Getting Our Bearings
I am hopeful that Brian Woodham, who recently left a part-time gig with ITAT to take a full-time job as a copy editor at the Advertiser, will be given an opportunity to take my old job. Brian would be a great addition. I'll let you know if I hear anything about that.
As I explained on Facebook, we will have a board at with a stricter standard when it comes to cussing and any off-putting shenanigans. Personally, I'm good with the Bunker and have read it for a long time. They get a little upset when things don't go well, which is understandable, but I feel like that board's reputation for savage commentary far exceeds reality.
With that said, we will have a HABOTN-esque board over there for people whose tolerance for cussing is at zero. Just want to make that clear.
I'll be starting at on Monday.
Take care, errybody. Thanks as always for your support!