jay G. Tate said...
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ehyou said...
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Kathy said...
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Kathy said...
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Miller said...
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Eddie McCoy said...
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Kathy said...
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Emmett said...
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Kathy said...
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Emmett said...
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Kathy said...
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Aeronaut said...
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Wakeriderof87 said...
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Miller said...
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K_Mo said...
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Aeronaut said...
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ehyou said...
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Miller said...
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WDEwg said...
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Fearless Freep said...
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Kathy said...
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Miller said...
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bigdaddy334 said...
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WDEwg said...
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Wakeriderof87 said...
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Anonymous said...
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Wakeriderof87 said...
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WDEwg said...
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Miller said...
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WDEwg said...
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Kathy said...
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Miller said...
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AUBigCat said...
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Jay G. Tate said...
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Kathy said...
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Miller said...
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WDEwg said...
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Wakeriderof87 said...
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Kathy said...
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Miller said...
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Kathy said...
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Wakeriderof87 said...
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Kathy said...
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Kathy said...
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Aubie said...
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Anonymous said...
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Reynolds said...
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Kathy said...
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ehyou said...
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Reynolds said...
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Fearless Freep said...
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Kathy said...
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Anonymous said...
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Miller said...
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WDEwg said...
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Kathy said...
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Anonymous said...
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Kathy said...
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mytommyd said...
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AUBigCat said...
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mytommyd said...
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AUBigCat said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
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Reynolds said...
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Reynolds said...
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Kathy said...
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AUBigCat said...
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Miller said...
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Reynolds said...
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AUBigCat said...
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Reynolds said...
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Fearless Freep said...
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Reynolds said...
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Fearless Freep said...
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mytommyd said...
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Fearless Freep said...
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Emmett said...
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mytommyd said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
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Miller said...
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Miller said...
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ehyou said...
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Miller said...
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Kathy said...
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Commish of Old Pimps said...
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Miller said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
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LGGByron said...
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Fearless Freep said...
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Miller said...
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ehyou said...
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Anonymous said...
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AUBigCat said...
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Anonymous said...
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JgobravesHAG said...
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Kathy said...
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Fearless Freep said...
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LGGByron said...
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Kathy said...
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Miller said...
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Miller said...
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AUBigCat said...
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Anonymous said...
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Kathy said...
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Commish of Old Pimps said...
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Dear Leader said...
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Fearless Freep said...
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Dear Leader said...
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Miller said...
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Miller said...
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Commish of Old Pimps said...
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Fearless Freep said...
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AUBigCat said...
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Dear Leader said...
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ehyou said...
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Fearless Freep said...
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Kathy said...
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Commish of Old Pimps said...
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Kathy said...
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Reynolds said...
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Miller said...
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Anonymous said...
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E-Bro said...
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Kathy said...
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Aeronaut said...
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Reynolds said...
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Miller said...
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Anonymous said...
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E-Bro said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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1 – 200 of 329 Newer› Newest»
Now if the team can get it........
Come on!!
Let's go Tigers.
Looking better
Spoke too soon!
oh you got to be kidding me?
Jesus Christ. We are just not made to win this game.
This one just ain't gonna happen.
I think the officials put grease on that ball when they set it!
We are killing ourselves!!
Let's get it all out of our system during this game.
Troop! Keepin heads up.
I like that Dwash wraps up
PUT PRESSURE ON THE QB DAMMIT! I despise our defense gameplan
wrap up!
Too many defense misalignments.
Coleman actually got a hand on the QB.
Almost got him around the corner....almost.
Defensive gameplan?
Do we have a defensive gameplan?
Glad he fell down.
You can now count me as deflated.
lack of penetration is killing us
Arkansas is just running practice... skeleton drills...
there is no defense on the field
Thank you Hotties for making this game tolerable. Your comments are keeping me lighthearted. I love my Auburn Tigers, win or lose. And the sun will come up tomorrow, might be cloudy but it will be a new day!
I hope DE recruits are watching saying to themselves that they can do better and help immediately.
Nice catch 85.
Want to transfer?
i can't watch anymore... going to the store. Catch y'all later.
Perfect pass.
is there a game worth watching anywhere
We are getting zero breaks.
I saw this coming from our defense..but our OFFENSE????
No way.
I think this game may improve Malzahn's chances of sticking around next year..
Imagine that....a flag
How many penalties is that now?
Same ref makes every PI call.
I think the Arkansas D has just surpassed our D in the SEC
Are you kidding me?
The statue scored?!?
That's it.....toast
14-point fumble
On a run?
That's Ball Game.....
I cannot say that I have ever seen AU play so poorly...
Way to get the team ready for the game Chizik.
I know Jet traveled to the game. What other Hotties are witnessing this debacle?
THAT is ball game? game was over a long time ago... that is just salt in the gaping wound
This was a scrimmage. Not a ball game.
We got slapped like Courtney Upshaw's girlfriend.
That ref is on the take....
put me on suicide watch
Our entire coaching staff apparently went on vacation this week. They should all be fined, heavily...
Time to get some backup reps...
Arky can tee off on us now and hurt the QB. Sacrifice Caudle
Harrison is here.
Harrison is here.
I feel bad for the team that they have a game like this today. Especially when it was such a defining game.
I am not saying "They were who we thought they were."
We've got 1.5 quarters to dominate.
This is like watching the Iron Bowl last year.
I hate it for you guys. At least you should have been given a good game to watch, not one so lopsided.
Sensi, this is like watching A LOT of games last year!
When you get a chance to ask Chiz questions... please ask him if the entire coaching staff will be on vacation next week like they apparently were this week.
I have never seen a team less prepared to play a game, much less a SEC divisional game.
Hope we never play this way again...
Let's have no more gettingad because we weren't ranked. Apparently we were ranked correctly.
Now they call a penalty. I guess they know this game is in the bag.
Good run by Tate.
The runs to that side are working
At this rate we need to put an APB for our Offense on a Milk Carton!
This is not one of Todd's better games, to say the least. I expect some hard work during practice next week. I remember Gus wasn't as pleased with Tuesday's effort at practice that he was the week before.
About time: Ware Eagle
We scored.
Touchdown. Finally.
Does Arkansas have their backups in?
We need to make it look not this bad.
That fumble at the 5 was HUGE. This could easily be a 27-17 game.
Arkansas could put in Springdale High School at this point and be safe.
Bobby Petrino is going to forever be a curse against Auburn University.
Well at least one team is winning by three touchdowns.
Auburn ends up winning this game.
Are you watching the same defense, ehyou?
True enough we have looked bad on both sides. But thi officiating crew has been horrible
Well, I figured we had a game or two like this in us.
We're just not good enough to overcome this much adversity, even to a thoroughly mediocre team like Arky.
UK next week is our biggest game of the year. We need to win that one to guarantee a winning season.
We've still got the talent to compete in this league - but only if we play up to our ability. Today, not so much.
ehyou, I like your optimism, or are you drinking?
finally... a blitz
first of the day... and guess what?! It worked!
I will say this is not the worst auburn game ever did ya'll forget what last year looked like
Tuberville gets his revenge. Just shut face xctt
nice weird punt retun there
War Eagle, Tate!!!
Tate's fumble is killing us.
Wow. We are that fumble going in from being only down 10
stupid to go for 2...
Why go for 2 there
Why did we go for 2?
actually, that fumble going in was a 14 point swing... that would put us down 3 right now...
D Miller that was my exact thought! Now we want to blitz. Great run by Tate.
They were trying to cut it to 16 points -- two scores.
Thanks Jay G.
well... 4 since we got stupid again with the 2 pt convo there...
D needs a turnover here
The good news is at the end of the day, Crompton still isn't our QB.
Perfect throw.
Thorpe has been beat all day...
Smith is hurt.
The bad news is our D still sucks.
Coming on D.
You would have thought that our defense would have gotten fired up after that last drive.
still can't find an auburn radio broadcast online.
I can pick up JOX, but they are a couple of minutes behind
Bobby Petrino is one cocky dude. Throwing with an 18 point lead.
Whatever floats your hog, I guess.
Go Chris Todd.
Awesome block.
The announcers are luving the comeback
Is this possible?
Can we actually WIN this game??!!??
Woulda, coulda, shouldas. If it wasn't for that fumble, we would be up by now. And it should be a 10 point game but we went for 2.
Auburn ends up winning this game.
I don't think we can pull off the win without another turnover..
We need a huge takeaway on defense..
Hey Special Teams are still part of the game darnit.
Boulware needs to be left in Arkansas...
I counted at least 3 holds. Shocker no call
Definitely need a turnover now.
Sensi, you're right. Petrino is very sure of himself.
Our defense needs to stop 'em here!
Just when we get momentum, we give it away.
In ehyou I trust
Thorpe can get the INT if he looks for it
Still not actually watching the game though for fear of taking out a piece of electronics.
Come on Thorpe they are gonna try you again
Nieko Thorpe is playing TERRIBLE
Worst game of Thorpe's career.
If we just give up a FG, then we've done well..
I thought it was just Auburn that chop block.
Come on D you get do this
These refs are just blind to holding on the edges...
We are soooooooooooo porous on defense...
I dont understand why we are giving him that muach time to throw
Seriously, though.
You can chalk up a great deal of that by giving up so much territory on that last kickoff...
We're giving him so much time to throw because WE CANNOT PUT PRESSURE ON THE QUARTERBACK.
It's that simple.
Ballgame, as if there were any doubts.
I sure am glad we gave them those first 20 pts early in the game.
Time to start thinking about UK.
At what point do we say screw it and play our best on special teams, instead of whoever is left on the is killing us
And I'm sure the announcers are trying to ruin the "chop block" kids life by continually showing it and talking about how dastardly cruel, and evil a thing like that is.
that long kick return was the ball game
vs. Georgia, Emmett?
WTH was that crap?
Chop block is akin to denying the Holy Spirit if you ask some of the blogosphere out there.
Emmett....scheme has a lot to do with ST struggles as well....
Man, those salty dogs sure are good.
Not today, Miller. It's been the story.
Thorpe has had a rough game.
Anyone have the suicide hotline number (quick)?
Thorpe's ego is hurt... he's played like he was still asleep today...
Michael Dyer...
I'm depressed, I go get food, come back and we've scored 20 straight, and then we start stinking again.
If Todd handles the snap, its a 1st down.
'bout dang time...
I'm beginning to not like our chances.
You think so, jhag?
Good to see HOT making a play
Don't you have an errand to run or something?
Flesh wounds the line is busy
Well when it goes bad, the other team gets all the bounces.
We have to play 5 more consecutive games before we get a break.
This is exactly what I was afraid would happen this year. Good thing we took advantage of our opportunities early in the season.
I'm going again be back in 30 :P
Arkansas has already lost 2 SEC games. They had more to lose than Auburn, and they played like it. I expect Auburn to play much better next week.
So.... we don't plan on attempting to catch or return it, but we also don't try to go after the block?
What was the idea there? just let them place the ball wherever they want us to start?
why is boulware employed again?
KAthy...AU can't possibly play worse...
Lets at least make it look respectable.
Auburn is a good team having a bad game. Some days you play bad and the ball just doesn't bounce your way.
Miller, I don't know. After last year, they proved too many times that they could play worse!
I called the suicide hotline .... They heard I was from Auburn and told me not to drop the pill bottle.
boulware is the guy hazing frency for just doing his job...
Our SPTEAMs have been terrible all year..
I'm not terribly disappointed, BTW. I still think we have overachieved this season.
If we can handle UK next Saturday, we may be able to sneak up on one of our remaining opponents (all of whom are considerably better than Arky, unfortunately).
However, 7-5 would be a remarkable turnaround from last year, considering the obstacles in our way.
we really beat ourselves today
Shouldn't we be throwing the ball?
I mean, we're only down by 20 with 6 minutes to go...
No, Kathy... we cannot possibly play worse than this.
This is the worst game I think I have ever seen AU play in my lifetime.
I tried to lateral the qualudes to Chris Todd ... but he dropped the bottle.
Wow, just saw the stat sheet - if we hold the ball for the entire rest of the game Arky still beats us in TOP by 10 minutes.
Ive noticed that blitzing the qb is pretty effecive when a team wants to throw it.
why did we stop rolling the pocket...
Man, it's gonna be tough now.
I was in Jordan Hare for the 1980 UT game.
That one will always be the standard-bearer in awfulness.
I agree Miller. This is our one bad game of the year. I expect to win all the rest of them!
A Georgia fan just hopped on the live pill bottle and emptied it.
Bynes slow getting up.
Say farewell to our Top 25 ranking..
Not that it matters.
They just let 5 extra seconds run off the game clock while they decided whether Arkansas had called timeout or not after the play clock hit 0....
I don't want to hear the terms ranking and Auburn in the same sentence again until we learn to play special teams and tackle.
Travis Williams gave the pre-game speech last week. Who gave it this week? Daniel Cobb?
At least we go back to being the underdog. We seem to do better that way.
Well at least Chizik can become the first Auburn HC to go bowling his first season.
4 OFF!!! they let it run extra time off already... are you f***ing kidding me?
It's great to be an Auburn Tiger. Watching this game? Not so much.
Sensi, hard to say special teams lost this game for us except for Fannin's fumble, which you blame on Fannin, not special teams. The KO coverage didn't help at 34-23, but what about everything that happend before.
I'm with Sensi. Learn to tackle and play special teams, then we talk rankings.
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