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The Hottest Auburn Blog on The Net"Bob Petrino joined the groups "Abusing Defenses" and "Looking for Jobs." -- Jet, simulating a certain someone's Facebook feed 10.27.2009Video for your brain![]() Want to see it again? Missed it the first time? CLICK THIS TO SEE TUESDAY INTERVIEWS |
INAUGURAL CLASS Phormerly Phred Scottie B. in Tennessee crudup Hoopie Ron Mexico hip-hopanonymous AUnMobilz Sullivan013 Scott from Tucson scottatl jhag **FRANCHISE PLAYER**
WarEagleGirl TarHeelTiger Kathy D. Miller Dear Leader j-z Norm digger4au Harrison LuvAU1968 cincytiger mytommyd (is supposed to be mrtommyd) ehyoutiger wtc IV wakeriderof87 Sean Scott Chocolate NoVaTiger Taylor BinOBA wes Aeronaut chip chip Spongeworthy Loganville Tiger E-Bro Ephemeral au1n04 FearlessFreep coosa bear82 wartiger patdyeswildturkey atlantatiger JD the Biscuitator shesaid depressedAUfan dnatl
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In a condo!
That's a wrap from the Plains, peeps.
See you tomorrow.
Cincy...does this mean that congrats are in order?
Thanks, Jay. Great video. Love hearing from Eltoro.
Yep, Hoopie, closing tomorrow.
Coach Roof knows how to close a meeting.
Problems loading the video. Anyone else?
No, loaded fine for me. Good night hotties. Pleasant dreams for everyone.
I wanna start ending meetings by slamming the table.
g'nite all
Agassi was doing meth in 97? What is wrong with pro athletes?
love that the the Bull said "frusCratin," It was frusCratin' for the fans too.
I like
Is Ryan Pugh trying out for the role of Danny in Grease anytime soon? What's with the hair?
Ham, are you SERIOUS!?! Agassi smoked meth?
She said, apparently he snorted it...
P.S. Nobody freak out! The wedding is still on. I will still be Mrs. Chris Todd at halftime of the Iron Bowl. War Eagle!
Oh, he just snorted it? Well that's different then.
Guess his teeth were at least less likely to fall out over it.
I just read an article on it. Crazy! I was almost relieved to see that this was his worst year as a would professionals in the medical field explain to people that drugs are bad if he totally dominated the sport that year? Man, then meth would really be flyin off the shelf.
Just watched the video... the pretty girl basketball player was a fun surprise at the end. I mean, no offense to Pugh and Eltoro or anything, but I am thinking maybe you should have the girl basketball players read the football interview transcripts for the videos you post from now on Jay. It would be a nice twist I think we could all appreciate.
I was thinking the same thing as I read the article.
My best year professionally I was hooked on meth. Of course, my job is to pretend to be a crazed perp during hands-on training at the local police academy, so my situation is a little different.
Do you also get in on the dog training? Cut you loose with a bag of meth in your pocket?
Yep. Dog training, night stick aiming, taser, etc. There are only a couple of us, so we are multi-use
Thin, I guess. But if you execute appropriately, you all will do a fine job.
I've never been tazed, but I did get lit up with a stun gun one time. Good Times...
Tyrik's FB status: AUBURN FANS ... one question ... ARE YOU READY?
Do you think? Nah, can't be. What say you?
They aren't going to burn his redshirt this late in the year.
My cousin's facebook status says that she baked a cake tonight.
Leaving Nashville.
Congrats Cincy! My sister and I will drop by.
Thanks again wtc for the updates. You provide substance!
Good morning everyone. Finally out of training so I can catch up with what's been going on here in HABOTNland.
Good morning, Hotties, and War Eagle!
Ryan Pugh is very well-spoken. It is SOOOOO nice not to hear "you know" every other word. I don't think he said it one time.
Cincy, congrats on the condo!
Kathy, did you have a good time at the Wild Horse?
It's nice to know that the offense is sticking together and standing by their QB.
As I don't go through every comment on every thread, did anyone notice how pissed off Michael Goggins(I think it was him - you know my memory) was when the camera showed him on the sidelines?
Good morning WERK, LUV, and all the other early risers. I'm off to a full day meeting. Y'all have a great HABOTN day!
p.s. JGT, thanks for the video which I'll watch tonight when I get home. My hotel internet is too slow.
Almost forgot... Congratulations Cincy!!! We'll be blowing into town right before the game and blowing out right after, so we won't get by this weekend. Maybe Iron Bowl weekend.
I remember Josh Bynes giving an evil stare on the sidelines right after Caudle lead the TD drive at the end of the game.
Now that Cincy has closed on the condo after three weeks, maybe that is the key to Auburn success this week and the rest of the season. Here's to hoping!
I agree with Michael, the basketball player at the end was a nice surprise on the video. Any chance you can go get some women soccer player quotes :)!!!
I think the volleyball team should also be interviewed.
RK- Are you finished with your training session?
This place has been dead this week....hopefully it picks up today.
If they tracked post counts, I would be affraid to see what mine is.
I'm done training. Although I've been mentoring people at work for 7 years, I now have a certificate since I attended training.
Like the Tigers we needed a day off to get our fingers back under us.
I wish this weekends game was a night game just because I'm afraid the early kickoff and the results of the last 3 weeks will cause the enthusiasm to not be there for a lot of the fans.
We need the fans making this place indimidating for Ole Miss.
WERK, I remember that too. But, Michael Goggins was pissed off and letting the f-bombs fly. I think it was right after the offense screwed up again.
RK- Does your certificate apply to HABOTN? :)
WERK, besides that, there's an 80% chance of rain. There has not been one home game this year where we have not had rain. The only rain-free games I've been to were away games.
I don't know if Jay G. will recognize it or not.
I probably need more mentoring myself than I can give on here.
I'm affraid that it will be a subdued atmosphere on Saturday Morning. Mornings are tought regardless and a 3 game skid only compounds it. I remember when we played Georgia at 11:30 in 2006 and we only had 1 loss at the time, the place was dead. Of course it didn't take long for the game to get really ugly.
Maybe we will snap out of the morning funk since everyone is expecting us to get blasted.
Luv- La Tech and MSU where rain free. But this is as many rain games that i can remember in quite a while.
Eddie that was the same year we were #2 and played Arkansas at noon or 11. That year both losses came with early starts, but we weren't the most solid 11-2 team all year long.
Agreed RK. That was the toughest 10+ win season i've ever seen. As a fan, it completely wears you down week after week watching those games, especially being at most of them.
Are Patrick and Walt going to sing songs from "Rent" at halftime? If so, I'm really not into showtunes. Norm is, but he's not going to be there.
Eddie, there's my fabulous memory again. As far when the team plays poorly, it does wear you down when it's week after week. It's hard to sit there and watch it.
That's part of why I stopped getting season tickets after the 2006 season. I had attended every home game except for two games from 1994-2006. Add to that at least one or two road games and the bowl game.
From 1998-2006 I had been driving from Chattanooga to attend the games. It got to the point that by November I was drained and I was dragging myself to the UGA and Alabama games, and that isn't how it should be.
Add to that the expense of the whole thing and I decided to cut back and go to a couple of games a year.
RK- I don't blame you. I'm a glutten for punishment. I continue to go, even when all hope is lost. This is the first SEC home game i've missed in quite awhile and since 1993, i've only missed a small handful period. I think as an Auburn fan, that was the toughest part of being a Tubs fan, becuase we won so many games close, even games against opponents that shouldn't have been close. It is definitely nerve racking sitting there in the stands and trying to hang onto a 2 point lead. I'm glad that I didn't attend the MSU game last year (which is the only MSU away game i've missed in quite some time) because that would have drove me insane. Nothing like winning a game but having it feel like a loss.
What else you guys got? Anything?
happy condo closing day Cincy! i bet you are super excited. i would be. WDE.
also, i fully support volleyball player interviews JG. just sayin'. :)
Jay G- That's the quote of the year leader so far...tough to beat.
During my time as a season ticket holder the only time I remember leaving the stadium thinking I wasn't going to renew my tickets was after the 2003 Ole Miss game. That game devistated me. I remember I wanted Tubs gone and just said over and over on the way home that "I'm tired of being 8-4 every year".
I've never taken a game so hard as a fan since.
RK- 2001 Bama game was that game for me. That upset me to lose to them that bad and have them start playing rammer jammer in the 3rd quarter. That is one of the very few games i've ever left early at home. Unfortunately it's become a habit in Athens the last couple of years to leave early in the 4th quarter to avoid the jerks.
Sorry, didn't mean to be a thread killer....we need to pick this up just like our team :)!
that 2001 game killed more than this thread Eddie. arrggh.
Agreed. Who is actually wearing navy to the game? This is the one game I encourage's halloween and Ole Miss colors are Navy. Whoever thought of Navy Nightmare didn't use logic IMO.
i'm all navy baby.
Maybe Auburn will come out in Navy helmets and that would rock :)!!!
Man, there were a lot of fans giving CTT up the road on JOX this morning.
I think I'll wear navy at the house.
Last week was the first time I had worn anything but Orange on a gameday since they started the push to wear orange to games in 1999 or 2000.
Yeah, the all-navy look worked great for UNC against FSU the other night.
Well, till about midway through the 3rd quarter.
Did that add before the vid just say "Grab your bag"?!?
Congrats on the condo Cincytiger lady!!
Freep- Should everyone bring and oragne shirt to the game and switch to that if the team struggles? And if that doesn't work, what next?
FTR, I always wore navy to the games.
Orange is a little too 'Dept. Of Corrections Work Release Program' for me.
Back in the day, the TV station where I am/was employed covered local HS football.
I always wore all black for the game closest to Hallowe'en. I'm hoping that won't be the appropriate color for AU fans this Saturday.
Yeah, I hope Auburn fans can refrain from wearing black.
Did you call into WJOX this morning to talk to Tuberville? (I'm kidding of course)
Some guy called in and asked him how it felt to wreck the program and walk away with $5M.
Tuberville handled the question well.... He essentially said the only area they are lacking depth is LB, and that is because three players were kicked out of the program. He said he rarely played more than 3 LBs anyway.
i'm thinking this is going to a long day trip for me saturday. i'll be up around 4am to make the drive from TN. yippee.
You are dedicated. No doubt about that.
FSJ, are you sure it wasn't Eddie that called and asked CTT that? ha.
FSJ- That's good stuff. I'll be listening to it shortly when they have the podcast section updated. Sorry, if he thinks LB is the only place he left it thin, then it must be nice to live in Coach Tubs world.
Well, I am off to Auburn, God's country, for 5 whole days!! Closing at 1 pm if everything goes well and then moving what I can.
Looking forward to seeing anyone who can drop by on Saturday.
FSJ, i'll be by myself if you wanna join me.
Which reminds me...time for the daily FU Tuberville. It would be nice to be able to stop this after this Saturday!
We are off and I have a navy shirt.......
your call FSJ. if you can get away from your halloween duties you'll have a ticket. let me know.
If you go, be sure to say hey to Coach Muggs!
LOL Freep..
I don't know if Auburn is big enough for me and Coach Muggs...
I'll let you know scottie. Thanks for the offer.
Freep...did I ever tell you about the time we had the Bama/UT gathering in Huntsville? Roy Adams of the Logan Young case was there...
And so was Coach....
Talk about a freak show.
What year was that? I'm assuming it was before the Fulmer revelations that blew up the OppoNet.
Who was it that posted the pic of himself with Tennstud from that get-together?
I "think" it was in 2002......
Everyone there knew Roy was neck deep in the mess but the Fulmer stuff had not come out yet.
I believe Alum posted pics of Roy and some that were there. There were a bunch of folks that showed up. Like me they were probably curious. Roy bought drinks for everybody. Weird weird weird man though.
Muggs was (I think) the Auburn representative.
The better story is the story of the Bama/UT tailgate and what Geek did...but that is not for a public board.
Eddie said...
Agreed. Who is actually wearing navy to the game? This is the one game I encourage's halloween and Ole Miss colors are Navy. Whoever thought of Navy Nightmare didn't use logic IMO.
Eddie, I agree! I will be wearing orange.
So we transformed a board room at the office into a haunted house. It took 12 hours yesterday. They still made me come into work at the normal time. So it goes.
A more telling many people purchased the commemerative shirt for the Navy Nightmare?
I didn't think those shirt looked good.
Auburn usually has the best game day shirts.
Ours typically look like a three year old designed them.
shirts not shirt.
I bet Tiger Rags funneled some money to get the Navy Nightmare started. Apparently, they need cash badly. There is still time to purchase your Cow College still have time to get it for the holidays :)!!!!
Navy Nightmare= LAME.
i actually think the Tiger Rags shirt looks pretty cool. i am a big fan of their artwork. that said, i'm not buying one. i've got plenty of navy AU stuff.
I can't believe they thought the cow college tshirt was a good idea..
Sean- Post some pictures...that sounds better than real work :).
That would be like a Bama tshirt saying "inbred, trailer park dwelling, arrogant rednecks."
Just ain't cool.
I'll post some once when get some. Our resident photographer should be making the rounds soon.
Agreed FSJ- or a picture of bama fans lined up with a dead bear and proud of it :).
Did anyone see the animiated GIF of T. Cody chasing Kiffin with a cleaver? It's priceless.
It was done by some guy called LSUFreek...
He is an amazing talent.
Good stuff.
Sean, I have not seen that.
I'm looking for it Luv
Here ya go...
There is a guy I work with who loves the LSUFreek stuff.
I think 1 out of every 5 or so things on that site is funny, but wow it's someone with a lot of time on their hands...and this comes from someone who has a lot of time on his hands.
LSUFreek puts out solid gold. He does a great job.
Thanks, Faker!
The Kodi/Kiffin thing is pretty good. I'll give them that.
Faker, I applaud your efforts. Without that link, my post was but a tease.
The fake Les Miles Facebook page from two years ago was classic.
What was so weird about that play that I couldn't understand at the game was that most of the UT guys started chasing Cody. I guess they thought he had the ball.
From where I was sitting I could see the ball...and nobody was going to cover it until Julio and McClain found it.
Wow, just listened to the Tubs segment on Jox. That was brutal.
Yeah..two guys went after him. One for recruiting..and one for "destroying" the program.
I was a little surprised.
He handled it better than I would have...
Of course if I had $5M I wouldn't care what anybody said about me.
Tub made out like a bandit as far as I'm concerned. You can afford to deal with a couple of crazies with that kind of coin in your back pocket.
What did Tub say today?
I missed the first part but heard him talking about Alabama and heard him take some calls.
He said Alabama has a couple of "issues" but the off week comes at a perfect time. Said he thought that Saban played conservative Saturday and it almost bit him...which I agree with.
The calls were where the fireworks happened. One guy started in on the past few recruiting classes...Tubs blew him off saying they recruited well and had depth..blah blah blah.
Another guy called in asking him what it felt like to destroy the program and walk away with $5M. Tubs said something about how he didnt' call when they were 5-0 and that the program was in good shape...A little thin at LB but because three had been run off not because of recruiting.
Something like that.
Typical Tub Speak. When the caller tried to back him into the corner about wrecking the program and getting his big pay day, he asked where this caller was when they were 5-0. He also said that you don't need more than 3 LB's, that's all he played. The LB's need to be in better shape. Some fans just came at him, but give Tubs credit, they don't call him the Snake Oil Salesman for nothing. Shane called in praising him of course, which was LMAO funny. I wonder if Tubs has any clue that he was the one with the Tubby watch since 2003.
RK- What FSJ said :)!
There seems to be a little more energy in here today...that's good!
Just dropping in at work to say,
Y'all keep it real....
And remember,.... it would be nice if it were about now but it's all about our future,
Shane is a buffoon. He just another Finebaum groupie.
I love this comment in the link that FSJ posted earlier about FSUFreek:
"Terrence Cody is unblockable.
His arteries? Not so much."
That's funny.
People I am not interested in hearing from anymore:
10. Billy Mays
9. David Letterman
8. Anyone involved in the Anna Nicole Smith case.
7. Anyone involved in the Michael Jackson case.
6. Richard Hatch, the first "Survivor" winner.
5. Jimmy Carter
4. Dick Cheney
3. Lou Holtz
2. F-Bomb
1. Tommy Tuberville
So Jet loves Nick Saban :)!
Eduardo, I think my sustained vitriol toward all things Cousin Humping is well established.
As for the diminutive dictator of West Vance, I think he's earned the right to continue to be in the limelight. It is my aim for us to put him to sleep and give him a Navy Nightmare, so to speak.
The others, however, just need to go away.
By the way, for those that are interested, one of the greatest shows on TV returns tonight, "Friday Night Lights" if you have directv. That show is great. Should be a great season.
Thanks, but I don't have DirecTv.
Instead, I'll be listening to my iPod tonight ... the great album "Whoa, Nellie!: Keith Jackson Sings Eddie Money"
The one I hate the most is
"HI I am from the Federal Government and I am here to help you"
Congratulations cincytiger
I know you will enjoy your place in heaven.
Oh, by the way, we're winning Saturday. There. I said it.
As quoted by the Mobile Press-Register ...
"I've been in other leagues and in bowl game, and our officials do a marvelous job here. Are they perfect? No. Do they make everything perfect? Probably not. None of us do. But the spirit of making corrections should be done through the proper channels in the SEC office."
Thus saith Nick.
St Nick loves to see complaints go through the proper channels and die.
I hope Kiffin continues to speak publicly. Someone must keep pressure on the powers that be.
Officials are as big a part of the game as a fumble or completed pass. What they do affects the game just as any play can. They will never be good enough for the losing team. We will just have to live with it because it may improve some but not much.
I love the Ted Roof closing. It is becoming an Auburn tradition.
Anyone else think Eltoro looks like Bo?
I love Auburn and I always want them to win, but I don't how some of you can be so confident that they are going to win on Saturday. After the Arkansas game, I said that there is no way they will win another game playing like that (save those 5 mins in the 3rd quarter). But, going into the UK game, I said they will definitely turn things around; no way they lose to Kentucky. Then when they lost that game I thought the season was over. But, going into the stadium at LSU, I had hope that since LSU wasn't as good this year as in years past, that that would be the week they turned it around. And, after they way Ole Miss played last week... I just don't know guys. I wish I had your confidence.
The only confidence I have this weekend is that it's Ole Miss coached by Houston Nutt, those two items combined make the game unpredictable as to which team will show up.
Luv, you obviously missed the memo about unrealistically high expectations. They are the in thing these days. Get on the bandwagon.
Watching Ole Nutt football is always entertaining. It is why he is one of my favorite SEC coaches. At times, I wonder if his head will explode. At other times, I wonder if he has a part time job as a serial killer. Ole Nutt is one of the things that makes college football great. I am surprised he hasn't gotten an endorsement deal for a coffee company and the positive effects of caffeine.
What I can't understand is how the entire Ole Miss team doesn't come out of the pregame pep talk with either a confused look on their faces, or laughing their butts off. I do believe Nutt uses the term "giggity-giggity".
It is also pretty unique how many former Auburn players or recruits have ended up at Ole Miss. Ray Cotton, Enrique Davis, and Patrick Trahan come to mind, but I believe there are others.
Mytommy- The "giggity-giggity" quote is good. I can see Nutt in that light also. LOL
Steve...LOL @ your 12:07 post on Ol' Nutt.
My fav was Coach Superior. Haven't seen him eat a booger since the '95 MNC loss to Nebraska, nowadays he rarely even gets close to stuffin' one.
do Nutt has a little Quagmire in him? interesting.
SO, not do. sorry.
Nutt with a fireman's ax staggering up a set of stairs = The Shining Redux.
I feel like I should be concerned that Lattimore is coming to town this weekend and Ben Tate is going to be one of his player hosts...
IV here. Just popped in for a quick hello to everyone, War Eagle and let's get the Rebs. Congrats Cincy, I am elated for you and hope that you will always be happy in your second home in heaven. A quick thought and then I am out of here again for awhile. It seems to me that our offense started to go South when FAH hurt his ankle and he was not effective. I think that it took away a lot of options in Gus' offense. If he can get back to full speed, I think that we will see some improvement in our O. Hopefully, that will be this Saturday. Go Tigers!!!
Does anyone know of any good hauted houses fro 11-13 year old girls to go to in Montgomery. Thinking about taking my daughter and a friend for some spooky fun or corn maze
I think there may be something to that, IV. I know it was bugging me when FAH ran out of bounds to avoid contact a couple of times recently when I felt he could have gotten an extra yard or two. He also just doesn't look as fast, kind of like he's not going all out.
Steve, I must admit, I did jump on that bandwagon, but after Arkansas I got off.
IV..the difference I noted in our run game is after haltime at the UT game when Kiffen adjusted his defensive line play to hit the OL and wait 1 full count and allow all the misdirection to occur, then slide appropriately before pursuing. All other defenses have followed that example. Ol' Boom used this technique against UF.
The last 3 weeks in the passing's either been something wrong with the QB's arm or when that isn't the problem, the WRs can't get open.
Maybe we've worked through all of that.
JD, why would that concern you? He reminds of Ronnie Brown. Ben Tate - to me anyway - reminds me of Ronnie.
ScottC...The coaches let FAH speak to the media and he promptly announced that because of his hurt ankle, he can't cut to the left. Now the other teams probably already know that from film study, but it's still not a good idea to announce it.
It can be dicey letting youngsters talk to the press.
Scottie B ... has a recurring bit of Nutt as a cross between the Right Rev. Nutt and Quagmire.
Here's a recent fave ...
Well, I just checked the weather on ABC 33/40 and it said rain will be heavy late night Friday through Saturday afternoon. My rainsuit is navy. Dangit!
Rain games can be fun...
Yeah, I know, Hoopie. Still, it looks like he is favoring the ankle whether he's cutting or not. Maybe the coaches told him to get out of bounds, who knows?
Storm try the International House of Pancakes (IHOP) on the Blvd. Scarriest house Ive ever been in. I wouldnt let your daughter eat the food though.
My concern with Ben Tate hosting...he can and WILL SAY ANYTHING! Really didn't want to freak him out.
I think the coaches told FAH to say that so Ole Miss will overplay to the right when he's in the game. Thus setting them up for the 60+ yard TD run to the left on FAH's re-engineered ankle. Brilliant move by the coaches!!
JD that is exactly why Lattimore will be able to trust Tate when he tells him that signing with Auburn will make him immortal.
Nicely put, BigCat.
The only place "haunted" I know in Montgomery is the deal in GRADY, AL that SMCA does every year. Think its called the Haunted Hay Ride.
I dunno, if I had to pick a horror movie character that reminded me of Nutt, it would be Dr. Giggles.
AUBigCat, I like the way you think!
I plead guilty to misreading Cincy's first two posts on this thread.
Jet, we should all practice safe substance.
I heard a story yesterday that I felt is worth sharing with you all. In the heat of the battle against LSU on Saturday, Kodi Burns took a shot to the chin that cut open his lip and knocked out two of his teeth. Kodi came to the sidelines with the teeth in his hand. The trainers sewed his mouth up, wiped off the blood and Kodi went right back in the game and ran the ball as hard as ever. He never quit.
The game was a tough, tough loss, but none of our players ever quit. They scored their only touchdown of the night on the last play of the game.
One thing I noticed was that the LSU student section got there early, stayed late and made a lot of noise until the very end. They made the difference for their team.
We play Ole Miss on Saturday in a game that we need to win to become bowl-eligible. Between now and Saturday, you might see signs or stickers that simply say "11:21, be the difference." We had those signs and stickers made to remind all of you that kickoff is early on Saturday. It's at 11:21 a.m and you need to be there to "be the difference." We need to get there early, stay late and be loud to show our team we are behind them no matter what.
This season is not even close to being over. There are some big games left that we can win, but we need your help to give our team the home-field advantage that Jordan-Hare Stadium has always been known for!
11:21. Get there early. Stay late. Be loud. Be the difference.
War Eagle!
Jacob Watkins
Auburn University Student Government Association Presiden
I wasn't going to say anything, but I also misread that.
I would say I'm glad I'm not the only one, but this links us together and that saddens me.
I read that with a mixture of pride and sadness. I was proud to see a student leader stand up and say what needed to be said. I was sad that he had to be said in the first place.
The SEC has violated a principle of public relations: Don't Make a Bad One-Day Story a Two-Day Story Or More.
The officiating thing has spun out of control so much that Rogers Redding is on ESPN.
In trying to please the masses, the SEC lost control.
So many students left early during the UK game. What kind of statement does that make to the team?
Luv ...
It wasn't just students.
The people leaving during a close game vs Kentucky surprised me. I agree with Jet (again) that even having to send out an email like that isn't good.
Is there a level of apathy toward the Auburn football program from the students that hasn't been there in the past?
Who is Rogers Redding?
I don't think it's apathy among the students. Those same students sat through the WV rain delay. I think they're frustrated with the team's performance. I never would have left early as a student, but I can understand the temptation.
Jet, I know it wasn't just the students, but I think more students left than other fans like us. The whole greek section was empty.
Luv: He's the supervisor of football officials for the SEC.
Quote of the year from Lou Holtz on last night's Memphis-East Carolina broadcast.
"I don't know what it is about that number, but No. 73 always holds."
Thanks, Jet. I was just reading an article on about Bobby Johnson also issuing a complaint. I sure wish Chizik would, but it's too late now.
Beasley + 100! Boy, it's a slow crawl to 200 today.
Is it just me or does anyone else see Notre Dame driving a truck full of money to Tuscaloosa after the season? Maybe I'm assuming too much.
Does the Notre Dame truck collide with the truck full of money that recruits get?
Sorry I haven't been around today. Just getting some non-work stuff accomplished.
I'm working on a new blog now.
ps: All the sound in the world won't uncover the tailback screen plays.
Still, I fully support you all getting to the game early and screaming. I like loud stadia.
All I'm saying is that I'm buyin' J-Z a box of popcorn, and two if it's necessary.
I think we are probably obligated to flip this page before the new one comes up, right?
Me and you, RK.
Since we're such big buds now.
Let's do this
Run it up, RK! Leave no doubt!
Let's push this page over the edge much like we'll push Ole Miss out of the top 25 again this weekend.
Jet, I'll leave the honor to you...
Make them remember ... forevah ... the afternoon ... we flipped the page.
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